Alternative History

This is a list of Apostolic Presidents (German: Apostolische Präsidenten) of the Rätian Union. This position was one of three presidencies within a triumvirate, nicknamed the apostolic presidency by historians to differentiate it from the other two, which are called the Ergacratic President and the President of the Magi. The Apostolic Presidency was a hereditary leader descended from the founder of thinwhitedukism and the Rätian system, the Thin White Duke. He served as the first "President of Thuringia" from 1517-1522, before the formation of the Rätian Union.

President of Thuringia[]

The first recognized Apostolic President is the Thin White Duke, whose reign predates the formation of the Rätian Union. Despite this, he is recognized as the progenitor of the office and is styled the "President of Thuringia".

Picture Name Reign Marriages Claim CoA
TWD Thin White Duke
4 April 1460

6 June 1522
(56 years, 20 days)

(1) Drusilla of Thuringia
(2) Maria of Sommerschenburg
(3) Constance
(4) Anne
(5) Johanna
(6) Wilhelmine Přemysl
(7) Christina de la Marck
(8) Blanche de la Marck
(9) Ida von Lenzburg
(10) Ida von Lenzburg
(11) Maria of Brnadenburg
(12) Elisabeth
(13) Elisabeth of Nuremberg
(14) Matilda of Meissen

Title Created

Twelve Articles


Apostolic Presidents[]

After the death or disappearance of the Thin White Duke in 1522 he was succeeded by his grandson Henry I, although rule over Thuringia passed instead to his son Hugh the Heir. Henry would oversee the creation of the Rätian Union in 1534, becoming the first official Apostolic President.

Picture Name Reign Marriages Claim CoA
Titian - Portrait of a Man Holding a Book, about 1540 Henry I
2 February 1534

1 May 1549
(56 years, 20 days)

Elizabeth von Hohenlohe-Waldenburg


Grandson of the
Thin White Duke

Jenagotha-Weimar COA Morte
Titian - A Man with a Quilted Sleeve - Google Art Project Louis
1 May 1549

15 January 1563
(56 years, 20 days)

(1) Maria of Hesse
(2) Vanessa of Breisgau
(3) Margaret de la Marck


Son of
Henry I

Louis I Pres COA Morte
Portrait of Jacopo da Trezzo Gabriel I
15 January 1563

5 September 1579
(56 years, 20 days)

Never married


Son of

Unidentified artist, British, second quarter 16th century - Sir William Butts, 35.1751 Henry II
5 September 1579

20 August 1588
(56 years, 20 days)

(1) Sidonie of Bavaria
(2) Aurora von Jenagotha
(3) Elisabeth von Schwarzburg
(4) Constance von Hohenzollern


Brother of
Gabriel I

Ismael I
20 August 1588

19 March 1600
(56 years, 20 days)

(1) Euphemia of Opole


Son of
Henry II

Gerlach Flicke (d.1558) - Portrait of a Man (probably John Digby of Ab Kettleby) - NG 1933 - National Galleries of Scotland Gabriel II
(1577- )
19 March 1600

(56 years, 20 days)

Son of
Ismael I


This article is part of Merveilles des Morte.