Alternative History

This is a list of the 50 largest cities in the United States of America by population as of the 1997 preliminary census. There are approximately sixteen US cities with a population of over 1 million, with several more predicted to reach that number by the 2000 census, and another half a dozen beyond that expected to join that number by the 2005 prelim census.

  • Bold denotes a state/federal capital.

Rank City State Population (1990) Population (1997)
1 New York City New York 6,773,000 7,908,000
2 Chicago Illinois 4,458,000 4,890,000
3 Los Angeles South California 3,645,000 4,235,000
4 Galveston Texas 2,103,000 2,540,000
5 Calixto Cuba 1,780,000 2,240,000
6 Havana Cuba 1,560,000 2,075,000
7 Manila Luzon 1,587,000 1,910,000
8 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1,499,000 1,870,000
9 San Francisco North California 1,300,000 1,855,000
10 Columbus Ohio 1,790,000 1,830,000
11 San Diego South California 1,585,000 1,702,000
12 Vancouver Columbia 1,234,000 1,670,000
13 Phoenix Arizona 1,081,000 1,509,000
14 Detroit Michigan 892,000 1,377,000
15 Manheim Louisiana 891,450 1,230,000
16 Ocala East Florida 960,000 1,104,000
17 Washington, D.C. None 975,200 990,760
18 San Antonio Texas 853,000 967,000
19 La Paz South California 865,000 940,000
20 Dallas Texas 788,000 927,000
21 Halifax Nova Scotia 750,000 886,000
22 Tampa East Florida 605,000 880,000
23 Charlotte Carolina 750,000 872,000
24 Miami East Florida 705,000 860,000
25 Ensenada South California 780,000 830,000
26 Clarkville Wabash 797,000 826,000
27 Jacksonville East Florida 765,000 820,000
28 Davao Mindanao 701,000 816,000
29 Cebu City Visayas 707,000 756,000
30 San Pedro South California 667,000 693,700
31 El Paso Texas 630,000 652,880
32 San Carlos Cuba 620,000 650,000
33 Las Vegas Arizona 574,000 650,000
34 Memphis Tennessee 616,000 648,000
35 Alexandria Cuba 610,000 640,000
36 Guantanamo Cuba 606,500 637,000
37 Baltimore Maryland 601,000 623,000
38 Milwaukee Wisconsin 610,000 625,000
39 Boston Massachusetts 600,000 619,000
40 Seattle Washington 596,000 612,000
41 Denver City Jefferson 473,000 585,000
42 Nashville Tennessee 520,000 570,000
43 West Boston Oregon 507,000 530,000
44 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 450,000 510,000
45 Fort Worth Texas 440,000 500,000
46 Tucson Arizona 405,000 480,000
47 Nassau Bahamas 450,000 475,000
48 Mesa Arizona 355,000 460,000
49 Albuquerque New Mexico 390,000 450,000
50 Tulsa Sequoyah 378,000 427,000

See Also[]