Alternative History
Alternative History

This page lists every General Secretary of the United Socialist Commonwealth of America.

The General Secretary of the United Socialist Commonwealth is the head of government and head of state of the USCA. Until the USCA Constitution of 1939, it was only the head of government, but the new constitution saw it merged with the office of President, which was previously the head of state. The General Secretary is the leader of both the USCA Congress and the USCA in general, holding the executive power in the country. The General Secretary also presides over all joint session meetings of the Congress and can choose to preside over individual meetings of the House of Labor and House of Government at their pleasure. Any law passed by the Congress must be signed both by the General Secretary and at least one of the Secretary of Labor or Secretary of Government before going into effect.

The General Secretary is elected by the Congress, requiring a majority vote of all members in Congress, from both houses combined, to be elected. They do not serve for any set term length and can be recalled or replaced by the Congress at any time, provided such action is done through a majority vote of all members. In the case of a vacancy in the office of General Secretary, by death, resignation, or any other means, the Secretary of Labor and Secretary of Government jointly exercise the powers of the office, having to both agree on any action taken. This state of affairs lasts until a new General Secretary is chosen by a majority vote of the Congress.

List of General Secretaries[]

General Secretaries of the USCA
No. Name Portrait Took Office Left Office Party
1 Norman Thomas Norman Thomas 1937 April 15, 1930 March 25, 1934 Socialist
2 Harry W. Laidler Harry Laidler May 18, 1934 May 5, 1936 Socialist
3 Earl Browder Earl Browder May 5, 1936 (1939+) Communist

Records and Stats[]

Record Holder Value
Youngest Earl Browder 44 years old
Oldest Harry W. Laidler 52 years old
Oldest (at election) Harry W. Laidler 50 years old
Longest Tenure Norman Thomas 3 years, 11 months, 10 days
Shortest Tenure Harry W. Laidler 1 year, 11 months, 18 days

Party General Secretaries
Socialist 2
Communist 1