The current head of government of the nation of Borealia is known as the Prime Minister, who also serves as the primary minister of the Crown and chair of the Cabinet. The prime minister is elected every two years, and is confirmed by the monarch of the Kingdom of Burgundy, although in practice, the monarch complies with the results of the election within Borealia.
C. of Amiens ♦ C. of Artois ♦ C. of Boulgne ♦ D. of Brabant ♦ C. of East Frisia ♦ D. of Geulders ♦ C. of Flanders ♦ C. of Friesland ♦ C. of Hainaut ♦ C. of Holland ♦ L. of Liege ♦ D. of Limburg ♦ D. of Luxembourg ♦ C. of Namur ♦ C. of Ponthieu ♦ L. of Utrecht ♦ C. of Vermandois ♦ C. of Zeeland
D. of Alsace ♦ D. of Bar ♦ D. of Burgundy ♦ C. of Burgundy ♦ C. of Champagne ♦ D. of Geneva ♦ D. of Lorraine ♦ D. of Metz ♦ C. of Nevers ♦ C. of Rethel ♦ C. of Vaud ♦ D. of Verdun
L. of Aargau ♦ L. of Basel ♦ D. of Cleves ♦ D. of Cologne ♦ D. of Jülich ♦ L. of Sundgau ♦ D. of Trier ♦ D. of Zweebrúcken