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This page shows the monarchs that rule over the Balkan States of Albania, Bulgaria, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia; the eastern emperors are not listed here.


Monarchy of The Kingdom of Albania
Coat of arms of the Albanian Kingdom (1928–1939)
Coat of Arms
Leka II, King of Albanians
Leka II
since 30 November 2011
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Crown Prince Zog
Formation 7 March 1914 Original
1 January 1998 Restoration on the Mainland
Residence Royal Palace, Tirana
This is a list of Albanian monarchs, containing monarchs of the state of modern Albania. Starting from the first established monarch of the modern State William I from the house of Wied in 1914, William I effectively ceased to be ruler after 6 months in office, despite this he nominally remained the monarch until 31 January 1925, when the monarchy was abolished and the parliament elected the then-prime minister, Ahmet Zogu. 3 years later, Ahmet Zogu was proclaimed the King of Albanians which he would remain until the italian invasion, he was nominally restored in the end of the Second World War, he was declared deposed again in Albania in 2 January 1946 by the new communist regime, despite this the royal Albanian government remained in control of Sazan island. When the communist regime fell in 1992 there were talks about a potential reunification which was finally realized in January 1, 1998.
Portrait Name Reign Birth Death Marriages
House of Wied
Princ Vidi (portret) William 7 March 1914 - 31 January 1925 26 March 1876
Neuwied (German Empire)
18 April 1945
Predeal (Romania)
(aged 69)
Princess Sophie
30 November 1906
[2 children]
House of Zogu
King Zog I Zog I 1 September 1928 - 7 April 1939 8 October 1895
Burgajet Castle (Ottoman Empire)
9 April 1961
Suresnes (France)
(aged 65)
Queen Geraldine
April 1938
[1 child]
House of Savoy
Vittorio Emanuele III a colori (1918) Victor Emmanuel 16 April 1939 - 8 September 1943 11 November 1869
Naples (Kingdom of Italy)
28 December 1947
Alexandria (Egypt)
(aged 78)
Queen Elena
24 October 1896
[5 children]
House of Zogu
King Zog I Zog I 1 September 1928 - 9 April 1961 8 October 1895
Burgajet Castle (Ottoman Empire)
9 April 1961
Suresnes (France)
(aged 65)
Queen Geraldine
April 1938
[1 child]
Leka susann wedding day Leka I 9 April 1961 - 30 November 2011 5 April 1939
Royal Palace of Tirana, Tirana, Kingdom of Albania
30 November 2011 (aged 72)
Mother Teresa Hospital, Tirana, Albania
Susan Cullen-Ward
October 1938
[1 child]
Leka II, King of Albanians Leka II 30 November 2011 - 26 March 1982
Sandton Clinic, Johannesburg, South Africa
--- ---


Tsar of the Bulgarians
Царь на Българитѣ
Arms of Bulgaria (1881)
Coat of Arms
Boris IV, Tsar of Bulgaria
Boris IV
since 15 July 2031
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Simeon, Prince of Tarnovo
First monarch Asparuh (Kanasubigi)
Boris I (Prince)
Simeon I (Tsar)
Formation c. 680
Residence Various historically
Tsarevets (1185–1393)
Royal Palace (1882–1946, 1991-)
Appointer Variously hereditary or elective
The monarchs of Bulgaria ruled Bulgaria during the medieval First (c. 680–1018) and Second (1185–1422) Bulgarian empires, as well as during the modern Principality (1879–1908) and Kingdom (1908–1965, 1990-Present) of Bulgaria. This list includes monarchs from the establishment of the First Bulgarian Empire until modern times, omitting earlier mythical rulers as well as rulers of separate states such as Old Great Bulgaria and Volga Bulgaria.

Various titles have been used by the rulers of Bulgaria. The earliest recorded title, used before Bulgaria's conversion to Christianity, is kanasubigi, perhaps related to titles such as khan or khagan. When Bulgaria converted to Christianity in the ninth century, the ruler Boris I (852–889) adopted the title knyaz (prince). For much of its later history under the first and second empires, Bulgaria functioned as a multi-ethnic imperial state modelled on the neighbo(u)ring Byzantine Empire, which contributed to the adoption of the title of tsar (emperor) by Bulgarian monarchs beginning with Simeon I (893–927) in 913. Some powerful medieval Bulgarian rulers challenged Byzantine authority by proclaiming themselves as both Bulgarian and Roman emperors.

When Bulgaria re-emerged as a state in 1878 in the form of the Principality of Bulgaria, the rulers initially used the title knyaz since they were autonomous vassals of the Ottoman Empire and not fully independent. From Bulgaria's complete independence from the Ottomans in 1908 until the abolition of the monarchy in 1965, Bulgarian monarchs once more used the title tsar, though this time generally translated internationally as "king" rather than "emperor", this title is the one current bulgarian monarchs go by, after the restoration of the monarchy in 1990.

Image Name Reign Succession and notes
First Bulgarian Empire
House of Krum
Krum33 Krum
c. 803–814
(c. 11 years)
Possibly a descendant of the Dulo clan. Successful warrior and conqueror; defeated the Avars and incorporated parts of Transylvania and eastern Serbia into Bulgaria. Replaced customary law in Bulgaria with written legislation. Most known for his wars against the Byzantine Empire. In 811 his forces defeated and killed Emperor Nikephoros II at the Battle of Pliska, whereafter the emperor's skull was fashioned into a drinking cup. Died suddenly while preparing a campaign intended to conquer Constantinople.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Dukum
Brother of Krum. An experienced military commander who played an important role in Krum's military campaigns. Seized the throne after Krum's death but died almost immediately, presumably of natural causes.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Ditzeng
(1 year)
Unknown relation; presumably a brother of Krum. Recorded to have persecuted Christian prisoners. May have been in ill health at the time of his accession.
Omurtag1 Omurtag
(16 years)
Son of Krum. May have seized the throne from Ditzeng. Signed a 30-year peace treaty with the Byzantine Empire in 815. Devoted much of his reign to construction projects. At times aided the Byzantines, such as joining the war against the Byzantine pretender Thomas the Slav. Solidified the Bulgarian central government.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Malamir
(5 years)
Son of Omurtag. Malamir was underage throughout his reign and the Bulgarian administration was headed by the regent Isbul. His five-year reign saw renewed conflict and warfare with the Byzantine Empire. Died of unknown causes, no longer occupying the Bulgarian throne by 836.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Presian I
(16 years)
Son of Zvinitsa, a son of Omurtag. Underage at the time of his accession, the administration was initially headed by the regent Isbul. Although hostile to the Byzantine Empire, Presian spent the better part of his reign working to expand Bulgaria rather than fighting the Byzantines. His reign saw the Bulgarians push west of the Vardar river for the first time and led to considerable territorial gains in the west.
TzarBorisDidacticGospelConstantinePreslavski Boris I
(36 years)
Son of Presian I. Unsuccessfully warred against Serbia and Croatia. Under pressure from the Byzantine emperor Michael III, Boris was responsible for converting Bulgaria to Christianity, he himself being baptized in 864/865. Adopted the new ruling title of knyaz (prince) at the time of his conversion. Defeated a major uprising of pagans against his rule. Abdicated in favour of his son Vladimir in 889 and retired to a monastery, dying in 907. Considered a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Vladimir Rasate (crop) Vladimir
Владимир Расате
(4 years)
Son of Boris I. The Bulgarian nobility revolted against Christianity after Boris's abdication and Vladimir took part in persecuting Christians and destroying churches. Also abandoned relations with the Byzantine Empire. Boris returned from retirement in 893 and deposed, blinded, and imprisoned Vladimir. Boris's other son Simeon was thereafter made ruler.
Skylitzes - Simeón el Grande crop Simeon I
(34 years)
Son of Boris I. Made knyaz (prince) after the deposition of Vladimir. Aspiring to supplant or conquer the Byzantine Empire, Simeon was in 913 the first Bulgarian ruler to assume the title of tsar (emperor) and was recognized as such by the Byzantines. Fought many wars with the Byzantine Empire, though never succeeded in capturing Constantinople. Extended Bulgarian rule far into Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia but appears to have lost the Bulgarian lands north of the Danube. Proclaimed the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to be independent under its own patriarch.
Seal of Petar I Peter I
(42 years)
Son of Simeon I. Faced invasions from the Magyars and uprisings by some of his brothers. Otherwise had a relatively peaceful reign; achieved important diplomatic gains from the Byzantines, such as the recognition of his imperial title, the recognition of the Bulgarian church's independence, and an imperial marriage. Abdicated and retired to a monastery in 969 after suffering a stroke. Considered a saint in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
Boris II Boris II
(8 years)
Son of Peter I. Contended with invasions by the Kievan Rus' and the Byzantine Empire. The Bulgarian capital of Preslav was captured by the Byzantine Empire in 971, resulting in Boris and his brother Roman being brought to Constantinople as prisoners. Power in Bulgaria fell to a group of four nobles, the cometopuli brothers, who upheld the rights of Boris while he was held prisoner. The two brothers escaped back to Bulgaria in 977, though Boris was killed during the journey.
Roman BG Roman
(20 years)
Son of Peter I. Previously held captive by the Byzantines in Constantinople. Infrequently mentioned in surviving sources and appears to have been more of a figurehead for the cometopuli than an active ruler. Captured by the Byzantines again in 991 and died in captivity six years later.
House of Cometopuli
Samuil of bolgaria reconstruction Samuel
(17 years)
The youngest of the cometopuli. Samuel and his brothers had some relation to the preceding royal dynasty, possibly being cousins of Boris II and Roman. One of the primary Bulgarian military leaders from 971 onwards and proclaimed emperor after Roman's death. Relatively successful in staving off the Byzantine conquest of the remaining Bulgarian territories. Died of a heart attack brought on by the sight of the thousands of Bulgarian soldiers blinded by the Byzantine emperor Basil II after the Battle of Kleidion.
Radomir Gavril Radomir
Гаврил Радомир
(less than a year)
Son of Samuel. Murdered by his cousin Ivan Vladislav after a reign of less than a year.
IvanVladislav Ivan Vladislav
Иван Владислав
(3 years)
Son of Aron, a brother of Samuel. Led the defense against the Byzantine Empire as Emperor Basil II once more invaded Bulgaria and killed at the Battle of Dyrrhachium in 1018. After his death, the Bulgarian nobility became divided among two parties, one headed by Ivan Vladislav's widow Maria and one headed by his son Presian II. Maria formally surrendered Bulgaria to Basil.
Bulgaria was conquered by the Byzantine Empire in the Byzantine conquest of Bulgaria (968–1018), resulting in the fall of the First Bulgarian Empire
Pretenders during Byzantine rule
Presian II of Bulgaria Presian II
(less than a year)
Son of Ivan Vladislav. Although most of the Bulgarian aristocracy surrendered to the Byzantine Empire alongside Maria, Presian II and some of his brothers continued to lead a small resistance, based around the Tomorr mountain range. They were eventually also forced to surrender to the Byzantines.
Peter Delyan close-up Peter Delyan
Петър Делян
(1 year)
Claimed to be a grandson of Gavril Radomir, though his ancestry is unverified. Servant of a Byzantine aristocrat; escaped to Belgrade and proclaimed himself emperor with the support of Bulgarian aristocrats. Fought against the Byzantine Empire for control of Bulgaria until betrayed and blinded by Alusian. Continued to lead some troops until his defeat at the Battle of Ostrovo; later fate unknown.
Tihomir close-up Tihomir
(less than a year)
Bulgarian military commander in Dyrrhachium. Proclaimed himself emperor after hearing of Peter Delyan's revolt. Deposed and executed after Delyan proved to be more popular among the Bulgarians.
Alusian close-up Alusian
(less than a year)
Son of Ivan Vladislav. Governor of one of the Byzantine Empire's Armenian provinces. Travelled to Bulgaria to join Peter Delyan's uprising as a military leader. After relations between the two deteriorated, Alusian betrayed and blinded Delyan and was proclaimed emperor in his stead. Surrendered to the Byzantines after losing a battle.
Бодин, краљ српски (1081 - после 1101) Constantine Bodin
Константин Бодин
(less than a year)
Matrilineal great-great-grandson of Samuel and son of the anti-Byzantine Serbian ruler Mihailo I. Invited by Bulgarian nobles and acclaimed Bulgarian emperor during Georgi Voyteh's uprising against the Byzantine Empire. The uprising was defeated after a few months and Bodin was in Byzantine captivity until 1078. Later reigned as King of Dioclea 1081–1101.
Second Bulgarian Empire
House of Asen
Coin of Peter II (IV) Peter II
(12 years)
Aristocrat, probably of Vlach origin, with no relation to previous monarchs. Revolted against the Byzantine Empire alongside his brother Ivan Asen 1185 after being slighted by Emperor Isaac II Angelos. Proclaimed himself Bulgarian emperor in November 1185. After years of fighting, Isaac in 1188 recognized the brothers as rulers of an independent Bulgarian state, though skirmishes continued thereafter. Ivan Asen was later made the senior co-ruler (ruling from Tarnovo), with Peter ruling from Preslav. Murdered in 1197.
Coin of Ivan Asen I Ivan Asen I
Иван Асен
c. 1188–1196
(c. 8 years)
Brother of Peter II; co-leader in their revolt against the Byzantine Empire. Made senior co-ruler at some point between 1187 and early 1190. Murdered in 1196.
Leaden seal of Kaloyan Kaloyan (Ivan I)
Калоян (Иван)
(9 years)
Brother of Peter II and Ivan Asen I. Foiled efforts at separatism by some of the nobility and consolidated royal power. Considerably expanded Bulgarian territory through wars with Serbia, Hungary, and the Byzantine Empire. Increased his expansion into Byzantine lands following the collapse of the Byzantine Empire due to the Fourth Crusade (1202–1204). Later fought against the Latin Empire, defeating its first emperor (Baldwin I). Believed to have been murdered.
Seal of Boril Boril
(11 years)
Son of a sister of Peter II, Ivan Asen I and Kaloyan. Boril's reign saw unsuccessful wars against Serbia, the Latin Empire, and the competing successor states of the Byzantine Empire, as well as the spread of the Bogomilist sect in Bulgaria. Deposed and blinded by his cousin Ivan Asen II.
Coin of Ivan Asen II Ivan Asen II
Иван Асен
(23 years)
Son of Ivan Asen I. Overthrew Boril. Ivan Asen II aspired to make himself the ruler of a joint Bulgarian-Byzantine Empire and his reign saw the Second Bulgarian Empire reach its greatest extent. Defeated the Empire of Thessalonica at the Battle of Klokotnitsa (1230), whereafter much of its territory was annexed and Bulgaria became the most powerful state in southeastern Europe. Re-established the independent Bulgarian Orthodox Church under a patriarch in 1235.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Kaliman Asen I
Калиман Асен
(5 years)
Son of Ivan Asen II. Underage at the time of his accession. Murdered after a reign of five years.
Michael-Asen-Kastoria Michael Asen I
Мицо Асен
(10 years)
Son of Ivan Asen II. Underage at the time of his accession. Ambushed and killed in 1256 by a group of Bulgarian nobles after a treaty in which Michael Asen I returned all of Bulgaria's territorial gains in former Byzantine territory to the Empire of Nicaea.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Kaliman Asen II
Калиман Асен
(less than a year)
Grandson of Ivan Asen I. Proclaimed emperor after Michael Asen I's death. Married his predecessor's widow but was ineffective at maintaining power and died within a year. His death extinguished the male line of the House of Asen.
Successors of the Asenids
Coin of Mitso Asen Mitso Asen
Мицо Асен
(7 years)
Husband of Maria Asenina, a daughter of Ivan Asen II. Proclaimed emperor in southeastern Bulgaria either in opposition to Kaliman Asen II or after his death. Unclear if he ever gained control of the capital of Tarnovo, though he may have held it briefly in 1256–1257. Later established himself in the lands surrounding Mesembria. Gave Mesembria to the Byzantine Empire in 1263 after attacks by Constantine I Tih, in return being allowed to live out his life in exile in Anatolia.
Rostislav Mikhailovich (crop) Rostislav Mikhailovich
Ростислав Михайлович
(Pretender in Vidin)
(5 years)
Father-in-law of Michael Asen I and Kaliman Asen II. Invaded Bulgaria, though was unable to take the capital of Tarnovo. Occupied Vidin and governed the surrounding area as self-proclaimed Bulgarian emperor, supported by the Kingdom of Hungary. Left landless after an attack by Constantine I Tih in 1260, though restored with Hungarian aid in 1261, claiming the same title again until his death in 1262.
KonstantinTih Constantine I Tih
Константин Асен
(20 years)
Elected emperor in Tarnovo in 1257 by the Bulgarian nobility, in opposition to both Mitso Asen and Rostislav. Married Irene Doukaina Laskarina, a granddaughter of Ivan Asen II, in order to boost his legitimacy. Ultimately victorious in the civil wars of the 1250s and 1260s. Later remarried to Maria Palaiologina Kantakouzene, a niece of the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos. Defeated and killed in battle by the peasant rebel Ivaylo.
Coin of Jacob Svetoslav Jacob Svetoslav
Яков Светослав
(Pretender in Vidin)
1266–c. 1273
(c. 7 years)
Noble of princely Russian origin. Initially loyal to Constantine I Tih, fighting on his side with the title of despot in the wars against Hungary (1261) and the Byzantine Empire (1262–1263). Came in possession of Vidin c. 1263 and gradually fell under Hungarian suzerainty. Referred to as "Bulgarian emperor" in Hungarian documents from 1266 onwards. Asserted his independence from Hungary c. 1273 and re-aligned himself with Constantine again; adopted as a second son by Constantine's wife (making him second-in-line to the throne) but later poisoned by her c. 1275.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Michael Asen II
Михаил Асен
(2 years)
Son of Constantine I; previously junior co-emperor c. 1272–1277. Underage at the time of his accession, his mother Maria Palaiologina Kantakouzene ruled as regent. In 1278 made co-ruler with Ivaylo, who married Maria. Deposed by the Byzantine-supported Ivan Asen III and sent as a captive to Constantinople.
Bulgarian Crown 1 "Ivaylo"
(1 year)
An illiterate swineherd who became leader of a peasant uprising and seized control of much of Bulgaria. Became a legitimate monarch through marriage with Maria Palaiologina Kantakouzene, Michael Asen II's mother, who married him on the condition that Michael Asen II's rights continued to be respected. Escaped to the Golden Horde in exile after Ivan Asen III took control of Bulgaria. Killed by Nogai Khan after requests from the Byzantines.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Ivan Asen III
Иван Асен
(1 year)
Son of Mitso Asen. Supported as puppet emperor of Bulgaria by the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, against Ivaylo and Michael Asen II. Took control of Bulgaria with the help of the Byzantine army. Fled to the Byzantine Empire after a brief reign due to fearing the ambitions of the aristocrat George Terter, whereafter the Bulgarians proclaimed George Terter emperor in his stead.
House of Terter
Coin of George Terter I George Terter I
Георги Тертер
(12 years)
Leading member of the Bulgarian aristocracy. Wishing to safeguard the position of Ivan Asen III, the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos arranged for George Terter to divorce his wife and marry Kira Maria Asenina (Ivan Asen III's sister). Despite this, George Terter plotted against Ivan Asen III, who eventually fled to the Byzantines. The Bulgarians thereafter proclaimed George Terter emperor. Overthrown by Nogai Khan of the Golden Horde and fled to Byzantium.
House of Smilets
Bulgarian Crown 1 Smilets
(6 years)
Member of a prominent Bulgarian noble family though without known connections to previous Bulgarian royalty. Husband of Smiltsena Palaiologina, a niece of the Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos. Made emperor of Bulgaria (as a puppet ruler) by Nogai Khan of the Golden Horde.
Bulgarian Crown 1 Ivan II
(1 year)
Son of Smilets. Underage at the time of his accession, Ivan II briefly succeeded his father before being deposed after Chaka's invasion of Bulgaria. Later lived out his life in exile in the Byzantine Empire. Due to the small number of sources (two documents) some historians have disputed whether Ivan II actually reigned.
House of Borjigin
Coin of Chaka Chaka
(1 year)
Son-in-law of George Terter I and son of Nogai Khan of the Golden Horde. Invaded Bulgaria, assisted by Theodore Svetoslav (a son of George Terter I). Proclaimed himself as emperor of Bulgaria and achieved some recognition with Svetoslav's help. Came into conflict with the Golden Horde khan Toqta and then overthrown and strangled by Svetoslav.
House of Terter
Silver coin of Theodore Svetoslav Theodore Svetoslav
Тодор Светослав
(22 years)
Son of George Terter I; previously junior co-emperor c. 1285–1292. Overthrew and strangled Chaka, with support from Toqta of the Golden Horde. Ended the period of Mongol dominion over Bulgaria and waged wars against both the Byzantine Empire and various autonomous Bulgarian nobles. Mostly successful; succeeding in reconsolidating the empire.
Coin of George Terter II George Terter II
Георги Тертер
(1 year)
Son of Theodore Svetoslav; previously junior co-emperor c. 1321–1322. Intervened in the Byzantine civil war of 1321–1328 and spent much of his brief reign warring with the Byzantines, for instance recapturing Plovdiv. His death marked the extinction of the Terter line.
House of Shishman
Coin of Michael Shishman Michael Asen III
Михаил Асен
(7 years)
Matrilineal great-grandson of Ivan Asen II. Previously semi-independent despot of Vidin. Elected as emperor by the Bulgarian nobility after George Terter II's death due to being considered the strongest local candidate. Retook some territory that had been lost to the Byzantines during the brief interregnum before his election.
King John Stephen of Bulgaria 19th Century Ivan Stephen
Иван Стефан
(1 year)
Son of Michael Asen III; previously junior co-emperor c. 1323–1330. Deposed after a brief reign in favour of his cousin Ivan Alexander in a coup d'état headed by elements of the Bulgarian nobility. After his deposition, Ivan Stephen fled to Serbia and then to the Byzantine Empire.
House of Sratsimir
Ivan Alexander Ivan Alexander
Иван Александър
(40 years)
Son of Keratsa Petritsa, a sister of Michael Asen III. Proclaimed emperor following a coup d'état headed by elements of the Bulgarian nobility. Allied with Stefan Dušan of the Serbian Empire, who was eclipsing Bulgaria's power. Managed to capture some territories from the Byzantine Empire. Divided the empire among his sons to avoid succession problems, leading to Bulgaria's fragmentation. Allied with the Ottoman Turks against the Byzantines, inadvertently accelerating the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans.
Ivan Alexander with Michael Asen IV (coin) Michael Asen IV
Михаил Асен
(Junior co-ruler)
Never ruled in his own right Eldest son of Ivan Alexander; junior co-emperor c. 1332–1355. Led an army in the defense against an Ottoman invasion in 1354–1355, during which he was killed in battle near Sofia.
Ivan Asen IV Ivan Asen IV
Иван Асен
(Junior co-ruler)
Never ruled in his own right Son of Ivan Alexander; junior co-emperor c. 1337–1349. Led an army in the defense against an Ottoman invasion in 1349, during which he was killed in battle near Sofia.
Ivan Sratsimir portrait 1 Ivan Sratsimir
Иван Срацимир
(Ruling in Vidin)
1356–c. 1397
(c. 41 years)
Son of Ivan Alexander; previously junior co-emperor c. 1337–1356. Granted Vidin and the surrounding lands by his father as autonomous emperor while his younger brother Ivan Shishman inherited Tarnovo. Immediately tried to take control of all of Bulgaria after his father's death, though was defeated by Ivan Shishman. The Vidin empire was largely conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1396/1397 and Ivan Sratsimir was deposed and taken prisoner
53 IoSisiman Ivan Shishman
Иван Шишман
(Ruling in Tarnovo)
(24 years)
Son of Ivan Alexander; previously junior co-emperor c. 1356–1371. Made the heir to Tarnovo over the elder Ivan Sratsimir due to the influence of his mother Sarah-Theodora. Fought off Ivan Sratsimir's attempt at capturing Tarnovo. Made a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. Tried to gain Hungarian aid to reassert his independence, which led to the Ottomans invading his lands. Tarnovo and most of Bulgaria was captured in 1393, followed by Nikopol and Ivan Shishman's other remaining territory in 1395. Allegedly murdered by the Ottomans after the capture of Nikopol.
Ivan Asen V Ivan Asen V
Иван Асен
(Junior co-ruler)
Never ruled in his own right Son of Ivan Alexander; junior co-emperor 1356–c. 1388. Recorded to have presided over church synods at Tarnovo (1360) together with his father and Ivan Shishman.
Bulgaria was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the Bulgarian–Ottoman wars (1345–1396), resulting in the fall of the Second Bulgarian Empire
Constantine of Vidin Constantine II
(Ruling in Vidin)
c. 1397–1422
(c. 25 years)
Son of Ivan Sratsimir; previously junior co-emperor c. 1395–1397. Remained in control of at least some parts of his father's domains around Vidin, probably initially as an Ottoman vassal, for most of the time until his death in 1422.
Pretenders during Ottoman rule
Prince fruzhin of bulgaria Fruzhin
(38 years)
Son of Ivan Shishman. Fled to Hungary after the fall of the Second Bulgarian Empire, where he was made the ruler of the County of Temes. His titular claim to the Bulgarian throne was recognized by the Hungarian king Sigismund (1387–1437). Fruzhin was counted as emperor in some later Bulgarian sources.
Ivan Shishman II
Иван Шишман
(less than a year)
Allegedly a descendant of the House of Sratsimir. Proclaimed tsar during the First Tarnovo Uprising (1598) and briefly ruled at Tarnovo. The first attempt at mass liberation in Bulgaria, this uprising was eventually crushed by the Ottomans.
Rstratimirovic Rostislav Stratimirovic
Ростислав Стратимирович
(less than a year)
Allegedly a descendant of the House of Sratsimir. Proclaimed knyaz (prince) during the Second Tarnovo Uprising (1686). Hoped to gain support from the Tsardom of Russia, though the uprising began prematurely and was crushed by the Ottomans.
Principality (1878–1908) and Third Kingdom of Bulgaria (1908–1971)
House of Battenberg
Portrait of Alexander I von Battenberg Alexander I
Александър I
29 April 1879 –
7 September 1886
(7 years, 4 months and 9 days)
A new Bulgarian state was established through the treaties of San Stefano and Berlin (1878) following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878. The first National Assembly elected Alexander of Battenberg, a German prince, as monarch. Since Bulgaria was stipulated to remain an autonomous vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, Alexander used the title knyaz (prince) rather than tsar. Deposed in a coup led by pro-Russian army officers. Briefly reinstated following a counter-coup before abdicating the throne.
House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry
Zar Ferdinand Bulgarien Ferdinand I
Фердинанд I
7 July 1887 –
3 October 1918
(31 years, 2 months and 26 days)
Chosen as knyaz (prince) after Prince Valdemar of Denmark declined the throne after being approached. Secured Bulgaria's complete independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1908, whereafter he adopted the style of tsar (king). Leading figure in the First Balkan War (1912–1913) though Bulgaria's actions after victory led to the Second Balkan War (1913) which deprived the country of most of its gains. Aligned with the German Empire in World War I (1914–1918) and was forced to abdicate after the war's conclusion.
BASA-3K-7-342-28-Boris III of Bulgaria Boris III
Борѝс III
3 October 1918 –
28 August 1943
(24 years 10 months 25 days)
Son of Ferdinand I. Succeeded to the throne after his father's abdication. Bestowed near-dictatorial powers by a pro-monarchical regime in 1935. Aligned with Nazi Germany during World War II (1939–1945), mainly out of a desire to increase Bulgarian territory. Bulgaria participated in the invasions of Yugoslavia and Greece, though Boris refused to send Bulgarian soldiers to aid the German invasion of Russia. His government oversaw the Holocaust in Bulgaria. Died in mysterious circumstances shortly after a visit to Adolf Hitler.
BASA-3K-15-302-26-Simeon-The Prince of Turnovo Simeon II
Симеон II
28 August 1943 –
26 September 1971
(28 years 29 days)
Son of Boris III. Underage at the time of his accession and thus placed under a regency for the entire duration of his reign, until the Bulgarian monarchy was abolished through a referendum by Georgi Dimitrov's communist government. Went to exile in Spain, despite remaining in control of the island of St Anastasia until he was fully dethroned in 1971 when the island was captured by the communist government, he later returned to Bulgaria and was restored to the throne in 1990, where he went on to reign a further 42 years
Fourth Bulgarian Kingdom 1991 - Present
Simeon II, Tsar of Bulgaria Simeon II
Симеон II
1 January 1990 –
15 July 2031
(41 years 6 months 14 days)
Son of Boris III. Underage at the time of his accession and thus placed under a regency for the entire duration of his reign, until the Bulgarian monarchy was abolished through a referendum by Georgi Dimitrov's communist government. Went to exile in Spain, despite remaining in control of the island of St Anastasia until he was fully dethroned in 1970 when the island was captured by the communist government, he later returned to Bulgaria and was restored to the throne in 1990, where he went on to reign a further 42 years
Boris IV, Tsar of Bulgaria Boris IV
Борѝс IV
15 July 2031 –
Grandson of Simeon II. Took the throne aged 34, succeding after the death of his grandfather, reigning


Monarchy of The Kingdom of Montenegro
Coat of arms of the Kingdom of Montenegro
Coat of Arms
Boris Petrovic Njegos of Montengro
Boris I
since 12 May 2032
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Crown Princess Milena
Formation 1018 First realm
1852 Secularization
2006 Restoration
Residence Royal Palace, Cetinje
This article lists monarchs of Montenegro, from the establishment of the Prince-Bishopric to the Kingdom of Montenegro which merged into the Kingdom of Serbia in 1918, it also includes the head of the government in exile and the monarchs since the restoration of independence in 2006.
Picture Name Reign Birth Marriage(s)
Death Claim Notes
Prince Bishopric
House of Petrović-Njegoš
Vladika danilo 1697 1735 Danilo I 1697 – 11 January 1735
(37 - 38 years)
Njeguši, Montenegro
11 January 1735
Podmaine Monastery, Venice
(aged 80)
Elected by the Montenegrin Tribal Assembly
Vladika sava Sava II 11 January 1735 - 9 March 1781
(46 years, 1 month and 26 days)
18 January 1702
Njeguši, Montenegro
9 March 1781
Podmaine Monastery, Venice(aged 80)
First cousin of Danilo I Coruled with Basil III from 1750–1766.
Vasilije petrovic Basil III 1750 - 10 March 1766
(15 - 16 years)
Njeguši, Montenegro
10 March 1766
St. Petersburg, Russian Empire
(aged 56–57)
Nephew of Danilo I Co-ruled with Sava II
Tsardom of Montenegro
Stephen the Little crop Stephen the Little February 1768 – 22 September 1773
(c. 5 years and 7 months)
c. 1739
Dalmatia (?)
22 September 1773 (aged c. 34) Impostor who was purported to be the dead Russian emperor Peter III in exile. Proclaimed leader by the people of Montenegro and ruled the country as an absolute monarch, sidelining Prince-Bishop Sava II.
Prince Bishopric Resumed
Crown of Montenegro (Imperial) Arsenije II 1781 - 1784
(c. 3 years)
Unknown, Crmnica (modern Montenegro) 1784 Succeed Sava II Petrović-Njegoš as the Metropolitan of Cetinje and as the Prince-Bishop. Non-Hereditary.
House of Petrović-Njegoš
Petar I Petrović-Njegoš Знаменити Срби XIX. века Peter I 13 October 1784 - 30 October 1830
(46 years 17 days)
Njeguši, Montenegro
30 October 1830
Cetinje, Montenegro
(aged 81–82)
Elected by the Sinod.
Grandnephew of Danilo I
Petar II Petrovic-Njegos Peter II 30 October 1830 - 31 October 1851
(21 years 1 day)
13 November 1813
Njeguši, Montenegro
31 October 1851
Cetinje, Montenegro
(aged 37)
The Will of Petar I, his uncle.
Principality of Montenegro
Danilo I & II Petrović Njegoš Danilo II & I 31 October 1851 - 13 August 1860
(8 years 9 months 13 days)
25 May 1826
Njeguši, Montenegro
Darinka Kvekić
12 January 1855
1 daughter
13 August 1860
Kotor, Austrian Empire
(aged 34)
The Will of Peter II, his uncle. Assassinated in Kotor.
Kingdom of Montenegro
King Nicholas I of Montenegro Nicholas I 13 August 1860 - 1 March 1921
(60 years 6 months 16 days)
7 October 1841
Njeguši, Montenegro
Milena Vukotić
8 November 1860
12 children
1 March 1921
Cap d'Antibes, French Republic
(aged 79)
Nephew of Danilo I Exiled in January 1916.
Deposed by the Podgorica Assembly.
Kingdom in Exile
Crown Prince Danilo of Montenegro Danilo II 26 November 1918 - 7 March 1921
(2 years 3 months 9 days)
17 July 1945
Cetinje, Montenegro
Jutta of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
27 July 1899
No children
24 September 1939
Vienna, Austria, Nazi Germany
(aged 67)
Eldest son of Nicholas I and Milena Vukotić. co-head of the dynasty after the deposition of the monarchy, renounced headship of the house 6 days after the death of his father
Mihailo Petrovich Negosh Michael I 7 March 1921 - 24 March 1986
(65 years 17 days)
14 September 1908
Podgorica, Montenegro
Geneviève Prigent
27 January 1941 – 11 April 1949
1 son
24 March 1986
Paris, France
(aged 77)
Nephew of Crown Prince Danilo
Kingdom Restored
Nikola-petrovi-njegos Nicholas II 24 March 1986 - 12 May 2032
(46 years 1 month 18 days)
7 July 1944
Saint-Nicolas-du-Pélem, France
Francine Navarro
27 November 1976 – 6 August 2008
2 children
12 May 2032
Podgorica, Montenegro
(aged 87)
Son of Prince Michael and Geneviève Prigent Restored to the throne in June 5, 2006
Boris Petrovic Njegos of Montengro Boris I 12 May 2032 - 21 January 1980
Les Lilas, France
Francine Navarro
12 May 2007
2 daughters
21 January 1980, Les Lilas, France

North Macedonia[]

Monarchy of The Kingdom of North Macedonia
PS Royal coat of arms of North Macedonia
Coat of Arms
Prince Michael of Yugoslavia born 1958
Nicholas II
since 27 October 2046
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Crown Prince Sergius
Formation 1 January 1880 Tetrarchy
1 January 1950 Monarchy
Residence Royal Palace, Cetinje
Due to a confflict of interest in regards to ownership of the region of North Macedonia it was decided that the region would be temporarily jointly ruled by the four monarchs in the region until a suitable solution could found, it was decide that prince nicholas of Greece would become the main face of the Kingdom of North Macedonia, after the accession of the Karađorđević Dynasty in Serbia, King Peter gave the the Macedonian throne to his brother Arsen, after the marriage of his son and princess Olga of North Macedonia who was the eldest daughter of King Nicholas I their son became the first sole monarch in the nation's history
Picture Name Reign Notes
Tetrarchy 1880-1950
Bulgarian Tetrarch
Battenberg Dynasty
Portrait of Alexander I von Battenberg Alexander I 1 January 1880 – 7 September 1886
(6 years, 8 months and 6 days)
Saxe-Coburg and Gotha-Koháry Dynasty
Zar Ferdinand Bulgarien Ferdinand 7 July 1887 – 10 September 1948
(61 years, 2 months and 3 days)
Refused to abdicate the throne in 1918, remained nominally on the throne until his death, his powers were give to Tsar Boris, though he never succeded in North Macedonia.
BASA-3K-15-302-26-Simeon-The Prince of Turnovo Simeon 10 September 1948 – 1 January 1950
(1 year 3 months 22 days)
Renounced the throne along with Paul II
Serbian Tetrarch
Obrenović dynasty
Milan Obrenović 1 Milan I 1 January 1880 - 6 March 1889
(9 years, 2 months and 5 days)
Aleksandar ob heinrich wassmuth 1894 Alexander II 6 March 1889 – 11 June 1903
(14 years 3 months 5 days)
Karađorđević Dynasty
Knez Arsen Karađorđević Arsen 15 June 1903 - 19 October 1938
(35 years 4 months 4 days)
Greek Tetrarch
Glucksburg Dynasty
George I, King of Greece George I 1 January 1880 – 30 March 1916
(36 years 2 months 29 days)
Greek Tetrarch, Abdicated
Constantine I, King of Greece Constantine I 18 March 1913 – 11 June 1917
(4 years 2 months 24 days)
Abdicated in 1917, did not retake the throne after the death of Tetrarch Alexander III
Alexander, King of Greece Alexander III 11 June 1917 – 25 October 1920
(3 years 4 months 14 days)
Son, Known for having one of the most stupid deaths someone could have.
Georgeiiofgreece George II 25 October 1920 - 1 April 1947
(26 years 5 months 7 days)
Paul I, King of Greece Paul II 1 April 1947 - 1 January 1950
(2 years 9 months)
Renounced the throne along with Simeon II
North Macedonian Tetrarch later North Macedonian Monarch
Glüksburg - Karađorđević Dynasty
Prince Nicholas of Greece and Denmark Nicholas I 1 January 1880 - 8 February 1938
(58 years 1 month 7 days)
Only of the monarchs during the tetrarchy to use the title monarch
Kneginja Olga Olga 8 February 1938 - 16 October 1997
(59 years 8 months 8 days)
Prince Paul of Yugoslavia Paul I 19 October 1938 - 14 September 1976
(37 years, 10 months and 26 days)
Became King in his own right 8 months after his wife
Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia (1924–2016) Alexander IV 14 September 1976 - 12 May 2016
(39 years, 7 months and 28 days)
First to reign as sole monarch in North Macedonia
Prince Dimitry of Yugoslavia born 1958 Dimitry 12 May 2016 - 27 October 2046
(30 years, 5 months and 15 days)
Prince Michael of Yugoslavia born 1958 Nicholas II 27 October 2046 - Present


Monarchy of The Kingdom of Romania
Kingdom of Romania - Big CoA
Coat of Arms
Elisabeta Karina of Romania
since 19 July 2038
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Crown Prince Michael
Formation 1862 Principality
1881 Kingdom
1990 Restoration
Residence Royal Palace
The King of Romania (Romanian: Regele României) or King of the Romanians (Romanian: Regele Românilor) was the title of the monarch of the Kingdom of Romania from 1881 until 1979, when the Romanian People's Republic took the final islands in possession of loyalists to Michael I's forced, the monarchy was restored during the revolution, prince Nicholas was disinherited by King Michael I in 2014, his sister princess Elisabeth decided to adopt his son as her heir he is expected to become King Michael II.

M.S. Regele Ferdinand I al României (7) Aurel-Bordenache - M.S. Regele Ferdinand I al României

Picture Name Reign Lifespan Notes
Domnitori of the United Principalities (1862–1881)
House of Cuza
Alexander Ion I Cuza Alexander I
5 January 1859 – 20 April 1866
(7 years 3 months 15 days)
20 March 1820–15 May 1873 (aged 53) Prince of Moldova and Wallachia 1859-62 and later Prince of the United principalities
House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Kingdom of Romania 1881-1976
Aurel-Bordenache - M.S. Regele Carol I al României Charles I
Carol I
20 April 1866 – 10 October 1914
(48 years 5 months 20 days)
20 April 1839 – 10 October 1914 (aged 75) Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, elected Sovereign Prince of Romania 20 April 1866, proclaimed King in 1881
M.S. Regele Ferdinand I al României (1) Ferdinand I
10 October 1914 – 20 July 1927
(12 years 9 months 10 days)
24 August 1865 – 20 July 1927 (aged 61) Nephew of Carol I
Michael I, King of Romania Michael I
20 July 1927 – 8 June 1930
(2 years 10 months 19 days)
25 October 1921 – 5 December 2017 (aged 96) Grandson of Ferdinand I
Carol II, King of Romania Charles II
Carol II
8 June 1930 – 6 September 1940
(10 years 2 months 29 days)
15 October 1893 – 4 April 1953 (aged 59) Son of Ferdinand I
Michael I, King of Romania Michael I
6 September 1940 - 26 May 1979
(38 years 8 months 20 days)
25 October 1921 – 5 December 2017 (aged 96) Son of Carol II; Restored
House of Romania
Michael I, Former King of Romania Michael I
1 January 1990 – 5 December 2017
(27 years 11 months 4 days)
25 October 1921 – 5 December 2017 (aged 96) Son of Carol II; Restored
Margareta, Queen of Romania Margaret I
5 December 2017 – 29 April 2039
(21 years 4 months 24 days)
26 March 1949 - 29 April 2039 (aged 90) Daughter of Michael I
Elena I, of Romania Elena I
29 April 2039 – 6 June 2045
(6 years 1 month 8 days)
15 November 1950 - 6 June 2045 (Aged 94) Daughter of Michael I
Elisabeta Karina of Romania Elizabeth I
6 June 2045 - Present 4 January 1989 - Daughter of Elena


Monarchy of The Kingdom of Serbia
Coat of arms of Serbia
Coat of Arms
Philip, Hereditary Prince of Yugoslavia
Philip I
since 19 July 2038
Style His Majesty
Heir apparent Crown Prince Stefan
Formation 7th century Original
1804 Modern
2006 Restoration
Residence Stari Dvor, Belgrade
This is a list of Serbian monarchs, containing monarchs of the the modern state of Serbia. The Serbian monarchy dates back to the Early Middle Ages. The Serbian royal titles used include Knyaz (Prince), Grand Župan (Grand Prince), King, Tsar (Emperor) and Despot.
Picture Name Reign Notes
Revolutionary Serbia
Karađorđević dynasty
Karađorđe Petrović, by Vladimir Borovikovsky, 1816 George I "Black George" 15 February 1804 – 21 September 1813
(9 years 7 months 6 days)
Leader of the First Serbian Uprising. Founder of Revolutionary Serbia and Karađorđević dynasty. Deposed and exiled to Austria. Collapse of the First Serbian Uprising.
Principality of Serbia
Obrenović dynasty
Knez Miloš Obrenović 01 Miloš Obrenović I "the Great" 23 April 1815 – 25 June 1839
(24 years 2 months 2 days)
Leader of the Second Serbian Uprising. Founder of Principality of Serbia and Obrenović dynasty.Elevated to the status of Prince on November 6, 1817. Abdicated.
Milan Obrenović II, Prince of Serbia Milan Obrenović II 25 June 1839 – 8 July 1839
(13 days)
Elder adult son of Miloš; ruled for only 13 days.
Knez Mihajlo III Obrenovic Mihailo Obrenović III 8 July 1839 – 14 September 1842
(3 years 2 months 6 days)
Younger adult son of Miloš; deposed by the Defenders of the Constitution.
Karađorđević dynasty
Prince Alexander I of Serbia Aleksandar Karađorđević 14 September 1842 – 23 December 1858
(16 years 3 months 9 days)
Abdicated. Return of Obrenović dynasty to power.
Obrenović dynasty
Knez Miloš Obrenović 01 Miloš Obrenović I "the Great" 23 December 1858 – 26 September 1860
(1 year 9 months 3 days)
Died due to old age.
Knez Mihajlo III Obrenovic Mihailo Obrenović III 26 September 1860 – 10 June 1868
(7 years 8 months 15 days)
Younger adult son of Miloš; assassinated in Košutnjak.
Kingdom of Serbia 1882–1918
Milan Obrenović 1 Milan I 10 June 1868 – 6 March 1882
(13 years 8 months 24 days)
Grandnephew of Miloš

In 1878, Serbia gained full international recognition at the Congress of Berlin. In 1882, the country was elevated to the status of kingdom, Abdicated.

Aleksandar ob heinrich wassmuth 1894 Alexander I 6 March 1882 - 11 June 1903
(21 years 3 months 5 days)
Assassinated together with Queen Draga in the May Coup.

The end of Obrenović dynasty.

Kings of Yugoslavia 1921-1945
Karađorđević dynasty
Peter I, King of Serbia and Yugoslavia Peter I "the Liberator", "Old King" 11 June 1903 - 16 August 1921
(18 years 2 months 5 days)
Held the title "King of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes". Prince Alexander served as regent in his final years.
Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia Alexander I & II "the Unifier" 16 August 1921 - 9 October 1934
(13 years 1 month 23 days)
Changed title to "King of Yugoslavia" in 1929.

Assassinated in Marseilles.

Peter II, King of Yugoslavia Peter II 9 October 1934 - 3 November 1970
(36 years 25 days)
Prince Paul acted as regent until ousted on 27 March 1941; exiled on 17 April 1941 and deposed on 29 November 1945.
Kingdom of Serbia 2006-
HRH-Crown-Prince-Alexander-Prestolonaslednik-Aleksandar-11 Alexander III 3 November 1970 - 19 July 2038
(67 years 8 months 16 days)
Restored in 2006 after the abolishment of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro
Philip, Hereditary Prince of Yugoslavia Philip I 19 July 2038 - Present Second son of Alexander III, inherited the crown after his brother renounced the succession rights in 2022