Alternative History
Alternative History

This is a list of the countries in the timeline Republic of St. Mark. The nations featured in this list are different from their OTL versions.

List of Nations
Name Flag CoA Capital Type Ruler(s)
Republic of Venice
Coat of arms of the Republic of Venice
Venice Federal semi-presidential "crowned" republic Luca Zaia, Doge of Venice
Republic of Liguria
Flag of Genoa
Genoa Unitary parliamentary republic Giovanni Toti, President of Liguria
Kingdom of Rome
Flag of Rome
Coat of Arms of Rome (PM3)
Rome Unitary parliamentary monarchy with theocratic features Lucrezia II, Queen of Rome
Duchy of Milan
Flag of Milan (TBAC)
Coat of arms of Milan (TBAC)
Milan Unitary parliamentary monarchy Ludovico V Sforza, Duke of Milan
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Flag of Sicily revised
Coat of arms of Sicily
Naples Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy Julius II Farnese, King of the Two Sicilies
Kingdom of Macedonia
Macedonian lion
Thessaloniki Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy Mark II, King of Macedonia
Republic of Achaea
Flag of Athens
Athens seal
Athens Unitary parliamentary republic Council of Twelve

(Chariman - Kostas Bakoyannis)