- China
- Chôxen (Korea)
- East Kazakhstan
- Japan
- Luzon (Philippines)
- Mongolia
- Taiwan
- Tibet
- Uyghurstan
- West Kazakhstan
- Dominion of India
- Austria
- Belgium
- England
- France
- Greece
- Ireland
- Naples
- Netherlands
- Papal States
- Poland
- Rhineland
- Russia
- San Marino
- Sardinia
- Scotland and Wales
- Sicily
- Spain
- Tuscany
- Sweden
North America[]
- Arkansas
- Aruta
- Canada
- Florida
- Iceland (commonly considered part of Europe, due to its membership in the North American Confederation)
- Mexico
- Minnesota
- Misuri
- North American Confederation
- Oregon
- Texas
Australasia and the Pacific[]
Defunct nations[]
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Ireland
- Zhou (southern China)
Supernational Organizations[]
- Commonwealth of British Nations
- Federation of Japanese States
- League of North American States
- League of European States
- League of East Asian States
- Ottoman Federation
- Germany
- Italy
- North America