Alternative History

This is a list of sovereign states in ULTRA. if you want Former or Unrecognized states click This and This (TBA)


Flag Seal Map Name Capital Demonym Government Leader(s)
Civil Ensign of Albania (1945-1992) Coat of arms of the People's Republic of Albania Europe (Albania Selected)ULTRA Albania/People's Albanian Republic Tirana Albanian Federal constitutional socialist parliamentary republic Edi Rama and Lindita Nikolla
Flag of Austria (We Didn't Start the Fire) Emblem of East Austria (What a Wonderful World) Europe (Austria Selected)ULTRA Austria/Danube Socialist Federation Vienna Austrian Federal constitutional socialist parliamentary republic Slavoj Žižek and Ingrid Felipe
Flag of the Balearic Islands Coat of Arms of Balearic Islands Europe(Balearic Islands Selected)ULTRArtlu Balearic Islands/Republic of the Balearic Islands Palma Balearic Federal presidental republic Mario Folch and Jan Pallares
Flag of Brittany (Gwenn ha du) Armoiries Bretagne - Arms of Brittany Brittany/Duchy of Brittany Rennes Breton Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Frañsez XXVIII and Bernard Hinault
Naval Jack of Bulgaria Coat of arms of Bulgaria (1971-1990) EuropAH(BulgariaSelected)ULTRA Bulgaria/Socialist Republic of Bulgaria Sofia Bulgarian Federal constitutional socialist parliamentary republic Vladimir Stoyanov and Maria Todorova
Dacia/Socialist Republic of Dacia Bucharest Dacian Federal constitutional socialist parliamentary republic
EuskadiaBAsqueFlagULTRA Escudo del Pais Vasco EuropeEuskadia SelectedULTRAHHH Euskadia/Kingdom of Euskadia Bilbao Euskadian Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy Alfonso XV and Imanol Pradales
Drapeau france 1848 Coat of Arms France Ultrafrance France/French Republic Paris French Unitary semi-presidential constitutional republic Emmanuel Macron and Gabriel Attal
Flag of Germany (1867–1918) Coat of arms of Germany (DoI) Europe (Germany Selected)ULTRA Germany/German Republic Munich German Federal constitutional parliamentary republic Sahra Wagenknecht and Olaf Scholz
Iberia FlagULTRAHH Coat of arms of Portugal Europe (Iberia Selected)ULTRA Iberia/Iberian Federation Burgos Iberian Salvador Illa and Pedro Sánchez
United Ireland Coat of arms of Ireland Ireland/Irish Republic Dublin Irish Michael D. Higgins and Simon Harris
Flag of the Isle of Man Coat of arms of the Isle of Man Mann/Republic of Mann Douglas Manx Federal presidential republic Alfred Cannan and Jamie Blackley
Banner Al Andalus Coat of Arms of the Emirate of Granada (1013-1492) Europe (Qurtuba Selected)ULTRAHH Republic of Qurtuba Qurtuba Qurtuban Islamic republic Muhammad bin Hamza and Khalid Al-Asiri
Flag of Byzantium (with B) Surviving byzantine empire coat of arms by regicollis d9f2h7y-fullview Europe (Rhomania Selected)ULTRA Rhomania/Roman Empire Constantinople Rhomanian
Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Pavlos II and Alexis Tsipras
SovietUnnnionULTRAFLAG Coat of arms of the Soviet Union Europe(USSR Selected)UTLRA Soviet Union/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Moscow Soviet Gennady Zyuganov, Emomali Rahmon and Alexander Lukashenko
SwitzerlandahhaaFlagULTRA Uri-coat of arms Erope(SwyssSelected)ULTRA Switzerland/Swiss Confederation Zurich Swiss Federal assembly-independent directorial republic The Federal Council
Flag of Wessex Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom Europe (UK Selected)ULTRA United Kingdom/Great United Kingdom London British Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy Charles III and Boris Johnson


Flag Seal Map Name Capital Demonym Government Leader(s)
Flag of Ethiopia (1897–1974) Imperial coat of arms of Ethiopia (Haile Selassie) Africa (Ethiopia Selected)ULTRA Ethiopia/Kingdom of Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopian Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy Solomon III and Abiy Ahmed


Flag Seal Map Name Capital Demonym Government Leader(s)
Flag of Transcaucasia (No Napoleon) Emblem of the Transcaucasian SFSR Asia (Caucasusselected)ULTRA Caucasus/Union of Caucasian Socialist Republics Gori Caucasian Unitary one-party socialist republic under a totalitarian hereditary dictatorship Vissarion Dzhugashvili
Flag of the Republic of China (draft 1) Emblem of the Kuomintang Asia (WestChinaSelected)ULTRA West China/Nationalist Republic of China Changchun West Chinese • Chinese Federal presidential republic Wu Den-yih
SomeGhaznavidFlag Asia(Ghaznavidelected)ULTRA Ghaznavid/Sultanate of Ghaznavid Ghazni Ghaznav Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Muhammad bin Nasrallah and Muhammad Akhtar
Japan/People's Republic of Japan


Flag Seal Map Name Capital Demonym Government Leader(s)


Flag Seal Map Name Capital Demonym Government Leader(s)
Brazil Brazilian
Mexico Mexican
NassauFlagULTRA Coat of arms of Dutch Brazil America(NassaulandSelected)ULTRA Nassauland/Kingdom of Nassauland Mauritsstad Nassaulander Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy John Maurice IX and Lodewijk Ignatius Smit
Flag of the United Monarchies Great Seal of the United States (obverse) America (USKA Selected)ULTRA United States/United States of the Kingdom of America New York American Federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy Evangeline II, Mélanie Joly and Danica Roem