This chronological list of popes of the Catholic Church corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading "I Sommi Pontefici Romani" (The Roman Supreme Pontiffs), excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes. Published every year by the Roman Curia, the Annuario Pontificio no longer identifies popes by regnal number, stating that it is impossible to decide which pope represented the legitimate succession at various times. The 2001 edition of the Annuario Pontificio introduced "almost 200 corrections to its existing biographies of the popes, from St Peter to John Paul II". The corrections concerned dates, especially in the first two centuries, birthplaces and the family name of one pope.
The term pope (Latin: papa, lit. 'father') is used in several churches to denote their high spiritual leaders (for example Coptic pope). This title in English usage usually refers to the head of the Catholic Church. The Catholic pope uses various titles by tradition, including Summus Pontifex, Pontifex Maximus, and Servus servorum Dei. Each title has been added by unique historical events and unlike other papal prerogatives, is not incapable of modification.
Hermannus Contractus may have been the first historian to number the popes continuously. His list ends in 1049 with Leo IX as number 154. Several changes were made to the list during the 20th century. Christopher was considered a legitimate pope for a long time but was removed due to how he obtained the papacy. Pope-elect Stephen was listed as Stephen II until the 1961 edition, when his name was removed. The decisions of the Council of Pisa (1409) were reversed in 1963 in a reinterpretation of the Western Schism, extending Gregory XII's pontificate to 1415 and classifying rival claimants Alexander V and John XXIII as antipopes.
A significant number of these popes have been recognized as saints, including 48 out of the first 50 consecutive popes, and others are in the sainthood process. Of the first 31 popes, 28 died as martyrs.
Chronological list of popes[]
1st millennium[]
1st century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
1 | 30–33 / 64–68 | St Peter PETRVS |
AD 1 Bethsaida, Judaea, Roman Empire | 29–32 / 62–67 |
2 | 64–68 / 76–79 | St Linus LINVS |
10 AD Volterrae, Italia, Roman Empire | 54–58 / 66–69 |
3 | 76–79 / 88–91 | St Anacletus(Cletus) ANACLETVS (CLETVS) |
25 AD Athenae, Achaea, Roman Empire | 51–54 / 63–66 |
4 | 26 April 88 – 23 November 99 (11 years, 211 days) |
St Clement I CLEMENS |
c. 35 AD Roma, Italia, Roman Empire | 53 / 64 (†66) |
5 | 23 November 99 – 27 October 105 (5 years, 338 days) |
St Evaristus EVARISTVS |
c. 30 AD Bethlehem, Iudaea, Roman Empire | 69 / 75 |
2nd century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
6 | 27 October 105 – 3 May 115 (9 years, 188 days) |
St Alexander I ALEXANDER |
c. 75 AD Roma, Italia, Roman Empire | 30 / 40 |
7 | 3 May 115 – 3 April 125 (9 years, 335 days) |
St Sixtus I SYXTVS |
42 AD Roma, Italia, Roman Empire | 73 / 83 |
8 | 3 April 125 – 5 January 136 (10 years, 277 days) |
St Telesphorus TELESPHORVS |
c. 67 AD Terra Nova, Italia, Roman Empire | 58 / 69 |
9 | 5 January 136 – 11 January 140 (4 years, 6 days) |
St Hyginus HYGINVS |
c. 74 AD Athens, Achaea, Roman Empire | 58 / 62 |
10 | 11 January 140 – 11 July 155 (15 years, 181 days) |
St Pius I PIVS |
c. 81 AD Aquileia, Italia, Roman Empire | 59 / 74 |
11 | 11 July 155 – 20 April 166 (10 years, 283 days) |
St Anicetus ANICETVS |
c. 92 AD Emesa, Syria, Roman Empire | 63 / 74 |
12 | 20 April 166 – 22 April 174 (8 years, 2 days) |
c. 119 AD Fundi, Italia, Roman Empire | 46 / 55 |
13 | 22 April 174 – 26 May 189 (15 years, 34 days) |
St Eleutherius ELEVTHERIVS |
c. 130 AD Nicopolis, Epirus, Roman Empire | 45 / 59 |
14 | 26 May 189 – 28 July 199 (10 years, 63 days) |
St Victor I VICTOR |
c. 155 AD Africa, Roman Empire | 34 / 44 |
15 | 28 July 199 – 20 December 217 (18 years, 145 days) |
St Zephyrinus ZEPHYRINVS |
c. 160 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 39 / 57 |
— | c. 199 – c. 200 (1 year, 0 days) |
Natalius NATALIVS |
Roma, Italia, Roman Empire | — |
3rd century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
16 | 20 December 217 – 14 October 222 (4 years, 298 days) |
St Callixtus I CALLIXTVS |
c. 155 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 62 / 67 |
— | 217 – 235 (18 years, 0 days) |
St Hippolytus HIPPOLYTVS |
c. 170 AD Asia Minor, Roman Empire | 47 / 65 |
17 | 14 October 222 – 23 May 230 (7 years, 221 days) |
St Urban I VRBANVS |
c. 175 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 47 / 55 |
18 | 21 August 230 – 28 September 235 (5 years, 38 days) |
St Pontian PONTIANVS |
c. 175 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 55 / 60 |
19 | 21 November 235 – 3 January 236 (43 days) |
St Anterus ANTERVS |
c. 180 AD Petelia, Italy, Roman Empire | 55 / 56 |
20 | 10 January 236 – 20 January 250 (14 years, 10 days) |
St Fabian FABIANVS |
c. 200 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 36 / 50 |
21 | 6 March 251 – 25 June 253 (2 years, 111 days) |
St Cornelius CORNELIVS |
c. 180 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 71 / 73 |
— | March 251 – 258 (7 years, 0 days) |
c. 200–20 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 31–51 / 38–58 |
22 | 25 June 253 – 5 March 254 (253 days) |
St Lucius I LUCIVS |
c. 200 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 48 / 49 |
23 | 12 March 254 – 2 August 257 (3 years, 143 days) |
St Stephen I STEPHANVS |
c. 205 AD Rome, Italia, Roman Empire | 54 / 57 |
24 | 30 August 257 – 6 August 258 (341 days) |
St Sixtus II SYXTVS Secundus |
c. 215 AD Athens, Achaea, Roman Empire | 42 / 43 |
25 | 22 July 259 – 26 December 268 (9 years, 157 days) |
St Dionysius DIONYSIVS |
c. 200 AD Terra Nova, Italy, Roman Empire | 59 / 68 |
26 | 5 January 269 – 30 December 274 (5 years, 359 days) |
St Felix I FELIX |
c. 206 AD Rome, Italy Roman Empire | 63 / 68 |
27 | 4 January 275 – 7 December 283 (8 years, 337 days) |
St Eutychian EVTYCHIANVS |
c. 240 AD Luna, Italy, Roman Empire (Now Luni, Italy) | 35 / 43 |
28 | 17 December 283 – 22 April 296 (12 years, 127 days) |
St Caius CAIVS |
c. 245 AD Salona, Dalmatia, Roman Empire | 38 / 51 |
29 | 30 June 296 – 26 April 304 (7 years, 301 days) |
St Marcellinus MARCELLINVS |
c. 250 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 46 / 54 |
4th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
30 | 27 May 308 – 16 January 309 (234 days) |
St Marcellus I MARCELLVS |
c. 255 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 53 / 54 |
31 | 18 April 309 – 17 August 310 (1 year, 121 days) |
St Eusebius EVSEBIVS |
c. 255 AD Sardinia, Roman Empire | 54 / 54 (†55) |
32 | 2 July 311 – 10 January 314 (2 years, 192 days) |
St Miltiades(Melchiades) MILTIADES |
c. 270 AD Africa, Roman Empire | 41 / 44 |
33 | 31 January 314 – 31 December 335 (21 years, 334 days) |
St Sylvester I SILVESTER |
c. 285 AD Fanum Sancti Angeli de Scala, Apulia et Calabria, Roman Empire | 29 / 50 |
34 | 18 January 336 – 7 October 336 (263 days) |
St Mark MARCVS |
c. 290 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 46 / 46 |
35 | 6 February 337 – 12 April 352 (15 years, 66 days) |
St Julius I IVLIVS |
c. 280 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 57 / 72 |
36 | 17 May 352 – 24 September 366 (14 years, 130 days) |
Liberius LIBERIVS |
c. 310 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 42 / 56 |
— | 355 – 22 November 365 (10 years, 0 days) |
Felix II FELIX Secundus |
c. 300 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 55 / 65 |
37 | 1 October 366 – 11 December 384 (18 years, 71 days) |
St Damasus I DAMASVS |
c. 305 AD Egitania, Lusitania or Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 60 / 78 |
— | 1 October 366 – 16 November 367 (1 year, 46 days) |
Ursinus VRSINVS |
Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | — |
38 | 17 December 384 – 26 November 399 (14 years, 344 days) |
St Siricius SIRICIVS |
c. 334 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 50 / 65 |
39 | 27 November 399 – 19 December 401 (2 years, 22 days) |
St Anastasius I ANASTASIVS |
c. 340 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 59 / 61 |
5th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
40 | 21 December 401 – 12 March 417 (15 years, 81 days) |
c. 378 AD Albanum, Latium et Campania, Roman Empire | 41 / 57 |
41 | 18 March 417 – 26 December 418 (1 year, 283 days) |
St Zosimus ZOSIMVS |
c. 370 AD Messurga, Lucania et Bruttii, Roman Empire | 47 / 48 |
— | 27 December 418 – 3 April 419 (97 days) |
Eulalius EVLALIVS |
c. 350–80 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 68–38 / 69–39 (†72–42) |
42 | 28 December 418 – 4 September 422 (3 years, 250 days) |
St Boniface I BONIFACIVS |
c. 377 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 43 / 47 |
43 | 10 September 422 – 27 July 432 (9 years, 321 days) |
St Celestine I CAELESTINVS |
c. 380 AD Campania, Roman Empire | 42 / 52 |
44 | 31 July 432 – 18 August 440 (8 years, 18 days) |
St Sixtus III SYXTVS Tertius |
c. 390 AD Rome, Italy, Roman Empire | 42 / 50 |
45 | 29 September 440 – 10 November 461 (21 years, 42 days) |
St Leo I (Leo the Great) LEO MAGNVS |
c. 390 AD Etruria, Italia, Roman Empire | 50 / 71 |
46 | 19 November 461 – 29 February 468 (6 years, 102 days) |
St Hilary HILARIVS |
c. 400 AD Sardinia, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 46 / 53 |
47 | 3 March 468 – 10 March 483 (15 years, 7 days) |
St Simplicius SIMPLICIVS |
c. 430 AD Tibur, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 38 / 53 |
48 | 13 March 483 – 1 March 492 (8 years, 354 days) |
St Felix III FELIX Tertius |
c. 440 AD Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 43 / 52 |
49 | 1 March 492 – 21 November 496 (4 years, 265 days) |
St Gelasius I GELASIVS |
c. 410 AD Mons Ferratus, Quinquegentiani, Africa, Western Roman Empire | 82 / 86 |
50 | 24 November 496 – 19 November 498 (1 year, 360 days) |
Anastasius II ANASTASIVS Secundus |
c. 445 AD Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 51 / 53 |
51 | 22 November 498 – 19 July 514 (15 years, 239 days) |
St Symmachus SYMMACHVS |
c. 460 AD Sardinia, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 38 / 54 |
— | 22 November 498 – Aug 506/8 (7 years, 252 days) |
c. 460 AD Rome, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 38 / 46 (†48) |
6th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
52 | 20 July 514 – 6 August 523 (9 years, 17 days) |
St Hormisdas HORMISDAS |
c. 450 AD Frusino, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 64 / 73 |
53 | 13 August 523 – 18 May 526 (2 years, 278 days) |
c. 470 AD Sena Iulia, Italy, Western Roman Empire | 53 / 56 |
54 | 12 July 526 – 22 September 530 (4 years, 72 days) |
St Felix IV FELIX Quartus |
c. 490 AD Samnium, Kingdom of Odoacer | 36 / 40 |
55 | 22 September 530 – 17 October 532 (2 years, 25 days) |
Boniface II BONIFACIVS Secundus |
c. 490 AD Rome, Kingdom of Odoacer | 40 / 42 |
— | 22 September 530 – 14 October 530 (22 days) |
Dioscore 'DIOSCORVS |
Alexandria, Aegyptus, Eastern Roman Empire | — |
56 | 2 January 533 – 8 May 535 (2 years, 126 days) |
John II IOANNES Secundus |
c. 473 AD Rome, Western Roman Empire | 63 / 65 |
57 | 13 May 535 – 22 April 536 (356 days) |
St Agapetus I AGAPETVS |
c. 490 AD Rome, Kingdom of Odoacer | 45 / 46 |
58 | 8 June 536 – 11 March 537 (276 days) |
St Silverius SILVERIVS |
c. 480 AD Cicanum, Ostrogothic Kingdom | 56 / 57 |
59 | 29 March 537 – 7 June 555 (18 years, 70 days) |
Vigilius VIGILIVS |
c. 500 AD Rome, Kingdom of Odoacer | 37 / 55 |
60 | 16 April 556 – 4 March 561 (4 years, 322 days) |
Pelagius I PELAGIVS |
c. 505 AD Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom | 51 / 56 |
61 | 17 July 561 – 13 July 574 (12 years, 361 days) |
John III IOANNES Tertius |
c. 520 AD Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom | 41 / 54 |
62 | 2 June 575 – 30 July 579 (4 years, 58 days) |
c. 525 AD Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom | 50 / 54 |
63 | 26 November 579 – 7 February 590 (10 years, 73 days) |
Pelagius II PELAGIVS Secundus |
c. 520 AD Rome, Ostrogothic Kingdom | 59 / 70 |
64 | 3 September 590 – 12 March 604 (13 years, 191 days) |
St Gregory I (Gregory the Great) GREGORIVS MAGNVS |
c. 540 AD Rome, Eastern Roman Empire | 50 / 64 |
7th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
65 | 13 September 604 – 22 February 606 (1 year, 162 days) |
c. 530 AD Blera, Eastern Roman Empire | 74 / 76 |
66 | 19 February 607 – 12 November 607 (266 days) |
Boniface III BONIFACIVS Tertius |
c. 540 AD Rome, Eastern Roman Empire | 67 / 67 |
67 | 15 September 608 – 8 May 615 (6 years, 235 days) |
St Boniface IV BONIFACIVS Quartus |
c. 550 AD Marsica, Eastern Roman Empire | 58 / 65 |
68 | 13 November 615 – 8 November 618 (2 years, 360 days) |
c. 570 AD Rome, Eastern Roman Empire | 55 / 58 |
69 | 23 December 619 – 25 October 625 (5 years, 306 days) |
Boniface V BONIFACIVS Quintus |
c. 575 AD Neapolis, Eastern Roman Empire | 44 / 50 |
70 | 27 October 625 – 12 October 638 (12 years, 350 days) |
Honorius I HONORIVS |
c. 585 AD Ceperanum, Campania, Eastern Roman Empire | 40 / 53 |
71 | 28 May 640 – 2 August 640 (66 days) |
Severinus SEVERINVS |
c. 585 AD Rome, Eastern Roman Empire | 55 / 55 |
72 | 24 December 640 – 12 October 642 (1 year, 292 days) |
John IV IOANNES Quartus |
c. 587 AD Iadera, Dalmatia, Eastern Roman Empire | 40 / 42 |
73 | 24 November 642 – 14 May 649 (6 years, 171 days) |
Theodore I THEODORVS |
c. 610 AD Hierosolyma, Eastern Roman Empire | 32 / 39 |
74 | 5 July 649 – 12 November 655 (6 years, 130 days) |
St Martin I MARTINVS |
c. 590 AD Near Tuder, Umbria, Eastern Roman Empire | 59 / 65 |
75 | 10 August 654 – 2 June 657 (2 years, 296 days) |
St Eugene I EVGENIVS |
c. 615 AD Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 39 / 42 |
76 | 30 July 657 – 27 January 672 (14 years, 181 days) |
St Vitalian VITALIANVS |
c. 600 Signia, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 57 / 72 |
77 | 11 April 672 – 17 June 676 (4 years, 67 days) |
Adeodatus II ADEODATVS Secundus |
c. 621 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 51 / 55 |
78 | 2 November 676 – 11 April 678 (1 year, 160 days) |
Donus DONVS |
c. 610 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 66 / 68 |
79 | 27 June 678 – 10 January 681 (2 years, 197 days) |
St Agatho AGATHO |
c. 577 Panormus, Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire | 101 / 104 |
80 | 17 August 682 – 3 July 683 (320 days) |
St Leo II LEO Secundus |
c. 611 Aydonum, Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire | 71 / 72 |
81 | 26 June 684 – 8 May 685 (316 days) |
St Benedict II BENEDICTVS Secundus |
c. 635 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 49 / 50 |
82 | 23 July 685 – 2 August 686 (1 year, 10 days) |
John V IOANNES Quintus |
c. 635 Antiochia, Syria, Eastern Roman Empire | 50 / 51 |
83 | 21 October 686 – 21 September 687 (335 days) |
Conon CONON |
c. 630 Thracia, Eastern Roman Empire | 56 / 57 |
84 | 15 December 687 – 8 September 701 (13 years, 267 days) |
St Sergius I SERGIVS |
c. 650 Palermo, Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire | 37 / 51 |
8th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
85 | 30 October 701 – 11 January 705 (3 years, 73 days) (1169) |
John VI IOANNES Sextus |
Ioannes | c. 650 Ephesus, Eastern Roman Empire | 46 / 50 | |
86 | 1 March 705 – 18 October 707 (2 years, 231 days) (961) |
John VII IOANNES Septimus |
Ioannes | c. 655 Rossanum, Calabria, Eastern Roman Empire | 55 / 57 | |
87 | 15 January 708 – 4 February 708 (20 days) (20) |
Sisinnius SISINNIVS |
Sisinnius | c. 650 Syria, Rashidun Caliphate | 58 / 58 | |
88 | 25 March 708 – 9 April 715 (7 years, 15 days) (2571) |
Constantine CONSTANTINVS |
Constantinus | c. 664 Syria, Umayyad Caliphate | 44 / 51 | |
89 | 19 May 715 – 11 February 731 (15 years, 268 days) (5747) |
St Gregory II GREGORIVS Secundus |
Gregorius | c. 669 Rome, Duchy of Rome(Eastern Roman Empire) | 46 / 62 | |
90 | 18 March 731 – 28 November 741 (10 years, 255 days) (3908) |
St Gregory III GREGORIVS Tertius |
Gregorius | c. 669 Syria, Umayyad Caliphate | 41 / 51 | |
91 | 3 December 741 – 22 March 752 (10 years, 110 days) (3762) |
St Zachary ZACHARIAS |
Zacharias | c. 679 Sancta Severina, Calabria, Eastern Roman Empire | 62 / 73 | |
— | 22 March 752 – 25 March 752 (3)(Never took office as pope) |
Stephanus | c. 700 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 52 / 52 | |
92 | 26 March 752 – 26 April 757 (5 years, 31 days) (1857) |
Stephen II STEPHANVS Secundus |
Stephanus | c. 714 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 38 / 43 | |
93 | 29 May 757 – 28 June 767 (10 years, 30 days) (3682) |
St Paul I PAVLVS |
Paulus | c. 700 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 57 / 67 | |
94 | 7 August 768 – 24 January 772 (3 years, 170 days) (1265) |
Stephen III STEPHANVS Tertius |
Stephanus | c. 723 Syracuse, Sicily, Eastern Roman Empire | 45 / 49 | |
95 | 1 February 772 – 26 December 795 (23 years, 328 days) (8729) |
Hadrianus | c. 700–12 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 72–60 / 95–83 | |
96 | 26 December 795 – 12 June 816 (20 years, 169 days) (7474) |
St Leo III LEO Tertius |
Leo | c. 750 Rome, Duchy of Rome, Exarchate of Ravenna, Eastern Roman Empire | 45 / 66 |
9th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
97 | 22 June 816 – 24 January 817 (216 days) (216) |
Stephen IV STEPHANVS Quartus |
Stephanus | c. 770 Rome, Papal States | 46 / 47 | |
98 | 25 January 817 – 11 February 824 (7 years, 17 days) (2573) |
St Paschal I PASCHALIS |
Paschalis | c. 775 Rome, Papal States | 42 / 49 | |
99 | 8 May 824 – 27 August 827 (3 years, 111 days) (1206) |
Eugene II EVGENIVS Secundus |
Eugenius | c. 780 Rome, Papal States | 44 / 47 | |
100 | 31 August 827 – 10 October 827 (40 days) (40) |
Valentine VALENTINVS |
Valentinus | c. 780 Rome, Papal States | 47 / 47 | |
101 | 20 December 827 – 25 January 844 (16 years, 36 days) (5880) |
Gregory IV GREGORIVS Quartus |
Gregorius | c. 790 Rome, Papal States | 37 / 54 | |
102 | 25 January 844 – 27 January 847 (3 years, 2 days) (1098) |
Sergius II SERGIVS Secundus |
Sergius | c. 790 Rome, Papal States | 54 / 57 | |
103 | 10 April 847 – 17 July 855 (8 years, 98 days) (3020) |
St Leo IV LEO Quartus |
Leo | c. 790 Rome, Papal States | 57 / 65 | |
104 | 29 September 855 – 17 April 858 (2 years, 200 days) (931) |
Benedict III BENEDICTVS Tertius |
Benedictus | c. 810 Rome, Papal States | 45 / 48 | |
105 | 24 April 858 – 13 November 867 (9 years, 203 days) (3490) |
St Nicholas I (Nicholas the Great) NICOLAVS MAGNVS |
Nicolaus | c. 800 Rome, Papal States | 39 / 48 | |
106 | 14 December 867 – 14 December 872 (5 years, 0 days) (1827) |
Adrian II HADRIANVS Secundus |
Hadrianus | c. 792 Rome, Papal States | 75 / 80 | |
107 | 14 December 872 – 16 December 882 (10 years, 2 days) (3654) |
John VIII IOANNES Octavus |
Ioannes | c. 820 Rome, Papal States | 52 / 62 | |
108 | 16 December 882 – 15 May 884 (1 year, 151 days) (516) |
Marinus I MARINVS |
Marinus | c. 830 Gallese, Papal States | 52 / 54 | |
109 | 17 May 884 – 15 September 885 (1 year, 121 days) (486) |
St Adrian III HADRIANVS Tertius |
Hadrianus | c. 830 Rome, Papal States | 49 / 50 | |
110 | 14 September 885 – 4 September 891 (5 years, 355 days) (2181) |
Stephen V STEPHANVS Quintus |
Stephanus | c. 840 Rome, Papal States | 45 / 51 | |
111 | 6 October 891 – 4 April 896 (4 years, 181 days) (1642) |
Formosus FORMOSVS |
Formosus | c. 805–16 Ostia, Papal States | 75–85 / 80–91 | |
112 | 11 April 896 – 26 April 896 (15 days) (15) |
Boniface VI BONIFATIVS Sextus |
Bonifatius | c. 806 Rome, Papal States | 90 / 90 | |
113 | 22 May 896 – 14 August 897 (1 year, 84 days) (449) |
Stephanus | c. 850 Rome, Papal States | 46 / 47 | |
114 | 14 August 897 – Nov 897 (92 days) (92) |
Romanus ROMANVS |
Romanus | c. 850 Gallese, Papal States | 47 / 47 | |
115 | December 897 – 20 December 897 (19 days) (19) |
Theodore II THEODORVS Secundus |
Theodorus | c. 840 Rome, Papal States | 57 / 57 | |
116 | 18 January 898 – 5 January 900 (1 year, 352 days) (717) |
John IX IOANNES Nonus |
Ioannes | c. 840 Tivoli, Papal States | 58 / 60 | |
117 | 1 February 900 – 30 July 903 (3 years, 179 days) (1274) |
Benedict IV BENEDICTVS Quartus |
Benedictus | c. 840 Rome, Papal States | 60 / 63 |
10th century[]
Pontiff number | Pontificate | Name: English · Latin |
Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
118 | 30 July 903 – Dec 903 (124 days) (124) |
Leo V LEO Quintus |
c. 845 Ardea, Papal States | 58 / 58 (†59) |
— | October 903 – January 904 (92 days) (92) |
Christopher CHRISTOFORO |
Rome, Papal States | — |
119 | 29 January 904 – 14 April 911 (7 years, 75 days) (2632) |
Sergius III SERGIVS Tertius |
c. 860 Rome, Papal States | 44 / 51 |
120 | 14 April 911 – June 913 (2 years, 48 days) (779) |
Anastasius III ANASTASIVS Tertius |
c. 865 Rome, Papal States | 46 / 48 |
121 | 7 July 913 – 5 February 914 (213 days) (213) |
Lando LANDO |
c. 865 Sabina, Papal States | 48 / 49 |
122 | March 914 – 28 May 928 (14 years, 88 days) (5202) |
John X IOANNES Decimus |
c. 860 Tossignano, Papal States | 54 / 68 |
123 | 28 May 928 – Dec 928 (187 days) (187) |
Leo VI LEO Sextus |
c. 880 Rome, Papal States | 48 / 48 |
124 | 3 February 929 – 13 February 931 (2 years, 10 days) (740) |
Stephen VII STEPHANVS Septimus |
c. 880 Rome, Papal States | 49 / 51 |
125 | 15 March 931 – Dec 935 (4 years, 261 days) (1722) |
John XI IOANNES Undecimus |
c. 910 Rome, Papal States | 21 / 25 |
126 | 3 January 936 – 13 July 939 (3 years, 191 days) (1287) |
Leo VII LEO Septimus |
c. 885 Rome, Papal States | 41 / 44 |
127 | 14 July 939 – 30 October 942 (3 years, 108 days) (1204) |
Stephen VIII STEPHANVS Octavus |
c. 900 Rome, Papal States | 39 / 42 |
128 | 30 October 942 – 1 May 946 (3 years, 183 days) (1279) |
Marinus II MARINVS Secundus |
c. 900 Rome, Papal States | 42 / 46 |
129 | 10 May 946 – 8 November 955 (9 years, 182 days) (3469) |
Agapetus II AGAPETVS Secundus |
c. 905 Rome, Papal States | 41 / 50 |
130 | 16 December 955 – 6 December 963 (8 years, 356 days) (3278) |
John XIII OANNES Duodecimus |
c. 930–37 Rome, Papal States | 18–25 / 26–33 |
— | 6 December 963 – 26 February 964 (82 days) (82) |
Leo VIII LEO Octavus |
c. 915 Rome, Papal States | 48 / 49 |
130 | 26 February 964 – 14 May 964 (78 days) (78) |
John XII IOANNES Duodecimus |
c. 937 Rome, Papal States | 27-34 / 27-34 |
131 | 22 May 964 – 23 June 964 (32 days) (32) |
Benedict V BENEDICTVS Quintus |
c. 915 Rome, Papal States | 49 / 49 (†50) |
132 | 23 June 964 – 1 March 965 (251 days) (251) |
Leo VIII LEO Octavus |
c. 915 Rome, Papal States | 49 / 50 |
133 | 1 October 965 – 6 September 972 (6 years, 341 days) (2532) |
John XIII IOANNES Tertius Decimus |
c. 930 Rome, Papal States | 35 / 42 |
134 | 19 January 973 – 8 June 974 (1 year, 140 days) (505) |
Benedict VI BENEDICTVS Sextus |
c. 925 Rome, Papal States | 48 / 49 |
— | July 974 – July 974 (30 days) (30) |
Boniface VII BONFATIUS Septinus |
Rome, Papal States | — |
135 | October 974 – 10 July 983 (8 years, 282 days) (3204) |
Benedict VII BENEDICTVS Septimus |
c. 930 Rome, Papal States | 44 / 53 |
136 | December 983 – 20 August 984 (263 days) (263) |
John XIV IOANNES Quartus Decimus |
c. 940 Pavia, Kingdom of Italy, Holy Roman Empire | 43 / 44 |
— | 20 August 984 – 20 July 985 (334 days) (334) |
Boniface VII BONFATIUS Septinus |
Rome, Papal States | — |
137 | 20 August 985 – 1 April 996 (10 years, 225 days) (3877) |
John XV IOANNES Quintus Decimus |
c. 950 Rome, Papal States | 35 / 46 |
138 | 3 May 996 – 18 February 999 (2 years, 291 days) (1021) |
Gregory V GREGORIVS Quintus |
c. 972 Stainach, Duchy of Carinthia, Holy Roman Empire | 24 / 27 |
— | April 997 – February 998 (306 days) (306) |
John XVI IOANNES Sextus Decimus |
c. 941 Rossanum, Calabria, Italy, Eastern Roman Empire | 55 / 56 (†60) |
139 | 2 April 999 – 12 May 1003 (4 years, 40 days) (1500) |
Sylvester II SILVESTER Secundus |
c. 940–42 Belliac, France | 52–54 / 56–58 |
2nd millennium[]
11th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
140 | John XVII IOANNES Septimus Decimus |
16 May 1003 – 6 November 1003 (174 days) |
Siccone Secchi | c. 955 Rome, Papal States | 48 / 48 | |
141 | John XVIII IOANNES Duodevicesimus |
25 December 1003 – 18 July 1009 (5 years, 205 days) |
Giovanni Fasano | c. 965 Rapagnano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire |
43 / 49 | |
142 | Sergius IV SERGIVS Quartus |
31 July 1009 – 12 May 1012 (2 years, 286 days) |
Pietro Martino Boccadiporco
O.S.B. |
c. 970 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 39 / 42 | |
— | Gregory VI GREGORIVS Sextus |
12 June 1012 – 31 December 1012 (202 days) |
Gregorio | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | — | |
143 | Benedict VIII BENEDICTVS Octavus |
18 May 1012 – 9 April 1024 (11 years, 327 days) |
Teofilatto di Tuscolo | c. 980 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 32 / 44 | |
144 | John XIXIOANNES Undevicesimus | 14 May 1024 – 6 October 1032 (8 years, 145 days) |
Romano di Tuscolo | c. 975 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 57 | |
145 | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus |
21 October 1032 – 31 December 1044 (12 years, 71 days) |
Teofilatto di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 20 / 32 (†43) | |
146 | Sylvester III SILVESTER Tertius |
13 January 1045 – 10 March 1045 (56 days) |
Giovanni dei Crescenzi Ottaviani | c. 1000 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 45 / 45 (†63) | |
147 | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus |
10 March 1045 – 1 May 1045 (52 days) |
Teofilatto di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 33 / 33 (†43) | |
148 | Gregory VI GREGORIVS Sextus |
5 May 1045 – 20 December 1046 (1 year, 229 days) |
Giovanni Graziano Pierleoni | c. 1000 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 45 / 46 (†48) | |
149 | Clement II CLEMENS Secundus |
24 December 1046 – 9 October 1047 (289 days) |
Suidger von Morsleben-Hornburg | c. 967 Hornburg, Duchy of Saxony, Holy Roman Empire | 79 / 80 | |
150 | Benedict IX BENEDICTVS Nonus |
8 November 1047 – 17 July 1048 (252 days) |
Teofilatto di Tuscolo | 1012 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 35 / 36 (†43) | |
151 | Damasus II DAMASVS Secundus |
17 July 1048 – 9 August 1048 (23 days) |
Poppo de Curagnoni | c. 1000 Pildenau, Duchy of Bavaria, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 48 | |
152 | St Leo IX LEO Nonus |
12 February 1049 – 19 April 1054 (5 years, 66 days) |
Bruno von Egisheim-Dagsburg | 21 July 1002 Eguisheim, Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire | 47 / 51 | |
153 | Victor II VICTOR Secundus |
13 April 1055 –28 July 1057 (2 years, 106 days) |
Gebhard II von Calw-Dollnstein-Hirschberg | c. 1018 Duchy of Swabia, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 39 | |
154 | Stephen IX STEPHANVS Nonus (Decimus) |
2 August 1057 – 29 March 1058 (239 days) |
Frederich O.S.B. |
c. 1020 Duchy of Lorraine, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 38 | |
— | Benedict X BENEDICTVS Decimus |
4 April 1058 – 24 January 1059 (295 days) |
Giovanni Mincio di Tuscolo | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | — | |
155 | Nicholas II NICOLAVS Secundus |
6 December 1058 – 27 July 1061 (2 years, 233 days) |
Gerald de Bourgogne | c. 980 Château de Chevron, County of Savoy, Holy Roman Empire | 78 / 81 | |
— | Honorius II HONORIVS Secundus |
30 September 1061 – 1072 (10 years, 185 days) |
Pietro Candalus | 1010 Verona, March of Verona, Holy Roman Empire | 61 / 72 | |
156 | Alexander II ALEXANDER Secundus |
30 September 1061 – 21 April 1073 (11 years, 203 days) |
Anselmo da Baggio | c. 1018 Baggio, Free Commune of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 46 / 58 | |
157 | St Gregory VII GREGORIVS Septimus |
22 April 1073 – 25 May 1085 (12 years, 33 days) |
Ildebrando Aldobrandeschi di Soana O.S.B. |
c. 1015 Sovana, March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 60 | |
— | Clement III CLEMENS Tertius |
25 June 1080 – 8 September 1100 (20 years, 75 days) |
Guibert of Ravenna | 1029 Ravenna, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 51 / 71 | |
158 | Bl. Victor III VICTOR Tertius |
24 May 1086 – 16 September 1087 (1 year, 115 days) |
Dauferio Epifani Del Zotto O.S.B. |
c. 1026 Benevento, Duchy of Benevento | 60 / 61 | |
159 | Bl. Urban II VRBANVS Secundus |
12 March 1088 – 29 July 1099 (11 years, 139 days) |
Odon de Lagery O.S.B. |
c. 1042 Châtillon-sur-Marne, County of Champagne, France | 46 / 57 | |
160 | Paschal II PASCHALIS Secundus |
13 August 1099 – 21 January 1118 (18 years, 161 days) |
Rainero Ranieri O.S.B. |
c. 1050 Bleda, March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 68 | |
— | Theodoric THEODORICVS |
8 September 1100 – January 1101 (115 days) |
Teodorico | c. 1030 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 70 / 71 |
12th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
— | Adalbert ADALBERTVS |
January 1101 – February 1102 (1 year, 31 days) |
Adalberto O.S.B. |
Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | — | |
— | Sylvester IV SILVESTER Quartus |
8 November 1105 – 11 April 1111 (5 years, 154 days) |
Maguinulf | 1050 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 55 (†56) | |
161 | Gelasius II GELASIVS Secundus |
24 January 1118 – 29 January 1119 (1 year, 5 days) |
Giovanni Caetani O.S.B. |
c. 1061 Gaeta, Duchy of Gaeta | 57 / 58 | |
— | Gregory VIII GREGORIVS Octavus |
10 March 1118 – 20 April 1121 (3 years, 41 days) |
Maurice Baurdain | c. 1060 Limousin, Occitania, France | 58 / 61 (†77) | |
162 | Callixtus II CALLISTVS Secundus |
2 February 1119 – 13 December 1124 (5 years, 315 days) |
Guy | c. 1060 Quingey, County of Burgundy, Holy Roman Empire | 59 / 64 | |
— | Celestine II COELESTINVS Secundus |
16 December 1124– 16 December 1124 (0 days) |
Teobaldo Boccapecora | 1050 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 74 / 74 (†76) | |
163 | Honorius II HONORIVS Secundus |
21 December 1124 – 13 February 1130 (5 years, 54 days) |
Lamberto Scannabecchi da Fiagnano Can.Reg. |
9 February 1060 Fiagnano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 64 / 70 | |
164 | Innocent II INNOCENTIVS Secundus |
14 February 1130 – 24 September 1143 (13 years, 222 days) |
Gregorio Papareschi Can.Reg. |
c. 1082 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 61 | |
— | Anacletus II ANACLETUS Secundus |
14 February 1130 – 25 January 1138 (7 years, 345 days) |
Pietro Pierleoni O.S.B. |
1090 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 40 / 48 | |
— | Victor IV VICTOR Quartus |
23 March 1138 – 25 March 1138 (2 days) |
Gregorio Conti | Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | — | |
165 | Celestine II COELESTINVS Secundus |
26 September 1143 – 8 March 1144 (164 days) |
Guido Guelfuccio de Castello | c. 1085 Città di Castello, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 58 / 59 | |
166 | Lucius II LUCIVS Secundus |
12 March 1144 – 15 February 1145 (340 days) |
Gherardo Caccianemici dall'Orso Can.Reg. |
c. 1079 Bologna, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 65 / 66 | |
167 | Bl. Eugene III EVGENIVS Tertius |
15 February 1145 – 8 July 1153 (8 years, 143 days) |
Pietro dei Paganelli di Montemagno O.Cist. |
c. 1080 Montemagno, Republic of Pisa, Holy Roman Empire | 44 / 73 | |
168 | Anastasius IV ANASTASIVS Quartus |
12 July 1153 – 3 December 1154 (1 year, 144 days) |
Corrado Demitri della Suburra | c. 1073 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 80 / 81 | |
169 | Adrian IV HADRIANVS Quartus |
4 December 1154 – 1 September 1159 (4 years, 271 days) |
Nicholas Breakspear
Can.Reg. |
c. 1100 Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, Kingdom of England | 54 / 59 | |
170 | Alexander III ALEXANDER Tertius |
7 September 1159 – 30 August 1181 (21 years, 357 days) |
Rolando Bandinelli | c. 1100 Siena, March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 59 / 81 | |
— | Victor IV VICTOR Quartus |
7 September 1159 – 20 April 1164 (4 years, 226 days) |
Ottaviano dei Crescenzi Ottaviani di Monticelli | 1095 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 64 / 69 | |
— | Paschal III PASCALIS Tertius |
28 April 1164 – 22 September 1168 (4 years, 147 days) |
Guido di Crema | 1110 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 54 / 58 | |
— | Callixtus III CALLIXTVS Tertius |
30 September 1168 – 29 August 1178 (9 years, 333 days) |
Giovanni di Struma
O.S.B. |
1090 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 78 / 88 | |
— | Innocent III INNOCENTIVS Tertius |
29 September 1179 – January 1180 (124 days) |
Lando di Sezze (or Lanzo) | 1120 Sezze, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 59 / 60 (†63) | |
171 | Lucius III LUCIVS Tertius |
1 September 1181 – 25 November 1185 (4 years, 85 days) |
Ubaldo Allucignoli | c. 1097 Lucca, March of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 84 / 88 | |
172 | Urban III VRBANVS Tertius |
25 November 1185 – 20 October 1187 (1 year, 329 days) |
Uberto Crivelli | c. 1120 Cuggiono, Holy Roman Empire | 67 / 67 | |
173 | Gregory VIII GREGORIVS Octavus |
21 October 1187 – 17 December 1187 (57 days) |
Alberto de Morra Can.Reg. |
c. 1100 Benevento, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 87 / 87 | |
174 | Clement III CLEMENS Tertius |
19 December 1187 – 20 March 1191 (3 years, 91 days) |
Paolo Scolari | c. 1130 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 57 / 61 | |
175 | Celestine III COELESTINVS Tertius |
30 March 1191 – 8 January 1198 (6 years, 284 days) |
Giacinto Bobone Orsini | c. 1106 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 85 / 92 | |
176 | Innocent III INNOCENTIVS Tertius |
8 January 1198 – 16 July 1216 (18 years, 190 days) |
Lotario dei Conti di Segni | 1161 Gavignano, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 55 |
13th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
177 | Honorius III HONORIVS Tertius |
18 July 1216 – 18 March 1227 (10 years, 243 days) |
Cencio Savelli | c. 1148–50 Rome, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 66–68 / 77–79 | |
178 | Gregory IX GREGORIVS Nonus |
19 March 1227 – 22 August 1241 (14 years, 156 days) |
Ugolino dei Conti di Segni, O.F.S | c. 1145–70 Anagni, Papal States, Holy Roman Empire | 57–82 / 71–96 | |
179 | Celestine IV COELESTINVS Quartus |
25 October 1241 – 10 November 1241 (16 days) |
Goffredo Castiglioni | c. 1180–87 Free Commune of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 54–61 / 54–61 | |
180 | Innocent IV INNOCENTIVS Quartus |
25 June 1243 – 7 December 1254 (11 years, 165 days) |
Sinibaldo Fieschi | c. 1195 Genoa, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 48 / 60 | |
181 | Alexander IV ALEXANDER Quartus |
12 December 1254 – 25 May 1261 (6 years, 164 days) |
Rinaldo dei Conti di Jenne | c. 1199 Jenne, Papal States | 55 / 62 | |
182 | Urban IV VRBANVS Quartus |
29 August 1261 – 2 October 1264 (3 years, 34 days) |
Jacques Pantaléon | c. 1195 Troyes, County of Champagne, France | 66 / 69 | |
183 | Clement IV CLEMENSQuartus |
5 February 1265 – 29 November 1268 (3 years, 298 days) |
Gui Faucoi | 23 November 1190 Saint-Gilles, Languedoc, France | 62 / 66 | |
— | Interregnum | |||||
184 | Bl. Gregory X GREGORIVS Decimus |
1 September 1271 – 10 January 1276 (4 years, 131 days) |
Tebaldo Visconti, O.F.S | c. 1210 Free Commune of Piacenza, Holy Roman Empire | 51 / 66 | |
185 | Bl. Innocent V INNOCENTIVS Quintus |
21 January 1276 – 22 June 1276 (153 days) |
Pierre de Tarentaise, O.P. | c. 1224/5 County of Savoy, Holy Roman Empire | 52 / 52 | |
186 | Adrian V HADRIANVS Quintus |
11 July 1276 – 18 August 1276 (38 days) |
Ottobuono Fieschi | c. 1216 Genoa, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 60 / 60 | |
187 | John XXI IOANNES Vicesimus Primus |
8 September 1276 – 20 May 1277 (254 days) |
Pedro Julião (a.k.a. Petrus Hispanus and Pedro Hispano) | c. 1215 Lisbon, Portugal | 60 / 70 | |
188 | Nicholas III NICOLAVSTertius |
25 November 1277 – 22 August 1280 (2 years, 271 days) |
Giovanni Gaetano Orsini | c. 1216 Rome, Papal States | 61 / 64 | |
189 | Martin IV MARTINVS Quartus |
22 February 1281 – 28 March 1285 (4 years, 34 days) |
Simon de Brion | c. 1210 Meinpicien, Touraine, France | 71 / 75 | |
190 | Honorius IV HONORIVS Quartus |
2 April 1285 – 3 April 1287 (2 years, 1 day) |
Giacomo Savelli | c. 1210 Rome, Papal States | 75 / 77 | |
191 |
Nicholas IV |
22 February 1288 – 4 April 1292 (4 years, 42 days) |
Girolamo Masci, O.F.M. | 30 September 1227 Lisciano, Papal States | 60 / 64 | |
— | Interregnum | |||||
192 | St Celestine V COELESTINVS Quintus |
5 July 1294 – 13 December 1294 (161 days) |
Pietro Angelerio, O.S.B. | 1215 Sant'Angelo Limosano, Kingdom of Sicily | 79 / 79 (†81) | |
193 | Boniface VIII BONIFATIVS Octavus |
24 December 1294 – 11 October 1303 (8 years, 291 days) |
Benedetto Caetani | c. 1230–36 Anagni, Papal States | 59–64 / 68–73 |
14th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin | Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/ end of papacy |
194 | Bl. Benedict XI BENEDICTVS Undecimus |
22 October 1303 – 7 July 1304 (259 days) |
Niccolò Boccasini, O.P. | c. 1240 Treviso, Papal States | 63 / 64 | |
195 | Clement V CLEMENS Quintus |
5 June 1305 – 20 April 1314 (8 years, 319 days) |
Raymond Bertrand de Gouth | c. 1264 Villandraut, Gascony, France | 41 / 50 | |
— | Interregnum | |||||
196 | John XXII IOANNES Vicesimus Secundus |
7 August 1316 – 4 December 1334 (18 years, 119 days) |
Jacques d'Euse; Jacques Duèse | c. 1244–49 Cahors, Quercy, France | 67–72 / 85–90 | |
— | Nicholas V NICOLAVS Quintus |
12 May 1328 – 25 July 1330 (2 years, 74 days) |
Pietro Rainalducci, O.F.M. |
1260 Corvaro, Papal States | 68 / 70 (†73) | |
197 | Benedict XII BENEDICTVS Duodecimus |
20 December 1334 – 25 April 1342 (7 years, 126 days) |
Jacques Fournier, O.Cist. | c. 1280–85 Saverdun, County of Foix, France | 49–54 / 57–62 | |
198 | Clement VI CLEMENS Sextus |
7 May 1342 – 6 December 1352 (10 years, 213 days) |
Pierre Roger, O.S.B. | c. 1291 Maumont, Limousin, France | 51 / 61 | |
199 | Innocent VI INNOCENTIVS Sextus |
18 December 1352 – 12 September 1362 (9 years, 268 days) |
Étienne Aubert | c. 1282 Les Monts, Limousin, France | 70 / 80 | |
200 | Bl. Urban V VRBANVS Quintus |
28 September 1362 – 19 December 1370 (8 years, 82 days) |
Guillaume (de) Grimoard, O.S.B. | c. 1309–10 Grizac, Languedoc, France | 52–53 / 60–61 | |
201 | Gregory XI GREGORIVS Undecimus |
30 December 1370 – 27 March 1378 (7 years, 87 days) |
Pierre Roger de Beaufort | c. 1329 Maumont, Limousin, France | 41 / 49 | |
202 | Urban VI VRBANVS Sextus |
8 April 1378 – 15 October 1389 (11 years, 190 days) |
Bartolomeo Prignano | c. 1318 Naples, Kingdom of Naples | 60 / 71 | |
— | Clement VII CLEMENS Septimus |
20 September 1378 – 16 September 1394 (15 years, 353 days) |
Robert de Genève | 1342 Chateau d'Annecy, County of Savoy, H.R.E. | 36 / 52 | |
— | Benedict XIII BENEDICTVS Tertius Decimus |
28 September 1394 – 23 May 1423 (28 years, 237 days) |
Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor | 25 November 1328 Illueca, Aragon | 66 / 94 | |
203 | Boniface IX BONIFATIVS Nonus |
2 November 1389 – 1 October 1404 (14 years, 334 days) |
Pietro Tomacelli Cybo | c. 1348–50 Naples, Kingdom of Naples | c. 39-41 / c. 54-56 |
15th century[]
Pontiff | Portrait | Name: English
· Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/
end of papacy |
204 | Innocent VII INNOCENTIVS Septimus |
17 October 1404 – 6 November 1406 (2 years, 20 days) |
Cosimo Gentile Migliorati | 1336–39 Sulmona, Kingdom of Naples | 65–68 / 67–71 | |
205 | Gregory XII GREGORIVS Duodecimus |
30 November 1406 – 4 July 1415 (8 years, 216 days) |
Angelo Correr | 1327 Venice, Republic of Venice | c. 79 / 88 (†90) | |
— | Alexander V ALEXANDER Quintus |
30 June 1409 – 3 May 1410 (307 days) |
Pétros Philárgēs, O.F.M. |
1339 Neapoli, Candia, Republic of Venice | 70 / 71 | |
— | John XXIII IOANNES Vicesimus Tertius |
25 May 1410 – 30 May 1415 (5 years, 5 days) |
Baldassarre Cossa | 1365 Procida, Naples | 45 / 50 (†54) | |
— | Interregnum | |||||
206 | Martin V MARTINVS Quintus |
11 November 1417 – 20 February 1431 (13 years, 101 days) |
Oddone Colonna, O.F.S | Jan/Feb 1369 Genazzano, Papal States | 48 / 62 | |
— | Clement VIII CLEMENS Octavus |
10 or 20 June 1423 – 26 July 1429 (6 years, 36 days) |
Gil Sánchez Muñoz y Carbón | 1369 Teruel, Aragon | 54 / 60 (†77) | |
Antipope Benedict XIV | 1424 – 1429 | Bernard Garnier | France | |||
Antipope Benedict XIV | 1430 – 1437 | Jean Carrier | France | |||
207 | Eugene IV EVGENIVS Quartus |
3 March 1431 – 23 February 1447 (15 years, 357 days) |
Gabriele Condulmer, O.S.A. | 1383 Venice, Republic of Venice | 47 / 63 | |
— | Felix V FELIX Quintus |
5 November 1439 – 7 April 1449 (9 years, 153 days) |
Amadeus | 4 September 1383 Chambéry, France | 56 / 65 (†67) | |
208 | Nicholas V NICOLAVS Quintus |
6 March 1447 – 24 March 1455 (8 years, 18 days) |
Tommaso Parentucelli | 13 November 1397 Sarzana, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 49 / 57 | |
209 | Callixtus III CALLISTVS Tertius |
8 April 1455 – 6 August 1458 (3 years, 120 days) |
Alfonso de Borja | 31 December 1378 Xàtiva, Kingdom of Valencia, Crown of Aragon | 76 / 79 | |
210 | Pius II PIVS Secundus |
19 August 1458 – 15 August 1464 (5 years, 362 days) |
Enea Silvio Piccolomini | 18 October 1405 Corsignano, Republic of Siena, Holy Roman Empire | 52 / 58 | |
211 | Paul II PAVLVS Secundus |
30 August 1464 – 26 July 1471 (6 years, 330 days) |
Pietro Barbo | 23 February 1417 Venice, Republic of Venice | 47 / 54 | |
212 | Sixtus IV SYXTVS Quartus |
9 August 1471 – 12 August 1484 (13 years, 3 days) |
Francesco della Rovere, O.F.M. | 21 July 1414 Celle Ligure, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 57 / 70 | |
213 | Innocent VIII INNOCENTIVS Octavus |
29 August 1484 – 25 July 1492 (7 years, 331 days) |
Giovanni Battista Cybo | 1432 Genoa, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 51 / 59 | |
214 | Alexander VI ALEXANDER Sextus |
11 August 1492 – 18 August 1503 (11 years, 7 days) |
Roderic Llançol i de Borja | 1 January 1431 Xàtiva, Kingdom of Valencia, Crown of Aragon | 61 / 72 |
16th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/ end of papacy |
215 | Pius III PIVS Tertius |
22 September 1503 – 18 October 1503 (26 days) |
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini | 29 May 1439 Siena, Republic of Siena, Holy Roman Empire | 64 / 64 | |
216 | Julius II IVLIVS Secundus |
31 October 1503 – 21 February 1513 (9 years, 113 days) |
Giuliano della Rovere, O.F.M. | 5 December 1443 Albisola, Republic of Genoa, Holy Roman Empire | 59 / 69 | |
217 | Leo X LEO Decimus |
9 March 1513 – 1 December 1521 (8 years, 267 days) |
Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici | 11 December 1475 Florence, Republic of Florence, Holy Roman Empire | 37 / 45 | |
218 | Adrian VI HADRIANVS Sextus |
9 January 1522 – 14 September 1523 (1 year, 248 days) |
Aryaen Floriszoon Boeyens | 2 March 1459 Utrecht, Bishopric of Utrecht, Holy Roman Empire (now Netherlands) | 62 / 64 | |
219 | Clement VII CLEMENS Septimus |
26 November 1523 – 25 September 1534 (10 years, 303 days) |
Giulio di Giuliano de' Medici | 26 May 1478 Florence, Republic of Florence, Holy Roman Empire | 45 / 56 | |
220 | Paul III PAVLVS Tertius |
13 October 1534 – 10 November 1549 (15 years, 28 days) |
Alessandro Farnese | 29 February 1468 Canino, Lazio, Papal States | 66 / 81 | |
221 | Julius III IVLIVS Tertius |
7 February 1550 – 29 March 1555 (5 years, 50 days) |
Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte | 10 September 1487 Rome, Lazio, Papal States | 62 / 67 | |
222 | Marcellus II MARCELLVS Secundus |
9 April 1555 – 1 May 1555 (22 days) |
Marcello Cervini degli Spannochi | 6 May 1501 Montefano, Marche, Papal States | 53 / 53 | |
223 | Paul IV PAVLVS Quartus |
23 May 1555 – 18 August 1559 (4 years, 87 days) |
Giovanni Pietro Carafa, C.R. | 28 June 1476 Capriglia Irpina, Campania, Kingdom of Naples | 78 / 83 | |
224 | Pius IV PIVS Quartus |
26 December 1559 – 9 December 1565 (5 years, 348 days) |
Giovanni Angelo Medici | 31 March 1499 Milan, Duchy of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 60 / 66 | |
225 | St Pius V PIVS Quintus |
7 January 1566 – 1 May 1572 (6 years, 115 days) |
Antonio Ghislieri, O.P. | 17 January 1504 Bosco, Piedmont, Duchy of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 61 / 68 | |
226 | Gregory XIII GREGORIVS Tertius Decimus |
13 May 1572 – 10 April 1585 (12 years, 332 days) |
Ugo Boncompagni | 7 January 1502 Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Papal States | 70 / 83 | |
227 | Sixtus V SYXTVS Quintus |
24 April 1585 – 27 August 1590 (5 years, 125 days) |
Felice Peretti di Montalto, O.F.M. Conv. | 13 December 1521 Grottammare, Marche, Papal States | 63 / 68 | |
228 | Urban VII VRBANVS Septimus |
15 September 1590 – 27 September 1590 (12 days) |
Giovanni Battista Castagna | 4 August 1521 Rome, Lazio, Papal States | 69 / 69 | |
229 | Gregory XIV GREGORIVS Quartus Decimus |
5 December 1590 – 16 October 1591 (315 days) |
Niccolò Sfondrati | 11 February 1535 Somma Lombardo, Lombardy, Duchy of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 55 / 56 | |
230 | Innocent IX INNOCENTIVS Nonus |
29 October 1591 – 30 December 1591 (62 days) |
Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti | 20 July 1519 Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Papal States | 72 / 72 | |
231 | Clement VIII CLEMENS Octavus |
30 January 1592 – 3 March 1605 (13 years, 32 days) |
Ippolito Aldobrandini | 24 February 1536 Fano, Marche, Papal States | 55 / 69 |
17th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English
· Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
232 | Leo XI LEO Undecimus |
1 April 1605 – 27 April 1605 (26 days) |
Alessandro Ottaviano de' Medici | 2 June 1535 Florence, Duchy of Florence, Holy Roman Empire | 69 / 69 | |
233 | Paul V PAVLVS Quintus |
16 May 1605 – 28 January 1621 (15 years, 257 days) |
Camillo Borghese | 17 September 1550 Rome, Lazio, Papal States | 52 / 68 | |
234 | Gregory XV GREGORIVS Quintus Decimus |
9 February 1621 – 8 July 1623 (2 years, 149 days) |
Alessandro Ludovisi | 9 January 1554 Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Papal States | 67 / 69 | |
235 | Urban VIII VRBANVS Octavus |
6 August 1623 – 29 July 1644 (20 years, 358 days) |
Maffeo Barberini | 5 April 1568 Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 55 / 76 | |
236 | Innocent X INNOCENTIVS Decimus |
15 September 1644 – 7 January 1655 (10 years, 114 days) |
Giovanni Battista Pamphilj | 6 May 1574 Rome, Lazio, Papal States | 70 / 80 | |
237 | Alexander VII ALEXANDER Septimus |
7 April 1655 – 22 May 1667 (12 years, 45 days) |
Fabio Chigi | 13 February 1599 Siena, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 56 / 68 | |
238 | Clement IX CLEMENS Nonus |
20 June 1667 – 9 December 1669 (2 years, 172 days) |
Giulio Rospigliosi | 28 January 1600 Pistoia, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Holy Roman Empire | 67 / 69 | |
239 | Clement X CLEMENS Decimus |
29 April 1670 – 22 July 1676 (6 years, 84 days) |
Emilio Bonaventura Altieri | 13 July 1590 Rome, Lazio, Papal States | 79 / 86 | |
240 | Bl. Innocent XI INNOCENTIVS Undecimus |
21 September 1676 – 12 August 1689 (12 years, 325 days) |
Benedetto Odescalchi | 16 May 1611 Como, Lombardy, Duchy of Milan, Holy Roman Empire | 65 / 78 | |
241 | Alexander VIII ALEXANDER Octavus |
6 October 1689 – 1 February 1691 (1 year, 118 days) |
Pietro Vito Ottoboni | 22 April 1610 Venice, Republic of Venice | 79 / 80 | |
242 | Innocent XII INNOCENTIVS Duodecimus |
12 July 1691 – 27 September 1700 (9 years, 77 days) |
Antonio Pignatelli, O.F.S | 13 March 1615 Spinazzola, Apulia, Kingdom of Naples | 76 / 85 |
18th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin | Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/ end of papacy |
243 | Clement XI CLEMENS Undecimus |
23 November 1700 – 19 March 1721 (20 years, 116 days) |
Giovanni Francesco Albani | 23 July 1649 Urbino, Marche, Papal States | 51 / 71 | |
244 | Innocent XIII INNOCENTIVS Tertius Decimus |
8 May 1721 – 7 March 1724 (2 years, 304 days) |
Michelangelo dei Conti | 13 May 1655 Poli, Lazio, Papal States | 65 / 68 | |
245 | Servant of God Benedict XIII BENEDICTVS Tertius Decimus |
29 May 1724 – 21 February 1730 (5 years, 268 days) |
Pietro Francesco Orsini, O.P. | 2 February 1649 Gravina in Puglia, Bari, Kingdom of Naples | 75 / 81 | |
246 | Clement XII CLEMENS Duodecimus |
12 July 1730 – 6 February 1740 (9 years, 209 days) |
Lorenzo Corsini, O.F.S | 7 April 1652 Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany | 78 / 87 | |
247 | Benedict XIV BENEDICTVS Quartus Decimus |
17 August 1740 – 3 May 1758 (17 years, 259 days) |
Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini | 31 March 1675 Bologna, Papal States | 65 / 83 | |
248 | Clement XIII CLEMENS Tertius Decimus |
6 July 1758 – 2 February 1769 (10 years, 211 days) |
Carlo della Torre di Rezzonico | 7 March 1693 Venice, Republic of Venice | 65 / 75 | |
249 | Clement XIV CLEMENS Quartus Decimus |
19 May 1769 – 22 September 1774 (5 years, 126 days) |
Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli, O.F.M. Conv. | 31 October 1705 Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, Papal States | 63 / 68 | |
250 | Pius VI PIVS Sextus |
15 February 1775 – 29 August 1799 (24 years, 195 days) |
Count Giovanni Angelo Braschi | 25 December 1717 Cesena, Emilia-Romagna, Papal States | 57 / 81 | |
— | Interregnum |
19th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
251 | Servant of God Pius VII PIVS Septimus |
14 March 1800 – 20 August 1823 (23 years, 159 days) |
Count Barnaba Niccolò Maria Luigi Chiaramonti, O.S.B. | 14 August 1742 Cesena, Emilia-Romagna, Papal States | 57 / 81 | |
252 | Leo XII LEO Duodecimus |
28 September 1823 – 10 February 1829 (5 years, 135 days) |
Count Annibale Francesco Clemente Melchiore Girolamo Nicola Sermattei della Genga | 22 August 1760 Genga, Marche, Papal States | 63 / 68 | |
253 | Pius VIII PIVS Octavus |
31 March 1829 – 30 November 1830 (1 year, 244 days) |
Francesco Saverio Castiglioni | 20 November 1761 Cingoli, Marche, Papal States | 67 / 69 | |
254 | Gregory XVI GREGORIVS Sextus Decimus |
2 February 1831 – 1 June 1846 (15 years, 119 days) |
Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari, O.S.B. Cam. | 18 September 1765 Belluno, Veneto, Republic of Venice | 65 / 80 | |
255 | Bl. Pius IX PIVS Nonus |
16 June 1846 – 7 February 1878 (31 years, 236 days) |
Count Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, O.F.S. | 13 May 1792 Senigallia, Marche, Papal States | 54 / 85 | |
256 | Leo XIII LEO Tertius Decimus |
20 February 1878 – 20 July 1903 (25 years, 150 days) |
Gioacchino Vincenzo Raffaele Luigi Pecci, O.F.S. | 2 March 1810 Carpineto Romano, Lazio, French Empire | 67 / 93 |
20th century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
257 | St Pius X PIVS Decimus |
4 August 1903 – 20 August 1914 (11 years, 16 days) |
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto | 2 June 1835 Riese, Treviso, Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia | 68 / 79 | |
258 | Benedict XV BENEDICTVS Quintus Decimus |
3 September 1914 – 22 January 1922 (7 years, 141 days) |
Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista Della Chiesa | 21 November 1854 Pegli, Genoa, Kingdom of Sardinia | 59 / 67 | |
259 | Pius XI PIVS Undecimus |
6 February 1922 – 10 February 1939 (17 years, 4 days) |
Achille Ambrogio Damiano Ratti | 31 May 1857 Desio, Milan, Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia | 64 / 81 | |
260 | Ven. Pius XII PIVS Duodecimus |
2 March 1939 – 9 October 1958 (19 years, 221 days) |
Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli | 2 March 1876 Rome, Italy | 63 / 82 | |
261 | St John XXIII IOANNES Vicesimus Tertius |
28 October 1958 – 3 June 1963 (4 years, 218 days) |
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli | 25 November 1881 Sotto il Monte, Bergamo, Italy | 76 / 81 | |
262 | St Paul VI PAVLVS Sextus |
21 June 1963 – 6 August 1978 (15 years, 46 days) |
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini | 26 September 1897 Concesio, Brescia, Italy | 65 / 80 | |
263 | Bl. John Paul I IOANNES PAVLVS Primus |
26 August 1978 – 28 September 1978 (33 days) |
Albino Luciani | 17 October 1912 Forno di Canale, Belluno, Italy | 65 / 65 | |
264 | St John Paul II IOANNES PAVLVS Secundus |
16 October 1978 – 2 April 2005 (26 years, 168 days) |
Karol Józef Wojtyła | 18 May 1920 Wadowice, Poland | 58 / 84 |
3rd millennium[]
21st century[]
Pontiff number | Portrait | Name: English · Latin |
Pontificate | Personal name | Date and Place of birth | Age at start/end of papacy |
265 | Benedict XVI BENEDICTVS Sextus Decimus |
19 April 2005 – 28 February 2013 (7 years, 315 days) |
Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger | 16 April 1927 Marktl, Bavaria, Germany |
78 / 85 (†95) | |
266 | Francis I FRANCISCVS |
13 March 2013 – 20 June 2024 (11 years 102 days) |
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, S.J. | 17 December 1936 Flores, Buenos Aires, Argentina | 76/87 (†91) | |
267 | Clement XV CLEMENS Quintus Decimus |
20 July 2024 - (Reigning) |
Luigi Emmanuele Bennaro | 20 June 1941 Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Kingdom of Italy | 83 |