Alternative History

This is a list of the Popes of the Roman Catholic Church, from 1400 to the present. The Pope, as head of the Catholic Church, is considered to be the legitimate representative of God's will on Earth and the earthly center of the Christian faith. While this is not recognized everywhere, it does hold sway for most of Western Europe and some isolated areas in the Middle East. 

The Pope is also the sovereign over the Papal States.


  Latin Rite
  Orthodox Rite
  Northern Rite
# Regnal Name Personal Name Pontificate From
203 Boniface IX Pietro Tomacelli 1389-1404 Naples, Kingdom of Naples
Western Schism, other details
204 Innocent VII Landolfo Maramaldo 1405-1415 Naples, Kingdom of Naples
Ended Western Schism, other details
205 John XXIII Angelo d'Accostella 1417-1445 Rhodes, Hospitaller Rhodes
First Hospitaller Pope; Hussite Heresy and Concord of Luxembourg; Greek Crusade and Liberation of Constantinople; Partial resolution of East-West Schism
206 Callixtus III Jacobus Palladinus de Teramo 1445-1449 Naples, Kingdom of Naples
Re-issuing of Sicut Judaeis (1447) and Etsi Judaeorum (1448) in opposition to mass anti-Semetic pograms throughout Europe; Invention of printing press in Cologne and subsequent Bull Ex Machina (1448)
207 Callixtus IV Juan Carlos Cortez 1451-1477 Burgos, Kingdom of Castile
First Spanish Pope; 1454 establishment of the Castilian Guard from troops gifted from Spain; Discipulina Antiqua (1455) empowers the Inquisition to crack down on laxity in clerical discipline; Bull Unus Panis, Unum Corpus (1468) establishes the sui iuris 'Reformed Northern Catholic Church of the Hussite Rite'; Norway ordered to re-settle Greenland (1468); Issues Bull Indulgentarium Doctrina (1471) banning indulgences which involve transfers of money
208 Leo X Fernando Perez 1478-1520 Toledo, Kingdom of Castile
War of the Grand Mediterranean Coalition; Bulgarian Crusade; Crackdown on lax monastic discipline; Writes on inculpable ignorance of the Faith (1486) after the collapse of the Greenland settlement; Ecclesiae Cardinalibus (1506) lowers number of votes required for a Pope to be elected from 10 to 8; Rule of the Immaculata approved (1516)
209 Adrian VI Thomas Rotherham 1520-1545 St Albans, Kingdom of England
Jaegerite and Kappelist movements emerge; Ecumenical Council of Cologne (1522-1534); Re-Schism of Eastern Churches under Bulgaria (1530); Mission to Japan begins (1533); Bull Dilexit Deus (1541) bans enslavement of New World natives
210 Gregory XII Himler von Stein 1546-1579 Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia
First Northern Rite Pope; Foundation of Northern-Rite "Berlin Mission Society" (1560); Erection of the sui iuris "Sakhan Church of the East" (1564); Gregorian Calendar promulgated (1565); Japanese Civil War: victorious Catholic Shogun granted title Fidei Defensor (1569); Maryland established under protection of Hospitallers (1577)
211 Innocent VIII Guglielmo Roncalli 1580-1622 Ravenna, Papal States
Dioceses erected in Nagasaki (1583) and Kyoto, Japan; Mission to Andes region (began 1580s); Rise of the conservative Angelicum faction (1593); Promulgation of the 'Innocentine Mass' in the Latin Rite (1594); Hitlerism condemned (1594); Scientific heliocentrism cleared of theological error (1599); Regnans in Excelsis condemns Hitlerism, calls for a crusade (1601); Hitlerite Crusade (1601-1619); Permits viri probati to the diaconate in Tondo Mission (1604); Papal occupation of formerly Hitlerite Lombardy (1619)
212 Zachary II Baldrich von Hochstaden 1623-1656 Prüm, Imperial Abbey of Prüm
First Archbishop of Cologne elevated to the Papacy; Encyclical Pedes Christi on Christ's love for all mankind (1630); Former Hitlerite Italy comes under direct Papal control (1630); Anatolian Crusade: approx. 5,000 Papal troops take part; Begins Investigation into the Condition of the Missions (1640); Constitutes Legatine Courts to solve disputes in Mission territories (1655); Approval given to the Hospitallers' "High Seas Crusade" (1656)
213 Cornelius II Cornelius Ricci 1657-1693 Rome, Papal States
Patron of prominent composer Fritz Wolfenburg; Our Lady of Pituba apparitions (1597), given papal recognition 1662; Neo-Hitlerite rioting (1663-5) and March on Rome (1665-6), ultimately crushed; England and colonies placed under interdict for breaking the Papal Truce of the Treaty of Rome (1665) lifted following year; Great Fire of Rome (1666); Kidnap of Cornelius in Bari (1675); Cornelius freed by Papal and Saxon force (1680); Encyclical Plane compertum on East Asian rites (1682); Encyclical Mulieres honore on feminism and the dignity of womanhood (1691)
214 Zosimus II Paulo Ricci 1694-1717 Rome, Papal States
Nephew of Cornelius II; Conquered Montferrat whilst Cardinal-Legate of Milan (1688-91); Modernized Papal military (1695-9); Joint Bull with the Grand Patriarch mutually recognizing Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Sacraments (1702)
215 Urban VII Mateo Lopez 1719-1745 Madrid, Iberia
Declaration on Christ sent to Coptic Pope Mark III (1721); Victim of a scurrilous rumor (proven false), that he had relations with Maria-Theresa Cornaro, first female professor at a European university (1722); Ecumenical Council of Alexandria (1725-1731)
215 Michael I Mikhail Konstanov 1747-1763 Constantinople, Belka
First Patriarch of Constantinople to be elected Pope; Avignon Schism (1748-1762); Britain regained for Rome (1750); Encyclical Ut omnes unum sunt for Church unity (1750); Fifth Council of the Lateran (1755-1762) healed Avignon Schism; Abdicated (1763)
Antipope Alexander V X Borja 1748-1762 Paris, France
Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris; Instigator of schismatic 1748 'Avignon Conclave'; Appointed "nephew" (illegitimate son) a cardinal (1750); Repealed Sicut Judaeis and Dilexit Deus, thereby lifting bans on persecuting Jews, and slavery (in schismatic countries only)
217 Innocent IX Antonio Fraternelli 1764-1795 Bologna, Papal States
Formerly Patriarch of the Latin Rite; Papal-Italian War (1766-7), part of the larger Seven Years' War (1760-7); Establishment of the Parlamento to assist with secular governance, inspired by Neoscholasticism, esp. Kant (1769); Council of Vasiligrad convened (1786); Encyclical Immensa dolor on the revolutions across Europe (1794)
218 Henry Henry Watford 1796-1815 Centerbury, Great Britain
Formerly Archbishop of Canterbury; Rise of Napoleon; End of Council of Vasiligrad (1796); Papal-Napoleonic Detente, Henry recognizes Napoleon as Emperor (1806); Re-issue of Sicut Judaeis, with explicit protection for Gypsies (1811)
219 Michael II NAME TBD 1816- Vasiligrad, Belka
Formerly Ecumenical Patriarch; Napoleon turns on the Papacy (1815); Elected despite Napoleon's opposition; Papal military crushed in Battle near Adriatic (1817); Hawaii (1819) and Uluru (1826) raised to diocese

1835 - New Pope, NAME TBD, formerly Latin Patriarch

1879 - New Pope, Urban VIII, formerly Archbishop of Valencia

1916 - New Pope, Benedict XIII, formerly Latin Patriarch