Alternative History
Alternative History
President of Brazil
Bandeira do Presidente do Brasil
Dilma Rousseff (2011-)
Dilma Rousseff
Style Mister/Madam President
Residence Palácio da Alvorada
Appointer Popular vote
Term length Four years, renewable once consecutively
Salary R$320,678

The president of Brazil is the government chief while the emperor is the chief of state. The figure of the president is the same of the prime-minister in parliamentarism but the president is elected by popular vote and not by the majority of parliament. The emperor has full power to dismiss the head of the government at any time.

List of presidents of Brazil (since 1879)[]

01. 1879-1884: Afonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo, Viscount of Ouro Preto (Conservative)

02. 1884-1891: Gaspar da Silveira Martins (Independent)

03. 1891-1893: Floriano Peixoto, Marquis of Desterro (Military)

04. 1893-1898: Prudente de Morais (Liberal)

05. 1898-1902: Campos Sales, Duke of Campinas (Liberal)

06. 1902-1910: Rodrigues Alves, Viscount of Guaratingueta (Conservative)

07. 1910-1913: Hermes da Fonseca (Military)

08. 1913-1914: Venceslau Brás, Earl of Betim (Conservative) - 1st Term

09. 1914-1916: Nilo Peçanha (Conservative)

10. 1916-1921: Venceslau Brás, Earl of Betim (Conservative) - 2nd Term

11. 1921-1925: Epitácio Pessoa, Marquis of Paraiba (Liberal)

12. 1925-1930: Washington Luis (Conservative)

13. 1930-1937: Getúlio Vargas, Duke of Alegrete (Labourist) - 1st Term

14. 1937-1939: Góis Monteiro (Liberal)

15. 1939-1946: Getúlio Vargas, Duke of Alegrete (Labourist) - 2nd Term

16. 1946-1951: Eurico Dutra, Earl of Cuiaba (Social-Democrat)

17. 1951-1955: Getúlio Vargas, Duke of Alegrete (Labourist) - 3rd Term

18. 1955-1962: Juscelino Kubitschek, Earl of Uberlandia (Social-Democrat) - 1st Term

19. 1962-1964: Carlos Lacerda (National)

20. 1964-1968: João Goulart, Lord Goulart (Labourist)

21. 1968-1972: Tancredo Neves, Viscount of Poços de Caldas (Democrat)

22. 1972-1976: Juscelino Kubitschek, Earl of Uberlandia (Social-Democrat) - 2nd Term

23. 1976-1979: Ulysses Guimarães, Viscount of Angra dos Reis (Democrat)

24. 1979-1980: Darcy Ribeiro, Lord Ribeiro (Social-Labourist)

25. 1980-1983: Mário Andreazza, Marquis of Caxias do Sul (New Conservative)

26. 1983-1988: Leonel Brizola, Earl of São Borja (Democratic Labourist)

27. 1988-1990: Fernando Collor, Marquis of Maceio (National)

28. 1990-1993: Itamar Franco, Viscount of Montes Claros (Democratic)

29. 1993-1998: Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lord Cardoso (New Conservative)

30. 1998-2001: Antônio Carlos Magalhães, Duke of Salvador (Democrat)

31. 2001-2007: Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, Lord Inácio da Silva (Social-Labourist)

32. 2007-2011: José Serra, Lord Serra (Social-Democrat)

33. 2011-: Dilma Rousseff, Lady Rousseff (Social-Labourist)