Alternative History
Alternative History

This page lists every President of the United Socialist Commonwealth of America.

The President of the United Socialist Commonwealth was the head of state of the USCA, until its merger into the position of General Secretary of the USCA with the new constitution of 1939. It was a mostly ceremonial role, having much less power than the General Secretary or the old office of the President of the United States. The president was expected to handle the diplomatic entanglements of the USCA, meeting with foreign leaders and such, though he had little input in the decision making process of foreign policy. The president was also responsible for the public communication of government to the people, meaning he had to make state of the union addresses and occasionally speak directly to the people. The president was elected to four year terms by a direct popular vote. In the event of the president's death, the role would pass to the General Secretary until the next election, or, if the position of General Secretary was also vacant, it would pass to either the Secretary of Labor or the Secretary of Government, whichever Congress decided.

List of Presidents[]

Presidents of the USCA
No. Name Portrait Took Office Left Office Party
1 Kirk Kirkpatrick George Ross Kirkpatrick April 10, 1930 April 10, 1934 Socialist
2 Norman Thomas Norman Thomas 1937 April 10, 1934 July 11, 1937 Socialist
Acting Earl Browder Earl Browder July 11, 1937 April 10, 1938 Communist
3 Earl Browder Earl Browder April 10, 1938 November 2, 1939 Communist

Records and Stats[]

Record Holder Value
Youngest Earl Browder 46 years old
Oldest Kirk Kirkpatrick 67 years old
Oldest (at inauguration) Kirk Kirkpatrick 63 years old

Party Presidents
Socialist 2
Communist 1