Alternative History

This is based on the 2006 film "Death of a President" which depicts the assassination of George W. Bush on October 19th, 2007.

Portrait President Lifespan Began Term Ended Term Party #
George washington image
George Washington February 22nd, 1732 - December 14th, 1799 April 30th, 1789 March 4th, 1797 IN 1
John Adams October 30th, 1735 - July 4th, 1826 March 4th, 1797 March 4th, 1801 F 2
File:220px-Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale, 1800.jpg
Thomas Jefferson April 13th, 1743 - July 4th, 1826 March 4th, 1801 March 4th, 1809 DR 3
James Madison March 16th, 1751 - June 28th, 1836 March 4th, 1809 March 4th, 1817 DR 4
James Monroe April 28th, 1758 - July 4th, 1831 March 4th, 1817 March 4th, 1825 DR 5
John Quincy Adams by GPA Healy, 1858
John Quincy Adams July 11th, 1767 - February 23rd, 1848 March 4th, 1825 March 4th, 1829 DR 6
Andrew Jackson Daguerrotype-crop
Andrew Jackson March 15th, 1767 - June 8th, 1845 March 4th, 1829 March 4th, 1837 D 7
File:Martin-Van Buren-9515025-1-402-1-.jpg
Martin Van Buren December 5th, 1782 - July 24th, 1862 March 4th, 1837 March 4th, 1841 D 8
William Henry Harrison, 1835
William Henry Harrison February 9th, 1773 - April 4th, 1841 March 4th, 1841 April 4th, 1841 (DIED IN OFFICE) W 9
John tyler jr
John Tyler March 29th, 1790 - January 18th, 1862 April 4th, 1841 March 4th, 1845 W 10
James K. Polk November 2nd, 1795 - June 15th, 1849 March 4th, 1845 March 4th, 1849 D 11
Zachary Taylor2
Zachary Taylor November 24th, 1784 - July 9th, 1850 March 4th, 1849 July 9th, 1850 (DIED IN OFFICE) W 12
Millard Fillmore January 7th, 1800 - March 8th, 1874 July 9th, 1850 March 4th, 1853 W 13
Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce November 23rd, 1804 - October 8th, 1869 March 4th, 1853 March 4th, 1857 D 14
James Buchanan
James Buchanan April 23rd, 1791 - June 1st, 1868 March 4th, 1857 March 4th, 1861 D 15
Abraham Lincoln February 12th, 1809 - April 15th, 1865 March 4th, 1861 April 15th, 1865 (ASSASSINATED) R 16
Andrew Johnson December 29th, 1808 - July 31st, 1875 April 15th, 1865 March 4th, 1869 D 17
Ulysses S. Grant April 27th, 1822 - July 23rd, 1885 March 4th, 1869 March 4th, 1877 R 18
Rutherford B Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes October 4th, 1822 - January 17th, 1893 March 4th, 1877 March R 19
R 20
R 21
D 22/24
R 23
R 25