Alternative History

This is a List of Presidents of the United States in the Socialist America universe.

# Name Took Office Left Office Party Vice President(s)
1 George Washington 1789 1797 No party John Adams
2 John Adams 1797 1801 Federalist Thomas Jefferson
3 Thomas Jefferson 1801 1809 Democratic-Republican George Clinton
4 James Madison 1809 1817 Democratic-Republican Elbridge Gerry
5 James Monroe 1817 1825 Democratic-Republican Daniel D. Tompkins
6 John Quincy Adams 1825 1829 Democratic-Republican John C. Calhoun
7 Andrew Jackson 1829 1837 Democrat John C. Calhoun and Martin Van Buren
8 Martin Van Buren 1837 1841 Democrat Richard Mentor Johnson
9 William Henry Harrison 1841 1841 Whig John Tyler
10 John Tyler 1841 1845 Whig none
11 James Knox Polk 1845 1849 Democrat George M. Dallas
12 Zachary Taylor 1849 1850 Whig Millard Fillmore
13 Millard Fillmore 1850 1853 Whig none
14 Franklin Pierce 1853 1857 Democrat William Rufus King
15 James Buchanan 1857 1861 Democrat John C. Breckinridge
16 Abraham Lincoln 1861 1865 Democrat William Herndon
17 Alphonso Taft 1865 1869 Progressive Howell Cobb
18 Schuyler Colfax 1869 1877 Progressive Henry Wilson
19 Charles Sumner 1877 1881 Democrat not yet done
20 not yet done 1881 1885 not yet done not yet done
22 not yet done 1885 1889 not yet done not yet done
23 not yet done 1889 1893 not yet done not yet done
24 Jay Loveston 1893 1897 Progressive not yet done
25 not yet done 1897 1901 Communist not yet done
26 Frederick Seward 1901 1909 Progressive not yet done then Helen Keller
27 not yet done 1909 1913 not yet done not yet done
28 Herbert G. Wells 1913 1921 Communist not yet done
29 not yet done 1921 1923 not yet done not yet done
30 Carl J Irwin 1923 1929 Progressive Huey Long
31 Huey Long 1929 1933 Progressive not yet done
32 Earl Browder 1933 1945 Communist Anna Louise Strong then Max Schactman
33 Anna Louise Strong 1945 1953 Communist Paul L. B. Robeson
34 Ray Arthur Kroc 1953 1961 Progressive Socialists Harland D. Sanders
35 William E. Eisner 1961 1963 Progressive Socialists Gustav A. Hall
36 Gustav A. Hall 1963 1973 Progressive Socialists none then Francis X. Waldron
37 not yet done 1973 1977 Communist Michael Parenti
38 Michael Parenti 1977 1981 Communist not yet done
39 Carl Dix 1981 1985 Maoist Bob Avakian
40 H. Ross Perot 1985 1989 Marxist William H. Hinton
41 Angela Davis 1989 1993 Progressive Socialist Samuel Webb
42 Hillary D. Rodham 1993 2001 Communist Albert A. Gore, then William J. Blythe III
43 Arnold Schwarzeneggar 2001 2005 Progressive Socialist Steven H. A. Hitler
44 Bernard Sanders 2005 Incumbent Democratic Socialist Unknown



























