Alternative History
Emperor of the Roman Empire
PS Grand Royal Coat of Arms of Rhome
Royal Arms
Paul II, King of Greece
Paul II
since 6 March 2014
Style Emperor of the Roman Empire, King of Greece, Imperator Caesar Augustus, Basileus
Heir apparent Constantine
Formation 16 January 27 BC
Residence Palace of Constantinople

The monarchy of the Roman Empire is one of the oldest continuous monarchies in the world established in 27 BC it has been transformed from Absolute to Constitutional, Unitary to Federal, witnessed many civil wars and golden ages. Often when a given Roman is described as becoming "emperor" in English, it reflects his taking of the title augustus (and later basileus). Another title often used was caesar, used for heirs-apparent, and imperator, originally a military honorific. Early emperors also used the title princeps civitatis ("first citizen"). Emperors frequently amassed republican titles, notably princeps senatus, consul, and pontifex maximus.

The legitimacy of an emperor's rule depended on his control of the army and recognition by the Senate; an emperor would normally be proclaimed by his troops, or invested with imperial titles by the Senate, or both. The first emperors reigned alone; later emperors would sometimes rule with co-emperors and divide administration of the empire between them.

The Romans considered the office of emperor to be distinct from that of a king. The first emperor, Augustus, resolutely refused recognition as a monarch. For the first three hundred years of Roman emperors, from Augustus until Diocletian, efforts were made to portray the emperors as leaders of the republic, fearing any association with the kings of Rome prior to the Roman Republic.

From Diocletian, whose tetrarchic reforms also divided the position into one emperor in the West and one in the East, until the end of the Empire, emperors ruled in an openly monarchic style and did not preserve the nominal principle of a republic, but the contrast with "kings" was maintained: although the imperial succession was generally hereditary, it was only hereditary if there was a suitable candidate acceptable to the army and the bureaucracy, so the principle of automatic inheritance was not adopted. Elements of the republican institutional framework (senate, consuls, and magistrates) were preserved even after the end of the Western Empire.

Constantine the Great moved the capital (Caput Mundi) from Rome to Constantinople, formerly known as Byzantium, in 330 AD and converted to Christianity. After this, the emperor came to be seen as God's chosen ruler, as well as a special protector and leader of the Christian Church on Earth, although in practice an emperor's authority on Church matters was subject to challenge. The Western Roman Empire collapsed in the late 5th century after multiple invasions of imperial territory by Germanic barbarian tribes. Romulus III Augustulus is often considered to have been the last emperor of the West, until his forced abdication in 476, although Julius Nepos maintained a claim recognized by the Eastern Empire to the title until his death in 480. Following Nepos's death, the Eastern emperor Zeno I abolished the division of the position and proclaimed himself as the sole emperor of a reunited Roman Empire. The subsequent Eastern emperors ruling from Constantinople continued to style themselves "Emperor of the Romans" (later βασιλεύς Ῥωμαίων in Greek), but are often referred to in modern scholarship as Byzantine emperors.

The papacy and Germanic kingdoms of the West acknowledged the Eastern Emperors until the accession of Empress Irene in 797 and the Papacy then created a rival lineage of Roman emperors in western Europe, the Holy Roman Emperors, which ruled the Holy Roman Empire for most of the period between 800 and 1806. These emperors were never recognized as Roman emperors by the court in Constantinople and their coronations resulted in the medieval problem of two emperors. Most western historians treat Constantine XVIII Palaiologos, who died during the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453 as the last meaningful claimant to the title Roman emperor. From 1453 the title was claimed by the brother of Constantine XVIII, Thomas I, His son Andrew sold the the title in 1483 to a powerful family in the Ionian islands were they held the title until 1832 when Otto of Bavaria was elected king of the Hellenes, he also assumed the title of Roman Emperor and the Ionian pentarchy was absorbed into the Kingdom of Greece which was made a constituent monarchy within the empire. In 1863 the Glücksburg dynasty assumed the throne after the deposition of Otto II and reigns to this day, having witnessed the recapture of Constantinople, Thrace, Western Anatolia and Trebizond

List of Emperors[]


Julio Claudian Dynasty[]

     Ruling Emperor      Chosen Successor

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Augustus Augustus
Caesar Augustus
15 January 27 BC - 19 Augustus 14 AD
(40 years 7 months 4 days)
Grandnephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar. Gradually acquired further power through grants from, and constitutional settlements with, the Roman Senate.
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Marcellus Marcellus
Marcus Claudius Marcellus
13 April 25 - 23 September 23 BC
(2 years 5 months 10 days)
Nephew and son-in-law of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Marcus Agrippa I Agrippa I
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa
28 September 23 - 12 March 12 BC
(10 years 5 months 12 days)

Best friend and son in law of Augustus

Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Drusus I Drusus I
Nero Claudius Drusus
12 June 12 - 07 July 09 BC
(3 years 25 days)
Stepson of Augustus, younger brother of Tiberius I
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Gaius I Gaius I
Gaius Julius Caesar Vipsanianus
1 August 02 BC- 21 February 04 AD
(5 years 5 months 9 days)
Son of Agrippa I, grandson and later adopted son and heir of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Lucius I Lucius I
Lucius Caesar
1 August 02 BC- 20 August AD 02 AD
(3 years 19 days)
Son of Agrippa I, grandson and later adopted son and heir of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Marcus Agrippa II Agrippa II
Agrippa Julius Caesar
20 August 02- 1 January 07 AD
(4 years 4 months 12 days)
Son of Agrippa I, grandson and later adopted son and heir of Augustus
Bust of the emperor Tiberius I Tiberius I
Tiberius Caesar Augustus
20 January 06 - 17 September 14 AD
(8 years 7 months 28 days)
Stepson, former son-in-law and adopted son of Augustus
Bust of the emperor Tiberius I Tiberius I
Tiberius Caesar Augustus
17 September 14 - 16 March 37 AD
(22 years 5 months 27 days)
Stepson, former son-in-law and adopted son of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Germanicus Germanicus
Germanicus Julius Caesar
17 September 14 - 10 October 19
(5 years 23 days)
Son of Drusus I, adopted son and heir of Tiberius I
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Drusus II Drusus II
Drusus Julius Caesar
10 October 19 - 14 September 23
(5 years 23 days)
Son of Tiberius I
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Nero I Nero I
Nero Julius Caesar
14 September 23 - 19 September 31
(8 years 5 days)
Grandnephew and adopted heir of Tiberius, great-grandson of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Drusus III Drusus III
Drusus Caesar
19 September 31 - 22 September 33
(2 years 3 days)
Grandnephew and adopted heir of Tiberius, great-grandson of Augustus
Bust of the emperor Gaius "Caligula" Gaius II
Gaius Caesar Germanicus
22 September 33 - 18 March 37
(3 years 5 months 24 days)
Grandnephew and adopted heir of Tiberius, great-grandson of Augustus
Bust of the emperor Gaius "Caligula" Gaius II
Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
18 March 37 – 24 January 41
(3 years 10 months 6 days)
Grandnephew and adopted heir of Tiberius, great-grandson of Augustus
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Tiberius II Gemellus Tiberius II
Tiberius Julius Caesar Nero Gemellus
18 March 37 - 10 April 38
(1 year 23 days)
Son of Drusus II, Grandson of Tiberius I
Bust of the emperor Claudius I Claudius I
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
24 January 41 – 13 October 54
(13 years 8 months 19 days)
Uncle of Caligula, grandnephew of Augustus, proclaimed emperor by the Praetorian Guard and accepted by the Senate
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Britannicus Claudius II
Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus
13 October 54 - 11 February 55
(3 months 29 days)
Son of Claudius
Bust of the emperor Nero Nero II
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
13 October 54 – 9 June 68
(13 years 7 months 27 days)
Grandnephew, stepson, son-in-law and adopted son of Claudius, great-great-grandson of Augustus

First Chaotic Period[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Galba Galba
Servius Galba Caesar Augustus
8 June 68 – 15 January 69
(7 months 7 days)
Governor of Hispania Tarraconensis, revolted against Nero and seized power after his suicide, with support of the Senate and Praetorian Guard
Bust of the emperor Otho I Otho I
Marcus Otho Caesar Augustus
15 January 69 – 16 April 69
(3 months 1 day)
Seized power through a coup against Galba
Bust of the emperor Vitellius Vitellius
Aulus Vitellius Germanicus Augustus
19 April – 20 December 69
(8 months 1 day)
Governor of Germania Inferior, proclaimed emperor by the Rhine legions on 2 January in opposition to Galba and Otho, later recognized by the Senate

Flavian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Vespasian I Vespasian I
Caesar Vespasianus Augustus
1 July 69 – 23 June 79
(9 years 11 months 22 days)
Seized power with support of the eastern legions, in opposition to Vitellius
Bust of the emperor Titus I Titus I
Titus Caesar Vespasianus Augustus
24 June 79 – 13 September 81
(2 years 2 months 20 days)
Son of Vespasian
Bust of the emperor Domitian I Domitian I
Caesar Domitianus Augustus
14 September 81 – 18 September 96
(15 years 4 days)
Brother of Titus and son of Vespasian
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Vespasian II Vespasian II
Titus Flavius ​​Vespasianus
6 January 89- 30 April 95
(6 years 3 months 24 days)
Sculpture of the Junior Caesar Domitian II Domitian II
Titus Flavius ​​Domitianus
6 January 89- 30 April 95
(6 years 3 months 24 days)

Nerva-Antonine Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the Emperor Nerva Nerva I
Nerva Caesar Augustus
18 September 96 – 27 January 98
(1 year 4 months 9 days)
Proclaimed emperor after the murder of Domitian
Bust of the Emperor Trajan I Trajan I
Caesar Nerva Traianus Augustus
28 January 98 – 11 August 117
(19 years 6 months 14 days)
Adopted son of Nerva
Bust of the Emperor Hadrian I Hadrian I
Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus
11 August 117 – 10 July 138
(20 years 10 months 29 days)
Cousin of Trajan, allegedly adopted on his deathbed
Bust of the Emperor Antoninus I Antoninus I Pius
Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus
10 July 138 – 7 March 161
(22 years 7 months 25 days)
Adopted son of Hadrian
Bust of the Emperor Marcus I Aurelius Marcus I Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
7 March 161 – 17 March 180
(19 years 10 days)
Son-in-law and adopted son of Antoninus Pius. Reigned jointly with his adoptive brother, Lucius Verus, the first time multiple emperors shared power.
Bust of the Emperor Lucius I Verus Lucius II Verus
Lucius Aurelius Verus
7 March 161 – 9 January 169
(7 years 10 months 2 days)
Adopted son of Antoninus Pius, joint emperor with his adoptive brother, Marcus Aurelius
Bust of the Junior Emperor Annius Verus Annius Verus
Marcus Annius Verus Caesar
12 October 166 - 10 September 169
(2 years 10 months 29 days)
Son of Marcus Aurelius
Bust of the Emperor Commodus Commodus
Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus / Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus
12 October 166 – 31 December 192
(26 years 2 months 19 days)
Son of Marcus Aurelius. First emperor to be elevated during predecessor's lifetime

Second Chaotic Period[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the Emperor Pertinax Pertinax
Publius Helvius Pertinax
31 December 192 – 28 March 193
(2 months 28 days)
City prefect of Rome at Commodus's death, set up as emperor by the praetorian prefect, Laetus, with consent of the Senate
Bust of the Emperor Julian I Julian I
Marcus Didius Severus Julianus
28 March – 1 June 193
(2 months 4 days)
Won auction held by the Praetorian Guard for the position of emperor

Severan Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession Dynasty
Bust of the emperor Severus I Severus I
Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax
9 April 193 – 4 February 211
(17 years 9 months 26 days)
Governor of Upper Pannonia, acclaimed emperor by the Pannonian legions following the murder of Pertinax Severan
Bust of the emperor Antoninus II Caracalla Antoninus II
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
28 January 198 – 8 April 217
(19 years 2 months 11 days)
Son of Septimius Severus, proclaimed co-emperor at age 10. Succeeded jointly with his brother, Geta, in 211
Bust of the emperor Geta Geta
Publius Septimius Geta
19 October 209 – 26 December 211
(2 years 2 months 7 days)
Son of Septimius Severus, succeeded jointly with his older brother, Caracalla
Bust of the emperor Macrinus Macrinus
Marcus Opellius Severus Macrinus
11 April 217 – 8 June 218
(1 year 1 month 28 days)
Praetorian prefect of Caracalla, accepted as emperor by the army and Senate after having arranged his predecessor's death in fear of his own life Macrinian
Bust of the emperor Diadumenianus Diadumenian
Marcus Opellius Antoninus Diadumenianus
19 May – 11 June 218
(23 days)
Son of Macrinus, named co-emperor by his father after the eruption of a rebellion in favor of Elagabalus
Marble bust of Roman emperor Elagabalus, ca. 221 AD, Capitoline Museums (20814003112) Antoninus III
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
16 May 218 – 12 March 222
(3 years 9 months 24 days)
Cousin and alleged illegitimate son of Caracalla, acclaimed as emperor by rebellious legions in opposition to Macrinus at the instigation of his grandmother, Julia Maesa Severan
Bust of the emperor Alexander I Severus Alexander I
Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
13 March 222 – 21 March 235
(13 years 8 days)
Cousin and adopted heir of Elagabalus

Third Chaotic Period[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession Dynasty
Bust of the emperor Maximinus I Maximinus I "Thrax"
Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus
22 March 235 – 24 June 238
(3 years 3 months 2 days)
Proclaimed emperor by Germanic legions after the murder of Severus Alexander Thracian
Bust of the junior emperor Maximus I Maximus I
Gaius Julius Verus Maximus
9 March 236 – 24 June 238
(2 years 3 months 15 days)
Bust of the emperor Gordian I Gordian I
Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus
22 March – 12 April 238
(21 days)
Proclaimed emperor alongside his son, Gordian II, while serving as governor of Africa, in a revolt against Maximinus, and recognized by the Senate Gordian
Bust of the emperor Gordian II Gordian II
Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Africanus
22 March – 12 April 238
(21 days)
Proclaimed emperor alongside his father Gordian I, during revolt in Africa against Maximinus
Bust of the emperor Maximus II Pupienus Maximus II
Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus
22 April – 29 July 238
(3 months 7 days)
Proclaimed emperor jointly with Balbinus by the Senate after death of Gordian I and II, in opposition to Maximinus Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Balbinus Balbinus
Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus
22 April – 29 July 238
(3 months 7 days)
Proclaimed emperor jointly with Pupienus by the Senate after death of Gordian I and II, in opposition to Maximinus
Bust of the emperor Gordian III Gordian III
Marcus Antonius Gordianus
29 July 238 – 11 February 244
(5 years 6 months 13 days)
Grandson of Gordian I, appointed as heir by Pupienus and Balbinus, upon whose deaths he succeeded as emperor Gordian
Bust of the emperor Philip I Philip I "the Arab"
Marcus Julius Philippus
15 February 244 – 28 September 249
(5 years 7 months 13 days)
Praetorian prefect under Gordian III, seized power after his death Arab
Bust of the emperor Philip II Philip II "the Younger"
Marcus Julius Severus Philippus
11 July 247 – 1 October 249
(2 years 2 months 20 days)
Son of Philip I, appointed co-emperor
Bust of the emperor Decius Decius
Gaius Messius Quintus Traianus Decius
September 249 – June 251
(1 year 9 months)
Proclaimed emperor by the troops in Moesia, then defeated and killed Philip I in battle Decian
Bust of the emperor Herennius I Herennius I Etruscus
Quintus Herennius Etruscus Messius Decius
February 250 – June 251
(1 year 4 months)
Son of Decius, appointed co-emperor
Bust of the emperor Hostilian I Hostilian I
Gaius Valens Hostilianus Messius Quintus
February 250 - July 251
(1 year 5 months)
Younger son of Decius, named caesar by his father and proclaimed co-emperor by Trebonianus Gallus
Bust of the emperor Trebonianus Trebonian
Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus
June 251 – c. August 253
(2 years 2 months)
Younger son of Decius, named caesar by his father and proclaimed co-emperor by Trebonianus Gallus Trebonianic
Bust of the emperor Volusian Volusian
Gaius Vibius Afinius Gallus Veldumnianus Volusianus
c. August 251 – c. August 253
(2 years)
Son of Gallus, appointed co-emperor
Bust of the emperor Aemilian Aemilian
Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus
c. July 253 – c. September 253
(c. 2 months)
Commander in Moesia, proclaimed emperor by his soldiers after defeating barbarians, in opposition to Gallus Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Silbannacus Silbannacus
Marcius Silbannacus
2 - 26 October 253
(24 days)
Obscure figure known only from coinage, appears to have briefly ruled in Rome between Aemilianus and Valerian Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Valerian I Valerian I
Publius Licinius Valerianus
September 253 – June 260
(6 years 9 months)
Army commander in Raetia and Noricum, proclaimed emperor by the legions in opposition to Aemilian Valerianic
Bust of the emperor Gallienus Gallienus I
Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus
September 253 – September 268
(15 years)
Son of Valerian, appointed joint emperor. Sole emperor after Valerian's capture and subsequent death
Bust of the emperor Valerian II Valerian II
Publius Licinius Cornelius Valerianus
June 256 - August 258
(2 years 2 months)
Son of Gallienus
Bust of the emperor Saloninus I Saloninus I
Publius Licinius Cornelius Saloninus Valerianus
June 258 - July 260
(2 years 1 month)
Son of Gallienus, proclaimed caesar by his father and proclaimed emperor by the praetorian prefect Silvanus while besieged by Postumus
Bust of the emperor Valerian III Valerian III
Publius Licinius Valerianus
25 July 260 - 4 October 268
(8 years 2 months 9 days)
Brother of Gallienus
Bust of the emperor Marinian Marinian
Publius Licinius Cornelius Marinianus Valerianus
25 July 260 - 4 October 268
(8 years 2 months 9 days)
Son of Gallienus
Bust of the emperor Claudius II Claudius III
Marcus Aurelius Claudius
c. September 268 – c. April 270
(1 year 7 months)
Army commander in Illyria, proclaimed emperor after Gallienus's death Gothicus
Bust of the emperor Quintillus Quintillus
Marcus Aurelius Claudius Quintillus
c. April 270- c. June 270
(2 months)
Brother of Claudius II, proclaimed emperor after his death
Bust of the emperor Aurelian Aurelian I
Lucius Domitius Aurelianus
c. May 270 – c. October 275
(5 years 5 months)
Supreme commander of the Roman cavalry, proclaimed emperor by Danube legions after Claudius II's death, in opposition to Quintillus Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Tacitus Tacitus
Marcus Claudius Tacitus
December 275 – June 276
(6 months)
Alleged princeps senatus, proclaimed emperor by his soldiers in Campania after Aurelian's death Tacitus
Bust of the emperor Florianus Florianus
Marcus Annius Florianus
c. June – September 276
(3 months)
Brother or, more likely, half-brother of Tacitus
Bust of the emperor Probus Probus I
Marcus Aurelius Probus
c. June 276 – c. September 282
(6 years 3 months)
General; proclaimed emperor by the eastern legions, in opposition to Florianus Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Carus Carus
Marcus Aurelius Carus
c. September 282 – c. July 283
(10 months)
Praetorian prefect under Probus, seized power before or after Probus's murder Caran
Bust of the emperor Carinus Carinus
Marcus Aurelius Carinus
July 283 – August 285
(2 years 1 month)
Son of Carus, appointed joint emperor shortly before his death. Succeeded jointly with Numerian
Bust of the emperor Numerianus Numerian
Marcus Aurelius Numerianus
July 283 – November 284
(1 year 4 months)
Son of Carus, succeeded jointly with Carinus


Tetrarchy Western Emperors[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession Dynasty
Bust of the emperor Maximian Maximian "Herculius"
Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus
25 July 285 - 1 May 305
(19 years 9 months 6 days)
27 October 306 – 11 November 308
(2 years 15 days)
(c. 1 Month)
Elevated by Diocletian, ruled the western provinces Herculean
Bust of the emperor Severus II Severus II
Flavius Valerius Severus
1 May 305 – April 307
(1 year 11 months)
Elevated to caesar in 305 by Maximian, promoted to western augustus by Galerius upon Constantius I's death Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Maxentius Maxentius
Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maxentius
28 October 306 – 28 October 312
(6 years)
Son of Maximian and son-in-law of Galerius, seized power in Italy with support of the Praetorians and his father after being passed over in the succession. Not recognized by the other emperors Herculean
Coin of junior emperor Romulus Romulus I
Marcus Aurelius Valerius Romulus
March 307 - June 309
(2 years 3 months)
Son of Maxentius
Bust of the emperor Valens I Valens I
Aurelius Valerius Valens
October 316 – c. January 317
(3 months)
Frontier commander in Dacia, elevated by Licinius in opposition to Constantine I Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Martinian Martinian
Marcius Martinianus
July – 19 September 324
(2 months)
A senior bureaucrat, elevated by Licinius in opposition to Constantine I

Tetrarchy Eastern Emperors[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession Dynasty
Bust of the emperor Diocletian Diocletian
Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus
20 November 284 – 1 May 305
(20 years 5 months 11 days)
Commander of the imperial bodyguard, acclaimed by the army after death of Numerian, and proceeded to defeat Numerian's brother, Carinus, in battle Non-Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Galerius Galerius
Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximianus
1 March 293 - May 311
(18 years 2 months)
Elevated to caesar in 293 by Diocletian, succeeded as eastern augustus upon Diocletian's abdication Galerian
Bust of the emperor Licinius I Licinius I
Valerius Licinianus Licinius
11 November 308 – 19 September 324
(15 years 10 months 8 days)
Elevated by Galerius to replace Severus, in opposition to Maxentius. Defeated Maximinus Daza in a civil war to become sole emperor of the East in 313 Licinian
Bust of the emperor Licinius II Licinius II
Valerius Licinianus Licinius
1 March 317 – 19 September 324
(7 years 6 months 18 days)
Son of Licinius I
Bust of the emperor Maximinus II Maximinus II "Daza"
Galerius Valerius Maximinus
1 May 305 - c. July 313
(8 years 2 months)
Nephew of Galerius, elevated to caesar by Diocletian in 305, and acclaimed as augustus by his troops in 310 Galerian
Coin of junior emperor Maximus Maximus III
Galerius Valerius Maximus
May 311 - July 313
(2 years 2 months)
Son of Maximinus II

Constantinian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Constantius I Constantius I "Chlorus"
Flavius Valerius Constantius
1 March 293 – 25 July 306
(13 years 4 months 24 days)
Maximian's relation by marriage, elevated to caesar in 293 by Diocletian, succeeded as western augustus upon Maximian's abdication
Bust of the emperor Constantine I Constantine I "the Great"
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
25 July 306 – 22 May 337
(30 years 9 months 27 days)
Son of Constantius I, acclaimed by his father's troops. Accepted as caesar by Galerius in 306, promoted to augustus in 307 by Maximian, refused demotion to caesar in 309
Coin of junior emperor Crispus Crispus
Flavius Julius Crispus
1 March 317 - 6 April 326
(9 years 1 month 5 days)
Son of Constantine I
Bust of the emperor Constantine II Constantine II
Flavius Claudius Constantinus
1 March 317 – April 340
(23 years 1 month)
Son of Constantine I
Bust of the emperor Constans I Constans I
Flavius Julius Constans
25 December 333 – 12 January 350
(16 years 18 days)
Son of Constantine I
Bust of the emperor Constantius II Constantius II
Flavius Julius Constantius
8 November 324 – 3 November 361
(36 years 11 months 26 days)
Son of Constantine I
Bust of the emperor Vetranio Vetranio I 1 March – 25 December 350
(9 months 24 days)
General of Constans in Illyricum, acclaimed by the Illyrian legions at the expense of Magnentius
Bust of the emperor Constantius Gallus Constantius III
Flavius Claudius Constantius Gallus
15 March 351 – 3 September 354
(3 years 5 months 19 days)
Cousin of Constantius II
Statue of the emperor Julian II Julian II "the Apostate"
Flavius Claudius Julianus
6 November 355 – 26 June 363
(7 years 7 months 20 days)
Acclaimed by the Gallic army in early 360, became sole emperor after the death of his cousin, Constantius II
Non Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Jovian Jovian I
Flavius Jovianus
27 June 363 – 17 February 364
(7 months 21 days)
Commander of imperial household guard; proclaimed emperor by the army after Julian's death

Valentinianic Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Valentinian I Valentinian I "the Great"
Flavius Valentinianus
25 February 364 – 17 November 375
(11 years 8 months 23 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by the army after Jovian's death
Bust of the emperor Valens II Valens II
Flavius Valens
28 March 364 – 9 August 378
(14 years 4 months 12 days)
Brother of Valentinian I, made eastern emperor by his brother (Valentinian retaining the west)
Bust of the emperor Gratian Gratian I
Flavius Gratianus
24 August 367 – 25 August 383
(16 years 1 day)
Son of Valentinian I; proclaimed western co-emperor on 24 August 367, at age 8. Emperor in his own right after Valentinian's death
Bust of the emperor Valentinian II Valentinian II
Flavius Valentinianus
22 November 375 - 15 March 392
(16 years 3 months 22 days)
Son of Valentinian I, proclaimed co-emperor on 22 November 375, at age 4. Sole western ruler after the defeat of Magnus Maximus in 388
Non Dynastic
Bust of the emperor Magnus Maximus Magnus Maximus IV 25 August 383 – 28 August 388
(5 years 3 days)
General, related to Theodosius I; proclaimed emperor by the troops in Britain. Briefly recognized by Theodosius I and Valentinian II
Bust of the emperor Victor Victor 25 December 384 – 28 August 388
(3 years 8 months 3 days)
Bust of the emperor Eugenius Eugenius 22 August 392 – 6 September 394
(2 years 15 days)
Teacher of Latin grammar and rhetoric, secretary of Valentinian II. Proclaimed emperor by Arbogast

Theodosian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Theodosius I Theodosius I "the Great' 19 January 379 – 17 January 395
(15 years 11 months 29 days)
Retired general; proclaimed eastern emperor by Gratian. Ruler of the entire empire after Valentinian II's death

Western Empire[]

Western Theodosian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Honorius Honorius 23 January 393 – 15 August 423
(30 years 6 months 23 days)
Son of Theodosius I; co-emperor since 23 January 393. Emperor in the west
Bust of the emperor Constantine III Constantine III 407-411
(4 years)
Common soldier, proclaimed emperor by the troops in Britain. Recognized by Honorius in 409. Emperor in the west
Bust of the emperor Constans II Constans II 409-411
(2 years)
Bust of the emperor Constantius III Constantius IV 8 February – 2 September 421
(6 months 25 days)
Prominent general under Honorius and husband of Galla Placidia, a daughter of Theodosius I. Made co-emperor by Honorius. Emperor in the west
Bust of the emperor Joannes John I 20 November 423 – c. May 425
(1 year 5 months 11 days)
Senior civil servant, seized power in Rome and the west after Theodosius II delayed in nominating a successor of Honorius
Bust of the emperor Valentinian III Valentinian III 23 October 424 - 16 March 455
(30 years 4 months 21 days)
Son of Constantius IV and grandson of Theodosius I, installed as emperor of the west by Theodosius II

Fourth Chaotic Period[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession Family
Print of Petronius Maximus V Petronius Maximus V 17 March – 31 May 455
(2 months 14 days)
General and civil official, murdered Valentinian III and married his widow, Licinia Eudoxia Anician
Coin of junior emperor Palladius Palladius 17 March – 31 May 455
(2 months 14 days)
Print of the emperor Avitus Avitus I 31 May 455 - 17 October 456
(1 year 4 months 17 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by the Visigoths and Gallo-Romans after the death of Petronius Maximus Avitan
Coin of junior emperor Agricola Agricola 9 July 455 - 28 December 457
(2 years 5 months 19 days)
Coin of Emperor Avitus Avitus II 9 July 455 - 28 December 457
(2 years 5 months 19 days)
Coin of Emperor Majorian Majorian I 17 October 456 – 2 August 461
(4 years 9 months 16 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by the army and backed by Ricimer Non-Dynastic
Coin of Emperor Severus III Severus III 2 August 461 – 14 November 465
(4 years 3 months 12 days)
Proclaimed emperor by Ricimer
Coin of the Emperor Anthemius Anthemius I 14 November 465 – 11 July 472
(6 years 7 months 27 days)
General; husband of Marcia Euphemia, a daughter of Marcian. Proclaimed western emperor by the eastern emperor Leo I Anthemian
Coin of Emperor Anthemiolus Anthemius II 14 November 465 - June 471
(5 years 6 months 18 days)
Son of Anthemius I
Print of the emperor Marcian II son of Anthemius Marcian II June 471 - July 472
(1 year 1 month)
Son of Anthemius I
Coin of Emperor Romulus II Romulus II June 471 - July 472
(1 year 1 month)
Son of Anthemius I
Coin of Emperor Olybrius Olybrius 11 April – 2 November 472
(6 months 22 days)
Husband of Placidia, a daughter of Valentinian III. Proclaimed emperor by Ricimer Anician
Coin of Emperor Glycerius Glycerius 3 November 472 – 24 June 474
(1 year 7 months 21 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by Gundobad Non-Dynastic
Print of the emperor Julius Nepos Julius Nepos 24 June 474 – 9 May 480
(5 years 10 months 15 days)
General; married to a relative of Verina, the wife of the eastern emperor Leo I. Installed as western emperor by Leo
Bust of the emperor Romulus Augustus Romulus III Augustus 31 October 475 – 4 September 476
(10 months 4 days)
Proclaimed emperor by his father, the magister militum Orestes

Eastern Empire[]

Eastern Theodosian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Arcadius Arcadius I 16 January 383 – 1 May 408
(25 years 3 months 15 days)
Son of Theodosius
Bust of the emperor Theodosius II Theodosius II 10 January 402 – 28 July 450
(48 years 6 months 18 days)
Son of Arcadius; Emperor in the east
Bust of the emperor Marcian Marcian I 25 August 450 – 27 January 457
(6 years 5 months 2 days)
Soldier and official, proclaimed emperor after marrying Pulcheria, a daughter of Arcadius. Emperor in the east

Leonid Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Bust of the emperor Leo I Leo I 7 February 457 – 18 January 474
(16 years 11 months 11 days)
Low-ranking army officer; chosen by the magister militum Aspar to succeed Marcian
Coin of Emperor Leo II Leo II 15 October 472 – 17 November 474
(2 years 1 month 2 days)
Grandson of Leo I and son of Zeno; co-emperor since 17 November 473
Coin of Emperor Zeno Zeno I 29 January 474 – 9 April 491
(17 years 2 months 11 days)
Husband of Ariadne, a daughter of Leo I, and father of Leo II. Crowned senior co-emperor with the approval of the Senate
Coin of Emperor Basiliscus Basiliscus 9 January 475 – 12 August 476
(1 year 7 months 3 days)
Brother of Verina, the wife of Leo I. Proclaimed emperor by his sister in opposition to Zeno and seized Constantinople
Coin of the emperors Basiliscus and Marcus Marcus II 15 February 475 – 12 August 476
(1 year 5 months 28 days)
Bust of the emperor Zeno II Zeno II 25 December 474 - 3 January 477
(2 years 9 days)
Son of Zeno I from his first marriage
Image of the emperor Anastasius I Anastasius I 11 April 491 – 9 July 518
(27 years 2 months 28 days)
Government official; chosen by Ariadne,

whom he married, to succeed Zeno

Justinian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Portrait of Roman Emperor Justin I Justin I 10 July 518 – 1 August 527
(9 years 22 days)
Soldier; proclaimed emperor by the troops after the death of Anastasius I
Portrait of Roman Emperor Justinian I Justinian I 1 April 527 – 14 November 565
(38 years 7 months 13 days)
Nephew and adoptive son of Justin I
Portrait of Roman Emperor Justin II Justin II 14 November 565 – 5 October 578
(12 years 10 months 21 days)
Son of Vigilantia, sister of Justinian I
Portrait of Roman Emperor Tiberius II Constantine Tiberius III 7 December 574 – 14 August 582
(7 years 8 months 7 days)
Adoptive son of Justin II
Portrait of Roman Emperor Maurice Maurice I 13 August 582 – 27 November 602
(20 years 3 months 14 days)
Husband of Constantina, a daughter of Tiberius III
Solidus of Theodosius (son of Maurice) Theodosius III 26 March 590 – 27 November 602
(12 years 8 months 1 day)
Non Dynastic
Portrait of Roman Emperor Phocas Phocas 23 November 602 – 5 October 610
(7 years 10 months 12 days)
Centurion in the army; proclaimed emperor by the troops against Maurice

Heraclian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Portrait of Roman Emperor Heraclius I Heraclius I 5 October 610 – 11 February 641
(30 years 4 months 6 days)
Son of Heraclius the Elder, the exarch of Carthage. Led a revolt against Phocas
Portrait of Roman Emperor Heraclius Constantine III Constantine IV 22 January 613 – 25 May 641
(28 years 4 months 3 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Heraklonas Heraclius II 4 July 638 - 5 November 641
(3 years 4 months 1 day)
Tiberius Son of Heraclius Tiberius IV 11 February – 5 November 641
(8 months 25 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperors Constans II Constans III 12 September 641 – 15 July 668
(26 years 10 months 3 days)
Son of Constantine IV
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV Constantine V 13 April 654 - 10 July 685
(31 years 2 months 27 days
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Heraclius (son of Constans II) Heraclius III 2 June 659 - 16 September 681
(22 years 3 months 14 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Tiberius (son of Constans II) Tiberius V 2 June 659 - 16 September 681
(22 years 3 months 14 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Justinian II Justinian II 2 October 681 – 14 June 695
(13 years 8 months 12 days)
Son of Constantine V

Fifth Chaotic Period[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Leontius Leo III 14 June 695 - 17 July 698
(3 years 1 month 3 days)
General; deposed Justinian II
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Tiberius III Tiberius VI 17 July 698 - 21 August 705
(7 years 1 month 4 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by the troops against Leo III
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Justinian II Justinian II 21 August 705 – 4 November 711
(6 years 2 months 14 days)
Retook the throne with the aid of the Khazars
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Tiberius IV son of Justinian Tiberius VII 25 December 706 - 4 November 711
(4 years 10 months 10 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Philippikos Philippicus 4 November 711 – 3 June 713
(1 year 6 months 30 days)
General; proclaimed emperor by the troops against Justinian II
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Anastasius II Anastasius II 4 June 713 – 21 October 715
(2 years 4 months 17 days)
Senior court official, proclaimed emperor after the deposition of Philippicus
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Theodosius III Theodosius IV 21 October 715 – 25 March 717
(1 year 5 months 4 days)
Tax-collector, possibly son of Tiberius VI; proclaimed emperor by the troops against Anastasius II

Isaurian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Leo III Leo IV 25 March 717 – 18 June 741
(24 years 2 months 24 days)
General; deposed Theodosius IV
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Constantine V Constantine VI 31 March 720 - 14 September 775
(55 years 5 months 14 days)
Son of Leo IV
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Artabasdos Artabasdos 6 June 741 – 2 November 743
(2 years 4 months 27 days)
Husband of Anna, a daughter of Leo IV. Revolted against Constantine VI and briefly ruled at Constantinople
Portrait of Byzantine Co-Emperor Nikephoros Nikephoros I 8 June 741 – 2 November 743
(2 years 4 months 25 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Leo IV the Khazar Leo V 6 June 751 – 8 September 780
(29 years 3 months 2 days)
Son of Constantine VI
Portrait of Byzantine Emperor Constantine VI Constantine VII 14 April 776 - 19 August 797
(21 years 4 months 5 days)
Portrait of Byzantine Empress Irene Irene 8 September 780 – 31 October 802
(22 years 1 month 23 days)

Nikephorian dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Emperor-nikephoros-i-802-811 Nikephoros II 31 October 802 – 26 July 811
(8 years 8 months 26 days)
Staurakios I Staurakios I 25 December 803 - 2 October 811
(7 years 9 months 7 days)
Emperor Michael I Rangabes Michael I 2 October 811 – 11 July 813
(1 year 9 months 9 days)
Brother in Law
Emperor Theophylact (811-813) Theophylact 25 December 811 – 11 July 813
(1 year 6 months 16 days)
Staurakios II Staurakios II 25 December 811 – 11 July 813
(1 year 6 months 16 days)
Non Dynastic
Leo V the Armenian Leo VI 11 July 813 – 25 December 820
(7 years 5 months 14 days)
Constantine Symbatios Constantine VIII 25 December 813 - 25 December 820
(7 years)

Amorian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Michael II the Amorian Michael II 25 December 820 – 2 October 829
(8 years 9 months 7 days)
Emperor Theophilos Theophilus 12 May 821 – 20 January 842
(20 years 8 months 8 days)
Constantine (son of Theophilos) Constantine IX 12 March 833 - 22 June 835
(2 years 3 months 10 days)
Theodora in the Madrid Skylitzes2 Theodora I 20 January 842 – 15 March 856
(14 years 1 month 24 days)
Empress Thekla Thekla 20 January 842 – 15 March 856
(14 years 1 month 24 days)
Michael III the Drunkard Michael III 16 May 840 – 24 September 867
(27 years 4 months 8 days)

Macedonian Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Basil I emperor of the romans Basil I 26 May 866 – 29 August 886
(20 years 3 months 3 days)
proclaimed co-emperor by Michael III
Constantine son of Basil I Constantine X 9 January 868 – 3 September 879
(11 years 7 months 25 days)
Leo VI emperor of the romans Leo VII 6 January 870 – 11 May 912
(42 years 4 months 5 days)
Alexander emperor of the romans Alexander II 24 September 879 – 6 June 913
(33 years 8 months 13 days)
Constantine VII emperor of the romans Constantine XI 15 May 908 – 9 November 959
(51 years 5 months 25 days)
Son of Leo VII
Romanos I Lekapenos emperor of the romans Romanos I 17 December 920 – 20 December 944
(24 years 3 days)
Christopher Lekapenos emperor of the romans Christopher 20 May 921 – 24 August 931
(10 years 3 months 4 days)
Stephen Lekapenos emperor of the romans Stephen I 25 December 924 – 27 January 945
(20 years 1 month 2 days)
Constantine Lekapenos emperor of the romans Constantine XII 25 December 924 – 27 January 945
(20 years 1 month 2 days)
Romanos II emperor of the romans Romanos II 6 April 945 – 15 March 963
(17 years 11 months 9 days)
Son of Constantine XI
Nikephoros II emperor of the romans Nikephoros III 16 August 963 – 11 December 969
(6 years 3 months 25 days)
John I tzimiskes emperor of the romans John II 11 December 969 – 10 January 976
(6 years 30 days)
Assassination of His Uncle and predecessor
Basil II emperor of the romans Basil II 22 April 960 – 15 December 1025
(65 years 7 months 23 days)
Son of Romanos II
Constantine VIII emperor of the romans Constantine XIII 30 March 962– 12 November 1028
(66 years 7 months 13 days)
Zoe empress of the romans Zoe I 12 November 1028 – 11 April 1050
(21 years 4 months 30 days)
Romanos III emperor of the romans Romanos III 12 November 1028 – 11 April 1034
(5 years 4 months 30 days)
Michael IV the Paphlagonian emperor of the romans Michael IV 12 April 1034 – 10 December 1041
(7 years 7 months 28 days)
Husband of Zoe
Michael V emperor of the romans Michael V 13 December 1041 – 21 April 1042
(4 months 8 days)
Nephew and Intended Heir
Theodora empress of the romans Theodora II 21 April 1042 – 31 August 1056
(14 years 4 months 10 days)
Sister of Zoe
Emperor Constantine IX Constantine XIV 12 June 1042 – 11 January 1055
(12 years 6 months 30 days)
Husband of Zoe
Michael VI emperor of the romans Michael VI 22 August 1056 – 30 August 1057
(1 year 8 days)
Proclaimed emperor by

Theodora on her deathbed

Isaac I emperor of the romans Isaac I 1 September 1057 – 22 November 1059
(2 years 2 months 21 days)

Doukas Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Constantine X Doukas

Constantine XV

23 November 1059 – 23 May 1067
(7 years 6 months)
Designated as emperor by Isaac I
Empress Eudokia Eudokia 23 May – 31 December 1067
(7 months 8 days)
Tetarteron of Romanus IV (cropped) Romanos IV 1 January 1068 – 26 August 1071
(3 years 7 months 25 days)
Leo VIII Diogenes Leo VIII 29 January 1069 - 26 August 1071
(2 years 6 months 28 days)
Nikephoros Diogenes Nikephoros IV 29 January 1069 - 26 August 1071
(2 years 6 months 28 days)
Michael VII Doukas on the Holy Crown Michael VII 25 December 1059 - 31 March 1078
(18 years 3 months 6 days)
Son of Constantine XV
Constantius V Emperor Constantius V 25 December 1060 - 31 March 1078
(17 years 3 months 6 days)
Andronikos son of Romanos IV Diogenes Andronikos I 25 December 1059 - 23 June 1077
(17 years 5 months 29 days)
Constantine Doukas (co-emperor) on the Holy Crown Constantine XVI 25 December 1059 - 31 March 1078
(18 years 3 months 6 days)
Non Dynastic
Nikephoros III Botaneiates Nikephoros V 3 April 1078 – 1 April 1081
(2 years 11 months 29 days)

Komnenos Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Alexios I emperor of the romans Alexios I 1 April 1081 – 15 August 1118
(37 years 4 months 14 days)
Constantine Doukas (co-emperor) on the Holy Crown Constantine XVI (second reign) 3 June 1081 – 13 September 1087
(6 years 3 months 10 days)
Son in Law
John II emperor of the romans John III 13 September 1092 – 8 April 1143
(50 years 6 months 26 days)
Son of Alexios I
Byzantinischer Mosaizist um 1122 001 Alexios II 12 July 1119 - 13 July 1142
(23 years 1 day)
Manuel I emperor of the romans Manuel I 8 April 1143 – 24 September 1180
(37 years 5 months 16 days)
Alexios II emperor of the romans Alexios III 8 April 1171 – 2 September 1183
(12 years 4 months 25 days)
Andronikos I emperor of the romans Andronikos II 2 September 1183 – 12 September 1185
(2 years 10 days)
Grandson of Alexios I
Hyperpyron of Andronikos I John IV 15 November 1183 – 12 September 1185
(1 year 9 months 28 days)

Angelos Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
144 - Isaac II Angelos (Mutinensis - color) Isaac II 12 September 1185 – 8 April 1195
(9 years 6 months 27 days)
145 - Alexios III Angelos (Mutinensis - color) Alexios IV 8 April 1195 – 18 July 1203
(8 years 3 months 10 days)
144 - Isaac II Angelos (Mutinensis - color) Isaac II (second reign) 19 July 1203 – 27 January 1204
(6 months 8 days)
Alexios IV Angelos Alexios V 19 July 1203 – 27 January 1204
(6 months 8 days)
Alexius V Alexios VI 28 January – 12 April 1204
(2 months 15 days)

Laskaris Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Constantine XI Laskaris, emperor of the romans Constantine XVII 12 April 1204 – 17 August 1205
(1 year 4 months 5 days)
Theodore I Laskaris Theodore I 17 August 1205 – 29 November 1221
(16 years 2 months 15 days)
Aspron trachy of Theodore I Laskaris Nicholas I 17 August 1208 - 8 May 1210
(1 year 8 months 21 days)
John III Vatatzes emperor of the romans John V 1 December 1221 – 4 November 1254
(32 years 11 months 3 days)
Brother in Law
Theodore II emperor of the romans Theodore II 4 November 1254 – 16 August 1258
(3 years 9 months 12 days)
John IV Laskaris miniature (cropped) John VI 16 August 1258 – 25 December 1261
(3 years 4 months 9 days)

Palaiologos Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Michael VIII emperor of the romans Michael VIII 1 January 1259 – 11 December 1282
(23 years 11 months 10 days)
Andronikos II emperor of the romans Andronikos III 8 November 1272 – 13 February 1332
(59 years 3 months 5 days)
154 - Michael IX Palaiologos (Mutinensis - color) Michael IX 21 May 1281 – 12 October 1320
(39 years 4 months 21 days)
Andronikos III emperor of the romans Andronikos IV 24 May 1308 – 15 June 1341
(33 years 22 days)
John V emperor of the romans John VII 15 June 1341 – 16 February 1391
(49 years 8 months 1 day)
John VI Kantakouzenos emperor of the romans John VIII 26 October 1341 – 15 June 1383
(41 years 7 months 20 days)
Matthew Kantakouzenos emperor of the romans Matthew 25 December 1353 – 15 June 1383
(29 years 5 months 21 days)
Andronikos IV emperor of the romans Andronikos V 12 August 1376 – 1 July 1379
(2 years 10 months 19 days)
Son of John VII, Rebellion
John VII emperor of the romans John IX 25 April 1377 – 22 September 1408
(31 years 4 months 28 days)
Andronikos V emperor of the romans Andronikos VI 4 June 1403 - 23 July 1407
(4 years 1 month 19 days)
Manuel II emperor of the romans Manuel II 25 September 1373 - 21 July 1425
(51 years 9 months 26 days)
Son of John VII
Palaio John X 19 January 1408 - 31 October 1448
(40 years 9 months 12 days)
Constantine XI emperor of the romans Constantine XVIII 31 October 1448- 29 May 1453
(4 years 6 months 29 days)
Thomas Palaiologos2 Thomas I 29 May 1453 - 12 May 1465
(11 years 11 months 13 days)
Thomas Palaiologos Andrew I 12 May 1465 - 15 June 1502
(37 years 1 month 3 days)

Ionian Dynasty (Ionian Pentarchy)[]

Central Government[]
Portrait Name Reign
Thomas II emperor of the romans Thomas II 20 July 1483 - 12 May 1505
(21 years 9 months 22 days)
Andrew II emperor of the romans Andrew II 12 January 1505 - 14 July 1544
(39 years 6 months 2 days)
Constantine XXI emperor of the romans Constantine XXI 14 July 1544 - 18 June 1569
(24 years 11 months 4 days)
Manuel III emperor of the romans Manuel III 18 June 1569 - 20 September 1587
(18 years 3 months 2 days)
Nikephoros VI Nikephoros VI 20 September 1587 - 25 December 1611
(24 years 3 months 5 days)
Alexios VIII emperor of the romans Alexios VIII 25 December 1611 - 16 October 1646
(34 years 9 months 21 days)
Constantine XXIV emperor of the romans Constantine XXIV 16 October 1646 - 15 March 1701
(54 years 4 months 27 days)
Michael X emperor of the romans Michael X 15 March 1701 - 19 April 1737
(36 years 1 month 4 days)
Andronikos VII emperor of the romans Andronikos VII 19 April 1737 - 20 August 1759
(22 years 4 months 1 day)
Constans X emperor of the romans Constans X 20 August 1759 - 14 January 1788
(28 years 4 months 25 days)
Alexios X emperor of the romans Alexios X 14 January 1788 - 15 January 1805
(17 years 1 day)
Zoe II empress of the romans Zoe II 15 January 1805 - 22 February 1812
(7 years 1 month 7 days)
Theodora III empress of the roman Theodora III 22 February 1812- 27 May 1830
(18 years 3 months 5 days)
Portrait Name Reign
Trajan II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Trajan II 12 April 1490 - 22 December 1535
(45 years 8 months 10 days)
Vespasian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Vespasian III 15 January 1492 - 28 March 1526
(34 years 2 months 13 days)
Titus II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Titus II 15 January 1492 - 14 December 1529
(37 years 10 months 29 days)
Claudius IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Claudius IV 15 January 1492 - 14 April 1431
(39 years 2 months 30 days)
Hadrian II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Hadrian II 28 March 1526 - 23 May 1569
(43 years 1 month 25 days)
Nerva II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Nerva II 25 December 1529 - 4 January 1561
(31 years 10 days)
Antoninus IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Antoninus IV 14 April 1531 - 20 June 1562
(31 years 2 months 6 days)
Severus IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Severus IV 25 December 1535 - 28 December 1567
(32 years 3 days)
Aurelian II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Aurelian II 1 January 1560 - 16 March 1614
(54 years 2 months 15 days)
Gallienus II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Gallienus II 20 March 1562 - 15 April 1610
(48 years 26 days)
Saloninus II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Saloninus II 12 July 1567 - 9 September 1615
(48 years 1 month 28 days)
Hostilian II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Hostilian II 23 May 1569 - 22 August 1619
(50 years 2 months 30 days)
Valerian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Valerian IV 1 January 1610 - 3 May 1662
(52 years 4 months 2 days)
Trajan III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Trajan III 1 January 1610 - 31 December 1679
(69 years 11 months 30 days)
Hadrian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Hadrian III 1 January 1610 - 30 November 1643
(33 years 10 months 29 days)
Herennius II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Herennius II 30 June 1610 - 30 October 1648
(38 years 4 months)
Gratian II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Gratian II 30 June 1610 - 19 January 1659
(48 years 6 months 20 days)
Majorian II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Majorian II 30 June 1610 - 19 September 1648
(38 years 2 months 20 days)
Titus III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Titus III 4 July 1610 - 5 June 1629
(18 years 11 months 1 day)
Severus V, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Severus V 4 July 1610 - 18 March 1657
(46 years 8 months 14 days)
Trajan IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Trajan IV 12 January 1629 - 19 December 1693
(64 years 11 months 7 days)
Aurelian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Aurelian III 12 January 1643 - 14 May 1695
(52 years 4 months 2 days)
Probus II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Probus II 12 January 1643 - 18 June 1689
(46 years 5 months 6 days)
Majorian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Majorian III 12 January 1643 - 20 August 1684
(41 years 7 months 8 days)
Anthemius III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Anthemius III 12 January 1643 - 30 May 1676
(33 years 4 months 18 days)
Tiberius VIII, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Tiberius VIII 30 May 1676 - 4 June 1720
(44 years 5 days)
Claudius V, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Claudius V 5 February 1680 - 8 August 1722
(42 years 6 months 3 days)
Avitus III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Avitus III 5 February 1680 - 19 May 1715
(35 years 3 months 14 days)
Hostilian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Hostilian III 5 February 1680 - 20 September 1728
(48 years 7 months 15 days)
Hostilian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Saloninus III 5 February 1680 - 22 October 1726
(46 years 8 months 17 days)
Vespasian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Vespasian IV 21 March 1715 - 22 June 1765
(50 years 3 months 1 day)
Trajan V, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Trajan V 4 June 1720 - 22 December 1762
(42 years 6 months 18 days)
Severus VI, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Severus VI 4 June 1720 - 9 July 1764
(44 years 1 month 5 days)
Gallienus II, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Gallienus II 4 June 1720 - 27 July 1761
(41 years 1 month 23 days)
Claudius VI, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Claudius VI 4 June 1720 - 1 November 1760
(40 years 4 months 28 days)
Probus III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Probus III 9 February 1760 - 22 August 1800
(40 years 6 months 13 days)
Anthemius IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Anthemius IV 2 March 1761 - 4 May 1796
(35 years 2 months 2 days)
Avitus IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Avitus IV 9 April 1762 - 14 May 1795
(33 years 1 month 5 days)
Gratian III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Gratian III 4 June 1763 - 12 July 1805
(42 years 1 month 8 days)
Trajan VI, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Trajan VI 8 February 1764 - 9 September 1799
(35 years 7 months 1 day)
Nerva III, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Nerva III 8 February 1764 - 12 January 1789
(24 years 11 months 4 days)
Aurelian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Aurelian IV 12 January 1789 - 27 May 1832
(43 years 4 months 15 days)
Hostlian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Hostlian IV 12 January 1790 - 27 May 1832
(42 years 4 months 15 days)
Saloninus IV, Emperor of the Romans in Corfu Saloninus IV 12 January 1790 - 27 May 1832
(42 years 4 months 15 days)
Majorian IV emperor of the romans Majorian IV 12 January 1790 - 27 May 1832
(42 years 4 months 15 days)
Portrait Name Reign
Constantine XIX, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XIX 12 April 1490- 19 May 1529
(39 years 1 month 7 days)
Constantine XX, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XX 1 January 1519 - 22 February 1549
(30 years 1 month 21 days)
Constans IV, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans IV 22 February 1549 - 15 March 1564
(15 years 22 days)
Constantius VI, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantius VI 15 March 1564 - 22 May 1585
(21 years 2 months 7 days)
Constantine XXII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XXII 22 May 1585 - 29 May 1621
(36 years 7 days)
Constans V, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans V 29 May 1621 - 27 July 1633
(12 years 1 month 28 days)
Constans VI, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans VI 27 July 1633 - 7 September 1638
(5 years 1 month 11 days)
Constantine XXIII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XXIII 7 September 1638 - 20 November 1650
(12 years 2 months 13 days)
Constans VII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans VII 20 November 1650 - 2 February 1661
(10 years 2 months 13 days)
Constantius VII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantius VII 2 February 1661 - 6 February 1666
(5 years 4 days)
Constantine XXV, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XXV 6 February 1666 - 24 March 1685
(19 years 1 month 18 days)
Constantius VIII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantius VIII 24 March 1685 - 19 April 1690
(5 years 26 days)
Constantine XXVI, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XXVI 19 April 1690 - 6 May 1699
(9 years 17 days)
Constans VIII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans VIII 6 May 1694 - 9 August 1728
(34 years 3 months 3 days)
Constantius IX, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantius IX 9 August 1728 - 9 December 1746
(18 years 4 months)
Constans IX, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans IX 9 December 1746 - 26 December 1758
(12 years 17 days)
Constantius X, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantius X 26 December 1758 - 10 March 1770
(11 years 2 months 12 days)
Constantine XXVII, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constantine XXVII 10 March 1770 - 11 July 1824
(54 years 4 months 1 day)
Constans XI, Emperor of the Romans in Lefkada Constans XI 1 January 1800 - 9 April 1822
(22 years 3 months 8 days)
Constantius XI emperor of the romans Constantius XI 9 April 1822- 27 May 1832
(10 years 1 month 18 days
Portrait Name Reign
Theodosius V, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Theodosius V 12 April 1490- 15 May 1525
(35 years 1 month 3 days)
Alexander III, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Alexander III 15 May 1525 - 24 July 1546
(21 years 2 months 9 days)
Arcadius II, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Arcadius II 16 January 1544 - 22 March 1557
(13 years 2 months 6 days)
Jovian II, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Jovian II 22 March 1557 - 12 June 1571
(14 years 2 months 21 days)
Vetranio II, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Vetranio II 12 June 1571 - 7 May 1589
(17 years 10 months 25 days)
Valentinian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Valentinian IV 7 May 1589 - 28 November 1611
(22 years 6 months 21 days)
Theodosius VI, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Theodosius VI 1 April 1611 - 22 December 1664
(53 years 8 months 21 days)
Jovian III, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Jovian III 22 December 1664 - 6 May 1700
(35 years 4 months 14 days)
Jovian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Jovian IV 6 May 1700 - 12 May 1730
(30 years 6 days)
Theodosius VII, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Theodosius VII 12 May 1730 - 20 July 1768
(38 years 2 months 8 days)
Arcadius III, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Arcadius III 20 July 1768 - 4 August 1788
(20 years 15 days)
Maurice III, Emperor of the Romans in Cephalonia Maurice III 4 January 1788 - 8 January 1802
(14 years 4 days)
Theodosius VIII Theodosius VIII 8 January 1802 - 27 May 1832
(30 years 4 months 19 days)
Portrait Name Reign
Justinian III, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justinian III 12 April 1490 - 15 August 1522
(32 years 4 months 3 days)
Heraclius IV, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Heraclius IV 12 January 1520 - 3 July 1552
(32 years 5 months 21 days)
Justin III, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justin III 12 January 1550 - 13 January 1578
(28 years 1 day)
Leo IX, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Leo IX 12 January 1565 - 14 August 1600
(35 years 7 months 2 days)
Justinian IV, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justinian IV 23 February 1595 - 1 March 1620
(25 years 7 days)
Heraclius V, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Heraclius V 1 March 1620 - 27 July 1635
(15 years 4 months 26 days)
Justinian V, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justinian V 10 January 1633 - 22 May 1688
(55 years 4 months 12 days)
Justin IV, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justin IV 14 January 1681 - 11 July 1706
(25 years 5 months 27 days)
Isaac III, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Isaac III 5 January 1701 - 8 May 1723
(22 years 4 months 3 days)
Heraclius VI, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Heraclius VI 1 January 1720 - 31 December 1766
(46 years 11 months 30 days)
Isaac IV, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Isaac IV 11 January 1765 - 22 September 1788
(23 years 8 months 11 days)
Stephen II, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Stephen II 4 January 1781 - 11 April 1802
(21 years 3 months 7 days)
Justinian VI, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Justinian VI 23 February 1795 - 12 March 1830
(35 years 17 days)
Leo X, Emperor of the Romans in Zante Leo X 15 January 1825 - 27 May 1832
(7 years 4 months 12 days)
Herennius III emperor of the romans Herennius III 18 January 1825 - 27 May 1832
(7 years 4 months 9 days)
Portrait Name Reign
Basil III, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Basil III 12 April 1490 - 19 November 1533
(43 years 7 months 7 days)
Philip III, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Philip III 22 January 1524 - 2 February 1569
(45 years 11 days)
Alexander IV, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Alexander IV 2 February 1569- 4 May 1592
(23 years 3 months 2 days)
Alexios VII, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Alexios VII 4 May 1592 - 10 May 1607
(15 years 6 days)
Philip IV, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Philip IV 10 May 1607 - 15 June 1632
(25 years 1 month 5 days)
Maurice II, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Maurice II 15 June 1632 - 22 October 1667
(35 years 4 months 7 days)
Alexios IX, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Alexios IX 22 October 1667 - 30 June 1689
(21 years 8 months 8 days)
Basil IV, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Basil IV 30 June 1689 - 14 August 1700
(11 years 1 month 15 days)
Alexander V, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Alexander V 14 August 1700 - 22 September 1740
(40 years 1 month 8 days)
Philip V, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Philip V 22 September 1740 - 2 January 1762
(21 years 3 months 11 days)
Basil V, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Basil V 1 January 1762 - 2 January 1770
(8 years 1 day)
Basil VI, Emperor of the Romans in Cythera Basil VI 2 January 1770- 27 December 1822
(52 years 11 months 25 days)
Philip VI emperor of the romans Philip VI 27 December 1822- 27 May 1832
(9 years 5 months)

Wittelsbach Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
Otto king of Greece Otto II 27 May 1832 – 23 October 1862
(30 years 4 months 26 days)

Glucksburg Dynasty[]

Portrait Name Reign Succession
George I, King of Greece George I 30 March 1863 – 30 March 1916
(53 years)
Constantine I, King of Greece Constantine XXVIII 18 March 1913 – 1 January 1923
(9 years 9 months 14 days)
Alexander, King of Greece Alexander VI 11 June 1917 – 25 October 1920
(3 years 4 months 14 days)
Georgeiiofgreece George II 25 October 1920 - 1 April 1947
(26 years 5 months 7 days)
Paul I, King of Greece Paul I 1 April 1947 - 6 March 1964
(16 years 11 months 5 days)
Constantine II, King of Greece Constantine XXIX 6 March 1964 - 10 January 2023
(58 years 10 months 4 days)
Paul II, King of Greece Paul II 6 March 2014 -