Alternative History

This is a page listing the wars that have occurred in the Origo Mundi Map Game.

This is currently incomplete.


Conflict Year(s) Side 1 Side 2 Result
First Saemonite War 1-27 Saemonite Tribes Arazna,

Tunsna, Esurra,


Saemonite victory, Arazna sacked, Aranza, Tunsna, and Esurran conquered, Mirtana forced into vassalage, Saemonite Empire is established.
Tythies War 1-4 Gyt Tythies Tribes Gytian Victory, Surrounding tribes driven away or destroyed
Arelian War 3-5 Batur peoples

Ríkivan clans

Kingdom of Arelia Bátur-Ríki Victory, Conquest of Arelia
Conquest of Sinsedel’locnon 3-10 Yannis Empire Native Tribes, Burned Men Yannian Victory, Sinsedel’locnon Natives purged or assimilated
Mynethos Campaign 5-7 Gyt Mynethos Tribes Gytian victory, Mynethos Tribes exterminated
Casphe’tenan Revolt 11-12 Yannis Empire Rebels Yannian Victory, Rebels crushed.
Kuscisiwa War 11-34 Rebels, Asteracan Confederation, Burned Men Yannis Empire Several cities Destroyed, Rebels crushed, Burned men conquered, Yannian Puppet King installed.
Conquest of Makuku 11 Makuku Kingdom Surrounding tribes Makuku is conquered and heavily settled by thousands of tribesmen.
Hanidan War 12-23 Azoz Barbaria tribes Azozian Victory, tribesmen all killed or enslaved.
Strafenian-Darnan war 13-20 Kingdom of Darna Highlander Tribes, Kingdom of Strafen Darnan Victory, Strafen support of highlanders stops, Strafen forced to pay large amount of tribute.
Fall of Kaiyoshor 17-23 Phorintheon


Kaiyoshor Phorintheon-Klaoan victory, Phorintheon sacked, Kaiyoshor Conquered.
Rum Rebellion 21-26 Archonate of Draka Rebels Rebel Victory, Alcohol relegalized, Archon Erik becomes increasingly unpopular.
Francian Inserection 21-26 Bangorian Kingdom Francian Rebels Bangorian Victory, Minor insurrection in the Bagorian Southern Channel ends.
First Zedisladana-Syres War 23-29 Syres Kingdom of Zedisladana Zedisladanan victiroy, Syres settlements in Zoramivera destroyed or captured, Zedisladana conquers Zoramivera.
Sillian Slave Wars 21- Sillas Republic Slavery Practicing Tribes Sillian Victory, Tribes that practice slavery destroyed, former slaves freed zand assimilated into Sillian Society
Kaughn-Saemonite War 31-37 Kingdom of Kaughn Saemonite Empire Kaughn Victory, Kaughn Expands significantly in the Northwestern Saemonite Territories.
Consolidation of the Etty's Coast 31-40 Syvotyrship of Exhula, Syttoria Native Etty's Tribes Exhulan Victory, Native tribes other than the Sarthari exterminated or driven out of the Ettys (Now Ettyian) Region.
Cartorian War 32-35 Uchanrate of Gyt, Yyrans Tribe Cartor Tribes Gytian-Yransan victory, Cartor tribe exterminated, Cartor lands divided between Gyt and Yyrans
Lafiagi Rebellion 42-51 Kingdom of Zanphoria Lafoagi Tribe, Zedisladana zealots Pyrrhic Zanphorian Victory, Lafiagi and Zedisladanans defeated, Safria sacked, Region desolated, Zanphoria massively weakened by loss in manpower and supplies.
First Battle of Makuka 43 Tribe of N'alam Behn Makuku Makukan Victory, Tribesmen driven off, N'alam killed.
Conquest of the Northern Isles 43-46 Kuscisiwan Tribes Anglenite Confederacy Kusiciswan victory, Northern Isles conquered, Founding of the Kingdom of the Isles.


Conflict Year(s) Side 1 Side 2 Result
