This is a page listing the wars that have occurred in the Origo Mundi Map Game.
This is currently incomplete.
Conflict | Year(s) | Side 1 | Side 2 | Result |
First Saemonite War | 1-27 | Saemonite Tribes | Arazna,
Tunsna, Esurra, Mirtana |
Saemonite victory, Arazna sacked, Aranza, Tunsna, and Esurran conquered, Mirtana forced into vassalage, Saemonite Empire is established. |
Tythies War | 1-4 | Gyt | Tythies Tribes | Gytian Victory, Surrounding tribes driven away or destroyed |
Arelian War | 3-5 | Batur peoples
Ríkivan clans |
Kingdom of Arelia | Bátur-Ríki Victory, Conquest of Arelia |
Conquest of Sinsedel’locnon | 3-10 | Yannis Empire | Native Tribes, Burned Men | Yannian Victory, Sinsedel’locnon Natives purged or assimilated |
Mynethos Campaign | 5-7 | Gyt | Mynethos Tribes | Gytian victory, Mynethos Tribes exterminated |
Casphe’tenan Revolt | 11-12 | Yannis Empire | Rebels | Yannian Victory, Rebels crushed. |
Kuscisiwa War | 11-34 | Rebels, Asteracan Confederation, Burned Men | Yannis Empire | Several cities Destroyed, Rebels crushed, Burned men conquered, Yannian Puppet King installed. |
Conquest of Makuku | 11 | Makuku Kingdom | Surrounding tribes | Makuku is conquered and heavily settled by thousands of tribesmen. |
Hanidan War | 12-23 | Azoz | Barbaria tribes | Azozian Victory, tribesmen all killed or enslaved. |
Strafenian-Darnan war | 13-20 | Kingdom of Darna | Highlander Tribes, Kingdom of Strafen | Darnan Victory, Strafen support of highlanders stops, Strafen forced to pay large amount of tribute. |
Fall of Kaiyoshor | 17-23 | Phorintheon
Klao |
Kaiyoshor | Phorintheon-Klaoan victory, Phorintheon sacked, Kaiyoshor Conquered. |
Rum Rebellion | 21-26 | Archonate of Draka | Rebels | Rebel Victory, Alcohol relegalized, Archon Erik becomes increasingly unpopular. |
Francian Inserection | 21-26 | Bangorian Kingdom | Francian Rebels | Bangorian Victory, Minor insurrection in the Bagorian Southern Channel ends. |
First Zedisladana-Syres War | 23-29 | Syres | Kingdom of Zedisladana | Zedisladanan victiroy, Syres settlements in Zoramivera destroyed or captured, Zedisladana conquers Zoramivera. |
Sillian Slave Wars | 21- | Sillas Republic | Slavery Practicing Tribes | Sillian Victory, Tribes that practice slavery destroyed, former slaves freed zand assimilated into Sillian Society |
Kaughn-Saemonite War | 31-37 | Kingdom of Kaughn | Saemonite Empire | Kaughn Victory, Kaughn Expands significantly in the Northwestern Saemonite Territories. |
Consolidation of the Etty's Coast | 31-40 | Syvotyrship of Exhula, Syttoria | Native Etty's Tribes | Exhulan Victory, Native tribes other than the Sarthari exterminated or driven out of the Ettys (Now Ettyian) Region. |
Cartorian War | 32-35 | Uchanrate of Gyt, Yyrans Tribe | Cartor Tribes | Gytian-Yransan victory, Cartor tribe exterminated, Cartor lands divided between Gyt and Yyrans |
Lafiagi Rebellion | 42-51 | Kingdom of Zanphoria | Lafoagi Tribe, Zedisladana zealots | Pyrrhic Zanphorian Victory, Lafiagi and Zedisladanans defeated, Safria sacked, Region desolated, Zanphoria massively weakened by loss in manpower and supplies. |
First Battle of Makuka | 43 | Tribe of N'alam Behn | Makuku | Makukan Victory, Tribesmen driven off, N'alam killed. |
Conquest of the Northern Isles | 43-46 | Kuscisiwan Tribes | Anglenite Confederacy | Kusiciswan victory, Northern Isles conquered, Founding of the Kingdom of the Isles. |
Conflict | Year(s) | Side 1 | Side 2 | Result |