Alternative History
Republic of Lombardia
Republik Lombardei
Timeline: Terra Cognita
Flag Seal
Flag Seal
Capital Veana
Largest city Veana
Language Lombardian

The Republic of Lombardia is a country in


The word Lombardia comes from Old Roman Longobardus, Langobardus ("a Lombard"), derived from the Proto-Germanic elements *langaz + *bardaz; equivalent to long beard.

Some scholars suggest the second element instead derives from Proto-Germanic *bardǭ, *barduz ("axe"), related to Francian Barte ("axe") or that the whole word comes from the Proto-Mysian *Lum bardhi "white river" (Compare modern Arberian lum i bardhë).

According to their own traditions, the Lombards initially called themselves the Winnili. After a reported major victory against the Vandals they changed their name to Langobards. The name Winnili is generally translated as 'the wolves', related to the Proto-Germanic root *wulfaz 'wolf'. The name Lombard was reportedly derived from the distinctively long beards of the Lombards.


According to their own legends the Lombards originated in southern Scandia. The Northern European origins of the Lombards is supported by genetic, anthropological, archaeological and earlier literary evidence.

A legendary account of Lombard origins, history, and practices is the Origo Gentis Langobardorum (Origin of the Lombard People).

The Origo Gentis Langobardorum tells the story of a small tribe called the Winnili dwelling in southern Scandia (Scadanan) (the Codex Gothanus writes that the Winnili first dwelt near a river called Vindilicus on the extreme boundary of Gallia). The Winnili were split into three groups and one part left their native land to seek foreign fields. The reason for the exodus was probably overpopulation. The departing people were led by the brothers Ybor and Aio and their mother Gambara and arrived in the lands of Scoringa, perhaps the Baltic coast or the Bardengau on the banks of the Elbe. Scoringa was ruled by the Vandals and their chieftains, the brothers Ambri and Assi, who granted the Winnili a choice between tribute or war.

The Winnili were young and brave and refused to pay tribute, saying "It is better to maintain liberty by arms than to stain it by the payment of tribute." The Vandals prepared for war and consulted Godan (the god Odin), who answered that he would give the victory to those whom he would see first at sunrise. The Winnili were fewer in number and Gambara sought help from Frea (the goddess Frigg), who advised that all Winnili women should tie their hair in front of their faces like beards and march in line with their husbands. At sunrise, Frea turned her husband's bed so that he was facing east, and woke him. So Godan spotted the Winnili first and asked, "Who are these long-beards?," and Frea replied, "My lord, thou hast given them the name, now give them also the victory." From that moment onwards, the Winnili were known as the Longbeards (Latinised as Langobardi, Romanized as Longobardes).

When Warnefrid the Deacon wrote the Historia he was a priestly scholar and already a devoted Christian. He thought the ‘heathen’ stories of his people "silly" and "laughable". Warnefrid explained that the name "Langobard" came from the length of their beards.

A modern theory suggests that the name "Langobard" comes from Langbarðr, a name of Odin. Historians state that when the Winnili changed their name to "Lombards", they also changed their old agricultural fertility cult to a cult of Odin, thus creating a conscious tribal tradition.









Lombard culture has long been influenced by its transitionary location between Western and Eastern Europe and between Gentilic and Abrahamic Europe, especially between Christendom and Hellenism.


Modern Lombards

Christianism has long played a vital role in Lombard identity and helped the people of Lombardia shrug off repeated Francian attempts at dominion and control, with the conversion of the Kings of the Langobards broadly viewed with this understanding. Though a Christian nation, there has long been a strong, though small, Hellene minority dating back to the earliest Franco-Roman proselytizing attempts during the growth of the Kingdom.

Lombardia has been a middle power since the disintegration of Mariana, once one of the preeminent powers of Europe. The remnants of this once multi-ethnic Christian empire remains in the nations that formed it - Lombardia, Gepidia, Pannonia, Dalmatia, and Hungaria. The Lombards and Gepids were looked to as the de-facto leaders of Mariana and the two nations have, ever since, had a sort of rivalry. Gepidia is looked at by Lombardia as a bizarre sibling, one they don't quite understand. Lombard ties with Francia can be seen in the Christian minority in Francia, largely the result of a history of Lombard priests operating in their neighbor to the north. The Lombards have long accepted a middle power stance, as delusions of grandeur were never seized after the fall of Mariana.

The family forms the basis of the Lombard social structure. The family is generally small and, due to lack of migration, generally closely knit within a certain town or village. Weekends are generally devoted to family activities such as outdoor activities. Eating dinner together in the evening is very much the norm. Sundays are usually bookmarked for visiting grandparents for dinner, and/or, enjoying a hike in the country together. Lombards are by and large a religious people and Christian adherence is prominent, however religion dictates little in the way of modern mores and way of life beyond cultural aspects of tradition.

Lombards take much pride in their homes, keeping them neat and tidy. In a formal culture such as theirs, the home is the place where people relax and let their hair down. Only close friends and relatives are invited into the house, so it is a place where more informal communication may occur. Neighbourly etiquette also has its rules that must be observed. It is imperative that common areas such as sidewalks, pavements, corridors (in flats), and steps be kept clean at all times by all associated with them.


Miss Lombardia 2763 Valentina Kloakriag

Lombards are generally conservative people and closed-political factions tend to dominate in the country. They are prudent and moderate in their behaviour. 'Regimentation' and 'compartmentalization' are a useful ways of describing how they organise their lives. They extend social invitations in advance of the event, and the more formal the occasion the greater the time between the invitation and the event itself, so that they can be certain that their guests do not have a prior engagement. Presentation and dressing well are important to Lombards. Even when dressed informally, they are neat and conservative; their clothes are never ostentatious. There is sometimes a strict protocol for dressing appropriately in different situations: formal wear for the theatre or a concert, and semiformal wear for better restaurants. Some high level events may have a dress code and will turn away patrons who are not dressed properly. Most Lombard women dress up to go shopping, since they dress elegantly, if conservatively, at all times, especially when they will be public. Greetings are formal in Lombardia. It is not uncommon for men to kiss women on the hand. Titles are very important and denote respect. Use a person's title and their surname until invited to use their first name.

Punctuality is a sign of respect in Lombardia and tardiness is seen as a violation of this.

Lombard Language[]

The Lombard language is in the Germanic family and is closely related to Francian.


"'s Lombardische is a Grubbm fő Dialektt im Siin fåm Germanisch Shbroochråm."


"Lombardesch ass eng Grupp vun Dialekter am Süde vum Germanesch sproochegeraum"


"Lombard is a group of dialects in the south of the German language space."


"Sérawas i bin da Peeder"


"Hello, I am Peter"

Sérawas - hello

Še das d' kemma bisd - welcome

Via ged's eana? - how are you?

Guadn moing - good morning

Guadn åmd - good afternoon

Guad nåhd - good night

Vidašaung - goodbye

Iå - yes

Na - no

Duad ma laid - please

Dang šee - thank you

I liab di - I love you
