Alternative History
The Kingdom of Macedonia
808 BC–666 AD Blank

Vergina Sun - Golden Larnax

Coat of arms

location of Macedonia before the Macedonian War
Capital Pella
Official language Ancient Macedonian Language
Government Monarchy
 - Placeholder Placeholder
 - Established 808 BC
 - Second Macedonian Civil War (Vae victis!) 666 AD
Currency Tetradrachm
Today part of Greece

Macedonia was a regional power based in Greece and Western Anatolia from 808 BC to 666 AD. While at one point it was a huge empire under Alexander the Great, the nation was later forced to accept a more modest Empire. The creation of their second, samller empire would influence the events of other nations, notably the Second Safinei War. Macedonia would later influence other events in various parts of Europe, and hold its own power in Greece.


Macedonain War

The Macedonian war was a landmark moment for Macedonia - the nation was able to establish an empire that would actually last, rather than one that collapsed at the death of its leader. The war was brutal, and severally hurt the Economy. However the new land allowed Macedonia to quickly recover from this harm, and gain influence in Italy. This influence would eventually lead to increased trade, and Macedonia's dominance over Greece and Anatolia. Not only that, but the nation would serve as an effective ally to Etrusca - even after the Dardanian's took over. Overall, this was would mark the birth of Macedonia as an effective international power.

Civil War

Colonization of the Balkans

Trade with European Tribes

Second Civil War



