Alternative History
Empire of the Mangi Kingdoms
Cozenki fe jeh Mangi Quonazi
Timeline: Origo Mundi (Map Game)
Flag of the Empire of the Mangi Kingdoms
Current Flag of Mang
Mang jeh Zonhen haj Hazaki
(Mang the Love and Pride)
Official languages Mangi
Religion Mangism
Demonym Mangi
Government Absolute monarchy
 -  First Emperor Ompai Emperor
 -  Current Emperor Akai (i think) Emperor
Currency none at the moment

The Empire of the Mangi Kingdoms or known colloquially as either the Mangi Empire, Empire of Mang, or simply Mang in general, is a sovereign state, located near the mountains and the coastline. The national flag is consisted of a bird, which resembles the national bird of Mang, and the other colors in the flag represent a certain thing. Red denotes the blood of the kingdoms, in which a war was fought for the brave and the blood of the lost souls in the war. Blue denotes the liberty and freedom the nation holds. Yellow denotes the sunrise of the coastline, and the Five Mangi Stars, which are all yellow and under a certain god. The religion is Mangism, which is a religion focused on a certain type of God, one who chose the spirit of Mang, and local prayers were sent to the God, who he was believed to create the Five Mangi Stars and the golden sunshine the Mangi's had.