Alternative History
Alternative History
Timeline: Concert of Europe
Province of Canada
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Gloriosus et Liber (Latin)
("Glorious and Free")
(and largest city)
Language English, French
Religion Protestantism
Demonym Manitoban

Manitoba is a province of Canada, located in the central part of the country. It is bordered by Ontario to the east, the Hudson Bay to the northeast, Nunavut to the north, Saskatchewan to the west and the Sioux Nation to the south. The area was settled by Europeans starting in the late 17th century, and Manitoba was made into a province in the late 19th century.

The geography of the province is characterized by vast praires, forests and rolling hills, as well as large lakes in its southern area. Manitoba's economy is based largely on natural resources, which include agriculture, mining and forestry.