Alternative History
Alternative History
Duchy of Mantua
Ducato di Mantova
Timeline: 1861: Historical Failing

OTL equivalent: Province of Mantua (Italy)
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
(and largest city)
  others Mantuan
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Parliamentary democracy under constitutional monarchy
Duke Maurizio
  Royal house: Gonzaga di Vescovato
Prime Minister Nicola Sodano
Area 2 339 km²
Population 411.911 
Established 1530
Currency Lira

Mantua is a nation in Europe.


In 1923, after the Biennio Rosso that struck the Italian states, Gino Maffei was made Prime Minister, in order to repress the Socialists; he stayed in power until his death in 1938; he was succeeded by Cesare Genovesi, which stayed in power until 1945; he was later captured by the Allies and banned from running for any public charge until his death, in 1970.

From 1946 to 1948, a Provisional Charge was established in order to reconstruct the old democratic regime.