Alternative History

Maratha Sultanate (मराठा सल्तनत maraatha saltanat) is a alternative Reality counterpart to India and Pakistan

Maratha Sultanate Flag

Flag of Maratha sultanate( if someone can get better versions they can uplaod instead of it)



after British left India the royal houses fought each other in a Civil war that lasted for 2 years and ultimately all Indus Valley was united by the Islamic House of Maratha leaded by Sultan Sanjira Hatar won and became the new Sultan of India still he wanted to monarch having absolute power and he did while Many people convinced him to share power but he refused and threanated an all scale war with USA And Britian but those ultimately left him alone as Sultan ordered to rise up army with rifflemen in bulletproof armored war elephants ultimately the policy of Sultan Lighten down to the Us Policy seeing massive communist movements in his Kingdom he Hated. He Pleased Usa if he can join Nato as The President agreed.

The Anti Absolute Movements:[]

in 1946 a peacefull strikes saying that Sultan should share his power leaded by Mahatma Gandhi Seeing this Sultan ordered to slaughter them all because they might be communists as in the strikes the police entered executing and shooting the people who protested alongside in 1948 Mahatma Ghandi was executed for treasoning authority of Sultan.

Age of Pluralism:[]

After the Founding Sultan died in 1958 his Son Hatarat introduced more human rights to the country as the people liked it also he legalized Shaolin believe and Buddhism he allowed more and more human rights to come in but after his death in 1969 his son disliked this and introduced taxes for shaolin believers and buddhists also anyone who will critize his family will be executed as pluralism era fell.

The Age of Tyrany:[]

Son of Hatarat Medain will often use iron fisitng to put down strikes even invading some of Afganistan while using the bulletproof armor with the small artillery on backs taking some territories of Afganistan as the influence of Ussr at that time was pretty weak as the afgan army was pushed off he even threatened Cuba for sending mass of troops alongside battle elephants to deal with them in 1972 he died.

Provisional Goverment:[]

when Sultan Died in 1972 the communist have pretty much big influence on 9 year old sultan son seeing this and the son was too young to took the throne seeing this allies install provisional goverment under orders of Usa President Richad Nixon as it will last untill the sultan son became 13 years old.

New Hope:[]

Now New Sultan Harad Maratha Medain took over and he pretty much hated Leftists and Wahabis so he order to slaughter them all and also slay anyone who refuses to pay taxes for non muslims as later he had a daughter named Hatshita Muhadi Maratha which she had opposite personality to her father later in 1989 Harad Maratha died at age of 29.
