Alternative History
Lucas Cranach d. Ä

Marcus Cranach was the 12th Ergecratic President of the Ratian Union, serving from 1547 until 1549, and again from 1558 until 1560, as the 15th President. He succeeded Theoderic Rood. Born in the Duchy of Saxony in 1493, he was elected to represent Plauen in the Supreme Ratia. He rose in the ranks, and according to contemporary accounts, was a powerful orator; he was said to have a "furious, bellowing voice", that contrasted with his predecessor Rood's soft-spoken, calming demeanour. His supporters were referred to as the Cranachites. Although they often denounced the Catholics, the Cranachite faction was viewed by many as incompetent and confused in their policies. Some members of the Ratia believed the Union should be more involved in the ongoing Amiens War. Cranach had struck a deal with Kurt Eisner, his supporter, that Eisner would succeed him as President. Cranach left office in 1549, and Eisner took over, but would later be challenged and forced from office, by Cranach's opponent General Xaverius Kreittmayr. When Kreittmayr died unexpectedly, Cranach took advantage of the opportunity and once again became President, but he was frailer and his health was ailing, and he died several years later of a stroke that occurred in the midst of him giving a rousing but strenuous speech.  

This article is part of Merveilles des Morte.