Mexico is a big Latin American country south of the United States. In colonial times known as New Spain, it gained independence as the short-lived Empire of Mexico.
Alternate versions of Mexico have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Anahuac (The Fork in Time)
- Anahuac (Misconceived Malaproper Mania)
- Anahuac (OTL Quadrupled)
- Anahuac (Sacred White Europe)
- Aztec Empire (Aztec Empire)
- Aztec Empire (Parallelity of Parallelities)
- Hattusa (A Different Story of Civilization) - Mexico's mirror equivalent ITTL.
- Mexico (1983: Doomsday)
- Mexico (A-651)
- Mexico (Austria and others)
- Mexico (The British Ain't Coming)
- Mexica (Battle of Manzikert)
- Mexica (The Kalmar Union)
- Mejico (British Louisiana)
- Meshiko (Cabotia and Brasil)
- Mexico (Chaos)
- Mexico (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- Mexico (Concert of Europe)
- Mexico (Cromwell the Great)
- Kingdom of Mexico (Day of Glory)
- Greater Mexico (The Disunited States of America)
- Mexico (Federalist Failure)
- Mexico (FG)
- Mexico (Greater Colombia)
- Mexico (Here we go again)
- Mexican Empire (Hitler's Win)
- Mexico (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- United States of Mexico (Long live the Qing)
- Republic of Mexico (The Many Nations of North America)
- Mexico (Mexican Empire)
- Mexico (Napoleon's America)
- Mexico (OTL Doubled)
- Mexico (OTL Tripled)
- Mexico (Peak Oil 1996)
- Mexico (The Red Baron Lives)
- Mexico (Toyotomi)
- Mejico (Vegetarian World)
- People's Republic of Mexico (Viva California)
- Mexico (Washington Shot at Murdering Town!)
- Mexico Grande
- New Spain (British Louisiana)
- New Spain (Much ado about Nonsuch)
- Third Mezhikan Republic (Russian America Expansion)
- mexico 1995 ta
- mexico (apocalypse in august)