- 21st August 2016
Geneva - The Olympiad comes to a close with a marathon race around the streets of Geneva. Duchess Adelais crowns the winner, Auvergnese runner Pierre Masson, with a laurel wreath.
- 16th August 2016
Swiss Confederation - Annoyed by the general exclusion of women from the Geneva Olympiad, the town of Nyon in the Swiss Confederation hastily organises a Women's version of the games though it is much complained about in the European press for 'lowering standards'.
- 8th August 2016
Geneva - As a further boost to the already successful World Fair the Duchy's cultural committee hosts a varied program of sports, an Olympiad, meant to pit the athletes and teams of various nations against one another. This includes sights such as the Tug-o-War matches (of which Hungary eventually wins) held inside the Great Hall. Women are officially only allowed to compete in the Archery and Tennis events.
- 23rd June 2016
Anhalt - In what is widely regarded as a backward step, a referendum in Anhalt defiantly rejects ongoing associate membership of the Härz League. The League's member begin erecting border posts once more whilst signalling their disappointment.
- 1st May 2016
Geneva - Geneva officially opens the 'World Fair' built on a massive scale on the shores of Lake Geneva. The exhibits hail from around the world whilst the grounds feature a massive boat-pond and the single largest building in the world - the Great Hall.
- 11th January 2016
Hordaland - The Wessexian avant-garde musician, actor and artist David Harker dies in his adopted home of Bergen.
- 25th December 2013
Denmark - The editor and staff at Morgenstjernen would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Glædelig jul!
- 17th November 2015
Aragon - Anarchists belonging to a violent 'terror' organisation, with the aim of independence for Sardinia, kill 24 in Valencia.
- 14th October 2015
HRE - In perhaps a reflection of the low feelings in Northern Europe, the Imperial Electors elect the recalcitrant anti-Kalmar Prince William VII of Isenburg as Emperor.
- 4th October 2015
France - Once again, French diplomats convene a 'grand concert' to smooth over relations between Copenhagen and Antwerp. Unreported however is a secret deal between the Kalmar Union, France, and Auvergne, commiting one other to military action should a third party attack.
- 25th September 2015
Thailand - The ultimatum sent to Perak expires but sustained diplomacy from several averts all-out conflict. However the ease at which Kalmar and Luxembourg nearly came to blows has shocked many in Europe. Reports that firing continues over the border between Thai and Perakese forces is dismissed as 'hearsay'.
- 17th September 2015
Hagenau - In the slightly more laidback environs of Hagenau the various electoral parties reconvene to attempt to elect an new emperor.
- 5th September 2015
Mamaceqtawia - Fire consumes the largely timber-built Mamaceqtawian capital Keshena, leveling the city and killing an estimated 1500 people.
- 25th August 2015
Thailand - The Thai government sends Perak an ultimatum it has 30 days to comply with. However the document is widely denounced as utterly unacceptable by most European countries. Kalmar moves its South-East Asian fleet into the South China Sea.
- 19th August 2015
Thailand - A busy marketplace in Bangkok is bombed by anarchists. Officials blame a group with links to Perak.
- 28th July 2015
Abernakriga - The first all-electric railway is debuted in Abernakriga running between Wolinak and Taimagny.
- 3rd July 2015
Nýljóneyja - A ferry crammed with families fleeing from the violence in Mane overturns in the strait sailing to Nýljóneyja. An estimated 800 people drown.
- 18th June 2015
Poland - In what seems to be a yearly event to the exasperated Ruthenian authorities, there are riots in several towns and cities along the Tver border and in Tauridia.
- 12th June 2015
Álengiamark - The great Álengsk showman Olafur Eiriksson wows crowds by walking a tightrope across the Godifoss from Álengiamark to Vinland.
- 21st May 2015
Mane - The King of Mane, along with his advisor and eldest son, is killed by an angry mob demanding more freedom in the West African nation. The army quickly grabs power on behalf of the heir however the countryside is soon arming itself.
- 8th May 2015
Svealand - Despite the criticisms levelled at the Alfvengren government by its (many) critics, the Allmänna valmansförbundet is returned as governing party once more in Svealand's general election. Commentators suggest another few years of inertia will 'leave Svealand trailing' behind its more progressive Kalmar neighbours.
- 25th April 2015
Nepal - A massive earthquake strikes the poor Asian nation of Nepal. The Indian government in Delhi offers assistance to the isolated kingdom.
- 13th April 2015
HRE - With the Imperial election still undecided (and indeed most of the electors have returned home to deal with domestic affairs for now) the Imperial Diet reconvenes. The presumably outgoing Chancellor Oberst still presides over the chamber however.
- 24th March 2015
Frankfurt - Amid a storm of newspaper headlines screaming 'what is taking so long?' it is clear the Imperial election is getting nowhere fast. The Electors of Arles, Cologne and Salzburg have even refused to leave their apartments for the past three days suggesting tempers have become heated. The Imperial diplomatic corps and even Frankfurt's mayor Peter Landmann are now employed in shuttling back and forth between the Wahlkapelle chapel and various hotels.
- 21st March 2015
Kristjanaborg - A gunfight between two opposing crime syndicates leaves six bystanders dead in a bar in southern Kristjanaborg, Álengiamark, and leads the city's mayor to 'declare war' on the gangs terrorizing the city. However the cash-strapped police force is expected to achieve little.
- 19th March 2015
Anglia - Prince Christopher and Princess Elisabeta's second child, a girl named Sophia, is born.
- 15th March 2015
Frankfurt - Following a service in Frankfurt Dom the first meeting of Imperial Electors is held in Wahlkapelle chapel. There is little expectation of an immediate decision; more likely the list of potential candidates will simply be read publicly to the nineteen electors.
- 14th March 2015
Drehu Federation - A massive cyclone makes landfall in the Drehu Islands reportedly destroying the capital. Ships from Svealandic Australia and New Oland are dispatched to survey the damage and provide assistance.
- 13th March 2015
Poland-Lithuania - The Grand Mosque in Bakhchisaray in Taurica province is badly damaged in what is described as an 'anarchist' attack which kills 50. The Polish army, still very much present following the disturbances of the previous year, appeals for calm.
- 9th March 2015
Livonia - Talks on the anticipated withdrawal of all Svealandic and Tverian troops from Livonia by August break down amid an acrimonious war of words. The acting Svealandic foreign minister accuses his Tverian counterpart of inventing abuses inflicted by Svealanders on the Livonian population. The talks' chairman, Prince Francis V of Minden, suggests the resumption of talks should be the first priority of the Emperor whenever they are eventually elected.
- 5th March 2015
Luxembourg - Various antiquities from the Assyrian city of Nineveh are delivered to the Royal Museum of History in Antwerp.
- 25th February 2015
Arles - Queen Charlotta finally returns to Europe after over a year visiting her territories. Eager political commentators assume the preparations for Imperial elections can now beginning in earnest.
- 22nd February 2015
Leifia - Heavy snowfall virtually shuts down several north-east Leifian states while the Godifoss waterfall freezes.
- 20th February 2015
Svealand - With confidence rapidly running out with the Alfvengren government the current Riksdag is dissolved. Elections will be held at the end of March.
- 15th February 2015
Liechtenstein - After lying in state for 11 days, the body of Emperor Joseph II is laid to rest in Valtice cathedral.
- 13th February 2015
Holy Roman Empire - While many cynical members of the Imperial Diet suggest holding the election for the new emperor before Queen Charlotta (and her three electoral votes) can return from her diversion to Persia, several newspapers across Europe are already running ballots and opinion pieces concerning the potential candidates. Chancellor Oberst's last act before dissolving the Diet is to make betting on the election illegal within the Empire's borders.
- 4th February 2015
HRE - Chancellor Oberst announces over wireless to the public what many have privately known for a day now. Emperor Joseph II is dead. Flags are flown at half mast.
- 20th January 2015
Caliphate - After a brief visit to her Indian possessions, Queen Charlotta of the United Netherlands arrives as guest of the governor of Khuzestan. This defiantly ramps up the current wooing of various interests inside the Caliphate by Kalmar, Aragon, UKN and others, for potential oil speculation rights.
- 14th January 2015
Byzantine Empire - One of the last breeding pair of South Euboean Tigers dies in Sofia's Imperial Zoo. The species has not been seen in the wild for several years and naturalists now fear it will become extinct.
- 8th January 2015
Wurttemberg - King Phillip II dies after a long illness. Prince Ludwig Fredrich had already signaled he would not accept the crown, probably so he could freely marry his catholic fiancée, so the kingship passes to Karl II Alexander.
- 25th December 2013
Denmark - The editor and staff at Morgenstjernen would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Glædelig jul!
- 24th December 2013
The Kalmar Union - Heads of State across Kalmar broadcast Christmas wishes to their subjects.
- 23rd November 2014
Wessex - The Fforchaman coal mine collapses killing 302 miners. Wreaths of condolence flood in from across the kingdom. King Frederick II visits three days later cancelling a meeting with Earl Haakon X of Orkney.
- 19th November 2014
Singapore - On the final leg of the tour of her realm Queen Charlotta pays a visit to Cigne Island. The party is lucky enough to have timed this with the annual Red Crab migration to the sea.
- 19th October 2014
Mark - The government of Mark falls over accusations of corruption and police incompetence, partially related to the riots of the summer.
- 3rd October 2014
New Zeeland - Queen Charlotta is present at the reconsecration of Elizabethstad Cathedral, damaged in the earthquakes of 2010-12.
- 21st August 2014
New Brabant - Queen Charlotta, the first crowned head of state to visit the territory, is given a rapturous welcome by the citizens of Sophiastad.
- 11th August 2014
Anglian Indian Ocean Islands - Engine problems mean the Luxembourgois royal are temporarily diverted to Hannahsdort in the Anglian Indian Ocean Islands. Ministers take the opportunity to agree new trade agreements though it is assumed Lincoln will probably water the terms down.
- 3rd August 2014
Merina - Before crossing the Indian Ocean the Luxembourgois royal party are guests of King Radama VI. New trade treaties are agreed.
- 26th July 2014
New Netherlands - Queen Charlotta attends a special premiere screening of the final installment of the incredibly popular film serial The Adventures of Young Joe.
- 19th July 2014
United Netherlands - In the midst of multiple arrests amongst known anti-Semitic groups for the violence of the preceding nights, the Princess Royal, Octavia, visits the hit community in Strasbourg. The government of Luxembourg-Nassau promises a deep investigation, especially into the police who were said to have stood and watched the violence without intervening.
- 17th July 2014
United Netherlands - The anti-Semitic violence, and apparent police collusion, spreads to Wiesbaden and other Rhineish towns while copy-cat actions are reported in Aachen and Mark.
- 16th July 2014
United Netherlands - In an act of unheralded violence the Jewish communities of Strasbourg and are attacked, with many shop windows broken and youths beaten up.
- 1st July 2014
Denmark - The Riksdag overhauls the various 'backward' Mental Health Acts promising a new age for treatment of the kingdoms' disabled citizens.
- 14th June 2014
Xaymaca - The French authorities on Xaymaca declare a state of emergency after poor weather destroys much of the island's projected harvest. An unprecedented population boom has not been matched by food production anyway. Coabana and mainland Leifian states promise assistance.
- 10th June 2014
Holy Roman Empire - Delegates from nine Imperial states sign the founding document of the Härz League that promises greater economic co-operation between them. Although Anhalt has been party to the talks it does not sign thanks to the fall of its liberal government and is merely given observer status.
- 4th June 2014
Poland - With possible Luxembourg backing Poland issues another warning to Tver to stop inciting unrest in Ruthenia.
- 18th May 2014
Hungary and Byzantine Empire - The Sava river floods, sweeping away whole villages and wrecking communications. To their credit and both Budapest and Constantinople are quick to make pledges of assistance to their beleaguered, yet often restive provinces. Venice and Austria offer support as well.
- 23rd April 2014
Denmark - The Danish Riksdag overcomes objections and introduces state pensions for poor workers over the age of 70.
- 11th April 2014
Caddoa - A week of nervy activity brings a Polish high-altitude airship from Nowych Katowice to the Caddoan-Mexic border to try and see what has happened to the Bahhatteno River. They report back that a vast reservoir has been created behind a dam, no doubt to help irrigate a massive area of the prairie and provide power for the several large cities known to be in the area. The Mexic confirm as much in a typically terse memorandum later in the day: 'We have built a dam'. Caddoan politicians fear for their own irrigation projects however.
- 4th April 2014
Caddoa - The level of the Bahhatteno River which has been noticeably dropping for weeks reaches its lowest ever point in recorded history. Attempts to get information out of the Mexic further upstream fall on deaf ears.
- 1st April 2014
Nowych Katowice - The population of the Polish colony in Leifia reaches 100,000 as regular train service brings in ever increasing numbers of settlers. However, Tunica and Chahtaland complain that not enough work has been made on the Mississippi Defense Line and that the settlers appear more interested in building churches than forts.
- 27th March 2014
Guyana - Queen Charlotta leaves Guyana to travel to the New Netherlands.
- 21st March 2014
Poland - The Polish army enters Zaporizhia to support the police effort to control matters.
- 17th March 2014
Hohenberg - The well-respected Duke of Hohenberg, Rudolph IX dies. His funeral is expected to attract a considerable turnout.
- 16th March 2014
Guyana - The Tawantinland Conference begins, discussing various topics including trade tariffs, cross-border Syndicalist rebel forces and delimiting borders in the jungle interior.
- 6th March 2014
Poland - The Muslim Tatars of the Taurica peninsula demand a separate Diet citing the continued confusion in Zaporizhia. Poland complains to Tver about their perceived funding of certain Ruthenian anarchist groups however it denies all knowledge of the act.
- 3rd March 2014
Álengiamark - The islands of Gráakonenna and Ílaekjurland vote to ban motor vehicles from the lands. Various manufacturers of motor vehicles and parts plan to appeal to the Fylkething in Nahigavik.
- 1st March 2014
Guyana - After visits to her Carib Island territories, Queen Charlotta arrives in Yaracuystad to a rapturous welcome. A general council of most Tawantinland countries is set to start on the 16th March.
25th February 2014
- Poland - The Ruthenian Diet in Zaporizhia is thrown into confusion as an anarchist group assassinates the Diet's speaker, his wife and his deputy. The group briefly proclaims an independent republic before being killed by police attempting to escape the city.
- 13th February 2014
Aniyunwiya - A sinkhole swallows the debating chamber of Geranoyn state's council building. The incident occurred at night so there were no casualties. However, the building will have to be razed and rebuilt.
- 12th February 2014
Sunda - The eruption of Mount Kelud disrupts the peace talks between Sunda and militias seeking independence or autonomy for various areas.
- 7th February 2014
Wessex - Continued flooding in southern Wessex, especially in Somerset and the Thames valley causes widespread civil unrest. The army is called in, but this only causes more unrest as they do not assist in the flood relief and appear to be mainly tasked with keeping order.
- 3rd February 2014
Austria-Bohemia - The fourth international skiing competition is held in the Alpine town of Galtur. The tournament has settled down from the early editions (which saw intense and bitter disagreements over the exact rules of the individual events) and this is the first edition which has officially allowed female entrants. It also sees the debut of 'Bobsleighing' as an event.
- 21st January 2014
Álengiamark - The continued cold snap creates a run on the banks as citizens stockpile goods and many businesses shut down or drastically reduce their operating hours.
- 14th January 2014
Tver - In what is widely condemned as a cynical move, hundreds of prisoners are pardoned and released from prisons as part of Grand-Prince Konstantin IV's 50th birthday celebrations. Within the country this is praised as a sign of Konstantin's forgiveness and clemency. However, many of the more troublesome criminals, including Syndicalists and Ruthenian nationalists, are simply taken to the borders and expelled from the country. Poland-Lithuania and Livonia both send diplomatic notes to Tver complaining.
- 10th January 2014
Arles - An airship crashes into a marketplace on the outskirts of Marseilles just after take off. 18 people, including the two pilots are reported killed.
- 7th January 2014
Wessex - Continued bad weather, with little assistance from central government for the flooded out towns, leads to strikes and disputes in several southern towns.
Fraeburt Votnum - A vicious cold snap leads many Votnum states to shut down. Wireless broadcasts urge many citizens not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary.
- 6th January 2014
Luxembourg - Queen Charlotta departs Rotterdam on a tour of the Luxembourgoise Empire. The first scheduled stop is Waomoni in the Carib Islands.
- 1st January 2014
Caliphate - The Tuscan archeological team led by Giacomo Bezzini reports the discovery of an undisturbed tomb of a pharaoh in the Egyptian 'Valley of the Kings'.
- 25th December 2013
Denmark - The editor and staff at Morgenstjernen would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Glædelig jul!
- 24th December 2013
The Kalmar Union - Heads of State across Kalmar broadcast Christmas wishes to their subjects.
- 12th December 2013
Goslar - In some ways a result of the Lippe Conference, several Imperial states in the Harz region meet to discuss a loose economic federation.
- 5th December 2013
Lippe - In an attempt to avoid the confrontation that marred last year's Christmas celebrations a conference is held to promote good relations between sovereign states. Most of the front and second rank powers of Europe and Leifia are present although the Emperor, Joseph II, is ill and cannot attend.
- 30th November 2013
Anglian Indian Ocean Islands - Following complaints of assault and sexual misconduct the entire male population of isolated Drenthe Island are 'arrested'. A judge and the army are called in from Hannahsdort to keep order but politicians in Lincoln are quick to level blame at the company nominally in charge of running the island for hiring unsuitables.
- 26th November 2013
Denmark - Morten Jansen's book Dark Pleasures is banned on indecency grounds. Many suspect illicit copies will soon just appear from across the borders.
- 24th November 2013
Naples - In an unexpected move Queen Helen Maria bequeaths the ruins and treasures of Pompeii and Herculaneum, previously a royal privilege, to the Neapolitan National Museum.
- 19th November 2013
Vinland - The mayor of Karontóborg, Vilhjálmur Magnusson, is caught by a newspaper sting leaving a known opium den. He resigns while the country's government is criticised for perceived contempt for the country's laws.
- 18th November 2013
Luconia - While Brunei attempts to feed the stricken peoples in its own Luconian territory, Kalmar and Luxembourg vessels penetrate the waters of the Federated States and are overwhelmed by those seeking aid.
- 10th November 2013
Luconia - After the landfall of a massive typhoon which breaks telegraph communication, many Luconian islands, China, Luxembourg, Brunei, and several Kalmar nations pledge their navies in the Roasjoinn to provide assistance to the stricken Federated States.
- 1st November 2013
Vinland - Responding to a concerted newspaper campaign that many have said was over-exaggerating the threat, the Vinlandic Althing makes opium and opium derived products illegal.
- 28th October 2013
Britannia - The St. Jude storm wracks Wessex and southern Anglia in the early morning before heading toward Denmark.
- 20th October 2013
Songhay - After a long ceasefire, Songhayan militia crosses the Caliphate border once more. Reports of the Sennar fleet leaving port in reaction signals yet another chapter to the 'Five Sultanate's War'.
- 14th October 2013
Holy Roman Empire - The Imperial Automotive Authority decrees that all automotive vehicles should drive on the right hand side of Imperial roads. This is possibly just done to annoy the Danes who have recently made driving on the left standard throughout their lands.
- 10th October 2013
Papal States - The Papacy embarrasses itself by issuing coinage misspelling 'Jesus'.
- 7th October 2013
Atikamekwia - Atikamekwia officially submits its application to join the Kalmar Union. It is sponsored by Hordaland and Vinland. The outcome of the discussions will be announced at the next conference in Fjallasay in May 2014.
- 30th September 2013
Holy Roman Empire - Emperor Joseph II addresses the Imperial Diet officially dropping the move to reform the Ecclesiastical States, at least from the top-down.
- 26th September 2013
Chinookriga - The rail bridge at Ne-Maltnomaq collapses as a passenger train crosses it, with the loss of at least 300 lives. It is the worst rail disaster in Leifian history and puts a further dent in the sure-footedness of the Trans-Leifian railway project following the slump in many suppliers' share prices earlier in the year.
- 24th September 2013
Luxembourg - Princess Octavia officially reopens the Natural History Museum (Nationalmusée fir Naturgeschicht) in Luxembourg City, rebuilt and restocked after the disastrous fire of 2006.
- 21st September 2013
Denmark - Hamborg police are concerned the killer recently stalking Brunswick has moved north to their city following a brutal and horrific double murder.
- 13th September 2013
Hordaland - King Haakon XI is wounded by gunshot in an assassination attempt. The would-be assassin, apparently shouting Syndicalist phrases as he was dragged away by police, surprised the royal party as they entered the Queen's Theatre in Bergen.
- 12th September 2013
Vinland & Man - The first official transatlantic telephone call takes place between the Prime Minsters of Vinland and Man, Arnór Magnusson and William Kewish.
- 8th September 2013
Caliphate - The authorities in Cairo announce a plan to construct a canal from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. While many commentators do not see the plan ever coming to fruition, especially considering the continued non-completion of the Tangiers to Tashkent railway the Caliphate announced 10 years ago, there are those who worry if completed the Caliphate would in effect control a huge percentage of the world's trade via the canal.
- 5th September 2013
Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel - Police attempt to calm the nerves of the citizens of Brunswick after a third horrific murder of a prostitute in as many weeks.
- 2nd September 2013
Prussia - The widely respected Prussian playwright and raconteur Jacob Christoph Rosenkranz dies in Königsberg.
- 1st September 2013
Brunei - After apparent violence against its traders in the Papuan city-state of Wewak, Brunei expels all Papuan diplomats from its territories and orders its navy to blockade the port until sufficient reparations are made. When the news is received by telegraph in Europe many governments the action is condemned as a violation of the 1903 Papua Treaty.
- 30th August 2013
Waashiland - Forest fires engulf almost all of southern Waashiland. The government calls a state of emergency and Chinese Leifian troops are deployed in an attempt to stop the blaze spreading further.
- 26th August 2013
Swiss Confederation - The 3rd Schaltung des Reiches cycle race finishes in Mulhouse. This year's winner of the grueling month long race is the Wurttemburgish rider Rupert Reiger.
- 24th August 2013
Karelia - The Karelian Diet finally ratifies the Kalmar East Indies Trade Preference Bill some 120 years after it first passed in Denmark. This raises speculation that the Karelian government is contemplating leasing an East Asian port for trade purposes.
- 3rd August 2013
Holy Roman Empire - The Imperial Diet passes the Automotive Registration Bill making it illegal for the operators of motor to not register their vehicles with a central authority. Some imperial states consider this has not gone far enough to control the 'dangerous' drivers. Some of the smaller ecclesiastical states and some of the southern German states consider banning the sale and use of them altogether.
- 22nd July 2013
Hesse-Kassel - Prince William XV abdicates in favour of his son Karl citing ill-health.
- 21st July 2013
New Zeeland - The city of Dageraad is struck by several earthquakes. The city of Elizabethstad to the south is still being rebuilt after the powerful quakes of 2010, 2011 and 2012.
- 17th July 2013
Vinland - The city of Karontóborg is severely flooded. The Vinlandic government is critised for using the flood to 'bury' the news that the Embdenurbanká has collapsed, thanks to over-speculating on railways.
- 10th July 2013
Estonia - After two weeks of the inaugural European Háflaeykir Championships, favourites Estonia are beaten by Lippe in the final. Munster-Westphalia claims third place.
- 1st July 2013
Anglia - Margaret, the Queen Mother dies. Flags are flown at half mast.
- 24th June 2013
Poland-Lithuania - Careful not to repeat the mistakes of Byzantium's Serbian campaign Ruthenian army division quietly secure other centres in Moldova whilst Warsaw appeals to mild nationalists.
- 21st June 2013
Poland-Lithuania - Sensing European sympathies are with reforming movements Moldovan nationalists seize Yelensk demanding autonomy.
- 16th June 2013
Byzantium - Amid a complete breakdown in order in Iraklion the Byzantine 3rd navy sails into its harbour.
- 14th June 2013
Byzantium - Emperor Ivan XIV uses the sole legal wireless station to call for calm, appearing to relax Byzantium's strict laws on marches and public gatherings but also warns no civil disobedience will be tolerated for long.
- 13th June 2013
Byzantium - Similar protest groups have now appeared on the streets of Athens, Sofia, Nicaea, Ankyra and Iraklion. The governor of Crete moves quickly to crush the protest by force but only stirs up more anger. Some army units mutiny rather than fire on their fellow citizens.
- 10th June 2013
Byzantium - Riots break out on the streets of Constantinople criticising the government for mishandling the Serbian crisis. Minority groups in the city, although not directly targeted, form their own mobs to protect property.
- 19th May 2013
Isenburg - Countess Ulrike of Isenburg is killed by an out-of-control automobile. Her case is immediately taken to the Imperial Diet to petition for an empire-wide standard for the driving and licensing of automobiles.
- 15th May 2013
The Kalmar Union - Representatives at the Summer Kalmar conference in Lincoln vote to adopt the new Kalmar Flag.
- 14th April 2013
Novgorod - A clique of Finnish spies are expelled from Novgorod and various companies are raided. Novgorod issues an official diplomatic complaint to Helsinki, and also to Copenhagen warning the Danes to keep their allies from 'destroying our good and lasting friendship'.
- 3rd April 2013
Kempten - Having spent 24 hours as a 'state without a state' the Catholic Abbey of Kempten is united with the Protestant Free Imperial city of Kempten.
- 2nd April 2013
Holy Roman Empire - In a move to help move along the stuck Ecclesiastic States Reform Bill the tiny Abbey-State of Kempten votes to dissolve its government and hand itself over in its entirety to Bavaria, the most outspoken of the anti-reform party. The tactic fails, Bavaria refuses to accept the abbey's offer.
- 15th March 2013
Byzantium - Byzantine troops re-enter Belgrade and take down Serbian flags. Mass arrests take place.
- 11th March 2013
Holy Roman Empire - The Frankfurt daily Rundschau publishes photographs of the aftermath of the bombardment of Valjevo leading to an official rebuke in the Imperial Diet (both to the paper for 'offending sensibilities' and to Byzantium for perpetrating the act). Reports of the scale of the carnage appear in most Europe newspapers.
- 6th March 2013
Byzantium - After five days of near constant artillery bombardment Byzantine finally storm the Serb fortifications at Valjevo.
- 1st March 2013
Byzantium - After several months of slow movement, which has angered hard liners within the empire, the Byzantine army finally engages the main rebel Serb force. Outnumbered, the Serbian army has dug a wide system of trenches protecting its position.
- 27th February 2013
Milan - The duchy's parliamentary election, never a particularly peaceful event, has led to a hung chamber with the delegates abusing each other publicly and refusing to negotiate. Duke Matteo II appeals for calm but fighting between rival gangs begins to envelope many towns.
- 23rd February 2013
Wessex-Normandy - Police in London, Wessex, raid several meat warehouses on tip-offs that suppliers have been passing horse off as beef.
- 21st February 2013
Dasamongueponkland - Álengsk students from the University of Yrsakavelyk claim to have succeeded in flying a heavier-than-air machine on the islands in the East of Dasamongueponkland. But, when pressed by the Álengsk military, cannot replicate their 'success'.
- 20th February 2013
France - Surprising many, the governments of France and Auvergne agree to an 'Entente', formalising a military alliance between the two and ending some 900 years of rivalry.
- 19th February 2013
United States of South Africa - In continuing disputes with the 'breakaway' landlocked province of Venda the USSA steps up its harassment and partial blockade of Vendese traders. Luxembourg urges its ally to tread carefully lest the entire region, painstakingly pacified, fall into dispute.
- 17th February 2013
Álengiamark - The film, Queen Elisiv, receives its royal premiere in St Hafdis. It is already tipped to break records.
- 15th February 2013
Vladimir - A meteorite falls near the Vladimirian city of Chelyabinsk. On impact it causes huge damage in the city, injuring several hundred people. State authorities have been put on alert.
- 12th February 2013
Naples - Pope Alexander XII narrowly escapes from an assassination attempt while visiting Naples. A Syndicalist cell is arrested.
- 10th February 2013
Transcaucasia - War between the Republic and the Sultanate of Armenia restarts. The Caliphate, Vladimir and Byzantium, although most certainly involved in some way are quick to publicly deny any involvement.
- 7th February 2013
Holy Roman Empire - Speculation over Emperor Joseph II's health proves unfounded as he inspects army installations in Sorbia.
- 27th January 2013
Caliphate - Neopolitan and Granadan intelligence both report a build up of Caliphate troops south of Algiers. A resurgence of republican militia is probably behind the increased activity.
- 25th January 2013
Luxembourg - Princess Octavia, Queen Charlotta's younger sister, marries Prince William of Hesse-Kassel in a quiet but lavish ceremony in the Luxembourgoise city of Diekirch. The marriage only heightens the speculation over Charlotta's marriage prospects.
- 24th January 2013
Vinland - The Bank of Vinland issues warnings that many of the loans based on railway and canal building are massively overvalued causing a sharp drop in the stock market.
- 23rd January 2013
Denmark - Ministers pass a bill closing the last of the workhouses. This forms the first plank in a planned raft of reforms set to change Denmark's welfare state.
- 21st January 2013
Roasjoinn - A stricken Ktunaxan fishing vessel is sunk off the coast of Mexic. Hawaii in sight of a Kalmar patrol. An official note of complaint is sent to Tenochtitlan.
- 19th January 2013
Byzantium - The Byzantine Army begins to assault pockets of Serbian resistance.
- 17th January 2013
Byzantium - After several months of haphazard rule in the Hora of Serbia the military leadership announce a radical Syndicalist government. But the Byzantine Army, built from Greek and Bulgarian conscripts are advancing and await the order to enter the Hora.
- 11th January 2013
Francia - In a rare moment of unified action the Francian Parliament votes through the 'Francian Film Bill' which acts to set a minimum number of hours Francian parlours must set aside to show films made within the Kingdom - though this by necessity includes those made in Aragon and Wessex. A small tax on film studios will be spent on a central film board who will ensure decency is maintained and is tasked with translating intertitles into the various Francian languages.
- 10th January 2013
New Oland - Thanks to strong winds and extremely high temperatures wildfires sweep through southern New Oland with little the populace can do. Casualties are expected to be high. The other Australian states, including New Brabant, offer what assistance they can and, in a sign of easing tensions, Danish authorities allow a Luxembourgoise army division to travel eastward to help.
- 5th January 2013
Wessex Channel - After several days of bargaining the two delegations amicably part. Pomerania will remain within the Holy Roman Empire but Denmark reserves the right to demand extradition of any criminal it sees fit from Imperial member states. Danish veto of Imperial enacted laws is virtually enshrined.
- 2nd January 2013
Carijosuyu - Revolutionary troops capture the capital and declare a republic. the royal family flee to neighbouring Charrasuyu or are captured in the process. Calls for Tawantinsuyu to intervene fall on deaf ears as they are in the midst of reforming their army and 'do not wish to support a corrupt monarchy'. The rebels promise to hold elections for a representative government as soon as the situation is stable enough.
- 1st January 2013
Wessex Channel - After ten days of worsening relations and increased violence in Pomerania King Charles XIII of France hosts a conference for Kalmar and Imperial delegates on board a French battleship to try and solve the Pomeranian crisis.
- 28th December 2012
Pomerania - Several Pomeranian cities explode into violence. Most protests are contained but the one in Szczycin manages to capture several government buildings. The Pomeranian Griffin, and the Imperial flag are raised.
- 27th December 2012
Brunei - The Luxembourgoise oil company KLO (Koninklijke Luxemburgse Olie) strikes oil in Northern Borneo, the first oil strike in the Roasjoinn. A deal with Brunei's ruling family looks set to make both sides extremely rich.
- 26th December 2012
Luxembourg - The Prime Minister of Luxembourg Jerome Steichen telegraphs Johannes Oberst, chancellor of the HRE to confirm Luxembourg's support in the event of a general war against Denmark.
Pomerania - Outrage begins to bubble up to the surface of Pomeranian society with even the moderate press seething with discontent. The army's presence is felt, though.
- 25th December 2012
Holy Roman Empire - Emperor Joseph II's coronation goes without a hitch, though his daughter comments that the stress of the week appears to have taken its toll on him.
Denmark - The editor and staff at Morgenstjernen would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Glædelig jul!
- 24th December 2012
Denmark - As many celebrate Christmas Eve, and Joseph II prepares to be crowned Emperor, King Christopher X makes his Christmas speech to the Danish nation via wireless. Amongst the warm messages for the country and family members he sternly announces it is his and his cabinet's opinion that Pomerania and Rugia should no longer be subject to the whims of Frankfurt. He renounces his electorate and orders all Imperial flags, put up for the coronation, to be removed.
The announcement is obviously not unexpected as other Kalmar nations follow with messages of support.
- 22nd December 2012
Denmark - Denmark recalls its delegates from the Imperial Diet.
- 20th December 2012
Milan - Emperor Joseph II is crowned King of Italy. He is expected to arrive in Frankfurt on Christmas Eve to prepare for the Imperial coronation. Many European nobles have already begun to arrive in the city.
- 19th December 2012
Denmark - Although the deliberations of the council are still secret the military bases in Pomerania appear to have been put on alert.
- 18th December 2012
Denmark - A special emergency session of the Kalmar Union council is called in Copenhagen.
- 15th December 2012
Liechtenstein - As a prelude to the Imperial coronation on Christmas Day, Emperor Joseph II is officially crowned King of Germany in Valtice cathedral. He will now travel south to Milan to be crowned King of Italy.
- 14th December 2012
Holy Roman Empire - Denmark appeals directly to Frankfurt for the right to try Kotla on Danish territory.
- 11th December 2012
Vinland - Contact is lost with the new Eastern lighthouse on Sanday (OTL Sable Island) - the so-called Graveyard of the Atlantic after a particularly bad storm.
Berg - Official calls from Denmark to extradite Radoslaw Kotla to Hamburg for crimes against the Danish state are ignored as judges in Dusseldorf say he will face trial for murder in Imperial territory.
- 8th December 2012
Berg - One of the six men arrested in Berg after a policeman is killed in a brawl is revealed to be Pomersk nationalist Radolsaw Kotla - wanted in Denmark for terrorist activities.
- 3rd December 2012
Anglia - Prince Christopher and Princess Elisabeta announce they are expecting a child.
- 1st December 2012
Nowych Katowice - Viovode Zietek officially opens the slightly delayed Gulf railway allowing large deliveries and more immigrants to the growing city.
- 25th November 2012
Leon - The Leonese army fires on Portuguese revolutionary groups crossing the border, stoking speculation that it will soon intervene in the civil war.
- 22nd November 2012
Castille - In the Canary Islands astronomers announce the discovery of a ninth planet outside the orbit of Neptune. It is tentatively named 'Minerva'.
- 20th November 2012
Keewatin - Mine workers in Keewatin province go on strike over pay and conditions.
- 15th November 2012
Venice - The Austrian ambassador to Venice is missing presumed dead after his launch capsizes during the worst flooding the city has seen in fifty years.
- 12th November 2012
Alkafuglaeyjar - The 17th Earl of Alkafuglaeyjar dies. Long an even handed negotiator when dealing with Luxembourg's occasionally overbearing claims in the South Atlantic he will be well missed by the population of the islands.
- 8th November 2012
Holy Roman Empire - The Imperial Rights Bill is finally passed by the Diet by 504 votes to 349. Much diminished since its introduction the bill effectively abolishes the remaining pockets of Salian law with regards to inheritance and enfranchises women aged 21 and over. Also it asks for a fair judicial system (based on Ducal Saxony) across the Empire; meaning any Imperial citizen could expect the same trial. Those states with Dependent territories are exempt from the rulings but this does not stop Denmark from campaigning heavily against the bill saying its citizens should be tried by Danish law even if on trial in Munich for example.
Byzantium - Conscription is introduced in Bulgaria and Greece to bolster Byzantium's European armies in view of the continuing Serbian revolt. Many of the Emperor's ministers agree it would be too reckless to deploy one of their Asiatic armies to deal with the revolt.
- 7th November 2012
Six Nations - After an election widely touted as the first 'wireless election' but one that was marred by mudslinging and acrimony, Kaintwakon Katerinsson is elected President of the Six Nations.
- 5th November 2012
Byzantium - Serbian independence fighters capture Mitrovica as Byzantium's Danube army is split and disorganised. Emergency measures are put in place in the horas of Albania and Montenegro.
- 31st October 2012
Danish Australia - A last-minute bill before the end of the riksdag's term calling for the adoption of an 'Australian Krona' replacing the three separate currencies of Kalmar Australia is narrowly defeated. However, various parties promise to revisit the idea after elections. Similar ideas have been mooted in Svealandic Australia and New Oland.
Álengiamark - The mayor of Kristjanaborg reports massive flooding and the destruction of the city's power plant after the passing of Hurricane Svana. Various ships litter the drying roads of the city as well as the surrounding islands. The death toll is nearer 2000 he says.
- 30th October 2012
Álengiamark - The Álengsk coast is hit by the full brunt of Hurricane Svana causing widespread damage, at least 150 deaths and the partial destruction of the Langaeyjar Bridge connecting Margirhaedeyja and Langaeyjar.
- 25th October 2012
Holy Roman Empire - A week of debating has curbed the extent of the 'rights' bill. Taking the laws of Ducal Saxony as the baseline. The Diet agrees that Imperial states governed by 'foreign' powers are exempt though Denmark complains that potential Pomeranian revolutionaries could simply walk over the border and claim full immunity from prosecution. The Danish delegates storm out of the chancellery after they suffer a barrage of insults. Copenhagen issues a strongly worded diplomatic note.
- 22nd October 2012
Erie - A ferry on Erie Vatn capsizes in bad weather leading to the loss of 398 lives.
- 20th October 2012
Byzantium - Serbia is in full revolt once more with the few uncaptured army units from the August revolt taking a leading role. Rail links are severed and the unofficial flag of Serbia hangs from Belgrade city hall. Hungary mobilises several divisions to ensure the insurrection does not cross the Danube whilst Byzantium's European army slowly begins to collect outside Sofia.
- 18th October 2012
Sunda - The exiled King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk, dies in Kawali. The radical Khmer government hails his death as a victory of the people.
- 17th October 2012
Holy Roman Empire - Working a pace rarely seen in the Empire Chancellor Oberst delivers two pieces of legislation on behalf of the Emperor-Elect for the Diet's consideration.
The first calls for the standardization of state law. This would in theory give any Imperial citizen the same rights whichever state they were currently in.
The second is the so-called 'first step' in reforming the Empire. The measures called for would effectively abolish the independence of ecclesiastical states with less than 10,000 citizens (mostly abbeys) handing their lands and tax revenues to a neighbouring state in return for certain privileges.
Many delegates can see the benefits but do not like where the two laws could lead to.
- 12th October 2012
Fryslân - The Frisan and Estonian Háflaeykir teams return to Europe after competing in the Niskayuna Cup in Leifia where they are met with a warm reception from the crowd. The Estonian team is due to tour Northern Europe playing showpiece games to promote next year's European Cup.
- 10th October 2012
Liechtenstein - Prince Joseph III formally abdicates and Princess Karoline is crowned in a ceremony in Valtice Abbey, held, for the first time, in Czech and German.
Byzantium - The emergency laws called in by Aleksandar Georgiev for the Hora of Serbia prove unenforceable as the local police force simply vanishes. The army is called back in to provide law and order to Belgrade but there is intelligence that suggests revolutionary groups are planning more action.
- 5th October 2012
Svealand - Various army chiefs from across the Kalmar Union and allied states meet in Stockholm to discuss military strategy.
Hordt - The annual parade celebrating the anniversary of Joanna of Wantzenau's death is marred by a demonstration by striking factory workers.
- 1st October 2012
Holy Roman Empire - Commentators, diplomats and indeed the electors themselves are still digesting last night's speech by the Emperor-Elect, Joseph III of Liechtenstein, delivered after a pageantry filled day of parades and celebration in Frankfurt. Comparing Liechtenstein to a well-manicured city lawn and the Empire to a weed-choked country estate he announces his abdication from his principality, leaving it to his daughter Karoline, to devote his full energies to the reform and advancement of the Empire. He has already asked the reformist chancellor of Regensburg, Johannes Oberst, to be his Imperial Chancellor. His coronation is planned for Christmas Day.
- 27th September 2012
Hungary - The Governor of the Hora of Serbia, Duke Aleksandar Georgiev is involved in an assassination attempt on the steps of Novi Sad City hall. While he is shot in the arm, his wife Maria dies. The Hungarian authorities immediately arrest the Serbian group responsible as well as other known independence sympathisers.
- 25th September 2012
Holy Roman Empire - A flurry of activity in the early hours of the morning indicate a decision has finally been reached. The electors file from Wahlkapelle chapel in Frankfurt Dom and the most likely outgoing Imperial Chancellor Prince Hans of Brunswick announces to the assembled crowd that Prince Joseph III of Liechtenstein has been elected. It is clear, however, from the length of the deliberations that he is a compromise candidate and is expected to be little more than a caretaker emperor.
- 24th September 2012
Vinland - General Elections held over the weekend return Arnór Magnusson and his Union party to government.
- 23rd September 2012
Hungary - The Byzantine governor of the Hora of Serbia travels to Novi Sad to discuss the problem of Serb nationalism and other cross Danube issues with Hungarian diplomats.
- 21st September 2012
Holy Roman Empire - Speculation that the next Emperor would be chosen from of one of the Electors themselves is unfounded as a second day of discussions merely rules out most of the front-runners.
- 19th September 2012
Holy Roman Empire - The electors gather at Frankfurt Rathaus to begin the deliberations for the election of a new Emperor. The entrance of the electors to the city has already brought the streets to a standstill as citizens line the roadsides to catch a glimpse of the various royal and ecclesiastical carriages.
- 15th September 2012
Vinland - Several thousand Sauklanders march on Karontóborg to demand reforms. The atmosphere is highly charged and the army is deployed to keep order.
- 12th September 2012
Luxembourg - Queen Charlotta christens the Sigismund; Luxembourg's 30th, and so far largest, Tyr-Style battleship at Rotterdam before boarding the royal train to Frankfurt for the upcoming Imperial election.
- 10th September 2012
Byzantium - The Byzantine army capture the main body of mutinous Serbian troops to the East of Smederevo. Several high ranking officers are executed for treason.
- 7th September 2012
Holy Roman Empire - The Imperial Chancellor Prince Hans of Brunswick officially calls for the Electors to convene in Frankfurt to elect a new Emperor.
- 6th September 2012
Bavaria - After lying in state for several days Emperor Ludwig is buried. Members of 30 royal dynasties attend the memorial.
- 31st August 2012
Holy Roman Empire - The Imperial Diet votes to dissolve itself pending the burial of Ludwig and the beginning of the Imperial election process.
Byzantium - Byzantine troops enter Belgrade for the first time since the beginning of the Serb revolt though come under sustained fire.
- 29th August 2012
Bavaria - Reports that Emperor Ludwig, King of Bavaria has died. The Imperial Flag is flown at half mast across the Empire. Crown Prince Ludwig addresses Bavaria on the radio. Official notes of condolence begin to arrive.
- 28th August 2012
Poland-Lithuania - Princess Anna receives her father, His Royal Highness King Stephan IV, in Vilnius. She is recovering after giving birth to his newest granddaughter, Princess Helena.
Leifia - The severe drought affecting the Central Leifian states continues. Many nations' crops have already been written off and some are fearing famine conditions.
- 26th August 2012
Scotland - The celebrated aeronaut Neil Armstrong dies.
- 24th August 2012
Byzantium - Reports continue of fighting in the Byzantine Hora of Serbia. The revolt of Serbian regulars is now in its second week.
Mamaceqtawia - In a thrilling final, Abernakriga defeat the reigning champions Erie 6-5 to clinch the Niskayuna Cup. Estonia came in a respectable third in the Háflaeykir championship.