Alternative History

Napoleon Defeated may not sound like alternate history but this shows how the Austrians could have defeated Napoleon. The battle of Aspern-Essling was Napoleons first major military defeat but he escaped and later defeated them. But in this timeline the Austrians don't let him escape. Austria seeing they could be defeated retreat and let him take the town. In the night they quickly surround the town. Britain seeing this as the best chance to defeat him send troops and aid. They give him a offer return to the old French borders and rule as emperor. Napoleon doesn't and the army marches in. They go house from house locking for him. The troops locate him and give him one last chance to surrender. Napoleon give them a counter offer. Let him keep the Belgium area, influence the Dutch, let the Rhineland and all puppet states remain as free countries, and keep there colonies what's left of them. To end bloodshed they agree and force him to not declare any wars for 15 years or they will aid the country they attack. They also make his army limited at 50,000 men though they can do little to make sure this is inforce this. So thus ends the Napleonic Wars but with Napleon still at the helm of france but do to his his defeat support dimishes.
