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Early version of the "Wilhelmus" as preserved in a manuscript of 1617 (Brussels, Royal Library, MS 15662, fol

A national anthem is a patriotic musical composition symbolizing and evoking eulogies of the history and traditions of a country or nation. The majority of national anthems are marches or hymns in style. American, Central Asian, and European nations tend towards more ornate and operatic pieces, while those in the Middle East, Oceania, Africa, and the Caribbean use a more simplistic fanfare. Some countries that are devolved into multiple constituent states have their own official musical compositions for them (such as with the United Kingdom, Russia, and the Soviet Union); their constituencies' songs are sometimes referred to as national anthems even though they are not sovereign states.HT= Honorific Type

R: Royal Anthem

P: Presidential

Flag Nation National Anthem Honorifc Anthem
Flag of Algeria Algeria
Flag of Angola Angola Angola Avante/ Onwards Angola
Flag of Benin Benin
Flag of Botswana Botswana
Flag of Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
Flag of Burundi (1962-1966) Burundi Burundi Bwacu/ Our Burundi
Flag of Cameroon Cameroon
Flag of the Cape Republic Cape
Flag of Cape Verde Cape Verde Hino da Carta/ Anthem of the Charter
Flag of the Central African Republic Central Africa
Flag of Chad (Pharaonic Survival) Chad
Flag of the Comoros Comoros
Pharaonic Survival Flag of Congo Congo
PSFlag of Darfur.svg Darfur
United Kingdom of Egypt Flag Egypt Hesy en Iset / Hymn to IsetHesy en Iset / Hymn to Iset (with vocals) Nesuwy Hedj / Imperial March
Flag of Equatorial Guinea Guinea
Flag of Eswatini Eswatini
Ethiopian flag nw1945 Ethiopia Wedefīt Gesigishī Wid Inat ītiyop’iy/ March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia Ityoṗya hoy des ybelish/ Ethiopia be Happy
Flag of Gabon (3-2) Gabon
Flag of The Gambia Gambia
Flag of Ghana Ghana
Flag of Guinea Guinea
Flag of Guinea Bissau (3-2) Guinea Bissau
Flag of Côte d'Ivoire Ivory Coast
Flag of Kenya Kenya
Flag of Lesotho Lesotho
Flag of Liberia Liberia
Flag of Libya (2-3) Libya Libya, Libya, Libya Yaʿīsh al-Malik/ Long Live the King
Flag of Madagascar Madagascar
Flag of Malawi Malawi
Flag of Mali Mali
Flag of Mauritania Mauritania Nashid Wataniin Muritaniin/ National anthem of Mauritania
Flag of Mauritius Mauritius God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Morocco Morocco
Flag of Mozambique (1974-1975) Mozambique
Flag of Namibia Namibia
Flag of Niger (5-3) Niger
Flag of Nigeria Nigeria
Flag of Rwanda Rwanda
Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe São Tome and Principe Hino da Carta/ Anthem of the Charter
Flag of Senegal Senegal
Flag of Seychelles Seychelles
Flag of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
Flag of Somalia Somalia
Flag of South Africa South Africa
Flag of South Sudan Sudan
Flag of Tanzania Tanzania
Flag of Togo Togo
Flag of Tunisia Tunisia Humat al-Hima/ Defenders of the Homeland Salam al-Bey/ Beylical Hymn
Flag of Uganda Uganda
Flag of Transkei Xhosaland
Flag of the Kingdom of Zambia (Fictional) Zambia
Flag of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
Flag of Zululand (TaC) Zululand
Flag of Argentina Argentina Himno Nacional Argentino/ Argentine National Anthem
Flag of Bolivia Bolivia
Flag of the Empire of Brazil PS Brazil Hino Nacional Brasileiro/ Brazilian National Anthem Hino da Independência/ Anthem of Independence
PSFlag of Chile.svg Chile Himno Nacional de Chile/ National Anthem of Chile Marcha Real/ Royal March
Flag of Colombia Colombia Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia / National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia
Flag of Ecuador Ecuador
Flag of Guyana Guyana God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Paraguay Paraguay Himno Nacional Paraguayo/ Paraguayan National Anthem
Flag of Peru Peru Himno Nacional de Peru/ National Anthem of Peru Himno Real Peruano/ Peruvian Royal Anthem
PSFlag of Suriname.svg Suriname Wilhelmus/ William of Nassau
Flag of Venezuela Venezuela Gloria al Bravo Pueblo / Glory to the Brave People
Flag of Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda God Save the King/Queen
Flag of the Bahamas Bahamas God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Barbados Barbados God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Belize Belize God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Canada (Pantone) Canada O Canada God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Costa Rica Costa Rica
Flag of Cuba (1902–1959) Cuba Veni Creator Spiritus/Come, Creator Spirit
Flag of Dominica Dominica God Save the King/Queen
Flag of El Salvador El Salvador
Flag of the French Carribean French Caribbean Marche Henri IV/ March of Henry IV
Flag of Grenada Grenada God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Guatemala Guatemala
Flag of Haiti Haiti
Flag of Honduras Honduras
Flag of Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica, Land We Love God Save the King/Queen
Bandera del Primer Imperio Mexicano Mexico Himno Nacional Mexicano/Mexican National Anthem Marcha del Emperador Maximiliano/ March of Emperor Maximilian
Flag of Nicaragua Nicaragua
Flag of Panama Panama
Civil Ensign of the Dominican Republic Quisqueya Marcha Real/Royal March
Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Saint Lucia Saint Lucia God Save the King/Queen
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago God Save the King/Queen
Flag of the United States United States of America The Star-Spangled Banner Hail to the Chief
Flag of Afghanistan (1931–1973) Afghanistan Millī Surūd/ Afghan National Anthem Loya Salami/ Grand Salute
Flag of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Azərbaycan marşı / March of Azerbaijan
Assyrian Flag, Aug 2017 Assyria Roomrama / Honour Arya d'Atho/ The Lion of Assyria
Flag of Bahrain Bahrain
Flag of Bangladesh Bangladesh
Flag of Bhutan Bhutan Druk Tsenden/ The Thunder Dragon Kingdom
Flag of Brunei Brunei
Flag of Cambodia Cambodia Nôkôr Réach/ Majestic Kingdom
Flag of the Republic of China China Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó Guógē/ State Anthem of China Zànměi lóng qí hé chún jīn zhī bēi/ Praise the Dragon Flag and the Cup of Solid Gold
Flag of Hong Kong Hong Kong God Save the King/Queen
Flag of India India Jana Gana Mana/ Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People
Flag of Indonesia (Pantone) Indonesia
State Flag of Iran (1964-1980) Iran Ey Iran/ O Iran Sorude Šâhanšâhiye Irân/Imperial Anthem of Iran
Flag of Israel Israel Hatīkvāh/ The Hope Melech Hamlachim /King of KingsMelech Hamlachim/ King of Kings
Flag of Japan Japan Kimigayo/ His Imperial Majesty's Reign
Flag of Jordan Jordan Al-Salām al-Malakī al-Urdunī/ The Royal Anthem of Jordan
Flag of Kazakhstan Kazkhstan Menıñ Qazaqstanym/ My Kazakhstan
Flag of South Korea Korea Aegukga/ The Patriotic Song Daehan Jeguk Aegukga/ Patriotic Hymn of the Great Korean Empire
Flag of Kuwait Kuwait
Flag of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Mamlekettik gimni/ National Anthem of the Kyrgyz Republic
Flag of Laos Laos Pheng Xat Lao/ Hymn of the Lao People
PSFlag of Lebanon.svg Lebanon Kullunā li-l-waṭan/ All of us, for our country! almalikat al'akthar hdw'an/ Most Serene Queen
Flag of Macau Macau Hino da Carta/ Anthem of the Charter
Flag of Malaysia Malaysia Negaraku/ My Country
Flag of Maldives Maldives
PSFlag of Mesopotamia.svg Mesopotamia Nahr al-Hayat/ River of Life As-Salam al-Malaki/ The Royal Salute
Flag of Mongolia Mongolia
Flag of the State of Burma (1943-45) Myanmar
Flag of Nepal Nepal Sayaun Thunga Phulka/ Made of Hundreds of Flowers Srīmān Gambhīr/ May Glory Crown You, Courageous Sovereign
Flag of Oman Oman
Flag of Pakistan Pakistan
Flag of the Philippines Philippines
Flag of Qatar Qatar
Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Flag of Singapore Singapore
Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
PS Flag of Syria Syria Shomrei D'Baita/ Guardians of the Homeland As-Salām al-Malik/ Peace to the King
Flag of Tajikistan Tajikistan Surudi Milli/ National Anthem
Flag of Thailand Thailand Phleng Chat Thai/ Thai National Anthem Sansoen Phra Barami/ Glorify His Prestige
Flag of East Timor Timor Pátria/ Fatherland Hino da Carta/ Anthem of the Charter
Flag of the Ottoman Empire Turkey İstiklal Marşı/ March of Independence Mahmudiye Marşı/ March of Mahmud[1]Mecidiye Marşı/ March of Mejid[2]Aziziye Marşı/ March of Aziz[3]Hamidiye Marşı/ March of Hamid[4]Reşadiye Marşı/ March of Reshad[5]
Flag of Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Garaşsyz Bitarap Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni/ National Anthem of Independent Neutral Turkmenistan
Flag of the United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Flag of Uzbekistan Uzbekistan O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat Madhiyasi/ State Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Long tinh flag of Nguyen Dynasty Vietnam Thanh niên Hành Khúc/ The March of Youths Đăng đàn cung/ The Emperor Mounts His Throne
Flag of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen Yemen Raddidī ʾayatuhā d-dunyā nashīdī/ Repeat, O World, My Song Tahiātin Milkiayet/ Royal Salute
Flag of Albania (1934–1939) Albania Himni i Flamurit / Hymn to the Flag
Flag of Andorra Andorra El gran Carlemany/ The Great Charlemagne
Flag of the First Republic of Armenia Armenia Azat ankakh/ Free and Independent Astvats pahapan t’agavorin/ God Protect The King
Flag of Belarus (1991, 3-2) Belarus Vajacki marš/ Warrior March
Flag of Belgium (civil) Belgium La Brabançonne/ The Brabantian
Naval Ensign of Bulgaria (1878-1944) Bulgaria Mila Rodino / Dear Motherland Himn na Negovo Veličestvo Carja/ Anthem of His Majesty the Tsar
PS Flag of the Eastern Roman Empire of Byzantium Byzantium Poreia tis Nikis/ March of Victory Polychronion tou Basileos/ Polychronion of the Emperor
Flag of Ciscaucasia PS Ciscaucasia Gosudarstvennyy gimn Predkavkaz'ya/ State anthem of Ciscaucasia Privetstviye Gospoda nashego/ Salute of Our Lord
Flag of Danubia Danubia Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze/ God preserve, God protect Kaiserhymne/ Emperor's Hymn
Flag of Denmark Denmark Der er et yndigt land/ There is a lovely country Kong Christian stod ved højen mast/ King Christian stood by the lofty mast
Flag of Estonia Estonia Mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm/ My Fatherland, My Happiness and Joy Kuninglik hümn/ Royal Anthem
Flag of Finland Finland Maamme/ Our Land Keisarihymni/ Imperial Anthem
Flag of the Third and Fourth French Kingdom PS France Marche Henri IV/ March of Henry IV Domine salvum fac regem/ Lord save the King
Flag of Georgia Georgia Tavisupleba/ Freedom Shen Khar Venakhi & Tsaiqvanes Tamar Kali/ Thou Art a Vineyard & Tamar was taken away
Flag of Germany Germany Die Wacht am Rhein/ The Watch on the Rhine Heil dir im Siegerkranz/ Hail to Thee in the Victor's Crown
Kingdom of Greece Flag Greece Hýmnos eis tin Eleftherían/ Hymn to Liberty Hýmnos ston Basiliá/ Hymn to the King
Flag of Iceland Iceland Lofsöngur/ Hymn
Inkerin lippu Ingria Nouse, Inkeri/ Rise, Ingria Kuninkaan Laulu/ King's Song
Flag of Ireland Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann/ The Soldiers' Song God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Italy (1861-1946) crowned Italy Il Canto degli Italiani/ The Song of the Italians Marcia Reale d'Ordinanza/ Royal March of Ordinance
KarelianNationalFlag Karelia Oi, Karjalan maa/O, land of Karelia Kuninkahan Laulu/ King's Song
PSFlag of the Khazar Kaghanate Khazaria Nasha zemlya/Ours is the Land Khanskiye koni marshiruyut/The Khan's Horses are Marching
Flag of Latvia (3-2) Latvia Dievs, svētī Latviju!/ God Bless Latvia!
Flag of Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Oben am jungen Rhein/ High on the Young Rhine
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania Tautiška giesmė/ National Hymn Karališkoji himnas/ Royal Anthem
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg Ons Heemech/ Our Homeland De Wilhelmus/ The Wilhelmus
Flag of the Maeotian Kingdom (Pharaonic Survival) Maeotia Ogon' i mech/Fire and Sword Koronovannyy vo slave/Crowned in Glory
Flag of Malta Malta L-Innu Malti/ The Maltese Hymn
Flag of Monaco Monaco Hymne Monégasque/ Hymn of Monaco
PS Flag of Montenegro Montenegro Oj, svijetla majska zoro/ Oh, Bright Dawn of May Ubavoj nam Crnoj Gori/ To Our Beautiful Montenegro
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands Wilhelmus/ William of Nassau
Flag of North Macedonia North Macedonia Denes nad Makedonija/ Today over Macedonia Kralska Pesna / Royal Song
Flag of Norway Norway Ja, vi elsker dette landet/ Yes, we love this country Kongesangen/ King's Song
Flag of Poland Poland Mazurek Dąbrowskiego / Poland Is Not Yet Lost Gaude Mater Polonia/ Rejoice, oh Mother Poland
Royal Flag of the Kingdom of Portugal Portugal Hino da Carta/ Anthem of the Charter
Flag of Romania Romania Deșteaptă-te, române!/ 'Awaken Thee, Romanians! Trăiască Regele/ Long Live the King
Flag of Russian Empire for private use (1914–1917) Russia Bózhe, Tsaryá khraní!/ God Save the Tsar!
Flag of San Marino San Marino
Flag of Serbia Serbia Bože pravde/ God of Justice
Flag of Spain Spain Marcha Real/ Royal March
Flag of Sweden Sweden Du gamla, du fria/ Thou ancient, Thou free
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone) Switzerland
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine Derzhavnyi Himn Ukrainy/ State Anthem of Ukraine
Flag of Vatican City (2023–present) Vatican City State
Flag of Australia (converted, 3-2) Australia Advance Australia Fair God Save the King/Queen
Flag of the Kingdom of Fiji (1871-1874) Fiji God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Hawaii Hawaii Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī / Hawaii's Own E Ola Ke Aliʻi Ke Akua/ God Save the King
Flag of Kiribati Kiribati
Flag of the Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia Micronesia
Flag of Nauru Nauru
Flag of New Zealand (3-2 aspect ratio) New Zealand God Defend New Zealand God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Palau Palau
Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea O Arise, All You Sons God Save the King/Queen
Flag of the Kingdom of Tahiti Polynesia
Flag of Samoa Samoa
Flag of the Solomon Islands Solomon Islands God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Tonga Tonga Ko e fasi ʻo e tuʻi ʻo e ʻOtu Tonga/ Song of the King of the Tongan Islands
Flag of Tuvalu Tuvalu God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Vanuatu (official) Vanuatu
Constituent Countries
Flag of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1860) Naples Il canto dei Sanfedisti/ The song of the Sanfedisti Inno al Re/ Hymn to the King
Flag of Corsica Corsica Dio vi Salvi Regina/ God save you Queen
Flag of Austria Austria Bundeshymne der Österreich/ National Anthem of Austria Kaiserhymne/ Emperor's Hymn
Flag of the Kingdom of Bosnia and Herzegovina Pharaonic Survival Bosnia Državna himna Bosne i Hercegovine/ National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina"
Flag of the Kingdom of Croatia Pharaonic Survival Croatia Lijepa naša domovino/ Our Beautiful Homeland
Flag of the Czech Republic Czechia Kde domov můj/ Where My Home Is Fanfáry z Libuše/ Fanfare from Libuš
Civil Ensign of Hungary Hungary Himnusz/ Hymn
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia Nad Tatrou sa blýska/ Lightning over the Tatras
Slovenia Flag colours matching CoA Slovenia Zdravljica/ A Toast Naprej, zastava slave/ Forward, Flag of Glory
Flag of the Provincia Cisplatina Cisplatina Orientales, la Patria o la Tumba/ Easterners, the Country or the Tomb De Amazonas a Prata/ From the Amazon to the Prata
PS Flag of Guiana Guiana Hino da Guiana/ Anthem of Guiana De Amazonas a Prata/ From the Amazon to the Prata
Flag of China (1889–1912) Manchuria Gǒng jīn'ōu/ Cup of Solid Gold
Flag of the Faroe Islands Faroe Islands Tú alfagra land mítt/ Thou, fairest land of mine Kong Christian stod ved højen mast/ King Christian stood by the lofty mast
Flag of Greenland Greenland Nunarput, utoqqarsuanngoravit/ You Our Ancient Land Kong Christian stod ved højen mast/ King Christian stood by the lofty mast
Derafsh kaviani Flag Persia Fârs-e Aali/Sublime Persia
Safavid Flag Tabriz Salâm-e Shâh/Royal salute
Flag of Kush (Pharaonic Survival) Kush Amun Mosu/ Born of Amun
Flag of Lower Nubia (Pharaonic Survival) Lower Nubia
Flag of Upper Nubia (Pharaonic Survival) Upper Nubia
Flag of England England JerusalemI Vow to thee my Country God Save the King/Queen
Ulster Banner Northern Ireland Londonderry Air God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Scotland Scotland Flower of Scotland God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Saint David Wales Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau/ Land of My Fathers God Save the King/Queen
Flag of Byzantium (with B) Nicaea Ti Ipermaho/ To the Champion Augustus/ Venerable
Flag of Trebizond (Triple Trouble) Trabzon Phos Hilaron/ O Gladsome Light None
  1. Mahmud II, Mehmed VI, Ahmed IV, Ali I and Harun
  2. Abdulmejid I, Murad V, Abdulmejid II, Orhan II, Abdulmejid III, Ibrahim II and Murad VI
  3. Abdulaziz I, Osman IV, Abdulaziz II, Bayezid III, Selim IV and Orhan III
  4. Abdulhamid II, Osman V, Osman VI and Selim V
  5. Mehmed V, Ali II, Mehmed VII and Mehmed VIII