Alternative History
National Renovating Alliance Party
Partido da Aliança Renovadora Nacional
President Jair Bolsonaro (Since 2023)
Founded 29 January, 2000
Headquarters Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Newspaper Pelo Brasil, pela Pátria!
Membership  (2023) 1,003,482
Ideology National conservatism
Brazilian nationalism
Religious conservatism
Right-wing populism
Social conservatism
Political position right-wing to far-right
0 / 28
399 / 5,568
Federal Consulate
31 / 513
Seat Senate
3 / 81
State Deputies
70 / 1,048
5,354 / 57,054

National Renovating Alliance Party (In portuguese: Partido da Aliança Renovadora Nacional; PARNE) it is a Brazilian political party. Its electoral number is 22 and obtained its definitive registration on December 19, 2001, with the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). He is considered as the successor of ARENA, a party of the government of the Brazilian military dictatorship. However unlike ARENA, PARNE has more conservative ideas and also against AI-5 (Ato Institucional 5).

PARNE is considered the fourth party with the most seats in the Chamber of Deputies, in the Senate, in city halls and in councilors. Being the largest party of the Brazilian extreme right, being considered a nationalist and economically liberal party.

PARNE is inspired by ARENA, the ruling Party of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship, this justifies its old logo that was identical to ARENA, used between 2000 and 2002. Because of its relationship with ARENA, the party is strongly created by opposition parties such as the PT and PDT, who dub it the ''child of dictatorship''.




Enéas Carneiro, founder of the party

The Party was created by Enéas Carneiro, with the aim of strengthening Nationalism and conservatism, which at the time was weak (according to Eneás). In addition to the party also being the successor to PRONA, a party that Eneás abandoned.

In November 2000, Enéas ended up organizing the Party for the next elections. It even changed the name of the party from the National Labor Renewal Party to the National Renewal Alliance Party.

Party registration and growth[]

The party ended up being registered by the Superior Electoral Court on December 19, 2001, Enéas became the party's president. The party's registration ended up being controversial due to the party being the successor of ARENA.

ICollor left the MDB, and shortly thereafter, Enéas invited collor to the party, Collor accepted, and the party quickly grew in comparison to some parties. Collor was a great proposition to be a candidate in the 2006 elections. But he refused his candidacy for President in the Party. Eneás ended up running, but lost and came in fourth place with 459,484 votes. In the same year, the party managed to elect the first federal deputy of the party, Pastor Everaldo managed to be elected by 45,694 in rio de janeiro.

In election 2008, the party reached 300,000 members, this being the fifth largest party in terms of members. In the same year, in the 2008 elections, the party managed to elect 86 mayors and 344 Aldermans.

Death of Enéas and Succession[]

Fernando Collor sorrindo

Fernando Collor was one of the biggest names in the party's succession.

Enéas died in 2009, of acute myeloid leukemia, after giving up chemotherapy and leaving the hospital where he was treated, Hospital Samaritano, because he believed that his treatment would no longer have an effect. PARNE ended up going through a political crisis in the party between Fernando Collor and Levy Fidelix. This ended in a vote where Collor won with 59.4% of the vote.

Collor's succession in the party caused a delay in a party's candidacy as Collor never wanted to dispute the presidential elections, so for the first time PARNE is coalition with the PSDB. In the elections, the coalition ended up losing.

In 2012, Levy Fidelix disputes the elections in Guarulhos, where he ended up winning by a sharp margin of 50.9%. Being a great achievement of the Party. In addition, the party managed to elect 169 cities and 675 councilors. The President, Fernando Collor congratulated and joined in the inauguration of Fidelix.

Collision with the PSDB in 2014[]

PARNE ended up without leadership for the good candidate in the 2014 elections. With Collor's decision, for the second time in a row, PARNE is left without a candidate for the presidential elections. It is also the second time that it has formed a coalition with the nearest gradne party, the center-right PSDB. Unlike in 2010, PARNE was successful in the seats of federal state officials. For the first time, PARNE elected its first senator, Senator Celso Russumano, who had been federally banned from the party in the previous election.

In the 2016 municipal elections, the party managed to win 312 mayors and 2,499 aldermans, with a very large increase compared to 2012. being the biggest city won by the party was the Guarulhos of Levy Fidelix where he was re-elected with a small advantage over his opponent. Thus, the fourth party that had the most conquered city halls, belonging to MDB, PT and PSDB (Large Brazilian political parties).

Brazil presidential election, 2018[]

After 8 years without choosing a presidential candidate, the party finally managed to choose one, with 55 votes, Cabo Daciolo was chosen as a candidate by PARNE for the 2018 elections. Daciolo's political campaign was known for his figure and personality of his phrases as ''Glory to God''. This ended up popularizing the party's campaign. Eduardo Bolsonaro to run for the party for senators. In addition, more than 300 party candidates were elected.

The Party had a great growth compared to the last election, becoming the fourth largest party in the House and the fifth largest in the Senate. The following year, Hamilton Mourão was elected by 55% of the votes as President of the Party, being the third president of the party.

Election 2022[]

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The party defends conservative and nationalist ideas, both culturally and economically, being against what they call “foreign intervention in the economy”. The party also openly takes a stand against same-sex marriage, abortion, the teaching of gender identity in schools, and recreational legalization of cannabis; and defends the greater participation of the Armed Forces in the government, the union between religion and the State and the replacement of the 1988 Constitution by a new one (as stated by Eneas).

Fernando Collor, "the dominant political culture of the founders of PERNA remains clearly characterized by economic liberalism and conservatism of values". Certain journalists and political analysts pointed to the "ultraliberal nature of the party" from the program, which includes the privatization of the Unified Health System and the public education system. It is the only party that openly proposes the privatization of the SNS and the restriction of the nation's social welfare measures in Brazil.


Portrait President Mandato
Took Office Left Office
Enéas Carneiro January 29, 2000 Octuber 15, 2009
Fernando Collor sorrindo
Fernando Collor Octuber 15, 2009 March 20, 2019
Hamilton Mourão
Hamilton Mourão March 10, 2019 April 1, 2023
Jair Bolsonaro in 2022
Jair Bolsonaro April 1, 2023

Participation and Electoral performance[]

Year Imagem Candidate for President Vice-Candidate for President Coalition Votes % Position
Enéas Carneiro


Henrique Cunha


Brasil acima de tudo!


1,442,334 4,3% 4.º
2006 Carlos Antônio Gomes


Brasil acima de tudo!

(PARNE and PP)

459,484 0,45% 4.º
Foto oficial de Aécio Neves
Aécio Neves

João Doria


O Brasil pode mais!(PSDB, PARNE, PTB) 51,930,832 47,43% 2.º
Aécio Neves in Octuber 23, 2014
Aloysio Nunes


Um Brasil seguir em frente


61,315,902 52,5% 1.º
Cabo Daciolo
Cabo Daciolo


Luciano Bivar


No coalition 2,100,455 1,78% 4.º
Jair Bolsonaro pela EC 77 - Médico Militar no SUS (cropped)
Jair Bolsonaro


Paulo Rabelo de Castro


5,183,838 8,41% 3.º

Participation in federal parliamentary elections[]

Chamber of Deputies
Legislatura Bancada ±
52.ª Lesgilation (2003–2007)
1 / 513
53.ª Lesgilation (2007–2011)
6 / 513
54.ª Lesgilation (2011–2015)
13 / 513
55.ª Lesgilation (2015–2019)
12 / 513
56.ª Lesgilation (2019–2023)
21 / 513
57.ª Lesgilation (2023-2027)
31 / 513
Federal Senate
Legislatura Bancada ±
52.ª Legislation (2003–2007)
0 / 81
53.ª Legislation (2007–2011)
0 / 81
54.ª Lesgilation (2011–2015)
0 / 81
55.ª Lesgilation (2015–2019)
2 / 81
56.ª Lesgilation (2019–2023)
4 / 81
57.ª Lesgilation (2023-2027)
3 / 81