This page lists the nations created by players in Origo Mundi, and is also where new players may create a nation or sign up as an already existing one.
Signups for Existing Nations[]
- Saemonites -
- Beraba - Cour *talk*
- Ouayi -
- Mesallian Culture - Davewest9 (talk)
- Yusur Culture - Vandenhoek (talk) 23:32, January 11, 2019 (UTC)
- East of the Wall Culture - Reximus | Talk to Me!<font color=red">Talk to Me!
Player-Created Nations[]
If you want to create a new nation, paste it in the section below using the example as a template.
Jashmir Sultanate[]
- Name: Holy Sultanate of Jashmir
- Player: (Random Althist) (send maps
- Current leader(s): Sultan Veylaz VII (House of Jashmir)
- Points:
- Location: A desert island chain, with a tropical climate that ranges from tropical forests, to winter forests.
- Starting resources: 15 (Wood+Iron)
- Religion: Jashmirism The belief in complete loyalty to Panalahajatu. (The Sultan is Panalahajatu's direct prophet)
- Starting Buildings: Imperial Palace of the Sultan (10), Temple of Panalahajatu (5)
- Technology: Architecture, Naval Strength and Colonialism.
- Negatives: -Low Stability, Isolation from Trade
- Government Type: Panalahajutist Theocracy, with Authoritarian tendencies.
- Administration Level: (10) Strict Theocracy
- Urban population: 24,000 across Jashmirian cities.
- Rural population: 17,000
- Size of Empire:
- Starting gold/currency supply: Jashmiran Bond
- Nation Description and History:
- Name: Xüonai (Xü-ohn-æ)
- Player: Ahoys123 (send maps to
- Current leader(s): Dashon I of Xüonai
- Points (175)
- Location (35)
- Navigable River Delta (15)
- Mediterranean climate (15)
- Starting resources (10)
- Iron (10)
- Religion (15)
- Henotheism (15)
- Starting Buildings (15)
- Government Center (5)
- Harbor (10)
- Technology (15)
- Sailing (5)
- Ships (10)
- Negatives (0)
- Government Type (15)
- Empire (15)
- Administration Level (15)
- Unitary (15)
- Urban population (20)
- 600 nobles (6)
- 1,200 citizens (6)
- 3,000 landless poor (3)
- 2,500 slaves (2.5)
- 2,500 foreigners (2.5)
- Rural population (15)
- 2,000 citizens (8)
- 6,500 serfs (6.5)
- 1,000 foreigners (0.5)
- Size of Empire (25)
- 1 Urban (1 free)
- 25 Rural (4 free + 21)
- 4 loosely claimed (4)
- Starting gold/currency supply (15)
- 15,000 kg of gold
- Location (35)
- Nation Description and History
- Name: Draka
- Player: Ethan
- Current Leader: Archon Erik Von Swartzburg
- Points -
- Location: Arid agricultural basin grassland with coastline
- Starting Resources: Some metals and precious minerals
- Religion: Idol worship
- Starting building: Granary, town center, barracks, walls, government center, harbor
- Technology: Horseback riding, writing, basic mathematics, advanced animal husbandry, subsistence farming
- Negatives: soil fertility, drought
- Government type: Aristocratic Republic
- Administration level: Feudal
- Urban population 0.5 noble, 1 citizen, 0.25 landless poor, 1.5 Slaves
- Rural population: 2 citizens, 13 serfs
- Size of Empire: Semi urbanized agricultural base
- Starting gold 5
- National description and history: Created by a Drakan ethnic group, the society of Drama is rather stratified. It is notorious by neighboring tribes as being slavers who are highly xenophobic. The religion, rather obscure to foreigners, is idol worshipers and founding saints of the nation. Religious unity is strong, but enforced via ruthless ostracization if one is against the ideals of the Drakan people. Known for their highly spartan lifestyle, the Draka go so far as to take pride in their atrocities. Despite their great pride, they are obscure and feared by outsiders.
- Name: Bangor
- Player: Adolf Coffee
- Current leader(s): Kening Kruger
- Points: 175
- Location: Mediterranean Biome on a Major Island
- Starting resources: Precious Metals
- Religion: Disorganized Polytheism
- Starting Buildings: Granary,town center, temple, government center, harbor, library, walls, barracks.
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Calendar, Bronze Working, Iron Working, Horseback Riding, Writing, Basic Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, and Advanced Astronomy
- Negatives: Vulcanism/seismic instability, unpredictable flooding.
- Government Type: Monarchy
- Administration Level: Feudal
- Urban population: 1 Noble, 1 Citizen, 0.5 Landless Poor, 0.25 foreigners, 0.1 Slaves
- Rural population: 10 Citizens, 4 poor/serfs, 1 foreigner
- Size of Empire: Urbanized Area
- Starting gold/currency supply: 15
- Nation Description and History: Bangor is a gradually modernizing nation on the Island of Kadiff. It was established by George the Great who as a warrior had led his men to conquer and settle in a prosperous area of the island. Named after the hills around the founding city, Bangor has grown from its natural resources and location into a well-formulated state. Religious unity remains mildly loose with the beliefs of polytheism remaining intact. Mount Indinues on the outskirts of Bangor tends to erupt often causing minor damage to the outskirts triggered by Goddess Indi's awakening. God Endus, following the eruptions, blesses our people with fruitful harvests. Some mysterious people from across the sea known as the Franics have come over from the Southern Channel and have begun to come in larger numbers in the recent years bringing their culture with them. This has led to some race mixing and new words into our vocabulary although the Bangor People's beliefs have been challenged as a result leading to mixed relations. Over the last several generations of the Reich's family ruling the Keningdom, Kening Kruger Reich has risen to power as the youngest leader yet. The Library of Harsen remains to be the largest and most protected archive for written literature with a goal of making five more libraries to hold copies of stored literature over the past several generations to be distributed abroad. Nobility and some common folk are the only people who have access to this. Recently, Kruger's wife had given birth to a daughter who is expected to take the throne at the death of Kruger. The Horper River had experienced a major flood recently leading to moderate damage to those living along the banks.
- Name: United Communes of Syres
- Player: (Part of Mesallian Culture)
- Current leader(s):
- Points:
- Location: 35
- On Coast/Ocean: 20 points
- Small Island: 15
- Starting resources:
- Religion:
- Starting Buildings: 27
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Government Center: 5
- Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake): 10
- Walls: 5
- Technology: 35
- Sailing: 5
- Ships (requires Sailing): 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Calendar: 5
- Writing: 10
- Negatives:
- Government Type: 20
- Republic - 20
- Administration Level: 10
- Oligarchy - 10
- Urban population: 35
- Noblemen: 1,000 (10)
- Citizens: 3,000 (15)
- Poor: 10,000 (10)
- Rural population: 13
- Citizens: 2,000 (8)
- Serfs: 5,000 (5)
- Size of Empire: 0
- Starting gold/currency supply: 0
- Location: 35
- History: The city of Syres was founded by colonists approximately 120 years ago - descended from the “Darians”, a group of people who inhabited the lands across the sea to the south. According to legend the leader of the first expedition to the present day city was Erian, who established the city’s layout. This later would be declared the Year One. The main city is built upon a hill at the end of an island, surrounded in the north by marshland and small fragmented islands. The many islands of the present-day city initially acted as independent communities, but each was incorporated into a single city over time, becoming present day sections of the city. In the Year Ten Erian the Founder died and was succeeded by his younger brother Yiyis in Syres proper. At this time there existed five sections; Syres, Fensport, Maritis, Loreo, and Dolis. The latter came to be ruled by the two monarchs' father, called Niephan-den Eron. With his aid the first five cities were united with the Compact of the Ages, which became the main component of the city’s law system. A representative body known as the Hensa was created, although in the early years of the city’s history the assembly lacked any real power. The first ruler to be selected under the Compact would be Nephi. Throughout the city’s first 40 years of existence it was largely dominated by the Marani, the original settler party and their immediate descendants. As subsequent groups arrived and settled within the city proper the ruling class became heavily outnumbered by the lower class Raphani, who rebelled and managed to overthrow the ruling class. Many of the city’s early records were destroyed in this chaos, causing ambiguity regarding the exact events. About 20 years after the initial event, however, the Marani reestablished control over the city. Their short return to rule was replaced in the Year 75 after a crisis in the monarchy led to the creation of a new process, in which the Hensa would select the ruling monarch. The nation was eventually dominated by a handful of the most powerful and richest dynasties in the city, but their rivalries successfully prevented any attempt to reestablish a hereditary monarchy in the city.
- Name: Darna/Zelonuma Emiresq
- Player: Toblinx (talk)
- Current leader(s): Chief Danslan III
- Points:
- Location: 50
- Continental, Oceanic: 15 points
- On Coast/Ocean: 20 points
- Small Island: 15
- Starting resources:
- Iron: 10
- Religion:
- Formalized traditional (Hinduism): 10
- Starting Buildings: 30
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Temple: 3
- Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake): 10
- Walls: 5
- Barracks: 5
- Technology: 30
- Sailing: 5
- Ships (requires Sailing): 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Negatives:
- Hostile neighboring natives: -10
- Government Type: 10
- Monarchy - 10
- Administration Level:
- Feudal: 10
- Urban population: 16
- Noblemen: 500 (5)
- Citizens: 1,000 (5)
- Poor: 5,000 (5)
- Slaves 2,000 (1)
- Rural population:
- Serfs: 6,000 (6)
- Size of Empire: 13
- Loosely claimed: 26
- Starting gold/currency supply: 0
- Location: 50
- Nation Description and History: The city of Darna was founded by Danslan as the home of the Linelians on the Island of Linelsey. They are a seafaring nation who inhabit a harsh environment on a small island. They quickly turned to shipbuilding as a means to explore the region around them. They became hostile with many of the neighbors on the coast due to their practice of raiding, which turned Darna into a slave trading hub. They sell captives hundreds of miles - and they also sell timber and other goods on small river boats.
- Name: Azoz
- Player: Nathan1123
- Current leader(s): Azoz
- Points: 175
- Location: 30
- Steppes (10)
- Near a river (10)
- Near a mountain (10)
- Resources: 15
- Tin (10)
- Copper (5)
- Religion: formalized traditional (10)
- Starting buildings: 35
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Temple: 3
- Government Center: 5
- Library (requires Writing): 10
- Walls: 5
- Barracks: 5
- Technology: 30
- Bronze: 5
- Saddles: 10
- Writing: 10
- Mathematics: 5
- Negatives: -20
- Disease rife: -10
- Hostile neighbors: -10
- Government: 15
- Federal: Monarchy (10)
- Administration: City-state (5)
- Population:36
- Noblemen: 1,000 (10)
- Landless poor: 1,000 (1)
- Serfs: 8,000 (4)
- Citizens: 4,000 (20)
- Slaves: 2,000 (1)
- Size of Empire: 5 px
- Starting gold/currency supply: none (economy based on a production basis only)
- Nation Description and History: In ancient times, a thriving civilization had a great empire spanning a huge area in all directions. They were great, and had a sacred location on the same mountain Azoz now resides on. They built many elaborate tombs and gigantic monuments for their gods in and around this area as well. Some 300 years ago, however, a great catastrophe struck the empire of unknown origin, causing it to completely collapse almost overnight. Their tombs and monuments went dilapidated, robbed, and abandoned. Their people eventually died out and were replaced by foreigners, who are now the inhabited of Azoz. After many years of fighting the hostile natives, the people of Azoz have utilized the vast array of catacombs in the mountain to act as a practical fortress. It is unknown what the original name of the city was, but the current ruler has since named the city after himself, King Azoz. The city is partly underground, partly in front of the mountain, surrounded by large walls. The inner caverns of the mountain serve as a natural castle, and home of the nobility and military. On the outside is the ancient ruins, the peasant residents, and the religious centers of temple and library. Outside the city itself, there are many smaller villages surrounding the mountain, managing farmland up to the river. These villages not only provide food for the city, but mine for copper and tin as well. Disease area common problem among the large poor population, as are the constant raids of ugly invaders known as the Ginnai. Money is not something developed yet in this society, as taxes and wealth is measured from direct production. The religion, believed to be passed down from the original inhabitants, is a formalized polytheism based on a handful of powerful deities over a larger collection of nature spirits. This religious tradition, passed down from a powerful oligarchy of priests, also carries a tradition of highly developed mathematics and writing.
- Name: Yannis Empire
- Player: L7iTim2 (talk) 07:37, January 10, 2019 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): The Anointed Catulaes IV
- Points:
- Location: 50
- Mediterranean: 15 points
- On Coast/Ocean: 20 points
- On Navigable River: 15 points
- Starting resources:
- Religion:
- Semi-monotheistic/henotheism (Atenism): 15
- Starting Buildings: 25
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Temple: 3
- Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake): 10
- Walls: 5
- Technology: 20
- Sailing: 5
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Negatives:
- Hostile neighboring natives: -10
- Government Type: 10
- Monarchy - 10
- Administration Level: 10
- Feudal: 10
- Urban population: 36
- Noblemen: 1,000 (10)
- Citizens: 3,000 (15)
- Poor: 10,000 (10)
- Slaves 2,000 (1)
- Rural population: 10
- Serfs: 10,000 (10)
- Size of Empire: 5
- Loosely claimed: 10
- Starting gold/currency supply: 4,000 kg (4)
- Location: 50
- History: The Yannis Empire is centered around the Holy City of Ya’gothna-Vis, located along the Soloney River and a fertile plain. The Yannis worship a pantheon of gods, namely Zeon the Old Father, Shibeleth the Mist, and Dandion the Departed. Their king is the nation’s high priest, known as “The Anointed One”. The current king is Catulaes IV.
- Name: Tesardya
- Player: SolaceEaSw (talk) 04:08, February 1, 2019 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Pius Dalavi I
- Points: 175
- Location: 35
- Humid Continental (15)
- On Coast/Ocean (20)
- Starting resources: 15
- Iron (10)
- Copper (5)
- Religion: formalized traditional | 10
- Starting Buildings: 3
- Temple: 3
- Technology: 15
- Sailing (5)
- Bronze Working (5)
- Basic Mathematics (5)
- Negatives: -20
- Hostile neighboring natives (-10)
- Disease rife area (-10)
- Government Type: Republic | 20
- Administration Level: Feudal | 5
- Urban population: 4,650 (18)
- Landless poor: 500 (0.5)
- Slaves: 1,000 (1)
- Citizens: 3,000 (15)
- Noblemen: 150 (1.5)
- Rural population: 14,000 (50)
- Citizens: 12,000 (48)
- Poor/Serfs: 2,000 (2)
- Size of Empire: 5 px 20
- Urbanized (20)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 4
- 4,000 Cowry Shells (5)
- Location: 35
- Nation Description and History:
- When I don't get lazy.
Emalia []
- Name: Emalia
- Player: KawaiiKame
- Current leader(s): Nysia of Aea
- Points:175
- Location:20
- Grasslands: 10
- On River Delta: 10
- Starting resources: 25
- Iron: +10
- Copper: +5
- Tin: +10
- Religion:+20 (Monotheistic)
- Starting Buildings: 15
- Government center: 5
- Temple: 3
- Granary: 2
- Walls: 5
- Technology: 25
- Bronze working: +5
- Writing: +10
- Basic math: +5
- Calendar: +5
- Negatives: -20
- Unpredictable flooding: -10
- Hostile native neighbors: -10
- Government Type: 15
- Theocracy
- Administration Level: 15
- Unitary
- Urban population: +21 (13,500)
- Nobles:+5 (500)
- Citizens: +5 (1,000)
- Landless poor +10 (10,000)
- Foreigners: +0.5 (1,000)
- Slaves: +0.5 (1,000)
- Rural population: +14.5 (21,000)
- Citizens: +4 (1,000)
- Poor/serfs +10 (10,000)
- Foreigners: + 0.05 (1,000)
- Size of Empire: +24.5
- 5 px Urban Area: +20
- Rural: +4 (4)
- Loosley claimed land: 0.5
- Starting gold/currency supply: 0, barter system
- Location:20
- Nation Description and History: In far off lands, various tribes fell victim to sweeping invaders, their people slaughtered, enslaved, and driven off their lands. Those who escaped came to flood the River Ema, much to the anger of the natives already inhabiting the land, as they were being blamed for the collapse of civilization, As war neared the Prophetess Nysia appeared before them just as the scattered tribes were about to be destroyed. "Behold, I am Nysia and I speak on behalf of the River Ema, for she has given birth to all life, and she has given you life, and with this life she wants you to rule over all of creation, starting with this land. Unite together, and this land will be yours, for the people here of old have turned against Ema yet blame you for her wrath! Conquer this land and give new life to it, this is what Ema says unto you." This call to unity banded the refugee tribes into one, the Emalites, and as the various native kings and people soon warred with each other the Emalites picked up the fallen sword and shield and conquered the fallen civilizations. In the ruins of war, Prophetess Nysia built her civilization, Emalia and with no one to oppose her consolidated her rule over the land.
- Name: Gyt
- Player: Steph (talk)
- Current leader(s): Kyrkius
- Points:
- Location: 35
- Grasslands: 10
- On Navigable River: 15
- Near mountains: 10
- Resources: 30
- Iron: 10
- Precious Metals: 20
- Religion: Disorganized polytheism: 10
- Starting buildings: 15
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Temple: 3
- Government Center: 5
- Technology: 30
- Sailing: 5
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working: 10
- Writing: 10
- Negatives: -20
- Volcanic: -5
- 100 year Droughts (as in once every ~100 years a five-to-eight-year drought): -5 (Vand, can this be accepted?)
- Hostile neighboring natives: -10
- Government: 15
- Federal: Feudal: 5
- Administration: Oligarchy: 10
- Urban population: 9
- 1,000 Citizens: 5
- 4,000 Landless Poor: 4
- Rural population: 32
- 4,000 Citizens: 16
- 16,000 Landless Poor: 16
- Size of Empire: 15
- 15 Rural Areas: 15
- Starting Wealth: 4
- 4,000 kg of gold
- Total: 175
- Location: 35
- Nation Description and History: Founded in legend by Gytus, son of Tykus, God of Rain, in the first year, Gyt is a minor trade center on the banks of the River Tythies. Legend places the foundation of the city at 287 summers prior to the current day after the conquest of the region by Gytus. The initial conquest came as a response to the exile of Gytus and his folk from a now forgotten city far up the river’s current. This initial conquest was not forgotten by the original inhabitants of the fertile irrigated land on the banks of the Tythies and relations between the nomadic hunters and the city are tenuous. Nowadays, the City of Gyt, more of a concentration of small buildings, serves as the administrative and commercial center of the extensive network of small farms and hamlets dominated by trade in cattle, iron, and wheat. The nearby Mountains of Zyos are a source of great wealth for the region as iron ore is readily extractable and worked by the smiths of Gyt. This wealth, a growing population, and increasing pressure to increase trade power has led to a significant internal pressure to expand and seize more land. With that in mind, Kyrkius the most influential Patriarch of the region has begun an armament mission that mandates each hamlet supply a mounted soldier with three javelins, a thrusting spear, a horse-axe, a set of lamellar, and small round shields, typically tasseled.
- Name: Edom
- Player: Willster22
- Current leader(s): Maleka Shama aze Lana
- Points:
- Location: 20
- Desert: 5
- On navigable river: 15
- Resources: 30
- Precious Metals: 20
- Iron: 10
- Religion: 5
- Disorganized polytheism: 5
- Starting Buildings: 15
- Granary: 2
- Temple: 3
- Walls: 5
- Barracks: 5
- Technology: 55
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working: 10
- Horseback Riding: 10
- Writing: 10
- Calendar: 5
- Basic Mathematics: 5
- Advanced Mathematics: 5
- Sailing: 5
- Government: 15
- Monarchy: 10
- City-State: 5
- Urban Population: 25
- 1,000 Noblewomen: 10
- 2,000 Citizens: 10
- 5,000 Landless Poor: 5
- Rural Population: 6
- 1,000 Citizens: 4
- 2,000 Serfs: 2
- Starting Gold: 4
- 4,000 kg of gold: 4
- Location: 20
- Nation Description and History: Although the written records are not clear on when the city of Edom was founded, it is known to the inhabitants of the city-state that Edom was once a major city of the Elameran Ankum, an ancient nation which spanned a large length of the Meran only a few centuries ago. The empire's downfall however, was brought about by an enormous wave of barbarians who arrived from the south, sacking the Elameran capital as well as several other cities, and pillaging everything else in their path. Luckily for Edom, the horde had been severely lessened by the time they reached the city, lessening the damage, although it was still quite severe. Not long after, the majority of the barbarians left for elsewhere, desiring more riches. Those that remained have mostly been assimilated, at least in the lands around Edom, having generally made peace with the Elameran people who remained. In the aftermath of the empire's collapse and with the horde having left, a wise noblewomen, Lana aze Arela, managed to garner support among her fellow nobles as well as the general populace, due to her competence as well as being the daughter of the Anku's sister, imperial blood being an important trait in the eyes of the nobles. With the support of the populace, she crowned herself Maleka Lana aze Arela, in the style of the rulers of the old Malekane, who reigned in the various cities along the Meran prior to their unification under the Elameran Ankum. The descendants of Maleka Lana aze Arela have ruled Edom for centuries now. However, only now has the city truly started to recover from its sacking by the barbarian horde. Now, under Maleka Shama aze Lana, the Malekan of Edom has begun to look outward again, seeking new opportunities, and perhaps to even reform the fabled Elameran Ankum.
Tsardom of Algeorgia[]
- Name:
- Player: DRAFIGO 13
- Current leader(s): Tsar Alexei I
- Points:
- Location: Mayor island 20
Tropical 10
- Starting resources:
- Religion: animist
- Starting Buildings:harbor
- Technology:
- Sailing:
- Writing:
- Bronze working:
- Ship:
- Calendar
- Negatives:
- Government Type: monarchy 15
- Administration Level: unitary
- Urban population: 10
- 2,000 citizens
- Rural population: 10
- 2,000 citizens
- Size of Empire:
- Starting gold/currency supply: Dodo feathers
Player; Ycasto
- Name: Qera
- Current Ruler: Hnaxâtl (Prince) Ygran II
- Location (all: 45)
- Mongroves (10)
- Navigable river (15)
- Iron (10)
- Religion (all; 10)
- Organized animism? (10)
- Buildings (all: 35)
- Granary: (2)
- One major temple (3)
- Harbor (10)
- Government center (10)
- Barracks (5)
- City walls (5)
- Technology (all: 50)
- Sailing + ships (15)
- Iron working (10)
- Copper working (5)
- Mathematics (10)
- Writing (10)
- Negatives (all: -15)
- Disease rife area (-10)
- Seismic activity (-5)
- Federal Government:
- Monarchy (-10)
- City-State (-5)
- Urban Population (all; 26.25):
- Noblemen: 500 (5)
- Citizens: 3,000 (15)
- Landless Poor: 4,000 (4)
- Slaves: 2,000 (1)
- Foreigners: 1,500 (1.25)
- Rural Population (all; 7.5):
- Citizens: 1,000 (4)
- Serfs: 3,000 (3)
- Foreigners 1,000 (0.5)
- Size of the Empire (all; 29):
- Urban area: 20
- Rural area: 3
- Loosely claimed: 6
- Starting wealth:
- Currency supply: 3 = 3,000 kg pearls
- History: The foundation myth of the Qeran Empire starts one generation before the first Prince Zâretl arrives and brings the forest tribes to the river, where today the city of Qera stands, which was around 160 years ago. The tribes settled on the various small islands in the calm and very wide river, hence the name of the city which means in their language of Âtluâm "place of islands" (from Qer meaning Island, the suffix -ha or -a indicates a place). According to language the islands were created in a great pre-human conflict between the animals of the forest, led by the god Uon, a xenomorphic lemur who fought the animals of the water, led by Xamehe, a crocodile-like creature. The islands were once a land bridge, where a freshwater spring extended into two directions. When the apes and lemurs (predecessors of humanity) found shiny copper, the water animals grew envious and destroyed the land bridge and separated the land creatures, forcing the creatures to either drown or flee into the forest. Today the city is inhabited by humans and lemurs too, either as pets or as wild animals in the streets. Because of their religion it is not allowed to eat land animals, so the fishing economy is huge and pearls are used as a currency. Around the area of the city there are some amounts of copper and iron, which are used to create weapons and jewelry. The empire is a trading hub and because of this language and some traditions are in constant change. unfortunately it is also a hub for diseases coming with the merchants. Earthquakes can also happen from time to time, which are seen as revenge from the gods toward the citizens or the current prince. Outside of the city there is nothing but thick and dangerous mangroves and jungle with only a few roads, so the citizens focus on the river as the way to get around. Exceptions are the various arms of the rivers, where the peasants breed water animals or cultivate rice. These regions are even poorer than the poor of the capital, as they are so far away.
- Name: Makuku Kingdom
- Player: Cybermats, created by the Cybermen, they kill by feeding off Brainwaves 18:48, October 13, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Great Tatina Jalliti
- Points:
- Location: Tropical (+10) On Coast (+20)
- Starting resources: Tin, Iron, Copper (+25)
- Religion: Animism
- Starting Buildings: Temple, Government Center, Walls (+13)
- Technology: Sailing, Calendar, Bronze Workings, Writing (+25)
- Negatives: Vulcanism (-5)
- Government Type:Monarchy (+10)
- Administration Level: (+10)
- Urban population: Citizens (5 points per 1,000)
- Rural population: Citizens (4 points per 1,000)
- Size of Empire: Urbanized Area (+20)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 80,000 kg/gold (not good with value of gold and stuff, so tell me if this is too much and what a good value would be).
- Nation Description and History: Way before the establishment of the Maluku Kingdom, the Makuku people had for a long time wondered the tropical and truly magnificent tropical wilderness. The Makuku, unlike other natives, never fought each other or were a part of opposing clans, instead the Makuku people worked with each other, as they were the only people they knew or trusted, even when coming into contact with other natives. The Makuku eventually started to establish some sort of governance for all of the Makuku people, a tribe was formed in order to prevent incursions from enemy tribes and to further unite the Makuku. Over the decades, the Makuku would successfully defend their ancestral land from invader after invader, which caused an expansion of their territory, which led to them expanding their coast line and being able to expand their waters and get more fish. The Makukus were developing and expanding fast, and so was their culture, which was how their culture was made to be. The Makuku culture and religion centered around a prophecy of a great man of power and position that would come to rule the people and soon the world for eternity, and would lead the people and then the entire earth to greatness, this “great man” was known as the “Tatu”, and was said that there could be multiple Tatus around the world, and would their own people to greatness and eventually unite with the other Tatus to unite the earth. The Tatu of the Makukus soon came when a new chief of the Makuku Tribe by the name of “Fahiti” proved to the Makuku threw rapid and aggressive expansion and successful economic policies that he was the prophesized “Tatu” and was able to reform the Makuku governmental structure, Makuku society, and culture to account for the now confirmed coming of the Tatu, and so Makuku religion and culture was now centered around loyalty and confidence in the Tatu (now called Great Tatu), but to also watch the Great Tatu carefully and if it seems like the Great Tatu is leading the Makuku civilization and people to failure, then he is a false Tatu and overthrowing him is justified. Fahiti also made the government of the Makuku into a monarchy and a fully established set of rules and regulations were made (a sort of constitution, you could say) known as the “Fahiti Kaliti” (literally, Fahiti Laws) to govern the populace. Today the Makuku Kingdom and People continue to thrive and the Fahiti Kahiti is left untouched.
- Name: Meshawti (Alternatively Nebu Confederation, Temenghu or Temengha)
- Player: FranzJoseph24
- Current leader(s): Massisni of Oea
- Points: 154
- Location: 55
- Mediterranean (15)
- On Coast (20)
- Near a river (10)
- Near a mountain (10)
- Resources: 45
- Precious Gems (15)
- Religion: Unorganized Polytheism (5)
- Starting buildings: 23
- Town Center/Forum: (5)
- Temple: (3)
- Government Center: (5)
- Harbor: (10)
- Technology: 25
- Sailing: (5)
- Horseback Riding: (10)
- Writing: (10)
- Negatives: -20
- Disease rife: (-10)
- Unpredictable Flooding: (-10)
- Seismic Instability (-5)
- Hostile Neighbouring Natives: (-10)
- Government: 15
- Federal: Tribal (5)
- Administration: Oligarchy (10)
- Population: 41
- Noblemen: 1,000 (10)
- Citizens: 3,000 (6)
- Rural Citizens: 5,000 (20)
- Poor/Serfs 5,000 (5)
- Starting gold/currency supply: None (Economy based on production-base only)
- History: WIP
- Name: Delneyat Weritsza
- Player:
- Current leader: Delneyar ('King") Eizen II Motiesa
- Points:
- Location: 25
- Mediterranean: 15
- On Body of Water: 10
- Starting resources: 10
- Iron: 10
- Religion: 10
- Formalized Traditional Religion: 10
- Starting Buildings: 20
- Granary: 2
- Temple: 3
- Harbor: 10
- Walls: 5
- Technology: 30
- Sailing: 5
- Ships: 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working: 10
- Negatives: 0
- Government Type: 10
- Monarchy: 10
- Administration Level: 5
- City-State: 5
- Urban population: 39
- Noblemen (1,000): 10
- Urban Citizens (5,000): 25
- Urban Poor (3,000): 3
- Foreigners (1,000): 0.5
- Slaves (1,000): 0.5
- Rural population (1,000): 0.5
- Rural Poor (1,000): 0.5
- Size of Empire: 24.5
- Urbanized Area (1): 20
- Rural Area (4): 4
- Loosely Claimed (1): 0.5
- Starting gold/currency supply: 1
- Location: 25
- Nation Description and History: To be added.
- Player: Orwell
- Current leader(s): King Arthur of Monty
- Points: 175
- Location:Continental, Oceanic 15 points, On Coast/Ocean 20 points
- Starting resources: Iron 10 points, Copper 5 points
- Religion: Full monotheistic 20
- Starting Buildings Granary 2, Temple 3, Government Center 5, Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake) 10, Library (requires Writing) 10, Walls 5,
- Technology: Sailing 5, Ships 10, Bronze Working 5
- Negatives:Hostile neighboring natives -10, Unpredictable flooding: -10
- Government Type: Monarchy - 10
- Administration Level: Oligarchy - 10
- Urban population: 1 Noblemen, 22 citizens
- Rural population: 7 citizens 20 serfs
- Size of Empire:
- Starting gold/currency supply: 12,000
- Nation Description and History: Aurelia spawned as a collection of small farming communities which were united behind the faith of the "Divine One" who was the all creator of life. Persecuted from neighboring communities the group of farmers and other settlers to the area united into Osania, Osania managed to fend raiders and invaders, the explorer Shakespeare the Great set off to discover new riches and lands to help finance the defense of the homeland. Aurelia itself would be formed until the main capital city of Andromeda was constructed and was connected to the ocean by the Churchill Road to the neighboring city of Lennon which housed a deep water harbor and would house a navy and merchant fleet. However, Andromeda was built alongside and the Osan River which became the vein of the nation into the mainland.
- Name: Atnosis
- Player: User:TheCrimsonOracle
- Current leader(s): Atnosis XXVIII
- Points: 175
- Location:
- Oceanic: 15
- Major Island: 15
- Starting resources:
- Precious Metals: 20
- Precious Gems: 15
- Religion: Atnosian Polytheism (5)
- Starting Buildings: Temple, Walls, City Center, Granary, Library (25)
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Writing, Basic/Advanced Mathematics (30)
- Negatives: Vulcanism, Hostile Native, Hostile Neighbor (-30)
- Government Type: Monarchy (10)
- Administration Level: City-State (5)
- Urban population: 15
- Noblemen: 500 (5)
- Citizens: 1,000 (5)
- Landless Poor: 2,000 (5)
- Rural population: 26
- Citizens: 4,000 (16)
- Poor/Serfs: 10,000 (10)
- Size of Empire:
- 4 px rural (4)
- 20 px loosely-claimed (10)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 10
- Location:
- Nation Description and History: The term 'Atnosian' refers to a disparate group of people on the volcanic archipelago known as Atnosia. This ring-shaped archipelago - itself a massive caldera of a super volcano - is prone to producing a wide array of gems, minerals, and metals for which the Atnosians have been famed. Thousands of years ago, Atnosia was ruled by one legendary king - Atnosis - who united the warring clans of Atnosia. Under his tributary system, the Old Atnosian Kingdom reached its height. When he died, the Great Pyramid of Atnosia was constructed. This obsidian-coated pyramid rests in an unpopulated area, untouched by civilization. According to Atnosian legend, Atnosis was reincarnated. The ruling Seekers have been tasked with finding the new Atnosis each time the old one passes away. However, this unified Atnosia of antiquity is either the stuff of ancient history or was merely a legend. With each death of Atnosis, fights between city-states on Atnosia became increasingly frequent, with each state claiming their own Atnosis. Each time a new city-state rose to prominence, they would be struck down violently, either by nature or other city-states.
During the Middle Era of Atnosia, a league of Seekers was formed. This league was able to bring such warring to a halt, with the Seekers determining who the reincarnation of Atnosis truly is. Each time a new Atnosis was brought to the Seekers, they legendarily slew the claimant to keep the peace between the city-states. During this era of uneasy peace, Atnosian trade began to trickle into the various markets far and wide. However, this peace was not meant to last. A series of volcanic eruptions plunged Atnosia into an abyss of volcanic ash and chaos. Now, as the toxic clouds settle and the black rains cease, a new city-state must rise to claim the Obsidian Throne. Time will tell if its power will last or if it will, like all other Atnosian kingdoms, fall to the true master of Atnosia: the will of nature herself ...
- Name: Coalition of the Batur and the Ríkivan peoples
- Current leader(s): K’árinnar
- Points:
- Location: Oceanic, on coast, on navigable rivers
- Starting resources: Iron
- Religion: Disorganized polytheism
- Starting Buildings: Harbor, Barracks
- Technology: Ships, Sailing, Writing,
- Negatives: Hostile Neighboring Natives
- Government Type: Feudal
- Administration Level: Oligarchical
- Population:
- Noblemen: 2,000
- Urban Citizens: 4,000
- Landless Poor: 7,000
- Slaves: 500
- Foreigners: 1,000
- Rural Citizens: 8,000
- Size of Nation: 2 urban, 7 rural, 5 loosely claimed
- Nation Description and History: Roughly 500 years ago, the Ríkivan people landed in what was then a relatively undeveloped region on the periphery of the Arelian Empire, a modestly-sized but still regionally important state that had remained in dominion for the past 1,000 years. The Arelians permitted the Ríkivans to settle there - as it was barely populated aside from the hill villages of the Batur peoples - as long as they would pay taxes and remain loyal subjects of the Arelian Empire. This arrangement was stressed 63 years before when due to the Arelian Time of Troubles, the taxes were raised to finance the continuous internal conflict that had become prominent in the empire. 11 years ago, K’árinnar, of the Árin clan, raised the standard of revolt, and soon, all but one of the Ríkivan clans joined the cause, and many of the Batur hill tribes found common cause and joined as well. The war for independence is ongoing.
Among the characteristics of the Ríkivan people include an aptitude for ship building and navigation, and this is largely facilitated by the large Evergreen trees of their area. (probably will be expanded)
- Name: Anakadeham
- Player: FroopyZombie (talk) 02:47, October 14, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Mtao Maxius III
- Points: 175
- City’s Start Location: 30 points
- Grasslands: 10 points
- On River Delta:10 points
- Near mountains: 10 points
- Starting resources: 30 points
- Precious Metals: 20 points
- Iron: 10 points
- Religion Organization:
- Disorganized polytheism: 5
- Starting Buildings: 17
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Walls: 5
- Barracks: 5
- Granary: 2
- Technology: 25
- Bronze working: 5
- Iron Working: 10
- Writing: 10
- Basic Mathematics: 5
- Calendar: 5
- Negatives: -10
- Hostile neighboring natives: -10
- Federal government: 15
- Tribal: 5
- Administration:
- Oligarchy: 10
- Urban population: 35
- Noblemen: 1,000 (10)
- Citizens: 3,000 (15)
- Poor: 9,000 (9)
- Slaves 1,000 (1)
- Rural population: 10
- Serfs: 10,000 (10)
- Size of Empire:15
- Urbanized Area: 10 points
- Rural area: 5 points
- Starting gold/currency supply: 3,000 kg of gold (3)
- Nation Description and History: The Anakadeham State was part of numerous tribes scattered across the area, until Chief Mtao Maxius I (translate to "The Iron Chief", due to him wearing an iron suit when battling) united all the tribes to find the Anakadeham State. Legend has it that he achieved this after defeating powerful enemies like Damsan and Mtao Gruxius to unite their tribes into his. He later died after trying to battle the Goddess of Sun himself. His grandson, Mtao Maxius III is now the chief and is following his grandfather's footsteps to become the great conqueror that he was. Wet rice agriculture is mainly participated due to the country being located on the Hauifg River Delta, which is the big deal for the country. Every single male person is required to work, either farming, hunting, etc. even the chief himself; while the females do the chores, sew clothes and take care of the children at home. Due to the hot climate men usually leave their upper bodies naked in the summer. People live in traditional longhouses. To trade with other tribes, the people here have figured out the basic mathematics of addition, subtract, multiplication and divination. A basic moon calendar is also figured out with each month having 30 days and each year lasting 365 days. The nation follows matrilineality, despite that, men are still responsible for household finance and do the heavy work. Mtao Maxius III is seeking expansion and explorers have been sent to explore new land.
Kingdom of Personia []
- Name: Kingdom of Personia
- Player: Person67 (talk) 20:54, October 14, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): King Xander Ellestoria
- Points:
- Location: Oceanic on small island 30
- Starting resources: Iron, tin and copper 55
- Religion: Formalised traditional 65
- Starting Buildings: Government centre and granary 72
- Technology: Sailing, ships, calendar, bronze working, iron working, writing, basic mathematics 122
- Negatives: Hostile native population and unpredictable flooding 97
- Government Type: Feudal 102
- Administration Level: Feudal 112
- Urban population: 1,000 nobleman, 1,000 citizens, 1,000 landless poor, 1,000 foreigners, 1,000 slaves 135
- Rural population: 2,000 citizens, 7,000 landless poor, 2,000 foreigners 145
- Size of Empire: 1 urbanised area and 5 rural area 170
- Starting gold/currency supply: 5 tons of gold 175
- Nation Description and History: The Kingdom of Personia is a feudal monarchy having rebelled against insert nearby enemy state led by Xander Ellestoria who named himself King and his supporters lords with the capital being placed at Person where the rebellion started.
The Khin Confederation[]
- Name: Example
- Player: Fallacyman (talk)
- Current leader(s): Chanri Jangah Dahroad
- Points: 112 points
- Location: Steppes (10 points), Near Mountains (10 points)
- Starting resources: None
- Religion: Full Monotheism (20 points)
- Starting Buildings: None
- Technology: Horseback Riding, Writing, Calendar, Advanced Astronomy, Basic mathematics: 35 points
- Negatives: Drought prone (-10 points)
- Government Type: Tribal (5 points)
- Administration Level: Nomadic (0 points)
- Camp population: 500 nobles, 3,000 citizens, 20,000 serfs/poor, 10,000 slaves (51 points)
- Size of Empire: N/A
- Starting gold/currency supply: The concept of currency does not exist, bartering is the norm.
- Nation Description and History:
Sillas Republic[]
- Location – Tropical Monsoonal (10)
- Bonus – Navigable River (10)
- Starting Resources – Iron (10)
- Religious Organization – Animism (0)
- Starting Buildings – 42
- Granary – 2
- Town Center / Forum – 5
- Government Center – 5
- Harbor – 10
- Library – 10
- Walls – 5
- Technology – 55
- Sailing – 5
- Calendar – 5
- Bronze working – 5
- Iron working – 10
- Cavalry – 10
- Writing – 10
- Basic mathematics – 5
- Advanced mathematics – 5
- Negative – -15
- Unpredictable flooding – -10
- Vulcanism/Seismic instability – -5
- Government Type – Republic (20)
- Government Structure – City-state (5)
- Population – total of 32,000 individuals (35)
- Nobility – 2,000 (10)
- "Middle-class" – 6,000 (15)
- Commoners – 20,000 (10)
- Foreigners – 4,000 (1)
- Currency supply – 2,000 kg of gold (2)
- The inhabitants of the Sillas Republic are said to be the descendants of 50 or so founding clans. The city is surrounded in by four fortresses and a sloping 30-meter tall (30 meters at the base, ten meters at the top) made of rammed earth. It has a total area of four square miles, but a large portion of the inner city is idle or cultivated land. A majority of the population spends a significant portion of their time working on agricultural estates located along the river, as riverine vessels serve as the main vehicle of transportation. The Sillan people are said to be migrants from the cooler, temperate North – being significantly taller and naturally fairer compared to the neighboring tribal polities. They are a matriarchal society, and as a result, they are both matrilineal (property and status are inherited via the maternal line) and matrifocal (with women leading households). They are divided into three classes, all of whom are subject to the ten-clause Sillan Code which guarantees them basic rights. The first class is the nobility, having acquired their status through civil and military examinations. Women are expected to serve as politicians and civil servants, while men serve as high-ranking military officials during times of war while supervising their wives' agricultural estates during peacetime (in conjunction to weekly military drills and daily exercise regimens). The middle-class is comprised of skilled artisans, craftsmen, and merchants. The commoners are comprised of landless peasants who rent land in exchange for giving away 25–50% (depending on the size of the estate) of their produce. While all have the right to vote, only the first two classes actually exercise and value this right, with commoners largely apathetic or easily swayed by public opinion. In addition, there is a large minority of foreign merchants and diplomats. The economy was initially centered on fulfilling the needs of the palatial complex, though the formation of a mercantile class has led to the formation of a market economy with transactions conducted in promissory banknotes (which is pegged to a certain amount of grain or gold). The economy is largely based on the cultivation of its staple – rice, as well as the production of cash crops including coconuts, indigo, tea, and other exotic fruits as well as the production of tea. Root crops and plantains also serve as subsistence crops and ornamental plants.
- Name: Exhulan Empire
- Player: JosephtheAwesome
- Current Leader: Syvotr (King) Jdáih I
- Points:
- Location:
- Tropical: 10 points
- Small Island: 15
- Starting resources:
- Iron: 10 points
- Starting Buildings: Walls: 5
- Harbor (requires Sailing; Coastal or on a Navigable River/Lake): 10
- Walls: 5
- Barracks: 5
- Religious Organization:
- Disorganized polytheism: 5
- Technology:
- Sailing: 5
- Ships (requires Sailing): 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Basic Mathmatics: 10
- Negatives:
- Disease rife area: -10
- Vulcanism: -5
- Federal government: Monarchy - 10
- Administration:
- Oligarchy - 10
- Urban population:
- 0.5 nobles,
- 4 citizens,
- 0.5 landless poor,
- 1 foreigner,
- 0.5 slaves.
- Rural population:
- 0 nobles, 17 poor
- Size of the empire:
- 6 Rural areas: 11 points
- Urban areas: 1 (the city), 20 points,
- Starting gold: 7
- History: Exhula is a semi-urban elective monarchy based around and run from the capital of the nation and only large city and port on the small island we inhabit, Exhul. Exhul was founded by tribesmen from across the island, many of whom came to the coasts and established small ports to avoid the frequent eruptions of Mount Iiyivyit, and eventually banded together to create the city of Exhul in order to enrich themselves further and protect each other. A leader was typically elected by the tribal leaders, but over time those tribes chiefs have become powerful noble family’s residing in Exhul that gather after the death of every Syvotr to elect the next one. This society, based on trade, has often had positive relations with its neighbors, and is usually neutral in conflicts for this reason and to avoid disrupting the flow of trade. Trade has immensely benefited Exhula, and as a result Exhul has grown from a relatively small city with a nomadic populace to one of the largest ports in the region surrounding it, and its reliance on trade also allowed it to utilize Iron, which is abundant on the island of Haaaelos (Exhulan for home) where its people live, faster than other nations due to being the first to receive it through trade with powers farther away, and the secrets of it are currently closely guarded. Due to their name for the island, the ethnic group that makes up most of the islands population is known as either the Haaaelosi or the Xthhri (the other biggest name for the island is Xthhr). Merchants and sailors are revered and respected in Exhulan society and enjoy high status due to being the lifeblood of Exhulan society and economy, and powerful merchants frequently Mary into noble families, which themselves are essentially powerful merchant houses with the right to elect the Syvotr except inherited, and unlike the noble class anyone can become a merchant. Exhula is also known for producing some of the best sailors and ships in the known world (known to us and other nearby civilizations), and has a large fleet. Due to isolation from the rest of the world before it opened trade, the people of Exhul developed there own polytheistic religion separate from those of the mainland, and their own very unique language for the same reason, although that has become heavily influenced by other nearby language families due to reliance on trade. However, its nature as a civilization relying on trade and diplomacy meant that the Exhulans ended up more polytheistic and tolerant of other gods besides their own, and several foreign gods, such as Daltonhersh the Fat, have developed their own small (or in the case of Ddttdal large) followings, although Daltonhersh worship is one of the few religions banned. However, the main religion of Exhula is a disorganized Polytheistic religion called Hcctaal, which worships the Gods Jddai, Jddithic, Ccoth, and Mu’ran primarily and a host of lesser gods. They have an disorganized priesthood with the members of it being known as Jdim (roughly translating to Divine Representative, although the exact translation would be Divine To Represent) without any real hierarchy, although obviously some members have more influence than others. The Priesthood does not have that much power though despite being the main Exhulan Religion, due to its disorganized nature. The rural population provides much of the food in exchange for small shares of the wealth of the city, but fishing (which is also a big part of the economy) and imports are also a large source of food for the empires people.
- Name: Qaryaati Empire
- Player: Emperorkangxi
- Current leader(s): Qahsik (King) Najrim Mudyan
- Points: 176
- Location: 35
- Desert: 5
- On body of water: 10
- On coast/ocean: 20
- Starting resources: 45
- Rare commodities: 30
- Iron: 10
- Copper: 5
- Religion: Disorganized polytheism | 5
- Starting Buildings: 22
- Granary: 2
- Government Center: 5
- Harbor: 10
- Walls: 5
- Technology: 35
- Sailing: 5
- Ships: 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Writing: 10
- Basic Mathematics: 5
- Negatives: -30
- Seismic instability: -5
- Drought-prone: -10
- Hostile native population: -15
- Government Type: Monarchy | 10
- Administration Level: Feudal | 10
- Population: 7,500 (23.25)
- Noblemen: 500 (5)
- Citizens: 2,000 (10)
- Landless poor: 2,500 (2.5)
- Foreigners: 1,000 (0.5)
- Slaves: 1500 (0.75)
- Rural citizens: 1,000 (2)
- Serfs: 3,000 (2.5)
- Rural population: 4,000 (4.5)
- Rural citizens: 1,000 (2)
- Serfs: 3,000 (2.5)
- Size of Empire: 5 free px + 13 px (11)
- Rural: 9 (9)
- Loosely claimed: 4 (2)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 7,000 kg/gold (7)
- Location: 35
- Nation Description and History: The ancestors of the Qaryaati and their neighbors arrived in the region about 700 years ago and then formed many states of their own. The state of Qaryaat, situated on a crucial location for trade, eventually came to economically dominate the region. They began conquering many surrounding kingdoms, such as Qat'in (formerly the biggest and richest nation in the area). (WIP)
- Name: Gahren
- Player: Supreme Sensual Samrāṭ Sky 07:15, October 15, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): High Judge, Lont of Kav
- Points: 175
- Location: Mediterranean +15, On River +10, Near mountains +10
- Starting resources: Copper +5, Tin +10, Iron +10
- Religion: Formalized traditional +10
- Starting Buildings: Granary +2, Temple +3, Town Center/Forum +5, Government Center +5
- Technology: Calendar +5, Bronze working +5, Writing +10, Basic Mathematics +5
- Negatives:
- Government Type: Monarchy +5
- Administration Level: City-state +5
- Urban population: Noblemen (500) +5, Citizen (1,000) +5, Landless poor (1,500) +1.5, Foreigners (1,000) +0.5,
- Rural population: Citizens (750) +3, Serfs (4,000) +4
- Size of Empire: Urbanized +20, Rural area +6 (5 free px and 7 extra)
- Starting gold/currency supply: +5
- Nation Description and History: The City-state of Gahren is led by the High Judge, currently Lont of Kav, who serves at the final authority. He also serves as First of the Council, having final say in what matters are addressed in the daily order, as well as being able to appoint new members of the Council once their predecessors have passed. The Gahreni believe in the many-faced Tuň, whose different faces, or aspects, control the world.
- Name: Avsylann
- Player: EloyVeraBel (talk) 02:54, October 17, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Kyrstad Arad-Khaz
- Points:
- Location: Desert (5), Near Mountains (10), on body of water (10).
- Starting resources: Copper (5), Tin (10), Precious Gems (15).
- Religion: Henotheism (15)
- Starting Buildings: Granary (2), Walls (5), Harbor (10), Temple (3).
- Technology: Sailing (5), Ships (10), Calendar (5), Bronze Working (5), Basic Mathematics (5).
- Negatives: Unpredictable flooding (-10), hostile neighboring natives (-10)
- Government Type: Theocracy (15)
- Administration Level: Oligarchy (10)
- Urban population: 1,000 noblemen (10), 2,000 citizens (10), 5,000 landless poor (5)
- Rural population: 5,000 poor (5)
- Size of Empire: 10 rural areas (10)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 10,000 kg of gold (10)
- Nation Description and History: Avsylann is a relatively small city that grew out of a small temple-state, exploding out into a flourishing commercial center. Tin and gems flow from the mountain mines, and harvests are plentiful thanks to the floodings of the Umraed Lake. The abundant minerals and foodstuffs can be traded via the Umraed Harbor, Avsylann's natural connection to the outside world; while the imponent Uldosst Mountains keep the city safe from outside threat. The only serious threats to the city's hegemony are the mountain tribesmen whom the Avsylanth call Dhunraith, aggresive raiders and worshipers of alien gods, the main reason why the mountain-surrounded city still has protective walls. The priesthood of Avsylann keep control of the population by their exclusive knowledge of the flooding cycles, which they use to tell the commoners when to plant, when to harvest and when to evacuate (although they have failed in the past, as the Umraed god is still mysterious and capricious), and an extremely complex religious hierarchy which emerged from the merger of several cults, whom realized their gods were all manifestations of one true God. The priestly colleges that succeeded these early cults still dispute control of the city, but as of now they remain calm under the leadership of High Priest Kyrstad.
- Name: Durmani (people)
- Player:
- Current leader(s): Odo
- Points:
- Location: grasslands 10, near mountain 10
- Starting resources: metals (tin, copper, iron) 25
- Religion: disorganized polytheism (Germanic paganism) 5
- Starting Buildings: barracks 5, walls 5, granary 2, government centre 5
- Technology: bronze working 5, iron working 10, horseback riding 10, writing 10, basic mathematics 5
- Negatives: hostile native population -15, hostile neighbor natives - 10, drought prone -10
- Government Type:monarchy 10
- Administration Level: city-state 5
- Urban population:nobles 10 (1,000), citizens 15 (3,000), landless poor 10 (10,000)
- Rural population: citizens 8 (10,000), serfs 10 (10,000, foreigners 15 (30,000)
- Size of Empire: rural 15 px
- Starting gold/currency supply: 5 (5,000)
- Nation Description and History: The Durmani are one of the many Esti tribes in the that make up the Estland Plains. The Durmani settled the Valun hill valleys that connect to the greater Ostan Mountains to the north of the plains. A proud and superstitious warrior people of nomadic traditions the Esti fought amongst themselves for control of hunting grounds and over access to the various sacred lands that dot the region. The Durmani were amongst the first to adopt a semi-sedentary way of life following their settlement in the central Valun valley. Learning how to till the soil and domesticating horses and cattle of the area, first as animals of burden, as well as developing a simple alphabet and adopting more complex religious beliefs based on ancestor worship and consolidating a simple pantheon of of which Ostan the All-Father (father of man and conqueror of the Gods) reigned supreme. 100 years ago the Conni empire, a western people, conquered a majority of the Estland Plains using their superior weapons made from bronze. The Durmani only submitted after most of the other Esti had been pacified becoming the only one of the tribes to maintain some degree of autonomy while the rest of the region was parcelled out to a Conni troops. With the Conni came a new religion that was pushed heavily on the subjugated Esti with most of the tribes that bordered the onni homeland adopting the new religion while Durma and the other Esti tribes farther east resisted the new religion clinging the old faith of the All-Father. Despite tensions with their overlord Durma grow quickly thanks to the newly established trade routes with Conni given its proximity to the large mineral deposits. With the Durmani becoming well-known for their metal workers, and for caliber of the troops they sent to serve their Conni Masters. The Durmani would eventually develop horse riding and iron metal working as the city grew with other esti were brought in as unskilled labour and Conni filled the role of merchants within the city, allowing the Durmani to develop their growing skills. Tensions between the Conni and Durmani broke into an all out rebellion after the Conni massacred pilgrims to one of the holy sites of the old faith in the Eastern Plains. Odo the new King of the Durmani managed to put kick out the local Conni garrison and establish control over the immidiate area around Valun purging many of the now unprotected (more to be added later).
Irian culture[]
- Name: Irian culture/civilization (pronounced "eerie-an")
- Player: General534 (talk)
- Current leader(s): N/A
- Points:
- Location: 60
- Mediterranean climate (15)
- On navigable river (15)
- Near mountains (10)
- On Coast/Ocean (20)
- Starting resources: 15
- Iron (10)
- Copper (5)
- Stone
- Religion: 5
- Disorganized polytheism (5)
- Starting Buildings: 20
- Granary (2)
- Town Center/Forum (5)
- Temple (3)
- Harbor (10)
- Technology: 40
- Sailing (5)
- Ships (10)
- Bronze Working (5)
- Horseback Riding (10)
- Writing (10)
- Negatives:
- Vulcanism/Seismic Instability (-5)
- Hostile neighboring natives (-10)
- Government Type:
- Tribal (5)
- Administration Level:
- City-state (5), but partially nomadic in these early stages
- Urban population: 24.5
- 1,000 noblemen (10)
- 2,000 citizens (10)
- 4,000 landless poor (4)
- 500 foreigners (0.25)
- 500 slaves (0.25)
- Rural population: 8.5
- 1,000 citizens (4)
- 4,000 poor/serfs (4)
- 1,000 foreigners (0.5)
- Size of Empire:
- No direct demesne
- Starting gold/currency supply:
- 7,000 kg of gold (7 points)
- Location: 60
- Nation Description and History: While a Proto-Irian culture has existed among others in this greater coastal region for centuries, the first true Irian civilization emerged rather recently on the Thrydacian peninsula. Characterized by bronzeworking, small city-states and localized pantheons, the Irian culture is still primitive and developing. Its people are warlike and sometimes migratory when seasons are rough, but are gradually becoming more settled as circumstances in the area improve. They depend on trade and commerce for important resources, and as such have developed strong mercantile and maritime traditions. Other traditions flourish: Irian pottery is known for its superior quality and intricate painted designs, while Irian stoneworks and architecture are considered some of the best in the region. Although the heart of the civilization is located on the mainland peninsula, there are numerous islands in the surrounding sea (known to Irians as the Adseia) which have come under the influence of their culture. Further inland, the people are more barbarous and the climate is less suited to permanent settlement. Still, these inland people share many aspects of society with the coastal Irians. In central Thrydacia lies Mount Cambor, where the gods are said to originate from. In the distant past, this mountain has more than once annihilated whole villages with its fiery breath, but now it smoulders peacefully beside the shores of Lake Mareum. The most important city of the Irian civilization is called Aigei, and it is located on the banks of the Hecis, a large river that runs from the highlands to the Adseia.
- Name: Empire of Mang
- Player:Lonixdron aka a random floridian
- Current Leader: Ompai
- Points:
- Location: 40
- Rain forest climate (10)
- On Coast/Ocean (20)
- Near mountains (10)
- Starting Resources: 35
- Tin (10)
- Iron (10)
- Precious Gems (15)
- Religion: 10
- Formalized traditional (Hinduism) (10)
- Starting buildings: 10
- Temple (3)
- Granary (2)
- Barracks (5)
- Technology: 20
- Calendar (5)
- Writing (10)
- Basic Mathematics (5)
- Negatives: -5
- Vulcanism/Seismic Instability (-5)
- Federal government: 15
- Empire (15)
- Administration: 15
- Unitary (15)
- Urban population: 40
- 2,000 Noblemen (20)
- 3,000 Citizens (15)
- 5,000 Landless poor (5)
- Rural population: 7
- 1,000 Citizens (4)
- 3,000 Poor/serfs (3)
- Size of Empire
- No direct demise
- Starting gold/currency supply: 5
- 5,000 kg of gold (5)
- Location: 40
- Nation Info: The nation was born from a rural dense area near the coastline. This sovereign state was founded by Chongqui and was establish as a Empire, in which he was crowned the emperor for this nation. Mostly characterized by literature writings in technology, the nation is trying to expand its technology and agriculture for the average citizen living here. Most of the population is denoted by poor landless people, mainly the fact that the nation is mostly focused on the military standards and could careless for the people living in tense weather without food or warmth. The religion is formalized Hinduism, which is usually called Mangstism, in which 84% of the population follows the religion. Due to harsh conditions, most of the population is starving due to farmland becoming uncivilized for any human evolution. The empire is currently trying to work out a way to make farmland grow by the days passing by.
- Name: Chrystalia
- Player: Ismael Perez Ψ (talk • contribs • blog)
- Current leader(s): Chief Yikonu of Chrystalia
- Points: 175
- Location: A small tropical island (10 + 15)
- Starting resources: Copper (5) + Iron (10) + Precious gems (15) + Precious metals (20)
- Religion: Animism (0)
- Starting Buildings: Town center (5)
- Technology: Basic mathematics (5)
- Negatives: Seismic instability (-5)
- Government Type: Tribal (5)
- Administration Level: City-state (5)
- Population: 10 noble (0.1), 150 commoners (0.75), 200 slaves (0.1)
- Size of Empire: Loosely claimed (0.5)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 10,000 kilograms (10)
- Nation Description and History: Crystalia is a small isolated island in the tropicss far from the reaches of contact. It has a very primitive society.
- name: Kono
- Player: With Blood and Iron (talk) 05:23, November 30, 2018 (UTC)
- Current Leader: Lord Yana Omiti
- Points:
- Location: Major (large in comparison to others around it) Island, in Island chain of some body of land 30
- Starting resources: Iron, Tin, Rare Commodities 50
- Religion: Animism 0
- Starting Buildings: Government Center, Temple, Harbor, Barracks, Library Town Centre 28
- Technology: Sailing, Bronze working, Iron working, Writing, Calendar, basic mathematics 40
- Negatives: Hostile Natives, Hostile Neighboring Natives, Valcanism -30
- government: Monarchy 10
- administration: city State: 5
- Urban population: 2,000 nobles, 6,000 citizens, 5,000 foreginers, 10,000 Slaves
- Rural Population: 3,000 Citizens, 10,000 poor, serfs
- Starting Gold 2,000 Gold
- Nation Description and HIstory: Sunsho was founded after Yana Nansu led the remaining members of the Kono and their hired mercenaries away from the mainland escaping an endless horde that wiped out many other settlements. Under Nansu's leadership the Kono have established the city of Sonshu having subjugated the local settlement after Iron deposits were identified by Nansu who has steadily built up the city of Sonshu on the backs of captured labour and the technologically superior iron weapons, writing, and superior ships. The Kono worship their ancestors specially warriors, and also follow the myth of spirits, and above all else the Great Dragon who gave guidence to the House of Yana as they fled the continent.
- Name: The Most Serene Vynos
- Player: Bel of the illusions 21:45, December 12, 2018 (UTC)
- Current Leader: Maz Div Tyv Nyti
- Points
- Location: On the coast of a Tropical Area 30
- Starting Resources: Precious Commodities, Precious Metals 50
- Religion: Disorganized Religion 5
- Starting Buildings: Government Center, Harbor, Wall, Government Forum 35
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Writing 25
- Negatives: Hostile Neighboring Natives, Drought Prone, Seismic Activity -25
- Government: Republic 10
- Administration: City State 5
- Urban Population: 1,500 Nobles 2,000 Citizens 4,500 Poor 29.5
- Rural Population: 2,000 Citizens 3,000 Serfs 11
- Starting Gold: 8,500 8.5
- Nation Description and History: Vynos was founded around 400 years ago when Vyt refugees fled from their hostile neighbors, and found a city near the Coast that was easily protected. Since then, they built walls to protect from raids by their neighbors. However, their land is very unsuited for farming and so they have developed a Maritime lifestyle surviving on Fish and Traded goods. By the Cities lies rich deposits of valuable Minerals and Metals such as Gold and Silver, they also are known to produce various luxuries such as Dyes and fine fabrics. The City is organized under a Republic primarily controlled by the Nobles and Merchants, these two parties often fight for control within the government and attempt to control the Assembly of Archons, and the office of Maz Div. They worship a pantheon of Deities with the Primary one being Vyn the King of the Gods and the Ancestors of all Vyts.
Otan Takat[]
- Name: The Kingdom of Otan Takat
- Savanah (10)
- Location bonuses: River Delta (10)
- Starting resources:
- Copper (5)
- Tin (10)
- Religion Organization: Formalized Traditionalism (10)
- Starting Buildings: Walls (5), Barracks (5), Granary (2), Temple (3), Government Center (5), and Library (10).
- Technology: Writing (10), Calender (5), Basic Mathmatics (5), Advanced Mathmatics (5), and Bronze Working (5).
- Negatives:
- Federal government:Monarchy (10)
- Administration: Feudal (10)
- Urban population: 500 Noblemen (5) 2,000 Citizens (10) 10,000 Landless Poor (10) 10,000 Slaves (5)
- Rural population: Citizens: 4 points per 1,000 Poor/serfs: 1 point per 1,000 Foreigners: 0.5 point per 1,000
- 2,000 Citizens (8)
- 5,000 Serfs (5)
- Size of Empire (everyone starts with one urban and four rural, measured per px):
- 4x rural area (4)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 1 point per 1,000 kg/gold, or an equivalent value
- 4,000 kg/gold (4)
- Name: The Chosen Land; Malmaça
- Player: Plastic Bass
- Current leader(s): High Thariq (Priest): Halik Urfrada
- Points:
- Location: Near Mountains (10) and Mediterranean (15)
- Starting Location:
- Copper (5)
- Tin (5)
- Precious Metals (20)
- Religion: Artharism (15)
- Starting Buildings: Walls (5) Government Centre (5) Temple (3) Library (10) Barracks (5)
- Technology: Writing (5), Basic Mathematics (5), Advanced Mathematics (5), Bronzeworking (5) Calendar (5)
- Negatives: Vulcanism/Seismic Instability: -5
- Government Type: Artharist Theocracy (15)
- Administration Level: Unitary (15)
- Urban population: 4,600 - (1,020 noblemen (10), 2,970 citizens (10) 590 Landless Poor, 70 Foreigners)
- Rural population: 5,800 (3,300 citizens (12) 2,500 serfs (2)
- Size of Empire: Urbanized Area (20)
- Starting gold/currency supply:
- Nation Description and History: The Chosen Land, Malmaça is a mountainous country, with people who have lived in mountains for generations as different tribes, united under one religion. Land is well spread throughout the country, and basic laws of Democracy are being followed here. It was the birthplace of the Artharian prophet Himself, Halik Urfrada, who is the current leader of the country.
- Name: Thïgæ
- Player: Ahoys123 23:24, December 26, 2018 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Aropha I
- Points: 175
- Location (30)
- Mediterranean (15)
- Navigable River Delta (15)
- Starting resources (0)
- Religion (20)
- Full Monotheistic (20)
- Starting Buildings (15)
- Government Center (5)
- Harbor (10)
- Technology (25)
- Sailing (5)
- Ships (10)
- Writing (10)
- Negatives (0)
- Government Type (15)
- Empire (15)
- Administration Level (15)
- Unitary (15)
- Urban population (15)
- 600 nobles (6)
- 1,200 citizens (6)
- 3,000 landless poor (3)
- 2,500 slaves (2.5)
- 2,500 foreigners (2.5)
- Rural population (10)
- 1,000 citizens (4)
- 6,000 serfs (6)
- Size of Empire (25)
- 1 Urban (1 free)
- 29 Rural (4 free + 25)
- Starting gold/currency supply (5)
- 5,000 kg of gold
- Location (30)
Dragsfurt Konigreich[]
- Name: Example
- Player: Adolf
- Current leader(s): Franz Altenhofen
- Points: 175
- Location: Continental/Oceanic
- Starting resources: tin, copper and iron
- Religion: Polytheistic
- Starting Buildings: Granary, Town Center, Library, Temple, Government Center
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Calendar,Bronze Working, Iron Working, Writing, Basic Mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Astronomy
- Negatives: Unpredictable Flooding, Vulcanism, and Hostile Neighboring Natives
- Government Type: Monarchy
- Administration Level: Unitary
- Urban population: 100 Noblemen and 2,000 Citizens
- Rural population: 2,000 Citizens, 2,000 poor
- Size of Empire: Rural Area Points +13
- Starting gold/currency supply: 1,000 kg
- Nation Description and History:
Aquadelatine Kingdom[]
- Name: Aquadelatine Kingdom (Ak-wa-del-a-tine)
- Player: TheGodlyTerrarian
- Leader: Constantar I
- Points: 175
- Location: Mediterranean Lake (15)
- Starting Resources: Iron (15)
- Religion: Monotheistic (20)
- Starting Buildings: Walls (5), Government Centre (5), Harbor (10), Barracks (5)
- Government: Monarchy (10)
- Technology: Writing (10), Calendar (5)
- Adminstration: Unitary (15)
- Population:
- Urban Pop.: Noblemen; 100 (1), Citizens; 3,000 (15), Landless Poor; 2,000 (2)
- Rural Population: Citizens; 5,000 (20), Poor/Serfs; 2,000 (2)
- Size of Empire: Urbanized Area (20)
Tsimdomdu Confederation[]
- Name: Kingdom of Ibiyary
- Player:
- Current leader(s):
- Location: Grasslands, Coastal
- Population: 100,000
- Nation Description and History: The Tsimdomdu Confederation is a confederate unification of five tribes. They united yesterday, so the joke can be made that, yes, Tsimdomdu was born yesterday.
Telachitul Republic[]
- Name: Telchitul Republic
- Player: Fires
- Current leader: Kelarfe
- Location: Coastal grasslands (-30)
- Population: 41,000
- 1,000 Urban Noble people (-10)
- 2,000 Urban Citizens (-10)
- 10,000 Urban Landless poor (-10)
- 3,000 Rural citizens (-12)
- 25,000 Rural serfs (-25)
- Starting Resource: Iron (-10)
- Religion: Formalized traditional (-10)
- Technology: Ships, Sailing, Bronze, Iron working (-30)
- Gov't: Republic, city-state (-25)
- Gold: 4l kg (-4)
Warrior Kingdom of Çicaxotoc[]
- Name: Çicaxotoc pronounced; /chEE-kaa-(hard h)HO-tok
- Player: MrCrepee
- Current leader/s: Emmanuel Tläcana Jérémie Tlahuatíhqui the III and Étienne Quâltzi-Cihüa’etl Tlahuatíhqui
- Points (175)
- Location: (15)
- Mediterranean (15)
- Location bonuses: (20)
- On coast/ ocean (20)
- Starting resources: (30)
- Rare commodities (20)
- Iron (10)
- Religion (15)
- Semi-monotheistic/henotheism (15)
- Starting buildings (33)
- Temple (3)
- Harbour (10)
- Walls (5)
- Barracks (5)
- Technology: (40)
- Sailing (5)
- Ships (10)
- Bronze Working (5)
- Iron Working (10)
- Writing (10)
- Negatives: (-35)
- Hostile native population (-15)
- Hostile neighbouring natives (-10)
- Vulcanism/Seismic Instability (-5)
- Unpredictable (-10)
- Government Type: (10)
- Empire (10)
- Administration Level: (10)
- Oligarchy (10)
- Urban population: (24)
- Noblemen (3)
- Citizens (7)
- Landless poor (5)
- Foreigners (1)
- Slaves (1)
- Rural population: (6)
- Citizens (5)
- Rural (1)
- Starting gold/currency supply: (20)
- 20,000 kg
- A lost tribe of one of the ancient nations, Çicaxotoc’s origins can be found in the true story of a betrayal with a tragic. Two twin brothers, descendants from past kings, had always quarreled - since the day of their birth, about anything and everything. When it came to where they would establish their new city they split their powerful tribe in two, causing a war that can still be seen today in the streets of the nation. One day, the twin brothers had an argument that ended with death and a cruel act of impersonation, when the brother who survived told the village, they were suspect of a hoax but went along with the plans, but one day he succumbed to his grief and killed himself. His handmaiden knew the truth about his double life but took the truth to her grave, literally. Anyway, the news got out and mass hysteria swept through the populace, fear in their hearts clouded everyone’s judgment and they fled but came back soon after to crown the new king, his son. The monarchy can trace their genealogy back to this stage but the exact names have been lost to time’s cruel memory. Today the monarchy is starting to almost run out of heirs but they are thinking of changing it to a republic and let then royal family rest and find suitable spouses and have children, the army is priority in Çicaxotoc, as having a hostile environment they must always be on-guard since you can never be too careful!
Nura Gakhan[]
- Name: Nu Rah GAa Khan
- Player: (The Bastard Bozi)
- Current leader(s): Chaga Tan
- Points: 166
- Location: (35)
- Steppes: 10 points
- On Navigable River Delta: 15 points
- Near mountains: 10 points
- On Navigable River Delta: 15 points
- Steppes: 10 points
- Starting resources: (25)
- Precious Gems: 15 points
- Location: (35)
- Iron: 10 points
- Religion: (5)
- Disorganized polytheism (Tagoh): 5
- Starting Buildings: (23)
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Government Center: 5
- Walls: 5
- Technology: (45)
- Horseback Riding: 10
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Sailing: 5
- Ships (requires Sailing): 10
- Calendar: 5
- Negatives: -30
- Vulcanism/Seismic Instability: -5
- Hostile native population (e.g., Sparta): -15
- Hostile neighboring natives: -10
- Government Type:
- Feudal: 5
- Administration Level: 10
- Oligarchy: 10
- Urban population: 20
- Noblemen: 10 points 1,000
- Citizens: 10 points 2,000
- Rural population:13
- Citizens: 12 points per 3,000
- Poor/serfs: 1 point per 1,000
- Size of Empire:
- Starting gold/currency supply: 15 point per 15,000 kg/gold,
- Nation Description and History: A state formed among two brothers follows the story of love and betrayal... as in one of the brothers (Chin Tan) got too power hungry and wanted to kill off his other brother (Kun Tan). Following a two-year long civil war, Chin Tan would kill his older brother Kun Tan and take control of the new state. While in power, Chin Tan would train his son Chaga Tan in the art of leader stuff. Following Chin Tan's death. Chaga Tan was picked as the new leader of Nura Gakan after a council (The Fire Council) was called (mostly consisting of old religious dudes, military guys, and rich folks, and Chaga Tan's mom,the only female on the Council).
- Player: Lord falconis
- The Taivas are a people known for their archery, as well as refinement. The word "Taivas" in itself means "Children of the sky", as they believe themselves to be descended from the sky, and thus superior to other peoples. The nation of Taivaie is founded on the principal of the sky mandate, which means that the ruler is in charge because he is favored by the sky, thus deserves power. Since its inception, the Taivas have practiced agriculture along the banks of the Taiiel, bringing much food to the people. Taivas has three cities: Taival, Metsval, and Kasvival. The capital, Taival, is the largest city, and home of the king. The king rules autocratically, playing noble houses against each other to ensure survival.
Tybus (The Kingdom of)[]
Name: Tybus Player: Tehersh Current leader(s) King Albá I of Tybus (House of Cassar) Points:
- Location: Small Mediterranean Island (30)
- Starting resources: Iron (10)
- Religion: Formalized traditional (10)
- Starting Buildings: (Granary, Forum, Temple, Government Center, Library, Walls (30)
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Bronze Working, Writing, Basic Math (35)
- Negatives: Aggressive neighboring natives: (-10)
- Government Type: Monarchy (10)
- Administration Level: City-state (5)
- Urban population: 1,000 Nobles, 4,000 Citizens, 2,000 Foreigners, 1,000 Slaves (31.5)
- Rural population: 2,000 Citizens, 1,000 Poor/serfs, 1,000 Foreigners (9.5)
- Size of Empire: 8 Rural, 4 Loosely-Claimed (10)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 5,000 kgs (5)
Nation Description and History: TBA
- Name: Yuhos
- Current leader(s): Nylif
- Points (175)
- Location (30)
- Continental/Oceanic (15)
- On Navigable River Delta (15)
- Starting resources (15)
- Iron (10)
- Copper (5)
- Religion (15)
- Semi-monotheistic (15)
- Starting Buildings (18)
- Harbor (10)
- Temple (3)
- Town Center (5)
- Technology (20)
- Sailing (5)
- Ships (10)
- Basic Math (5)
- Negatives (0)
- Government Type (15)
- Empire (15)
- Administration Level (10)
- Oligarchy (10)
- Urban population (21)
- 1,000 noblemen (10)
- 1,000 citizens (5)
- 5,000 landless poor (5)
- 2,000 slaves (1)
- Rural population (25)
- 5,000 citizens (20)
- 5,000 serfs (5)
- Size of Empire (3)
- 3 + 4 free rural (3)
- Starting gold/currency supply (8)
- 8,000 kg gold
- Location (30)
- Nation Description and History:
Republic of Atikon[]
- Player: EmperorBlank
- Current leader(s): Veryl Rowan II
- Points: 175
- Location: (10)
Savannas, Grasslands, Steppes: 10 points
Starting resources: (25)
Precious Gems: 15 points
Iron: 10 points
- Religion: (0)
- Starting Buildings: (17)
Granary: 2
Government Center: 5
Library (requires Writing): 10
- Technology: (40)
Calendar: 5
Bronze Working: 5
Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
Horseback Riding: 10
Writing: 10
- Negatives:
- Government Type: (20)
Republic: 20
- Administration Level: (20)
Republic: (20)
- Urban population: (21)
Noble - 100(1)
Citizens - 2,000(10)
Landless poor - 10,000(10)
- Rural population: (10)
Citizens - 5,000(5)
Poor - 5,000(5)
- Size of Empire:
1 + 1 Urban (free)
4 Rural (free)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 7,000(7)
Nation Description and History:
The Atikon nation never existed until the time Veryl Rowan I led a large group of people to rebel against the kingdom of Clerin. After a long war the king finnaly agreed to grant them independence, and thus the Atikon nation was born.
They immediately started construction of the new capital, Atikon.
A problem soon occured, the slave soldiers from the revolutionary war was waiting for the nation they fought for to set them free but after one month of still being treated like slaves they threatened the new senate to set them free.
At first they did not agree to release the slaves but after a long debate and low amounts of black mail they finnaly released the slaves.
When Veryl Rowan I died it was only a few days after the slaves were released and massive unrest filled the hearts of everyone. The senate thinking for the best way to solve this made an election. The son of Veryl Rowan I won in a landslide, a lot of people think that it was only because he was the son of their previous leader, but no one really knows.
The liberated slaves looked for jobs in the emerging market but all they got was scams, so they thretened the senate again saying that they should at least give them their daily bread to al least survive but the senate did more then that. The young leader started a plan, a plan that was very expensive but if successful could give the economy a massive boost. He started with free education, then free healthcare,then created a new army with the liberated slaves and treated them justly instead of treating them like slaves.
After making the army he built a new government-funded school naming it Rowan College of Trading. This was starting to decrease unemployment but there were a lot of the liberated slaves who wanted to be free of the horrors of battle still struggling just to eat their daily bread. (BTW, if this doesn't make sense or has multiple errors then sorry.)
Friorian Culture[]
- Player:
- Current leader(s):
- Technology: Transitionary
- Government Type: Culture group
- Population: 400,000
- Religion: Polytheistic
- Name: Melia
- Player: Imperial DHMO/The Oceanic Emperor
- Leader: Voya Kalaha I
- Points: (175)
- Location: (20)
- Steppes (10)
- On Body of Water (Lake) (10)
- Starting Resources (30)
- Rare Commodities (30)
- Religion (10)
- Formalized Traditional (10)
- Starting Buildings (10)
- Granary (2)
- Temple (3)
- Barracks (5)
- Technology (15)
- Calendar (5)
- Horseback Riding (10)
- Negatives (-10)
- Drought Prone (-10)
- Government (15)
- Empire (15)
- Administration (0)
- Nomadic (0)
- Urban Population (12)
- 500 Nobles (Clan Leaders) (5)
- 1,000 Citizens (5)
- 1,000 Foreigners (0.5)
- 1,500 Slaves (1.5)
- Rural Population (18)
- 3,000 Citizens (12)
- 5,000 Serfs (5)
- 2,000 Foreigners (1)
- Size of Empire (50)
- 1 Urban (Free)
- 44 Rural (4 Free + 40)
- 10 Loosely Claimed (5)
- Gold (5)
- 5,000 Gold (5)
- Location: (20)
- Description and History
- Name : Ardubja
- Player: OrwellFan
- Current Leader: Faii El-Aghnaalik
- City’s Start Location: (20)
- Desert
- Location Bonuses: On navigable river delta
- Starting Resources: (30)
- Rare Commodities
- Religious Organization: (5)
- Disorganized polytheism
- Starting Buildings: (20)
- Granary, Forum, Government Center, Temple, and Walls
- Technology: (25)
- Sailing, Ships, Horseback
- Negatives: (-25)
- Hostile natives, Disease rife
- Federal Government: (20)
- Republic
- Administration: (10)
- Oligarchy
- Urban Population: (29.5)
- Noblemen [1], Citizens [2], Landless/Poor [7], Foreigners [2], Slaves [3].
- Rural Population: (15)
- Citizens [6] , Poor [7] , Foreigners [2]
- Size of Empire: (9)
- 1 [Free], 4 [+8], 2
- Starting Gold: (13)
- 13,000 gold/kg
Player; Thewolvesden
- Name: Afmwir
- Current Ruler: Ffan (High King) Wlf 'the Brave' Llolddur
- Location (all: 55)
- Oceanic (15)
- Navigable river (15)
- Iron (10)
- Tin (10)
- Copper (5)
- Religion (all: 5)
- Disorganised polytheism (5)
- Buildings (all: 25)
- Granary: (2)
- One major temple (3)
- Harbor (10)
- Government center (5)
- City walls (5)
- Technology (all: 45)
- Sailing + ships (15)
- Horseback Riding (10)
- Bronze Working (5)
- Basic Mathematics (5)
- Writing (10)
- Negatives (all: -15)
- Unpredictable Flooding (-10)
- Seismic Activity (-5)
- Federal Government (all: 15):
- Tribal Government (5)
- Feudal Administration (10)
- Urban Population (all: 18.5):
- Noblemen: 300 (3)
- Citizens: 2,000 (10)
- Landless Poor: 5,000 (5)
- Foreigners: 1,000 (0.5)
- Rural Population (all: 16.5):
- Citizens: 2,000 (8)
- Serfs: 8,000 (8)
- Foreigners 1,000 (0.5)
- Size of the Empire (all: 6):
- Rural area: 10 (6)
- Starting wealth (all: 4) :
- Currency supply: 4 = 4,000 kg gold
- History and Mythology: The Ffanet of Afmwir is an old nation on hard times. Mythology tells that the creation of the world was made by the god Serhchan and his wives Cwinaref Storm-Wife, Fwarh Tear-Wife and Ddiful Love-Wife, along with his iaruls Stwndarh and Zwnfar, and his friend Swliann. But the enemy gods Lldoin, Horci and Mygnarhus mustered their strenghts and battled the gods, who opposed creation and mustered the Thiddra to war. During the last battle at the top of the Sulsddaimh, the Holy Mountain, Serhchan defeated Horci Life-Stealer, banished Lldoin Doom-Harbinger and even killed Mygnarhus False-Creator, but his wounds were deep, and his wives mourned him and buried him at the top of the Sulsddaimh. In her grief and to confort herself, Cwinaref gave breath to the first humans on the top of the mountain, her children, the children of creation.
However, Suffunchardd, the land of the Holy Mountain, was lost to the nations of men. The gods and thiddra retreated into Enh and Paddomhi, respectively, leaving the men all alone with only spirit guidance in Suffunchardd. Fresh into the world, men lived in peace at first, before the evil Thiddra Thegin Leap-Sin, working for the Life-Stealer, planted evil ideas within the race of man, and a bloody conflicted desecrated the slopes of Sulsuddaimh. The only holy and true men, under Wlfberff Forked-Beard, fled the land of the Holy Mountain and after a journey across the sea, found a land they called Mwir and a city for everyone of the fled children of Suffunchardd, which they named Mercydd after a popular luck spirit. For his effort, the gods raised Wlfberff to Enh, making him Athmwir, father of Mwir. So was Afmwir born.
While the Mwirians started expanding, they had expanded way outside their borders, but they were crushed by defeat and lack of leadership. Eventually, the small empire fell apart in a civil war which lasted two generations and saw the nation regress to Mercydd and its environs. It was the election of the young iarul Wlf of Clan Llolddur to the position of Ffan that ended the civil war, and he was prophecised by the prophets of the Bones of Serhchan to be Athmwir reborn.
O'leai culture[]
- Player: Belialoftheillusions
- Information: A people who are highly maritime living peacefully on a series of islands, they worship a peaceful fertility goddess called the One, who they claim is in everything. Their religion is based on sexual pleasure, and love with the priests and priestesses being taught how to please in pursuit of enlightenment. They exist in a form of confederation where all the Jui or Princes of the islands come together on the largest island to elect an Ua'Jui, war is highly ritualized and is primarily fought in a two-day ritual in which almost no one dies, and almost all disputes are handled by a council of elders. However, do not let their peaceful nature deceive you, they are fierce protectors of their home, and will defeat any invader who seeks to destroy them with their arrows and ships. They practice an ancient method of wayfinding passed down throughout the generations being able to traverse vast distances of ocean.
- 'Player Name: 'OrcPaladin101
- Current Leader: Ardeth Dresovich II
- Points (175)
Location (30)
Small Islands, Archipelago (15)
Oceanic (15)
Starting Resources (20)
Precious Metals (20)
Religion (10)
Formalized Traditional (10)
Starting Buildings (20)
Town Center (5)
Harbor (10)
Barracks (5)
Technology (25)
Sailing (5)
Ships (10)
Bronze Working (10)
Iron Working (10)
Federal Government (5)
Tribal (5)
Administration (15)
Unitary (15)
Urban population (20)
Noblemen: 500 (5)
Citizens: 2,000 (10)
Landless Poor: 4,000 (4)
Slaves: 2,000 (1)
Rural population (14)
Citizens: 3,000 (12)
Poor: 2,000 (2)
Size of empire (1)
1 Urban (1 free + 0)
5 Rural (4 free + 1)
Starting Gold (5)
5,000 KG gold (5)
- History and Mythology: In the misty islands in the ocean, a small collection of islands stand united. The Ghysänd stand brave and strong, led by Ardeth III. This man stands and fights for Lord Slavakr, octopus headed god who is the god of war. But, a shrewd and cunning shaman named Gonrith, who is vying for the throne... The people of Ghysänd seek to travel to the outside world, having being isolated for generations.
- Name: Javuk
- Player: User:Vivaporius
- Current leader(s): Supreme Warmaster Jaejunnau Jabunnuhuk Saeja'Yilaerrau
- Points: 175
- Location: Desert (-5 pts)
- Location bonus: Near mountains (-10 pts)
- Starting resources: Iron (-10 pts)
- Religion: Full monotheism (-20 pts)
- Starting buildings: Forum (-5 pts) Temple (-3 pts), Barracks (-5 pts)
- Technology: Calendar (-5 pts), Bronze Working (-5 pts), Iron Working (-10 pts), Horseback Riding (-10 pts), Writing (-10 pts)
- Negatives: Hostile neighboring natives (+10 pts), drought prone (+10 pts), volcanism/seismic instability (+5 pts)
- Government type: Theocracy (-15 pts)
- Administration level: Unitary (-15 pts)
- Urban population: 1,000 noblemen (-10 pts), 4,000 citizens (-20 pts), 8,000 slaves (-4 pts)
- Rural population: 2,000 citizens (-8 pts), 10,000 poor/serfs (-10 pts)
- Size of empire: 10 rural areas (-10 points) (plus 1 urban/4 rural areas free)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 10,000 kg/gold (-10 pts)
- Nation Description: The Javuk are a barbaric people who have established themselves within the mountains of the continental mainland’s deserts. They are not native to the land, and their origins remain unknown to the native peoples. Having exterminated the original hunter-gatherers who once lived in the region, the Javuk now feed on the produce of their neighbors. They have historically raided the lands of the neighboring seeking food, wealth, and slaves. The enslaved population of the Javuk warriors consists of foreign men who have been gelded and now toil the barely arable Javuk lands, women forced to serve as sex slaves and breeding stock, and children who are fated to join the ranks of the enslaved population. The Javuk are currently ruled by the Supreme Warmaster Jaejunnau Jabunnuhuk Saeja'Yilaerrau. The warmaster is regarded as the fleshly personification of the Javuk war god, who is a cruel and exacting deity. Weakness is not tolerated within Javuk society, with the weak of the Javuk population individual murdered for their frailty, an affront to God. Both males and females of the population are required to adhere to a high standard of physical and mental strength, with both sexes required to serve as warriors in some capacity. Citizenship is only handed down to those who meet that standard, and the cruel life of slavery awaits those who fail to reach that standard. This intolerance of weakness is extends to other civilizations as well. Strength is always compared to the Javuk standard, and unsurprisingly, almost all other peoples have been determined to be “weak”. According to the records of the Juvak themselves, their civilization has never known complete peace for the entirety of their recorded history.
The Whalemasons[]
- Whalemasons, The
- Player: Curmudgeonly yours - Crim
- Current Leader: Séaoh;Darit'hen
- Points:
- Location: Subarctic/Tundra: 5
- Location Bonus: Coast: 20
- Starting Resources: Commodities/Iron/Tin: 50
- Starting Buildings: Harbor: 10
- Religion: None
- Technology: Sailing (5), Ships (10), Basic Math (5)
- Governmemt: Tribal (5)
- Administration: Nomadic
- Rural Population: 11,000 (44)
- Size: Loosely claimed - 42px (22)
- Nation Description: The Whalemasons are the earliest known culture group along the Tírna River. This nomadic group is notable for producing short-lived coastal settlements from which it could launch whaling parties. Whale bones were prominently featured and displayed on clan tents. Resources were shared among the members of each community in a semi-collective system of distribution. The Whalemasons share a vague religion and philosophy. In addition, they share a common language, though dialects vary between tribes. Evidence of the beliefs of the Whalemasons can be found on intricate carvings on whale bones (called Tírna-Poles). The earliest-known decipherable mythos indicate some belief in reincarnation, which is a cycle in which a soul will always repeat. This soul remembers everything it has done in past lives only upon the death of its current body. The body of a learned or 'virtuous' person will be burned, as it is assumed a fulfilled life teaches the soul the necessary lessons to move on. However, a soul that was wicked, died young, or was otherwise not worthy could not be burned. These bodies would be returned back to nature, where the soul would be trapped in the decomposing body as it contemplated its life and the lives it had before.
Grand Republic of Udrasia
- Country - Grand Republic of Udrasia
- Player - ArsenicHalogen (Send map to my Talk Page)
- Current Leader(s) - Otto von Alltenhoffen I
- Points - 175
- Location - Subarctiv Tundra near Mountains
- Starting Resources - Iron
- Religion - Vohonism (Formalized Traditional)
- Starting Buildings - Temple, Walls, Barracks and Government Center
- Tech - Bronze Working, Iron Working and Horseback Riding
- Negatives - Volcanic Instabiility
- Government Type - Empire
- Administration Type - Republic
- Urban Pop. - 500 Nobles, 3,000 Civilians and 5,000 Poor
- Rural Pop. - 2,000 Citizens and 2,000 Poor
- Size of Empire - 2 Rural and 1 Urban
- Starting Gold/Currency Supply - 20,000 Kg
- Story/Nation Description - Udrasia was founded in the Tundra at the base of the Vondalk Mountain Range. With the system of an Militaristic Empire mixed with a Republic, the Grand Republic set up a fair, yet brutal empire built on the idea of peace through war and the prosperity of it's citizens and the enlistment of those in need. Ottograd, the capital city was named after the Supreme Director Otto von Alltenhoffen I, and is the center of Udrasian society. The main language is Udrasian (OTL German) and the secondary is Yariks (OTL Ukrainian) which is used in the mountainous region of Udrasia. Vohonism was founded by The Elder One, or Elder, who wrote The Eldest Texts on a flat stone at the top of Elder Mountain, the largest mountain, which is also a Semi - Active Volcano. The goal of Udrasia is to gain a high standard of living for it's people and to conquer it's Native People near them. It's motto is Death Shall Not Falter Our Glories. The Royal House of Alltenhoffen acts as a President, the Supreme Director, yet they are a Dynasty of people who shall forever rule the Grand Republic of Udrasia.
- Country : Franosse
- Player: Poofoster (Send a map on my talk page)
- Current leader(s): Khadocavie Mistocain
- Points: 0
- Location: southwest of the mount of saint venegion
- Starting resources: Iron
- Religion: Fransodism
- Starting Buildings: temple , senate rural.
- Technology: worker industry metalic.
- Negatives: neighbor country problem
- Government Type: Crowned republic
- Administration Level: Republic
- Urban population: 900
- Rural population: 20001
- Size of Empire: 14 rural and 6 urban
- Starting gold/currency supply : 10123 gold
- Story/Nation Description : The country of Franosse is established by the Romanichian tribes of Aquivonice, its name meaning "the river of the province". Many years following the country's formation, one of the eastern provinces of Franosse attempts to secede, establishing itself as the "Kingdom of the fransian". The leader of this rebellion is the self-styled "Vonicope the Great", leads the rebel forces to victory over Brutal barbarian Fransian's army several months into the rebellion's progress . A few years after the Vesian empire left the Romanichian country, the independent Kingdom of Fransian was established. Due to sheer distance, they peacefully expanded their language over a lot of territory Meanwhile, Vonicope died in battle against the empire, and the next ruler who succeded him was listed as Vonicope II , Von 2 annouce 2 religion to work on the countries which is fransodim and the traditional fransodim a late year their flag became a croissant moon with a star cross fulling of white and cyan blue During the medevial Vonicope II expands the kingdom with an army formed from troops from three of the kingdom's colonies and their neighboring allies.
- After the medevial era which is in colony era Franosse start to colonized island and country over peaceful , they colonized the aquillisom which is mean ''The united river kingdoms'' and after that in a war Franosse join the ally of Origo and an another version of the franosse which is against republicanist start to divisioned himself but hopefully the republicant won on the country , Meanwhile Franosse became a country crowned republic and democray , as the result the best president choice was Khadovacie because he's was a great man in their continent and helper and as for the year and current year the country became more helpful and economy.
Gitu fabanalia ===
Leader: humoi nogatakulos
size of empire: deafult
starting gold: 3,000 kg
rural population: 15,000 citizens
urban population:9,000 citizens and 5,000 slaves, 1,000 nobles
administration: feudal
federal government: feudal
technology: sailing, ships, calender, bronze working, horseback riding, writing, basic mathematics, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Astronomy
starting building: grannary, harbor and walls
religion organization: full monotheistic
starting resources: copper
location bonus: on river delta
start location: desert
Empire of Ginoya[]
- Name: Empire of Ginoya
- Player: PuffySkyTroll
- Current leader(s): Emyr of Krenyo
- Points:175
- Location: Mediterranean
- Location Bonus: On coast
- Starting resources: Iron
- Religion: None
- Starting Buildings: Town Center, Harbor, Library, Walls, Barracks
- Technology: Sailing, Ships, Bronze working, Iron Working, Writing, Basic Math, Advanced Math
- Negatives: Hostile Neighboring natives, Volcanic/Seismic Instability, Unpredictable Flooding
- Government Type: Empire
- Administration Level: Unitary
- Urban population: 1000 Noblemen, 1000 Citizens, 1000 slaves
- Rural population: 1000 Citizens, 1000 Poor
- Size of Empire: 1 Urban (free), 4 Rural (free), 1 Rural
- Starting gold/currency supply: 14,000 Kg of Gold
Mitsa Theocracy[]
- Name: Mitsa
- Player: User:MaddeningYams
- Points: 175
- City’s Start Location: Rain forests, Monsoons, tropical
- Location bonuses: On River; near mountains
- Starting resources: tin, iron, copper.
- Religion Organization (if any): Formalized traditional (Hinduism)
- Starting Buildings: granary, temple, government centre, library, walls.
- Technology: bronze working, iron working, writing, basic mathematics.
- Negatives: disease-rife area, unpredictable flooding, hostile neighbours.
- Federal government: theocracy
- Administration: oligarchy
- Urban population: 200 nobles, 1000 citizens, 3,000 poor.
- Rural population: 30,000 poor (30) + 2000 citizens (8)
- Size of Empire: 19 extra rural (19)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 3000 kg
- Nation Description and History: the Mitsa people (in Mitsaik, “Sunless People”, “People of the Leaves’ Shadows”, or, taking into account traditional meanings, “They Who War in Wrath Against the Flame-Wreathed Watcher”), once inhabited a more fertile and temperate region far to the north, before they were attacked and conquered by a more numerous and powerful people. Fleeing south, they took refuge along the swampy upper reaches of the Tulva River, in a frequently flooded, disease ridden tropical forest (though some live in the foothills from which the river descends). According to Mitsa cosmology, they were attacked at the behest of the cosmos’ creator deity, associated with the sun, which, once all things in the world obey it, will be able to consume existence, along with their souls (the Mitsa refer to this deity only by metonyms, such as “All-Devourer” and “Soul Burner”, and have a strong taboo against speaking its name). The Mitsa worship a vast array of lesser deities (“The Many” or “The Thousand-and-One”) associated with animals, plants, and natural features, who, according to their beliefs, war constantly to stop the creator deity from devouring the cosmos, and must be supported and propitiated with the correct rituals and sacrifices. About ten generations before the current period, the Mitsa were struck by an epidemic, which killed about a third of the population and caused the collapse of the local chiefdoms that governed them. In the resulting chaos, the nakja (“far-seers”), the priestly class, seized the civil power, building the Mitsa’s first city along the Tulva river, at Yhytymakota, where two tributaries converge. The nakja continue to govern, discerning the will of the Thousand-and-One through the ritual use of a variety of psychoactive drugs, many specific to certain deities. Deeply wary of any form of individual pre-eminence, which the Mitsa associate with the All-Devourer, the nakja typically rule in council, organizing military mobilizations and mass construction projects. The Mitsa lack a currency, with taxes instead paid in corvee labour on behalf of the state, and with the nakja centrally collecting and redistributing food based on need. Living along the river and throughout the surrounding forests, the Mitsa mostly cultivate tree crops, selectively managing vast areas of forest to promote a huge array of usable plants and animal species, such as peach palm, oil palm, rubber, copal trees, coconut, and ironwood, and growing maize, millet, sweet potatoes, manioc, beans, and rice along the river. Major livestock include water buffalo, cane rats, capybara, ducks, turkeys, and tapir. The Mitsa use poisons extensively in hunting; in wartime, the nakja draw on the rural population to supply experienced archers, while drawing on the urban population, stiffened with a core of temple guards, to supply heavy infantry armed with spear and shield.
- Name: Vosa
- Player: General534 (talk) 20:32, February 18, 2019 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Croderic the Outlaw
- Points: 40
- Location: 5
- Subarctic climate/tundra: 5
- Starting resources: 10
- Iron: 10
- Religion: 5
- Disorganized polytheism: 5
- Starting Buildings: N/A
- Technology: 15
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working: 10
- Negatives: N/A
- Government Type: 5
- Tribal: 5
- Administration Level: 0
- Nomadic: 0
- Urban population: N/A
- Rural population: N/A
- Size of Empire: N/A
- Starting gold/currency supply: N/A
- Location: 5
- Nation Description and History: The Vosa are a tribe of barbarians from the north, beyond the civilized world. They have lived in this place for a long time among similar tribal groups. Recently, a changing climate has spurred many groups to migrate. The north is becoming harsh and unlivable, and the stories of wealthy kingdoms to the south awaiting plunder have permeated mountain, steppe, and woodland to reach the Vosa people. No longer welcomed in the Old Lands after a war, Croderic the Outlaw leads his people on a great migration. Now they must survive on their own.
- Name: Patrimony of Zhamara
- Player: User:Vivaporius
- Current leader(s): Ta’Zhazhan Zhahotenudak XII
- Points: 175
- Location: Rain forests, monsoons, tropical (-10 pts)
- Location bonus: On Navigable River Delta (-15 pts)
- Starting resources: Iron (-10 pts)
- Religion: Full monotheism (-20 pts)
- Starting buildings: Harbor (-10 pts), Government Center (-5 pts), Barracks (-5 pts)
- Technology: Sailing (-5 pts), Calendar (-5 pts), Bronze Working (-5 pts), Basic Mathematics (-5 pts), Iron Working (-10 pts), Writing (-10 pts)
- Negatives: Disease rife area (+10 pts), unpredictable flooding (+10 pts), volcanism/seismic instability (+5 pts)
- Government type: Monarchy (-10 pts)
- Administration level: Unitary (-15 pts)
- Urban population: 1,000 noblemen (-10 pts), 4,000 citizens (-15 pts)
- Rural population: 20,000 poor/serfs (-20 pts)
- Size of empire: 10 rural areas (-10 points) (plus 1 urban/4 rural areas free)
- Starting gold/currency supply: 5,000 kg/gold (-5 pts)
- Nation Description: The Patrimony of Zhamara was founded in antiquity by the formidable patriarchs known as the Zhazhanin, or "Great Fathers", who founded the city of Zhazhakara along the fertile rivers of their tropical homeland. Boasting rigid and inflexible caste-based system, Zhamara existed a city-state for most of its history, fending off the hostile wildlife of the jungles and struggling to establish for themselves a thriving stone metropolis worthy of their glory. The Zhamarin people who reside in the kingdom are unique in that they boast a sex ratio with one male to every five or six females, with the result being a civilization which places a premium on the lives of their men. Pampered and worshiped by their daughter-citizens, the patriarchal nobility governs with a degree of authority unlike any other, an authority upon which the supremely powerful Ta'Zhazhan rests at the top. The Ta'Zhazhan and his male peers live lives of ease as scholars and recluses, while their female serfs loyally and unceasingly toil away to maintain the system upon which their civilization relies.
- Name: Kashin Assembly
- Player: Cybermats, created by the Cybermen, they kill by feeding off Brainwaves 21:27, February 22, 2019 (UTC)
- Current leader(s): Noris Jag’ar
- Points: 184
- City’s Start Location (guarantee that you will start in a certain biome
- Savannas, Grasslands, Steppes: 10 points
- Location bonuses:
- On Body of Water: 10 pointS
- Starting resources (guarantee that you start with an abundance of something):
- Iron: 10 points
- Religion Organization (if any):
- Full monotheistic (Judaism): 20
- Starting Buildings
- Granary: 2
- Town Center/Forum: 5
- Government Center: 5
- Library (requires Writing): 10
- Walls: 5
- Technology:
- Calendar: 5
- Bronze Working: 5
- Iron Working (requires Bronze Working): 10
- Horseback Riding: 10
- Writing: 10
- Basic Mathematics: 5
- City’s Start Location (guarantee that you will start in a certain biome
- Nation Description and History: The Kashin Assembly is a City State turned expanding empire. The capital is Kashina and the people known as Kashins. The society is one of philosophers and scientists and so the nation is highly advanced in science and technology, along with other things. The nation is a republic based around the Assembly of Wisdom which decides the path of the nation, the leader of the nation is the head of the Assembly of Wisdom. The assembly’s members are directly elected by the people, along with the head of the Assembly.