Alternative History
Alternative History

Naval Algorithm (Under Construction)[]

The Naval Algorithm is comprised of three categories: Ships, Fleet, and Technology. Ships obviously takes into account the composition of a naval force. Meanwhile, Fleet represents the overall age and type of fleet. Naval technology represents the competency and the systems employed by the officer corps of the navy. Furthermore, the Algorithm is broken into two types of of naval combat. The first is Surface Combat this is clashes between battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and other craft that do not employ aircraft as their primary means of fighting. The second is Naval-Air this is battles like the battle of midway where the engagment is fought at distance between airplanes. 


Ask Steph if you have any weird ships you want to use or if you have a question.Surface Combat

Surface Combat[]

  • Battleship: 100/ship
  • Battle-cruiser: 75/ship
  • Heavy Cruiser (Armored Cruiser): 50/ship
  • Light Cruiser (Protected Cruiser): 35/ship
  • Destroyer: 15/ship
  • Small Surface Craft: 5/ship
  • Submarine: 35/ship
  • Super Carrier: 45/ship
  • Fleet Carrier: 15/ship
  • Light Carrier: 10/ship
  • Coastal Batteries: 200/pixel on map

Naval-Air Combat[]

  • Battleship: 15/ship
  • Battle-cruiser: 20/ship
  • Heavy Cruiser (Armored Cruiser): 20/ship
  • Light Cruiser (Protected Cruiser): 25/ship
  • Destroyer: 20/ship
  • Small Surface Craft: 10/ship
  • Submarine: 5/ship
  • Super Carrier: 100/ship
  • Fleet Carrier: 85/ship
  • Light Carrier: 65/ship
  • Ground Based Naval Bombers: 1/plane


(With Mod Approval Only) (These are added on a per unit basis, so each carrier gains the +10 from Naval-Aviation Expert)

  • Naval-Aviation Expert +10 to all Carriers
  • Admiral of the Line of Battle +5 for both Battleships and Battle-Cruisers
  • Iron-Willed Admiral +2 for all Destroyers and Other Smaller Surface Craft
  • Convoy Raider +5 for Battleships, Battlecruisers, and Heavy Cruisers without escort
  • Wolfpack Master +5 for Submarines
  • Defending a Straight: +2 for Small Surface Craft
  • Defending an Archipelago: +1 for Small Surface Craft and Destroyers

Unique Ship Types[]

  • Pocket Battleship (eg: Deutschland-class cruiser)
    • Surface Algo: 60/Ship
    • Air Algo: 20/Ship
  • Pursuit Battleship (eg: ATL Victoria-class)
    • Surface Algo: 65/Ship
    • Air Algo: 20/Ship
  • Flightdeck Cruiser
    • Surface Algo: 40/Ship
    • Air Algo: 55/Ship


Technology is calculated by adding a single value from each of the subsections, for example a fleet with Limited Radio, Green Officers, Green Seamen, and Normal Tradition would get a score of 1.45 - 0.20 - 0.20 + 0.00 = 1.05

Naval Communications[]

  • Widespread radio: 2.00
  • Limited Radio, Signal Lights and Signal Flags: 1.45
  • Signal Lights and Flags: 1.20
  • Limited Signal Flag: 1.00


  • Untrained: -0.50 (No Naval Academy)
  • Green: -0.20 (National Naval Academy)
  • Veteran (1-2 Battles): 0.10
  • Experienced (1+ Wars): 0.20


  • Untrained: -0.80
  • Green: -0.20
  • Veteran (1-2 Battles): 0.10
  • Experienced (1+ Wars): 0.20

Naval Tradition[]

  • Highest Tradition: 0.30 (UK, Japan, Greece)
  • High Tradition: 0.15 (Netherlands, France, Italy, USA)
  • Normal Tradition: 0.00 (Most other industrialized nations)
  • Low Tradition: -0.15 (Everyone else)

Fleet Composition[]

Fleet Purpose[]

This may seem complicated, but its just a way of determining the strengths and weaknesses of your naval designs. For example, the Royal Navy is designed for high-endurance missions across the high seas and is thus a Blue-Water Navy. Meanwhile, the Greek Navy is more likely designed for the defense of the Aegean and other Greek waters, and is thus an Archipelagic Navy. Greek ships are likely designed for low endurance missions in the Mediterranean which means they can carry more guns and armor with a smaller platform, but will perform poorly in deep ocean. Thus, the Greek, Archipelagic Navy will struggle against the British Navy on the high seas, but be stronger in calm, archipelagic waters.

Blue-water navy Green-water navy Archipelagic Navy Brown-water navy
Open Ocean 1.25 Modifier 0.80 Modifier 0.25 Modifier 0.05 Modifier
Littoral Area 0.80 Modifier 1.50 Modifier 0.75 Modifier 0.10 Modifier
Archipelago 0.50 Modifier 0.80 Modifier 1.75 Modifier 0.40 Modifier
Riverine  Not Possible 0.10 Modifier 0.20 Modifier 2.00 Modifier

Blue Water Navy Characteristics[]

  • ====Large capital ships with high endurance (e.g. USA, UK, Japan)====
  • Many carriers
  • Many cruisers employed in a fleet support capacity
  • Many destroyers employed in a fleet support capacity
  • Few smaller surface ships

Green Water Navy Characteristics (e.g. Italy, Turkey)[]

  • ====Mid-sized capital ships with mid range endurance====
  • Few carriers
  • Several or more cruisers in support roles
  • Many destroyers
  • Fewer other smaller surface ships

Archipelagic Navy Characteristics (e.g. Greece, Philippines, Indonesia)[]

  • Smaller capital ships with limited endurance
    • Large numbers of coastal batteries
  • Very few carriers if any
    • Large numbers of ground-based naval bombers
  • Some cruisers employed as squadron leaders
  • Many destroyers
  • Very many other small surface ships
    • Fast attack craft with light weapons and torpedoes

Brown Water Navy Characteristics (e.g. River-gunboats, Patrol boats)[]

  • No capital ships
  • No aircraft carriers
  • No cruisers
  • No destroyers
  • River-Going fast attack craft with light weapons and shallow drafts

Fleet Age[]

This represents the average age and obsolescence of a navy. Generally it favors wealthier, larger naval powers like the United States and United Kingdom.

Age & Obsolescence[]

  • Cutting Edge: 1.05
  • Modern: 1.00
  • 10 years out of date: 0.85
  • 20 years out of date: 0.65
  • 30 years out of date: 0.40
  • Obsolete: 0.25


To calculate the total score add all of your ship's strengths, this is done by determining the type of engagement and then multiplying the number of your ships by their relative types and adding to get the overall ship strength of your fleet.  Then mupltiply this ship strength by the Technology score which is determined by adding a single value from each of the subsections of Technology. Finally, multiply the result of the multiplication by the Fleet Purpose score and then Fleet Age score.  This final number is your Fleet score and is the overall fighting power of your fleet. To get the overall score comeplete the same steps for the enemy and then use the result calculator below. 

The Result calculation uses Put the larger of the two results in the first blank of the second line, and the smaller in the second. This should yield a percentage of 100+.  

100-149% Stalemate
150-199% Slight Victory: Defeated forced to retreat orderly
200-299% Significant Victory: Defeated forced to retreat disorderly
300-399% Major Victory: Defeated put to route
400-499% Strategic Victory: Defeated navy shattered and must be reformed in the following year
500%+ Absolute Victory: Total destruction of the defeated navy