See also: Adolf Hitler, Nazi Party
Nazi Germany aka Greater German(ic) Reich aka Third Reich is how Germany was known in OTL during the years 1933 through 1945.
Alternate versions of Nazi Germany have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
Small Germany (1937 borders, plus maybe a bit):
- Nationalist Germany (Der Führer ist Tot)
- Nazi Germany (Civil World War)
- Third German Reich (World at War Map Game)
Greater Germany (end-1938 borders, plus maybe a bit):
- German Reich (First Tale)
- German Reich (Munich Diktat)
- German Reich (War in a Far Away Country)
- Germany (Axis vs Allies R-word (Map Game)
- Germany (Hitler Holds Back)
- Germany (The Paradox Wars)
- Germany (A Southron World)
- Germany (Yellowstone: 1936)
- Third Reich (Imperial Italy Timeline)
- Third Reich (Split)
Reigning supreme in western/central Europe:
- German Reich (Let's Kill Hitler)
- German Reich (Lightning Blitz)
- Germany (Axis Victory)
- Greater German Reich (Dawn Has Fallen)
- Greater German Reich (Divided States of America)
- Greater German Reich (Hitler is an American---Version 1)
- Greater German Reich (The Three-Way War)
- Greater Germanic Reich (Western Lebensraum)
- Nazi Germany, June 1940 (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- Nazi Germany (Nazi Germany - Japanese Empire War)
- Nazi Germany (Operation European Freedom)
Plus small parts of the Soviet Union, albeit not all or most west of the Volga:
- German Empire (Hitler's Anxiety)
- German Reich (Nuclear Axis)
- Germany (Axis V-2 Wins it All)
- Greater German Reich (German Domination: WW2)
- The Greater Germanic Reich (Dark WW2)
- Nazi Germany (A Southron World)
- Third Reich (Cold Phoney War)
Plus significant parts of the Soviet Union, up to the Volga at least:
- Deutsches Reich (Heute Europa)
- German Empire (Dawn of Hope)
- Germania (Germanias Glanz)
- Germany (The Fuhrer's Empire)
- Germany (Soviet Union Collapse: 1943)
- Germany (Steiner?)
- Greater German Reich (1944: Desperate Measures)
- Greater German Reich (Das Rote Kaiserreich)
- Greater German Reich (Deutschland Siegt)
- Greater German Reich (The Eternal Reich)
- Greater German Reich (Götterdämmerung)
- Greater German Reich (The New World Axis)
- Greater Germanic Reich (War Without Hate)
- Nazi Germany (Hitler's Utopia)
- Nazi Germany (Operation Barbarossa Cancellation)
- Nazi Germany (Unternehmen Seelöwe)
- Nazi Germany (The war against Nazism)
- The Third Reich (Greater Europe Map Game)
Plus a significant colonial empire:
- Deutsches Reich (Soviet Defeat)
- German Reich (New Fuhrer)
- Germany (Fatherlands)
- Greater German Reich (Hitler's Win)
- Greater German Reich (Nazi Victory)
- Greater Germanic Reich (Failure At Stalingrad)
- Nazi Germany (The Might of the Luftwaffe)
Plus territories in the Americas:
Nazis and fascists controlling most of the world:
- Empire of Greater Germany (Fascist World)
- German Reich (The Fuhrer's Empire)
- German Reich (Nazis Victorious)
- Germany (The Battle for Europe)
- Germany (Nazi Nukes)
- Germany (Rise and Fall of the Axis Nations)
- Greater German Reich (Eagle's triumph)
- Greater German Reich (Under the Reich)
- Nazi Germany (Axis Triumph)
- Nazi Germany (A History Of A World)
Defeated as in OTL:
- German Empire (Broken Ice)
- Nazi Germany (Imperial Machines)
- Nazi Germany (The Red Baron Lives)
- North Germany (A Different History)
- Ticemehua Comancheria (A Different Story of Civilization) - Nazi Germany's mirror equivalent ITTL.
- Nazi Germany (Misconceived Malaproper Mania) - a monarchical military dictatorship where Germany was once again ruled by a Kaiser and a Chancellor due to fascism being reactionary instead of revolutionary like IOTL
- Nazi Germany (Vampiric Tunguska Event)
- Nazi Germany (War of Worlds)
Unclear / not stated: