Alternative History
Commonwealth of New Dover
New Dover
Timeline: An Honorable Retelling
Flag of New Dover
CapitalJersey City
Largest city Portsmouth
Other cities Martinsburg, Layton, Cusco, Willkapampa, Ica
Official languages English, Quechua
Regional languages Aymara, Panoan, Mandinka, Greek, Chinese, Polish, Arabic
 -  Queen Anne I
 -  Governor-General Sam Mostyn
 -  Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
 -  2020 census 38,432,109 

New Dover, officially the Commonwealth of New Dover and also known by its indigenous name Tawantinsuyu, is a country in eastern Muqaddas and is bordered by Novanglia to the south, Henryland to the north, and Al-Bayd to the east. New Dover is culturally considered part of the English Arm of Muqaddas and has heavy English and Quechan influences. The country is a part of the Henrylandic Commonwealth Realm and the League to Enforce Peace.

Prior to English colonization, New Dover was ruled by the vast Inca Empire which ruled over large portions of Muqaddas virtually unopposed. Following the conquest of the Inca Empire by the English in the 1500s, the former Incan Empire was reorganized into the colony of New Dover, named as such due to the steep Drake Mountains bearing an alleged resemblance to the White Cliffs of Dover. Greater autonomy eventually resulted in New Dover gaining full independence from Henryland alongside Novanglia in 1948.