Early History[]
A/N- Please note that the name Republic of America was used until John Campbell died in 1866. The change was made by his son John Campbell II, a short lived Chancellor.
American soldiers came home broken hearted after coming home from a horrible defeat in the War of 1812. One soldier was a little more heartbroken than the others. His name was John Campbell. John Campbell had a revolutionary spirit, but you would never have guessed by looking at him. He was short, had gleaming black hair, and a twinkle in his eye. But after the heart-wrenching loss of the war, and the capture of much of the Western United States, John Campbell started to lose faith in the United States period. He created a group in late 1815 known as the Republic of America. Claiming that the United States was too weak to hold control over the strong willed New Englanders. He rallied the New Englanders to his cause.
The Republic of America began to gain a hold on two other non New England States. New York and Pennsylvania, when a war with England again broke out in January 1816, New England States began to fight alongside British Troops, capturing Delaware. When the shortlived War of 1815 ended in October of 1815, the Republic of America added Delaware to its ranks of influenced states. And by November 5th , 1817, the Republic of America had gained enough support in their meeting called the Annual New England Delegatory that they presented a Declaration of Secession to the President of the United States, a man by the name of Albert Simmons.
Albert Simmons and the rest of his cabinet, all except the Republic of America States' senators refused the bill. But due to the shrunken size of the United States down to 10 states. Losing New England would take out a big part of the country. Which is why the Declaration was accepted.
John Cambell pushed that if the United States did not recognize their sovereignty the Neew England States would attack with brutal force, and easily take the other states. And with the British as allies, it wouldn't be hard. Albert Simmons couldn't say no, his earlier belief that only a few New Englanders wanted revolution was shot down when a total of 50,000 or more New Englanders rallied in towns across New England. President Simmons gave in, allowing that on New Years Day, 1818, the Republic of America would become its own independant country.
The Republic of America was finally independant, they had elected their Chancellor, unsurprisingly John Campbell, and their Viceroy, Alan Carter. These two dominated the political scene for a number of years. Capturing New Jersey in a War against the United States, it would also make peace with the Native Americans living within its borders. Leaving them all the land that they held, while allowing New England Settlers to settle there, with approval of the Natives and if they paid a tax to the Indians in fur or gold.
The Republic of America was shaping out to be a country among the greatest in North America, but it had problems. Alan Carter wanted more power, he made a plan to assassinate John Campbell in 1828, and take his place as Chancellor. With the help of Admiral Montresor of the United States Navy, the plan was to plant a powder keg in the hull of the ship on which Chancellor Campbell would be traveling to Prussia to negotiate an alliance with King Friedrich Wilhelm III. But Montresor's plan was to tell him that the boat would explode on Sunday, but to have his spy detonate the bomb on the saturday the boat was leaving. So the New Englanders could watch their Chancellor and Viceroy die. What he had not planned on was the Republic's administration of mandatory searches on all the rooms of the ship, and when the Chancellor asked if he could accompany the captain on the checks, he hastily agreed. Montresors plan was caught when the captain noticed something glowing in the corner of the room. The men had just enought time to get the keg onto the deck and into the sea, before it went off.
Campbell immediately ordered the interrogation of all US Military officers and any other people known to support taking over the Republic of America. When Montresor admitted that he was the one who made the plan, he was executed by the Republic and Carter was held for life in prison on counts of treason.
Campbell replaced Carter with a delegate from Massachusetts, Tomás Johnstone became Viceroy in 1829, it was here that he would introduce several reforms in the country. He would make influence Campbell into giving the states a little more freedom, he created the Native American Alliance Act. And came on peaceful terms with Mexico, Brazil, and Japan.
However, in 1835, the final straw was drawn. United States President Clyde Jermaines would send eighteen spies into Boston to spy on the Republic's government. They were caught, and a cold war started.
It started when an espionage agent named Chris Fisher infiltrated the US ranks to discover a proposed plan to attack the Republic. It was quickly taken from the United States and put to good use, slightly altered, it was stolen, and sold to the French by who was believed to be a Mexican spy. When the French attacked New England, believing that the plan was foolproof they were defeated in a masterfully executed counter-attack. Humiliated by the defeat, the French Armies retreated back to New Orleans, and the Republic Armies back to Boston. The same spy who sold the French the plans had the guile to return and say that he was a Russian spy, who had learned about the plans. Saying that the man who sold them to him (actually the same person) was an American, who had wanted the French to be defeated. And that the plans were made by the government for that purpose. On October 19th, 1838 the French invaded the United States. A war that was shortlived and many said served as the peace point between the United Kingdom, the United States, and the Republic of America. Campbell coerced the British into defending the United States against France. This was the turning point for the Republic. Victories for the allied forces at the Battle of Washington I and the Battle of Washington II led to the French retreat to their own territory. American and British troops led the attack on New Orleans on August 28th 1839. The final battle of the war. And a start of an American and Republic Alliance.
The American and Republic Alliance[]
On January 1, 1840, John Campbell resigned from office at the age of 43. He was 21 when he came to power, and proved to be a great leader, and probably one of the best that the Republic of America would ever have. Or so they thought.
That same day Campbell appointed Thomas Johnstone Chancellor, and Johnstone appointed Campbell's son John Campbell II his Viceroy. That move would nearly destroy his reign. John Campbell was dissillusioned with dreams of power. He had political schemes that would destroy his country. And Johnstone had made the move of appointing him. It was only during the First European War that the Republic of America would really begin to appreciate the United States.
The First European War[]
Although the name suggests a European war, the United States and the Republic of America both fought in the war. The War started with Prussia invading Norway, with Sweden aiding Norway, and Russia aiding Prussia. It was then when England attacked Prussia. Despite the strong ties with England, Republic of America attacked the British North American colonies, aiding Germany and Russia.
The war began for the New Englanders on April 19th, 1841.
Republican troops under the grandeur general of Johnathan L. Aggren invaded Michigan. But despite an amazing victory over British troops near Ann Arbor, the British and defeated troops near Detroit and in a Navy Defeat in Lake Erie. Republican troops pulled back and struck again at Ann Arbor, once again they were defeated. Help from Russia was not due until the Republic had been in the war for more than three months, and Prussia was in more trouble in the European theatre fighting against the Kingdom of Norway.
Aggren needed help from his allies, but none would be able to make it to his position before his troops were nearly destroyed. The Republic made a daring move, John Campbell II proposed an alliance with the United States. Hoping to make up for past offenses, they promised aid to US troops if they aided the men in Michigan. President Oliver Merrin of the United States considered the offer a shoo-in. US troops met up with Republican troops in US Cleveland, and they struck deep into the heart of Michigan.
Aggren led both US and ROA troops back into the Third Battle of Ann Arbor, this time they succeded in defeating the British troops there. And with this new army they were finally reinforced by Russian troops, this new "Three Nation Army" was led by Russian General Mikhail Petrovna, Kalamazoo, Flint, and Saginaw all fell in rapid succession. The British had turned Detroint and Lansing into heavy forts, and the "Three Nation Army" had no way of penetrating into them, By December 1841, the war in North America had run cold.
It was in March of 1842 that Gen. Petrovna thought up a new strategy. Threatening British prisoners with death, he convinced more than 4,000 troops to join in what he now jokingly called the "3 1/2 Nation Army". Detroit, Capital of British Michigan, was beginning to think that giving in was a smart move. But British Governor Edward Longfellow thought much differently. And as American, Republican, Russian, and Turncoat British soldiers fought on outside the city gates, Longfellow himself began to direct troops on the ground. And British troops began to have a chance against the army. But tensions soon rose among the elite, many believed that the British could only hold out for so long, and they opposed Longfellow's "Fight to the Death Policy".
Petrovna continued to hit with rapid attacks aimed at different flanks. The British quickly began losing troops, but they were saved when nightfall came and the battle was left at a standstill.
The British were fooled by Petrovna's plan however. While British troops slept, Petrovna's army stormed the gates of Detroit, breaking into the city, and forcing Longfellow to submit to their will.