Alternative History
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Not to be confused ƿiþ Human (OTL Doubled), Human History Experiment (Map Game), Humanity, Awake! (Map Game), Neƿ Human Age, or Knitted Cyningdom of Humanity.

Gefēoræden of Neƿ Humanity

Flag of New Humanity (The Fork in Time)
Coat of arms of New Humanity (The Fork in Time)
Coat of arms
Motto: [TBD folklander motto]
Capital [TBD capital city]
Largest city [TBD largest city]
Demonym(s) Neƿ Human
Government Folcrīce/Folkrice
• Fōrwita of New Humanity
[TBD current fōrwita]
March 30, 1590

NOTE: You can hover over TTL's English/Ænglisc/Frænglisc letters and words for OTL's equivalents.

Neƿ Humanity, officially knoƿn as þe Gefēoræden of Neƿ Humanity, is a huge island folkland taking up a large part of Oceania as ƿell as a claimed lāndmǣre in Antarctica. It is þe 6þ largest country in þe weorold by land area and þe 15þ most populous one globally, making it more populous þan þe Khanate of Siberia/Siberland but less so þan þe Cyningdom of Anahuac/Mexica/Mexico/Mexihco, both of ƿhich are often described as 'far aƿay folklands across þe pond' by Neƿ Humans - þe nation's inhabitants.

Its origin as an independent folkland dates back to 1701 AD, although it ƿas founded as an Italian region in þe late 16th century AD during its settlement. Þe þree continue to be considered among þe most poƿerful countries still existing today, and þeir Indigenous traditions date back about 60,000 years, þus making þem one of the oldest continuously existing human cultures.