Flag of New Zealand
New Zealand in OTL is a country in Oceania consisting of the North and South islands.
In many TLs, it's called Aotearoa, its Maori name.
Alternate versions of New Zealand have been discovered throughout the multiverse:
- Aotearoa (British Louisiana)
- Aotearoa (Cherry, Plum, and Chrysanthemum)
- Aotearoa (The Fork in Time)
- Aotearoa (Misconceived Malaproper Mania)
- Aotearoa (Parallelity of Parallelities)
- Aotearoa (Royal Prerogative)
- Aotearoa (Sacred White Europe)
- Aotearoa (Vegetarian World)
- Maori Union (Principia Moderni II Map Game)
- New Albion (Chaos)
- New Zealand (Hitler's Win)
- New Zealand (How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll?)
- New Zealand (The Kaiser's New Clothes)
- New Zealand (OTL Doubled)
- New Zealand (OTL Quadrupled)
- New Zealand (OTL Tripled)
- New Zealand (Split)
- Republic of New Zealand (Heute Europa)
- New Zealand (United Kingdom Win)
- New Zealand (Concert of Europe)
- New Zealand(TUW)