- Continetal Congress, 1775
- The reluctance of the colonists to form a national entity combining all new states failed, so 13 new nations were formed. The Congress barely agreed on common defence, and free passage of people and goods.
- 1776
- Declaration of Independence is issued by the Continental Congress for all the signatory colonies.
- The Independence War begins.
- 1776–1783
- During the war, some of the new states established special alliances beyond the articles of mutual assistance accorded in the Congress. Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Richmont appeared as the main political and comercial centers agglutinating the surrounding states.
- Treaty of Paris, 1783
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Portugal on one side, the kingdoms of France and Spain, the nascent Republics of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island, and the nascent kingdoms of Delaware, Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia; sign a treaty to put end to the war between both sides.
- 1786
- The Federated Republic of Columbia was formed by the union of the Republics of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Rhode Island, with the participation of Delaware, Connecticut, New Hampshire and Massachusetts as observers. The Capital is set in Philadelphia, and the states agree to surrender some of their sovereignty to the Federal government.
- 1787
- Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina form the Coalition of Virginia and the Carolinas, claiming the Transylvanian territories. While set mostly in opposition to the Columbian federation there is no common government established.
- 1791
- Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New Connecticut form the New England Alliance. The Alliance provides a common permanent army and navy, common foreign affairs politics, and a common assembly. States keep most of their sovereignty.
- 1792
- Delaware revokes their monarchy status and formarly joins Columbia.
- Rhode Island signs the New England Alliance. The Columbian courts discuss if an state of the Federation is entitled to sign a traty with other states.
- 1793
- Rhode Island leaves the Columbian federation.
- 1795
- Disagreement in tariff shuts down the borders between Columbia and Virginia. After a few months of negotiations, the delegates of Columbia, Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina invalidate the provision on free passage of goods and people. Columbia applies this also to the New England Alliance states, and the Coalition applies this to Georgia. The Coalition of Virginia and the Carolinas keep free transit inside.
- 1797
- Slave rebellion in St Domingue. The rebels seize power and declare the State of Haiti.
- 1798
- The New England Alliance Assembly pass an act of permanent Union, as the Federation of New England. This is soon approved by the estates.
- 1799
- The Spanish invade Haiti and annex the territory as the province of Santo Domingo.
- Treaty of San Idelfonso. Spain should return Louisiana and St Domingue to France, but could administer them while French authorities can normalize situation in Europe.
- 1806
- The Kingdom of Georgia invades West Florida and claims all territories east of the Mississippi River. A war starts against Spain who is in a bad shape due to the earlier Napoleonic Wars against Britain. East Florida is preserved.
- 1812
- Columbia declares war to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Britain main involvement is against the French and cannot control the happenings in Canada.
- The loyalist government in Spain nullifies the treaty of San Idelfonso in reaction to the French invasion.
- 1814
- Mexican rebellion: a pro-Ferdinand junta seizes power in Mexico. It is followed by similar juntas in New Orleans, Santa Fe, San Francisco and Guatemala.
- 1815
- The Mexican junta declares independence of the whole New Spain (Louisiana, California, Florida, Cuba and Central America, plus Mexico proper), under a centralized monarchic government. Civil war follows.
- 1816
- The British authorities in Canada surrender. Columbia annexes Michigan and Upper Canada. Lower Canada declares independence as the Republic of Quebec. New England offers protectorate status to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Terranova.
- 1818
- Spain, backed by the British, sends several divisions from Peru and Spain proper to control the Mexican rebellion. Most leaders are imprisoned and executed; those who don't either moved to New Mexico or seek asylum in Virginia.
- 1821
- The Coalition of Virginia and the Carolinas, which in practice is one nation governed from Richmond becomes the Kingdom of Virginia.
- 1822
- Louisiana declares independence from Spain and claims all territories between the Colorado River and the Mississippi.
- 1829
- Gold Discovered in Alaska. Gold rush is followed by Russians, Britons, and Columbians, mainly.
- 1834
- New England protectorates are admitted as states.