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NOTE: You can hover over TTL's English/Ænglisc letters and words for OTL's equivalents.
If you ƿere looking for þē Muqaddan nation from An Honorable Retelling, please click here.
Novænglia, officially knoƿn as þē TBD of Novænglia, referred to as Nēowe Ænglaland in most dialects and forms of þē Ænglisc spræc, and historically designated as Nova Ænglia until c. 1500 AD, is a someƿhat vast sovereign folkland in Eastern Europe þat emerged during þē Ænglo-Norman Wīġ near þē Kievan Rus' and various Indigenous Eurasian peoples. One of its most ƿell-known aspects overall is its unique dialect of þē Ænglisc spræc knoƿn as Novænglian Ænglisc, ƿhich is noticeably more Slavic and Indigenous Siberian-influenced þan most others due to Novænglia's current geopolitical location, and hoƿ its name remains one of þē few Latinate influences on þē Ænglisc spræc even todæg.
Novænglia currently occupies þē eastern half of þē Crimean Peninsula as ƿell as a very small part of þē land þat makes up Russia IOTL.