Sahare Jaha Seh Acha, Orissa Hamara ("Greater than any nation, our Orissa") | |||||||
Capital | Bhubaneswar | ||||||
Largest city | Bhubaneswar | ||||||
Other cities | Bumbai | ||||||
Language official |
Hindi | ||||||
others | Marathi, Telugu | ||||||
Religion main |
Vedic Hinduism | ||||||
others | Trimurt Hinduism | ||||||
Demonym | Orissan | ||||||
Government | Monarchy | ||||||
Population | 300-340 Million? | ||||||
Established | 1574 | ||||||
Independence | from Bengal | ||||||
declared | 1579 | ||||||
recognized | 1589 |
The Rajya of Orissa is a nation located on the Indian subcontinent. On the world scale, the country is fairly new, having being established in 1579 - after the collapse of Bengal following the assassinations of its government by Mahadi Islam followers. The initial government was weak, and in 1588, a radical Hindu General overthrew the government and established the Rajya of Orissa.
From there onwards, the nation grew into a power which rivaled even the Europeans themselves. Establishing many colonies, it oversaw their growth and prosperity. In 1697, Orissa would transform itself into the United Maharajya and would successfully fight many wars. The nation would see its darkest days in the 1720s when it fought for its ally, and then its own survival.
However, the nation would begin to recover. It would buy off China's colony in Atlantia and begin to expand in the region. It would also slowly re-establish control over the parts of Mataram which had been torn apart by buying them and supplying pro-Orissan uprisings. It would keep its head down, and by the early 19th Century, once again find itself in a prominent position. It would complete is 100 year desire of revenge from the ally which had betrayed it and finally see new light.
Over 235 years since its foundation, the nation is looking toward the future with a cautious feeling of optimism.
Early Days[]
In 1588, a radical General overthrew the government, and established the Rajya of Orissa, with himself as Raja. He promised to lead the country on a path of Hinduism and to rid it of the Muslim menace. One of his first acts was to send out scouts to form alliances with his nations, and form a new navy using old Bengali ships and a few Orissan ones. By the next year, he had learned about the nation of Rajputana, and had send them an alliance offer. Muslims mosques were also destroyed in the same year, and factories making cannon and cannon balls were ordered to be constructed.
His efforts bore fruits, and in 1590 the Rajputs accepted the alliance, and sent a few Sikh commanders to train the Orissan army on the Raja's request. In the following years, the Orissan army began to be properly trained, and a merchant fleet was established. Ammunition began to flow to the army, and helped them train. However, a cold front hit the crops, and it took a few years for the crop growth to recover. Trading also began to boom between nations, and Orissa began to trade extensively with the nations to the south - to make their economy reliant on Orissan trade. Trading ships also headed out to Europe to make contact with the Venetians and Russians and gain a greater market for their spices.
The return of the trading ships and their evidence to prove that Venice was still around convinced the Raja that Europe was an untapped market, and this would become the basis for the establishment of the NOC in the years to come. The Raja then looked southward, and began to gain control of the economy of the nations to his south by supplying them with cannons and ammunition in return for money and influence. This soon led to the two nations becoming vassals of the country, as they became solely reliant on Orissan for trading. Yet this was not all. The Raja had taken quite a fancy to Berar's Rani, and married her in 1595 - and this helped him to solidify his position further in the region.
The Printing Revolution[]
In 1596, the rediscovered Printing Press began to be put to good use. Bhagvat Gitas began to be printed in their hundreds, and a few of the copies were handed to military commanders. The Presses also began to print out anti-Muslim leaflets and leaflets saying that Muslims should convert back to Hinduism. In the same year, the Raja began to get his army ready to invade Bengal, a nation he wanted revenge from. Some good news had also arrived, as the Rani announced she was pregnant, and in the following year gave birth to a daughter. The Raja did not care that his first child was a daughter, and took her into his arms with a warm heart.
In this time, the vassals saw their economy grow, and their armies grow too. The Army of Orissa continued to receive attention, and was growing to become one of the largest in the region. This army had not been tested yet, and only looked good on paper - with their real capabilities still unknown.
All this changed. In 1600, the Orissan army invaded the Bengalis to have their revenge. Making some quick progress, they took many villages and towns over two years, always keeping the Bengalis on the back foot. Many thought that victory was not that far off, although progress was slow. Many divisions for the army were made and sent to the front line. Yet, after many Bengali counter-attacks, the Orissan army had been pushed back to the border regions. The army had no fault, the Bengali army was too large to continue assaults against.
Propaganda reached new heights after the war, and whatever remaining Muslims who were still left either converted or fled the country. Spice ships also headed out to Europe to trade, and to help the country's economy recover. New economic policies were implemented and helped the state regain a lot of money. This led to a masterstroke by the Raja in 1610, when he established a collective navy for Berar, Orissa and Godavari. Using the money from the treasury, warships and battleships are built, and old and captured ships are updated.
In the next year, a lot of crucial events happened. Due to the Rani's insistence, Berar was incorporated into Orissa, and districts were made. The new areas began to see a small amount of schools constructed and more trade occur as merchants could now easily sell products. Because the area has many cultural similarities with the Orissans, the incorporation into Orissa was not a problem for most. The SOC was also established by the Raja, a company created to increase trades and profits along with Orissan influence with the advantage on not having to answer back to the Raja after every crucial event. Its first area of operation was to exert complete influence over Mataram, whom the Raja wanted to vassalise to save Hinduism in the region.
Trimurt Hinduism[]
In 1612, a new form of Hinduism emerged in Orissa, Trimurt Hinduism. It promised its followers equality and the abolition of the caste system, because it believed "the lower caste may have been created from Bhramin's feet, yet the feet are as useful as the head". The Raja did nothing as he presumed it would blow over. Instead he focused on other matters, such as fully vassalising the Matarami and opening new naval academies.
For a little while, it seemed like the Raja's stance might have actually been correct, and the movement went underground. Meanwhile, after Mataram's insistence - a blockade of Sesak was set up. This blockade was led by the Rajkumari herself, and continued for a good couple of years. Eventually, the Sesaki economy collapsed as immigrants came from Mataram and set up their homes in the areas being cleared by the army and the blockade led to its trade collapsing. The Rajkumari was hailed as a hero and Mataram expanded its borders.
Yet, in the meanwhile, Trimurt Hinduism had begun to grow again. In the villages and dark alleyways of small towns and cities, people converted. Most of these were peasants who wanted a better life and to rid themselves of the caste system. The Raja is proved wrong, yet this is overlooked as celebrations about the Rajkumari's success reach the populace. With the assurance that the SOC is the dominant trading power in the area, the company began to plan the establishment of a colony in the area for Bhramins trying to escape the conversion attempts. This sees their stock sales increase many fold, and by the next year, they have the sufficient funds to set up a colony. Many Bhramin families are chosen, and the large convoy sets off for Sabah in 1616 - making landfall a few weeks later. This led to an increase in the SOC's funding, and the enlarging of their monopoly on SE Asian trade.
However, the Raja has seen the success of the SOC, and begins to wonder if a company should be established for trade in the west too. He also thought about using the army to suppress the growing conversion but refrained, and instead focused on trading. His ignorance of the new religion allowed the SOC to set up a new colony almost exclusively for the followers of Trimurt Hinduism. In the land named Machrajdhani (Land of the Fish), the SOC established a new colony in 1617 and it is first year saw many traveling to escape the hardships. However, the first colonists are soon harassed by the native Maori, yet it was not much and a small number of troops usually did the job of keeping them away.
Beginning of Enlightenment[]
A nobleman by the name of Chandrashekar Kumar discovered a planet he went on to name Vishnam in the same year (1617). The nobleman was from the North, but had fled south into more Hindu areas in the Muslim era in India. The Raja also founded the NOC or the Northern Oceans Company to conduct trading with European companies in a more orderly fashion, and he begins to see its rewards very quickly. Enabling the Company the right to declare alliances and buy special trade routes, the Raja hoped to see an increase in his influence around the world.
Kumar soon realises that Vishnam was like our world and began to devote more attention to it. Telescopes also began to flow into the country due to NOC trade and trading with Portugal through its colony in Gujarat. In other areas of the country, rioting began by Trimurt Hindus who wanted to be able to live fairer lives - but the Raja ordered the army to suppress any revolts. The country also saw immigrants arriving in its colonies and Hindi being encouraged and adopted in Learning Centres such as ashrams, so a unified language can help the country trade ideas within its borders. Trimurt Pandits begin to cross borders to convert more people and expand their influence and target the Bundelas as they see them as a vital link in subcontinent trade.
The Raja, who has been eyeing a port on the east coast, sees his chance in 1619 to get a coastal port and expand his kingdom by invading Bijapur. Over five years, the invasion continued, with the Orissan army gaining early breakthroughs but getting bogged down by the war and eventually having to form defensive lines. When initiative was needed, a coastal invasion of Bijapur was carried out on the orders of the Raja himself. This completely surprised the Bijapuris who did not expect to see an invasion at their flank. By the end of the 5 year war, a significant portion of the coast had been captured and the land captured from the initial invasion was incorporated into Godavari as reward due to their loyalty.
In 1625, a town called Bumbai was established, to realise the Raja's dream of a port city on the west coast of the subcontinent. In Mataram, schools helped create a generation of rich children who were more in line with Orissa's policies and could communicate fluently in Hindi. More schools were also build to help extent this range of learning to all rich children. The year also saw the idea of helio-centricism take hold in the minds of the enlightened nobles, before eventually becoming "truths" in their minds.
It had not even been two years to the previous war's end when the Raja had ordered his armies to march into Bijapur again, to conquer it for good. In the gap of the wars, the army had improved its tactics, to ensure maximum damage to the enemy. His army did well, advancing quickly and swiftly. However, their surprise was soon taken away and in the next year the Raja personally lead an invasion from Orissa's strip of land on the Bijapur flank captured in the previous war. It was enough - shattering Bijapuri armies from the rear and leading to the capture of the Bijapuri capital and victory over them. The country surrendered, and it was incorporated into Orissa as a territory. It would not be divided up into districts until years to come.
By 1628, Orissa had grown to become a major regional power, courtesy of the Raja. His daughter, the (then) Rajkumari had married the Bihari Raja in a grand ceremony in the previous year - the same year victory against Bijapur had been achieved. In the year, the Rajputs under the influence of Orissa broke away from Bundela and established their own country - which was essentially a vassal of Orissa.
Unseen Surprises[]
In 1629, anti-Muslim laws were put into place in the new territories of Bijapur. Made to demoralise Muslim traders and force them to go bankrupt, they did exactly that. Soon, Hindu traders were filling in the void, making them richer. In Europe, Orissa was encouraging the Dutch to join the Germanic Church through the NOC. In the years to come, this move would be successful and would create a better environment for science in the country.
However, a surprise in the form of a famine arrived on the subcontinent in 1630. Although not overly affecting Orissa (the famine was mainly in the westernmost tip of its lands), the Raja quickly took precautionary measures to stop it from spreading. Reserve food supplies were stored up and all farms grew food crops. The Raja also sent some aid to Khandesh to help it through the troublesome famine times.
The famine was eased slightly when Ethiopia gifted Orissa with better seeds which could grow in drier conditions. This meant that the famine was over by 1632, with Orissa surviving as a whole. The nation did well, and gained respect in the eyes of Khandesh.
However in 1631, another unseen surprise hit the Orissans. The Maori savages attacked the Orissan colony of Machrajdhani, catching the colony by complete surprise. The savages managed to take hold of much of the colony, before the Orissans replied in full force. An army was dispatched to the island, where they fought off the savages and took land from them. As a result, the campaign was successful, but it would antagonise the Maori even more.
End of an Era[]
Foreign Relations[]
Orissa holds various relations with many countries around the world. The country does not have many enemies, yet is wary of some countries on the planet.
In the brief span Orissa has been on the planet, it has developed many allies and trading partners to help it become an economic giant on the sub-continent.
- Italia - A power fabled by Old texts, rediscovered in 1594. An alliance was signed with the nation in 1622, and a mutual assistance pact was signed.
- Ethiopia - A country which has always been on good terms with Orissa. It is allied with Orissa, and shares much trading. Recently, the two nations' scientists have been working together in Orissa
- Russia - Another one of the fabled powers, the country has only recently made contact with the Orissans, and a trade deal has been signed by both nations.
- Japan -
- Southern Germany? -
- Bavaria -
- Saxony -
- China -
- Arabian Federation -
- Germany -
The country of Orissa has one vassal, Mataram, which is closely associated with the country.
The United Maharajya has six colonies around the world, bringing in a good deals of supplies, materials and trade for the growing nation.
In the span of x years, the United Maharajya has fought various wars against many nations.