Alternative History
Kingdom of Ouayi
Timeline: Origo Mundi (Map Game)
. Xüonai

360s - Present
Official languages Xüonaisl, Werita
Ethnic groups  Xüonaisl, Weritsza
Religion Yannian; Afnear; Unão
Demonym Ouayisl; Ouayia
Government Monarchic city-state
 -  King Belerik
 -  Independence 360s 
 -  Year estimate tbd 

The Kingdom of Ouayi is an archipelago nation located in the Sea of Orbay. It is a notable trading hub, with a substantial focus on its navy. A former colony first of Weritsz and then of Xüonai, Ouayi is influenced by both Weritsza and Xüonaisl cultures.


The Kingdom of Ouayi traces its name back to the Xüonaisl name for the Weritsza colony that was first established in the 100s. "Ouayi" means "big island," with "Oua" meaning "big" and "-yi" referring to "island." This is thought to be a translation from Werita, as records show the name of the island under the Weritsz people was "Wielkspa" (which means big island in that tongue).


The Kingdom of Ouayi is comprised of the eponymous island, a smaller island to the south, and two islands to the northeast.

Cacao trees and coffee plants are native to the island.


Discovery and Colonization[]

The island of Ouayi was first discovered by an advanced civilization in the 30s, when Weritsza Delneyar Junio ordered the exploration of lands outside of the Bay of Dachyna. The island, named Wielkspa by the earliest explorers, continued undisturbed for the better part of the century until the 90s. At this point in time, Wielkspa was claimed for Weritsz under the reign of Delneyar Asteraca II Domeon.

The original settlement on the northwestern corner of the island, TBD, grew over time as the Weritsz people continued to migrate to the island. Expansion was not without some challenge, as the Wielkspa natives - who spoke their own language and practiced their own customs - took a while to be fully accustomed to the Weritsza culture.

By the 300s, Yannian raiding in western Weritsz led to a full-blown war. In this conflict, Xüonai joined in on behalf of Yannis. The Xüonaisl condition was to take control of Wielkspa, and when Weritsz capitulated, the island passed hands to Yannis and then to Xüonai.

Under Xüonaisl control starting in the 310s, the island was renamed Ouayi. The city of TBD, by this point, had become a prominent trading port on the way south to Exhula and the Xüonaisl colony of Lueht. The Weritsza residents of the island were treated fairly and equitably, and many of them remained under the reign of the Xüonai.

It was during the reign of Xüonai that Ouayi came to possess the two smaller islands to Ouayi's northeast, becoming a truly archipelagic colony. The Xüonaisl trading monopoly, Tyha Už, played a prominent role in developing Ouayi's status as a trading hub. Cacao and coffee production also bolstered the island's economy.


Disintegration of Xüonai and independence alongside Lueht.


Weritsza-Xüonaisl mixture


The current king of Ouayi is Belerik, who claims descent from the line of Delneyar that ruled Weritsz in the 100s.

Eizen I - Ruled 361-422

Belerik - Rules 422-present

Foreign Relations[]

Ouayi has an established alliance and trading relation with the Exhulan Empire.
