This is an overview timeline for the events of Merveilles des Morte. For more detail please see individual centuries.
- c. 1000 - Approximate date of the first European expedition to the Western Hemisphere takes place under Leif Eriksson, eventually leading to the establishment of Vinland.
- c. 1020 - The first church on the island of Vinland is constructed, in the town of Leifsbuðir.
- c. 1040s - The legendary Battle of Boghmoot, an important battle in the early history of Vinland is said to have taken place. According to legend, a coalition of Norse settlers loosely organized under the leadership of Býleistr Rauðkrákur defeats a native army under the figure Izzobath. Many of Vinland's dynasties and states would claim descendance from the events of this battle in later centuries.
- 1054 - The expedition of Þorvaldur Ísleifursson to Markland takes place.
- 1060 - The monastery of Styrkirk is founded in Vinland by missionary Styrkár Einarsson, who is later canonized as a saint.
- 1087 - The Nýtinget is established as the legislative assembly for the island of Vinland. Traditionally Snorri Thorfinnsson, son of Thorfinn Karlsefni, is believed to have been the first lawspeaker.
- 1111 - Traditional date of both the death of legendary hero Býleistr Rauðkrákur and the birth of chieftain Haraldr the Witch, according to the Tryggvisaga.
- 1251 - The Republic of Nóatúna is established in Vinland after Edmund Jónakrsson of Húsar is deposed as Goði. Úlfhéðinn Kjartansson is elected his replacement.
- 1259 - Tjordrek the Hangman, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland and its first historically attested ruler, dies and is succeeded by his son Thorkell IV Maudemaza, who raises a runestone in his father's honor.
- 1284 - The elective republic in Nóatúna is overthrown with the succession of Sigtrygg Obodish.
- 1298 - Approximate year of the death of Thorkell IV Maudemaza, the Goði of Lágrstrǫnd and an elder statesman in Vinland. He is succeeded by his son Ásvaldur.
- January 1295 - Possible date of ascendancy of Cínemąxína, legendary founder of the city of Taos in Oasisamerica, based on relation to a know solar eclipse that occured in 1257.
- 1295 - An agreement is reached between Nogai Khan and Toqta of the Golden Horde, which unites the two parties. As a result, a joint invasion of Poland is undertaken, taking advantage of the death of Przemysł II.
- 1295 - Baydu Khan defeats Ghazan and has him executed, thus prolonging Nestorian rule over the Ilkhanate
- 1298 - The Ilkhanate and Cyprus form an alliance to invade Egypt in an attempt to reclaim the Holy Land, known as the Nestorian Crusade
- 1298 - Robert the Bruce is decisively defeated by Edward Longshanks, restoring English domination of Scotland. Many ongoing revolts and guerrilla warfare remains.
- 1298 - King Eric VI "the Devil" is deposed by the magnates of Denmark, due to numerous crimes he committed against the nobility and the Church. His son is made King Christopher II, largely a puppet of Sweden.
- 1300 - Wenceslaus II is crowned King of Poland, establishing the Přemyslid Dynasty on the throne of Poland for the next five decades.
- 1300 - Kánałó, believed to be the first hų́łothə́na (roughly "fortress") in Oasisamerica is founded.
- 1302 - Ásvaldur, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland dies possibly in battle with Jörundr III the Mountain. He is succeeded by his son Einar.
- 1302 - Multiple Muslim revolts and internal disorder leads to the effective collapse of the Ilkhanate. Their Middle Eastern territory is partitioned between the Baghdad Imamate and the Sultanate of Mosul, while smaller states break off in Eastern Iran. The Sultanate of Rum also falls apart into smaller Beyliks, but the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia remains. Nogai Khan occupies Tabriz and crowns himself as the new Shah, ending Nestorian rule over Persia.
- 1302 - The Duchy of Brabant is successful in the War of Holland Succession, and annexes the Counties of Holland and Zeeland.
- 1303 - After the Battle of Benevento, the War of Sicilian Vespers ends with a victory for the Barcelonans, and the House of Anjou is expelled from Italy
- 1304 - The Nestorian Crusade ends as the Mamluk Sultanate cedes Acre and several other coastal cities to the Kingdom of Cyprus.
- 1304 - Temur Khan publicly proclaims Nestorianism (the Huangidst Church) to be China's official religion, and changes his name to Maixu Khan.
- 1304 - James II of Aragon intervenes in Morocco's civil war, installing a puppet government that lasts for ten years
- 1305 - Korea breaks off from the Mongol Empire
- 1305 - Pope Callixtus III is assassinated, presumably under French orders
- 1305 - The Lordship of Milan organizes a merchant republic, and elects Galezzeo Visconti as the first Doge.
- 1306 - The Conclave of 1306 elects Giovanni da Morrovalle as Pope John XXI. Due to claims of simony and corruption, a second conclave in Barcelona elects Martín López de Azlor as Antipope Callixtus IV. This religious schism across Western Europe ignites the Iohannan War.
- 1306 - Nogai Khan dies, and his short-lived "empire" partitions back between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate.
- 1308 - Mansa Abu Bakr II establishes the Gorgades Islands (OTL Cape Verde) as a Malian Colony.
- 1308 - The Duchy of Achaea expulses the House of Anjou out of Epirus. As Catherine II abdicates her crown to Florent of Hainault, this effectively restores the Latin Empire over parts of Greece.
- c. 1310 - The Halona Idiwan’a (Middle Place) is settled under the leadership of Yanauluha, becoming the homeland of the Zuni. (Oasisamerica)
- 1311 - Einar, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland dies of unknown causes. According to legend Einar's mother Þorbjörg of the Hillingar Islands had prayed in desperation to the old gods for her son's recovery after being injured in battle. Einar was miraculously healed but also cursed, and now free to walk again for the first time he quickly walked out of the realm, never to be seen again and dying in the wilderness. Others claim this brother eventually assassinated him. He is succeeded by his brother Tjordrek the Swimmer.
- 1312 - Shoshone settlement into the region between the Tàłułi’ína (San Juan River) and the ʼHakhwata (Colorado River) occurs. A battle occurs in the Valley of the Gods which halts their expansion, while Xópi and Moapa emerge as Shoshone-based city states. (Oasisamerica)
- 1312 - The Ecumenical Council of Trier elects Baldwin of Luxembourg as Pope Gregory XI, creating a third faction in the Iohanan War.
- 1314 - The Iohanan War ends as King James II of Aragon withdraws from Rome, and recognizes Gregory XI as Pope.
- 1315 - The Scottish Parliament is fully organized and standardized, and immediately votes to end English domination and restore the House of Bruce
- 1315 - Patriarch Federico Goikoetxea of Navarre is the last claimant to recognize Pope Gregory XI, whose reconciliation forms the basis of the Western Catholic Church.
- 1318 - After the death of Maixu Khan, a military coup throws the Yuan Dynasty into chaos
- 1321 - A war occurs between the nomadic Nuaguntits and the Patayan Confederacy which ends inconclusively. (Oasisamerica)
- 1322 - John Maunderville leaves England to set out on his exploration of Eurasia.
- 1323 - Chang Yuchun defeats opposition and unites most of China, proclaiming himself as the Zhiyěmán Emperor. This is the beginning of the Tian Dynasty.
- 1323 - Novgorod breaks off from Mongol vassalage along with several other Rus principalities, effectively restoring the elective system of the Kievan Rus.
- 1323 - A group of Mamluk mercenaries invades the Kingdom of Cilicia, transforming it into the Cilicia Emirate.
- 1325 - The fortress of Homolovi is constructed by Puebloan settlers, leading to escalation with native inhabitants south of the traditional Ancestral Puebloan lands. (Oasisamerica)
- 1327 - Emperor Louis IV is deposed, securing a Luxembourg hegemony over the Holy Roman Empire. The Duchy of Brabant is elevated to the Archduchy of Lothringia.
- 1328 - The death of Ibn Taymiyyah is followed by the "Taymiyyah Revolution" as the sect becomes widely popular across Egypt, the Levant and the Baghdad Imamate. The Abbasid Caliphate regains power in Baghdad.
- 1330 - A Pro-Piast Revolt spreads across Poland in favor of Wladyslaw the Elbow-High, which is opposed by the Premyslids.
- 1332 - The Ilkhanate Civil War erupts in a struggle of power between the Abbasid Caliphate, supporting the Taymiyyah sect, and the Shah of Persia who converts to Shia Islam.
- 1332 - Alchemist Hendrickus Pisacus leaves Lothringia to explore in Africa.
- 1335 - Hendrickus Pisacus arrives in the court of Mansa Musa of Mali. After falling in love with one of this concubines, the Mansa orders Pisacus to leave eastward.
- 1336 - The Tian Dynasty fully unifies China, and forces the Yuan Dynasty back to Mongolia.
- 1337 - Hendrickus Pisacus converts to Islam while passing through the Bornu Empire.
- 1333 - During a conflict between Venice and Cyprus, the Mamluk Sultanate re-annexes Acre.
- 1336 - King Philip VI dies, leading to a succession crisis in France that escalates to the Hundred Years War
- 1336 - The Order of St. Nicholas of Bari is formed from Dutch knights protecting pilgrims in the Latin states of Greece. Their base of operations is established on the island of Karpathos.
- 1337 - The Tarascan Empire forms a Quadruple Alliance with other states against the Atzcapotzalco Empire in Mexico.
- 1340 - The city of Tjukşp'o is sacked by Puebloan warriors during the Hų́łothə́na Wars. (Oasisamerica)
- 1340 - John Maunderville visits the court of the Tian Dynasty of China.
- 1340 - Caliph Al-Mustakfī of the Abbasid Caliphate dies and is succeeded by Al-Wāthiq.
- 1341 - Milan unites part of Lombardy as the Republic of Padinia.
- 1341 - The Taymiyyah Civil War erupts as the Abbasid Caliphate invades Syria and Levant, attempting to annex the Mamluk Sultanate.
- 1342 - Tjordrek the Swimmer, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland dies of old age during the ongoing war against the Gissarings of Ísagríma. He is succeeded by his son Eirík the Rich.
- 1342 - The Quadruple Alliance defeats the Atzcapotzalco Empire, and the Tarascan center of power shifts to the Mexican Valley.
- 1344 - The Kingdom of Iceland assumes control over Greenland, prompting a wave of migration to the more independent community in Vinland.
- 1344 - St. George's Night Uprising is the last attempt of Slavic Paganism to resurface in the Teutonic States.
- 1347 - The Black Death sweeps across Europe and the Middle East
- 1347 - At the end of the Byzantine Civil War, the Latin Empire reaches a peak of its power, controlling all of Greece outside of Thrace and half of the Aegean coast.
- 1348 - The Treaty of Timpanogas occurs, ending the Pahvant - Pi'a-pa War, believed to be the largest Shoshonean conflict up to this point. (Oasisamerica)
- 1349 - The Caliphate sacks Alexandria, but is unable to occupy Egypt due to the Black Death. The Abbasids nevertheless manages to annex all the Levant, thus changing hands of the city of Jerusalem for the first time since 1291.
- 1350 - Caliph Al-Wāthiq of the Abbasid Caliphate dies and is succeeded by al-Mustaʿīn.
- 1351 - After repeated military and economic failures in the Teutonic States, a revolt removes the Teutonic Order out of Livonia, proclaiming the region as a secular Duchy vassalized to the Holy Roman Empire. The remaining Teutonic Knights hold out in Estonia for the next few years.
- 1352 - The Prophet Abu Yunus begins his ministry in Mali towards the formation of Yunniyya Islam.
- 1353 - Following the death of Conrad II, his brother-in-law Stanislaw I is elected King of Poland, beginning the Olgierd Era and placing Lithuania under personal union with Poland.
- 1354 - With the support of Scotland, the Lordship of Ireland breaks off as independent from England, establishing the Kingdom of Ireland.
- 1354 - Having returned to Europe, John Maunderville retires in Orleans.
- 1355 - Following the Mixtec defeat in the Siege of Tenochtitlan, the followers of Izel are expulsed from the Tarascan empire. These exiles become the first community of the Teōmaticolli religion.
- 1357 - Emperor Charles IV institutes the Imperial Charter of 1357, establishing a systemized order of Imperial Electors for the Holy Roman Empire.
- 1358 - The Ottoman Sultanate is destroyed as Bursa is re-annexed to the Byzantine Empire.
- 1358 - Hendrickus Pisacus arrives back in Lothringia
- 1359 - Mansa Ayyob makes Yuniyya Islam the official religion of Mali, cutting off ties with Baghdad.
- 1360 - The Pueblo Empire, or Póyuopǫ̏'óne ("Three Nations") is founded as an alliance of Taos, Chaco, and Łocǫ́lhəo. The coordinated invasion of the Valley of the Sun begins as part of the Hų́łothə́na Wars, leading to the founding of Cíwena (Phoenix). (Oasisamerica)
- 1360 - The Edwardian Phase of the Hundred Years War ends with a treaty in London, marginally a net gain for England.
- 1361 - The Valois Dynasty are deposed from power in France, restoring the direct Capetians under King Victor.
- 1362 - Henrdickus Pisacus, under his Islamic name of Al-Ismak, leads a group of Berbers from southern Morocco to Nouadhibou, establishing the Saharawi Sadiyanate
- 1363 - Eirík the Rich, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland dies of old age and is succeeded by his son Thorkell the Champion.
- 1363 - The first of the Navajo-Shoshone Wars breaks out under the leadership of K'aayelii, who declares himself king of all Diné and leads a number of attacks against Shoshonean cities. (Oasisamerica)
- 1366 - The First Battle of Cíwena occurs, in which the city withstands an attack by Hidoḑmakai of Siwañ Wa'a Ki. Cíwena becomes firmly aligned with the Puebloans, creating the Póyuopǫ̏'óne-Cíwena-Hopi alliance. (Oasisamerica)
- 1369 - Under the leadership of Suwasaavaru of Ankaparia, a Shoshonean Xópi-Moapa-Ankaparia alliance defeats the Kaipa'pici and sacks the city of Si'tucagar. (Oasisamerica)
- 1370 - The Louisiane Phase of the Hundred Years War begins with the revocation of the Treaty of London.
- 1371 - The Kingdoms of Iceland, Scotland and Ireland form a political alliance known as the Celtic Confederacy, the diplomatic predecessor of the Celtic Union.
- 1373 - Approximate start of the Great Basin War, a conflict that primarily pitted the Northern Shoshone, led by Pinaquanah II, against a Pahvant-led alliance and a third under Suwasaavaru of Ankaparia. (Oasisamerica)
- 1373 - King John I of Portugal purchases the city of Gordes from France, in exchange for their support in the Louisane War.
- 1374 - Thorkell the Champion, Goði of Lágrstrǫnd in Vinland dies and is succeeded by his son, later known as Tíseðun the Great.
- 1376 - The Battle of Wupatupqa occurs, becoming a major victory for the Puebloan alliance, effectively marking the decline and eventual collapse of the Sinagua principalities. (Oasisamerica)
- 1376 - After the decision Battle of Jónsoda fought by Tíseðun the Great and Leifr þang against Skúli III of Ísagríma, Ísagríma is conquered by Lágrstrǫnd.
- 1377 - Cassano delle Torro "the Unconquered" briefly unites much of northern Italy, but he is assassinated within a few months and his empire quickly falls apart. His legacy lives on, as the succeeding states in Italy retain a common thread of laws and administration inherited from delle Torro's reign.
- 1377 - With support of France and the Celtic Confederacy, Owain Lawgoch succeeds in securing his claim as Prince of Wales from the King of England.
- Spring 1378 - A truce is negotiated between the Puebloan alliance and the O'odham under newly appointed King Baikam, becoming known as Hevacuḑ’s Peace. This peace would last until approximately 1387. (Oasisamerica)
- 1380 - The Ecumenical Council of York is convened to address the issues raised by John Wycliffe, leading to the creation of the Celtic Catholic Church.
- 1380 - Emperor Vincent issues radical centralization of Lothringia, stripping the power of nobility and charging it to a Senate in Brussels. This causes a large-scale revolt known as the Lothringian Civil War.
- 1380 - Olaf II of Denmark inherits Sweden and Norway, forming a personal union across all of Scandinavia.
- 1381 - Spain joins the Hundred Years War officially on England's side, beginning the First Occitanian Conflict.
- 1385 - The Great Basin War ends in a decisive defeat for the Pahvants, laying the foundation for the later creation of the Shoshonean Empire. (Oasisamerica)
- 1387 - Taking advantage of the Empire's instability due to the Lothringian Civil War, the Kingdom of Hungary invades Germany and conquers the Duchy of Austria, expelling the Habsburgs.
- 1388 - Iceland briefly makes their official religion Lollardy, which causes their excommunication from the Roman Church.
- 15 May 1388 - Wenceslaus I, Elector of Saxony dies and is succeeded by his son Wenceslaus II.
- 1389 - Timur defeats a coalition of military defending the Kievan Rus, and sacks the cities of Moscow and Novgorod.
- 1389 - The Sack of Siwañ Wa'a Ki occurs, shattering the ancient O'odham kingdom, which would fall back to Cemamagĭ Doʼag. The Two Rivers region would become dominated by the city of Cíwena. (Oasisamerica)
- 1390 - Timur captures Tabriz, ending the remnant of the Ilkhanate.
- 1391 - The See of the Celtic Catholic Church is fully organized.
- 1391 - The First Occitanian Conflict is forced to end by a coalition of nobles against the king of Spain, known as the Lourdes Apelación. They continue to influence Spanish politics for a number of years since.
- 1391 - At the end of the Kieta-Sefawa War in West Africa, the Treaty of Kano establishes a Dumivrate between the dual Mansas of Mali and Bornu. The Saharawi Sadiyanate becomes a vassal of Mali.
- 1392 - The Lancastrian Phase of the Hundred Years War is launched by King John II, in an attempt to support Burgundy's claim to the French throne.
- 12 November 1394 - Wenceslaus II, Elector of Saxony dies and is succeeded by his daughter Anna and her husband Engelbert I of the House of La Marck.
- 1394 - In an attempt to secure religious and political unity at home, Emperor Vincent leads the Libyan Crusade against the Hafsid Sultanate.
- 1395 - Baghdad falls to the Timurid Empire, forcing the Abbasid Caliphate to become a Timurid puppet.
- 1395 - The Empire of Xarayoca conquers the Tarascan Empire.
- 1395 - The Lordship of Modena is elevated to a Duchy.
- 1396 - Pinaquanah II of the Shoshone dies and is succeeded by his son Washakie. (Oasisamerica)
- 1397 - A treaty is signed between the Kingdoms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark to maintain their personal union, known collectively as the Orebro Union.
- 1399 - After a series of conquests roughly uniting the Shoshonean cities under the leadership of Washakie, he organizes a coronation in Timpanogas, in which is considered the birth of the Shoshonean Empire. (Oasisamerica)
- 1400 - Owain Lawgoch breaks off Wales as independent from England, starting the Welsh War of Independence.
- c.1400 - A tribal confederacy forms around the Xingu people of central Brazil.
- 1402 - The general Abu Muslim takes de facto power over Egypt in the wake of Timur's pillaging.
- 1404 - With the success of the Welsh War of Independence, Wales joins the Celtic Confederacy.
- 1404 - Timur invades Anatolia and sacks the city of Nicaea, capturing Emperor Andronicus IV alive.
- 1405 - With the success of the Libyan Crusade, the Kingdom of Tripolitania is established within the realm of the Order of Bari. Its first king is elected from the Imperial German Princes to be from the House of Premyslid. This Crusade is criticized by Jan Hus.
- 1406 - Timur dies, and his empire immediately loses some territory across the Middle East and Central Asia. Most of the Timurid Empire that maintains stability is concentrated in India, which later becomes known as the Gurkani Sultanate.
- c.1410 - The Oyo Empire converts to Yuniyya Islam.
- 1410 - Abu Muslim leads the Mamluk forces to once again retake Jerusalem and Syria.
- 1411 - The Ecumenical Council of Prague is convened to address the complaints of Jan Hus, leading to the Hussite Catholic Church being formed.
- 1412 - The oldest known temple dedicated to Bathalaism appears in the Kingdom of Tondo.
- 1413 - Emperor Vincent instigates the Marcian Schism, supporting Werner von Falkenstein as the Antipope Mark II. The Pope Benedict XI responds by instigating the Premyslid King Boleslaw V to be elected as Antiking to oppose Vincent, leading to an imperial crisis.
- 1413 - The Kingdom of Georgia launches a massive campaign against the remnants of the Timurid Empire, becoming known as the Georgian Empire.
- 1414 - After leading a unified Vinlander front against Nonosbawsut the King Beyond the Walls, Tíseðun the Great the first Storgoðar of Ísagríma by the Nýtinget.
- 1414 - After Sultan Nasr Faraj dies, Abu Muslim is proclaimed as the new Sultan of Egypt, becoming the first of the Muslimid Dynasty to rule over the Mamluks.
- 1415 - Antipope Mark II facilitates the radical Hussites to settle in Lothringia, Burgundy and France, and declares the Council of Prague voided.
- 1416 - Both Pope Benedict XI and King Boleslaw V die. Boleslaw's son Sigismund carries on the Imperial Crisis as Emperor Sigismund I.
- 1416 - The Kingdom of Tondo falls into a civil war between Muslim and Hindu claimants for the throne, which are respectively backed by the Brunei Sultanate and the Majapahit Empire. This escalates into a full war between the two supporters.
- 1418 - The Imperial Crisis ends with Emperor Vincent and the House of Luxembourg deposed from power, and the city of Aachen re-assumed as an Imperial City. The House of Premyslid controls the Holy Roman Empire from now on.
- 1418 - Lothringia falls into a second civil war under Vincent, split between multiple different factions as the power of the senate has collapsed.
- 1419 - Baghdad falls to the Georgian Empire, prompting the Caliphate to relocate back to Cairo.
- 9 December 1420 - Tíseðun the Great, the first Storgoðar of Ísagríma, dies of old age and is succeeded by his son Algautr the Silent.
- 1421 - Vincent invites Emperor Sigismund to help crush the Taborite faction in Lothringia, becoming the unofficial Hussite Crusade.
- 1423 - Vincent abdicates as King of Lothringia in favor of his son Gottfried I, which officially ends the second civil war.
- 1423 - Queen Cyrilla I of Portugal is deposed due to accusations of adultery and heresy, known as the Portuguese Royal Crisis.
- 1428 - The Ecumenical Council of Rome is called to further seek reforms in the Church, and attempt reconciliation with the Taborites.
- 1432 - Milan is conquered by the Duchy of Modena, which has become the largest state in Lombardy.
- 1432 - Joan of Arc is arrested for heresy in Burgundy, and is then murdered.
- 1435 - Tripoli falls to the Hafsid Sultanate, ending the Kingdom of Tripolitania.
- 29 April 1435 - Anna, Duchess of Saxony dies and his succeeded by her husband Engelbert I as sole Elector of Saxony, beginning the House of La Marck's rule over Saxony.
- 1438 - The Hundred Years War ends as France conquers Calais.
- 8 April 1446 - Engelbert I, Elector of Saxony dies and is succeeded by his son Henry IV.
- 1447 - Ewuare becomes the Oba of Benin, and establishes Ona as its official religion.
- 1448 - The death of King Humphry of England ignites a civil war known as the War of the Roses
- 1449 - The printing press is invented by Johannes Gutenberg
- 1454 - Pope Pius II institutes the Inquisition to root out remaining Protestant movements
- 1457 - The Kingdom of Kongo is subjugated as a tributary of Mali by a fleet of ships commanded by Omar Shajah. It is renamed to the Kingdom of Zayiyr.
- 1458 - After limping along for many years, the Latin Empire finally starts to collapse due to a mass revolt of Greeks led by Thomas Zachariah. By the end of this conflict, all of Greece outside of Attica becomes direct or indirect vassals of the Byzantine Empire.
- 13 February 1468 - Henry IV, Elector of Saxony dies and is succeeded by his son Wenceslaus III, a future Holy Roman Emperor.
- 1471 - A civil war erupts across the Kievan Rus, as many factions supported by Novgorod push in favor of deposing feudal nobles in favor of merchant republics. Moscow and Smolensk leads a pro-noble faction against these republicans.
- 1473 - The Byzantine Empire commits the Massacre of Arta against a Latin community in Epirus, instigating a Quasi-Crusade against the Byzantines known as the Greco-Italian War. It is suspected this massacre was orchestrated by the dying Latin Empire as a last desperate attempt to push the Byzantines back.
- 1 August 1477 - Louis IX, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut dies and is succeeded by his kinsman Albert IV, who unites the various duchies into Bavaria once more.
- 1478 - The Rus Civil War ends in favor of Novgorod, which reorganizes the state into a patchwork of vassals or protectorates centralized back to Novgorod city.
- 5 February 1478 - Wenceslaus, Holy Roman Emperor dies under mysterious circumstances while hunting. He is succeeded as Elector of Saxony by his son Engelbert II, while Wenceslaus' death becomes a catalyst to the later Lenzburg-Premsylid War.
- 16 February 1479 - In the Holy Roman Empire, following the death of Emperor Wenceslaus (1425–1478), an imperial election is held resulting in the election of Henry III of Bohemia as King of Germany, who becomes Henry VIII.

The Sack of Wittenberg would be a major defeat for the Swiss alliance during the Lenzburg-Premyslid War, effectively neutralizing the Duchy of Saxony.
- 31 August 1481 - Henry VIII of the Holy Roman Empire is formally crowned Emperor in Rome by the Pope. This comes after an agreement that henceforth the elected King of the Romans will become Holy Roman Emperor immediately, independent of the Pope's blessing.
- 1483 - Athens is conquered by the Byzantine Empire, finally making the Latin Empire extinct.
- 1484 - The Lenzburg-Premyslid War, also commonly known as the Swiss War begins with the declaration of war on the Swiss Confederacy by the Duchy of Bavaria. Bavaria would be aided by Emperor Henry VIII, leading to the culmination of a decades long rivalry between the Bohemian monarch and the House of Lenzburg over hegemony and influence in Germany.
- 16 August 1488 - Engelbert II, Elector of Saxony is deposed during the ongoing Lenzburg-Premyslid War. Saxony is temporarily occupied by Thuringian forces, and Engelbert's brother Edmund Alwin is selected to succeed him for his anti-Swiss tendencies. The Duchy of Saxe-Belzig is also created from a concession of Saxon territory, with Bohemian ally Charles the White being made its first Duke.
- 1489 - The Lenzburg-Premyslid War concludes with the Treaty of Zurich. The Lenzburgs are deposed from the Swiss Confederacy, numerous nations become independent from the Swiss once more, and the Duchy of Bavaria is united.
- 9 September 1489 - Leopold I from the House of Habsburg is created the first Duke of the Duchy of Habsburg by Henry VIII, Holy Roman Emperor, with territory seized from the Swiss Confederacy following the Lenzburg-Premyslid War.
- 1490 - The Hafsid Sultanate conquers Egypt, ending the Muslimid Dynasty.
- 1491 - The Aachen Crisis concludes with the Treaty of Spa, resulting in Aachen and Jülich being released as independent nations from the Lotharingia.
- 1491 - With the extinction of the ancient Bjelbo dynasty, the House of Mark comes to rule over the Orebro Union.
- 19 May 1492 - Eberhard the Exile, the patriarch of the House of Lenzburg and deposed Duke of Lenzburg after the Lenzburg-Premyslid War, dies while in exile in Rome. He is succeeded by his son Engelbert as patriarch.
- 19 August 1493 - Henry VIII of the Holy Roman Empire dies while on a boat near Heligoland at the age of 75. He is later succeeded by Henry IX of the House of Jenagotha as Holy Roman Emperor, while Bohemia is granted to his oldest son Ottokar IV, Brandenburg is granted to Charles I, and Livonia is granted to Marek Ironside.
- 24 January 1494 - Henry IX is formally crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in Cologne. His rise to power later coincides with a civil war.
- 1495 - The Henrician Civil War comes to a close, confirming Henry IX as Holy Roman Emperor and toppling the shortlived Frankfurt Dictatorship.
- 1496 - The House of Thott takes over Sweden, which breaks away from the Orebro Union as an independent nation. Its first ruler is crowned as King Eric XIV.
- 1498 - With the collapse of the Hafsid Dynasty, all of Egypt and Tunisia falls under the control of the Abbasid Caliphate.
- 9 August 1500 - Leopold I, the first Duke of Habsburg dies and is succeeded by his son Peter I.
- 9 May 1501 - Philip II is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt after the abdication of Henry IX.
- 9 November 1501 - Frederick IV is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt after the untimely death of Philip II.
- 28 February 1504 - Frederick IV, Holy Roman Emperor dies under mysterious circumstances. He is later succeeded by Ottokar I, the King of Bohemia.
- 7 December 1504 - Ottokar I is formally crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in Speyer.
- 12 June 1505 - Peter I, Duke of Habsburg dies and is succeeded by his son Leopold II, the future King of Germany.
- 9 March 1506 - Philip I formally claims the title of the first Count of Zeitz, being granted the lands through the secularization of the Bishopric of Naumborg under his uncle Johann III.
- 3 April 1506 - Engelbert von Lenzburg, the patriarch of the House of Lenzburg and former Count of Württemberg, dies while in exile in Urbino. He is succeeded by his grandson Eberhard II as patriarch.
- 4 March 1510 - Albert IV, the first Duke of the reunited Bavaria dies of old age, and his death sparks a succession crisis between his various sons. Albert's preferred heir and Jungist son George I is contested by his Catholic son Albert V, beginning the War of the Bavarian Succession.
- 10 December 1512 - The War of the Bavarian Succession ends in a victory for George I and the Jungists, formally converting Bavaria to Jungism.
- 31 March 1515 - Henry I, the first King of Denmark from the House of La Marck, dies and is succeeded by his son Olaf IV.
- 1 November 1517 - William II, the controversial King of France dies of old age while vacationing along the coast of Normandy. With no children of his own or close male relatives, the throne passes to William's neice Joan and her husband Jaromir. This places France and Bohemia into personal union, and begins the Přemyslid Dynasty's reign in France.
- 28 January 1519 - Philip I, the first Count of Zeitz dies of disease and is succeeded by his son Dietrich I.
- 1521 - The future Abdukrahman The Great of the Abbasid Caliphate is born in Tunis.
- 19 January 1522 - Antiking Leopold II of Habsburg dies of old age unexpectedly, greatly altering the course of the ongoing Bohemian civil war. Frederick III of Austria would attempt to claim the imperial throne, as did Henry the Pious. Leopold is succeeded by his son Frederick as Duke of Habsburg.
- 6 June 1522 - Ottokar I, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia dies of old age. He is succeeded in Bohemia by Jaromir II, who is later also elected Holy Roman Emperor.
- 6 June 1522 - The Thin White Duke, President of Thuringia and famous statesman of the Holy Roman Empire, dies or mysteriously disappears, according to legend soon after the death of Ottokar I, Holy Roman Emperor. His death sparks a brief struggle among his dozens of heirs, but ultimately the Presidency of Thuringia falls to his grandson Henry I, while the Duchy of Thuringia falls to Hugh the Heir.
- 15 August 1522 - Jaromir is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Frankfurt.
- 1 December 1526 - Gotthard the Cruel, a Thuringian marauder and son of the Thin White Duke, dies while in Bayreuth after his clothing catches on fire. His skull is later presented to Jaromir, Holy Roman Emperor during peace negotiations.
- 18 October 1527 - Dietrich I, Count of Zeitz and a possible haemophiliac, dies of unnoticed internal bleeding while in Leipzig, and his titles pass to his brother Johann.
- 29 July 1531 - Abdukrahman of the Abbasid Caliphate launches in invasion of Georgian territory in Syria, beginning the Abbasid-Georgian Wars.
- 2 December 1531 - Charles I the Ghost of Lechfeld, Elector of Brandenburg dies of old age and is succeeded by his son John III.
- 9 November 1532 - Agnes the Excommunicated and Jezrahiah, the Duchess and Duke of Hesse die within hours of each other, and they are succeeded by their son, Ermanaric I of Hesse-Nassau.
- 3 October 1533 - Edmund Alwin, Elector of Saxony and famed war hero, dies of old age and is succeeded by his son Wolfgang I. An imperial funeral is held for Edmund Alwin which becomes a major event across the empire. Additionally four secundogeniture territories are created for descendants of Edmund Alwin: Wenceslaus I is granted Saxe-Lobnitz, Edmund is granted Saxe-Jessen, Alwin I is granted Saxe-Lochau, and Louis is granted Saxe-Wolfen.
- 9 March 1534 - Hugh the Heir, Duke of Thuringia, Bamberg, Nuremberg, and former President of the Magi of the Rätian Union, dies by assassination supposedly at the hands of one of his sons. He is succeeded in Thuringia by his son Gedeon I, while Bamberg passes to his son Elon I. Martin Breuer succeeds him as President of the Magi.
- 31 March 1537 - Joan the Pelican, Queen of France dies of old age and is succeeded by her husband Jaromir as sole ruler of France.
- 1 September 1537 - The Peace of Passau is signed by Jaromir I, Holy Roman Emperor, conforming the result of the Diet of Augsburg (1509), which ended the persecution of Jungists and open war between German Jungists and Catholics. The principle of cuius regio, eius religio is established.
- 25 December 1538 - Gustav Jung, the brother of famous reformer Konrad Jung and the first ecclesiastical Archbishop of Saxony dies.
- 11 April 1539 - Edmund, Duke of Saxe-Jessen is deposed as Duke for his Catholic religious beliefs, and he is succeeded by his daughter Agnes Edmundina and her husband, Issachar I from the House of Jenagotha.
- 5 August 1539 - Eberhard II, the Patriarch of the House of Lenzburg, dies while in exile in Novara.
- 13 August 1539 - Conrad IV, the first Jenagotha Duke of Württemberg dies and is succeeded by his son William I.
- 4 October 1540 - George I, the first Jungist Duke of Bavaria dies and is succeeded by his son Otto VIII.
- 1541 - In Trier, Archbishop-Elector Philip von Wied formally converts to Jungism. Having previously been a proponent of Erasmian reforms but against Konrad Jung in his lifetime, over the years Philip had became much more sympathetic to the movement, and a correspondent and friend of Johann Freud. Although the Archbishop is popular, especially among the sizable Jungist population, it was expected that his actions would not be tolerated by the Pope.
- 17 May 1542 - Edmund, the first Duke of Lolland, dies while in Maribo and is succeeded by his son Henry I.
- 5 March 1545 - Wenceslaus I, Duke of Saxe-Lobnitz dies and is succeeded by his son Wenceslaus II.
- 14 January 1546 - At a conclave held in the city of Hamburg, Cardinal Jean Ferrier II is elected pope, taking the name Zephyrinus II. This places him as an antipope to Paschal III. The "Zephyrinites" thus far find the support of Catholic nations in Germany, Arles-Burgundy, and Poland, and also include France's Catholic population.
- 25 February 1547 - The Kingdom of Arles-Burgundy declares war on the Kingdom of Lotharingia in order to assert its claim to the city of Amiens, beginning the Amiens War.
- 4 March - An Arlesian army under the command of Hugh the Fearless crosses into Lorraine with the assistance of the Messin Republic, successfully capturing the region after the brief Battle of Epinal. Lotharingian forces withdraw toward the fortress of Luxembourg.
- 28 April - The Duchy of Habsburg declares war on Lotharingia, citing its conversion to the Reformed Faith and its aggression against Alsace, prompting an attack from the Alsace League.
- 1 July 1548 - Richard Wagner, de facto ruler of Luxembourg and founder of the Wagnerist religion, dies in the city of Luxembourg at the age of 68.
- 9 October 1548 - The Kingdom of France declares war on the Kingdom of Lotharingia.
- 28 November 1548 - The Battle of Amiens ends in a French victory, after Lotharingian forces withdraw.
- 3 December 1548 - The Lotharingian navy under Adriaen Banckert defeats a small French fleet near the coast of Lotharingia at the Battle of Etaples.
A disorganized retreat would occur near Doullens after a light skirmish with the French, as Lotharingian forces fell back to the Aa River.
- 11 December 1548 - The cities of Arras, Doullens, and Abbeville are taken by the French with little resistance. The defenders would largely fall back to the Schelde River, Aa River, and forts along the western coast.
- 4 March 1549 - The Battle of Lillers ends in a victory for the French against Lotharingia.
- 20 March 1549 - The Siege of Luxembourg ends with a Lotharingian defeat, allowing Arles to seize the city.
- 4 April 1549 - Olaf IV, King of Denmark dies and is succeeded by his son George I.
- 5 April 1549 - The Kingdom of England declares war on France, preparing an army in Kent that departs for Zeeland five weeks later.
- 1 May 1549 - Henry IX, former Holy Roman Emperor, the first Apostolic President of the Rätian Union, and Count of Weimar dies of old age while in Weimar. He is succeeded by his son Louis of Zeigenhein as Apostolic President, while the County of Weimar passes to Ruprecht.
- 9 July 1549 - With the Amiens War resulting thus far in failure for Lotharingia, and with the cities of Holland, Zeeland, and Utrecht largely in a panic, Paul Dekremer is pressured to resign from his position of Admiraal-generaal. The position would be granted to a veteran of the Lotharingian Civil War named Ambrosius Bosschaert of Middelburg. He is supported by former supporters of the Zeeland Republic, such as Diederik Graeff of Amsterdam, as well as Protestants from the south, such as many prominent Wagnerists. Catholic and Columbite rulers of the north largely favor different candidates, as well as more direct rule by King Godfried II.
- 8 August 1549 - Bosschaert negotiates an alliance between Lotharingia and the Count Palatine of the Rhine, who assembles an army to invade the Duchy of Habsburg.
- 1 September 1549 - The armies of Metz and their allies in the north withdraw from Lotharingia to the fortress at Luxembourg. Habsburger forces in Lotharingia are completely removed to repulse the Palatine attack.
- 19 September 1549 - Spain begins sending aid to Catholic dissidents and rebels in southern France, hoping to spark a rebellion that dislodges the French from Lotharingia. They find an ally in Henry de Foix, a Catholic noble north of the Pyrenees.
- 15 October 1549 - Columbite general Maarten Tromp manages to defeat an Arlesian army at the Battle of Verviers, stalling their advance north from Luxembourg.
- 20 October 1549 - Jaromir, Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, and King of France dies of old age. He is succeeded by his son Henry IV as King of Bohemia, who is also later elected as Henry X, Holy Roman Emperor, while in France his second son Charles IV succeeds Jaromir.
- 17 November 1549 - An attempt at peace negotiations with the French by delegates of several southern Lotharingian cities (Lille, Dunkirk, Bruges, Cambrai), results inconclusively.
- 5 December 1549 - The Siege of Calais begins as a French army lays siege to the city and its garrison of about 6,000 Lotharingian defenders.
- 9 December 1549 - Henry X is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Mainz.
- 14 December 1549 - The Treaty of Trier is created, in which Trier ends its support for the Alsace League and withdraws from the alliance in exchange for minor territorial concessions and a small sum of money.

The ambitious Archbishop Philip von Wied of Trier would expand the war between Lotharingia and the Duchy of Habsburg along religious lines.
- 14 January 1550 - The Siege of Calais ends in a French defeat, after the city is reinforced by some 8,000 English soldiers, as well as an English fleet and supplies.
- 29 January 1550 - Under the leadership of Archbishop Philip von Wied of Trier, the largely Jungist Alsace League defects from the leadership of Habsburg, and make peace with the Lotharingians. The Habsburgs are successfully baited into an attack against Strasbourg, which although results in a Habsburg victory, leads to the Emperor being obligated to side against the Duchy of Habsburg.
- 31 January 1550 - With Pope Zephyrinus II still vacant from Rome after several years, the College of Cardinals in Rome elects Francis Xavier as Leo XII. This renews the papal schism, which divides Europe in part by the ongoing Amiens War. Lotharingia and England support Leo XII, while Arles-Burgundy continues to support Zephyrinus II. Emperor Henry X voices support for Zephyrinus II, causing relations to sour with the Pope in Rome.
- 13 February 1550 - Emperor Henry X calls for a diplomatic end to the Amiens War, after he is personally called to defend both sides: France due to its familial ties to Bohemia, and Lotharingia through his obligations as emperor.
- 20 February 1550 - The fortress of Verdun surrenders to the Kingdom of Arles after a prolonged siege, after an unsuccessful French attempt to take the city weakens the garrison. The French occupy the western bank of the Meuse River.
- 30 March 1550 - Lotharingian forces under Tromp lay siege to the city of Luxembourg. With the city's defending garrison having been reduced greatly by the defection of the Alsace allies, Metz begins peace negotiations with the Lotharingians.
- 1 April 1550 - French forces break through the Lotharingian defenses at the Battle of Isbergues, allowing the French to cross the Aa River region.
- 5 April 1550 - The Battle of Baden ends with the Habsburg heir, Frederick, defeating a numerically superior army from Metz and Alsace, managing to repulse the alliance out of the Duchy. After this victory, a peace would be negotiated between the Palatine and Habsburg, in which minor territorial concessions were made to the Palatine, leading to both nations focusing against the Jungist Alsace League now as allies.
- 20 April 1550 - Unrest breaks out in Prague between Catholics and Taborites. This is exacerbated by a large number of religious dissenters entering Bohemia from Hungary, which the Hungarians do nothing to stop and even support. The Emperor would be forced to raise an army and combat peasant rebels in the east of the nation as a result.
- 2 May 1550 - Frederick of Habsburg leads an army to capture Murbach after a light skirmish. His forces march through several polities along the Rhine River, supporting Catholic resistance against several Jungist city governments.
- 3 May 1550 - The Peace of Luxembourg is created, creating peace between Lotharingia and the Messin Republic and Arles-Burgundy. Luxembourg and Verdun are both vacated by Metz, with the border largely following the Moselle. Arles would gain Lorraine, while also receiving a large sum from Lotharingia. Almost immediately the Metz-Arles alliance would break down now that the threat of Lotharingia had been quelled. With Habsburg actively occupying Messin land, Arles would ally with Habsburg.
- 19 May 1550 - Relations break down between Arles and France, after France refuses to vacate Amiens to the Arlesians. Bohemia would be forced to break its alliance with Arles over France, to the detriment of its relations with other Catholic nations in Germany.
The election of Leopold II of Habsburg as King of Germany would begin an imperial civil war.
- 4 June 1550 - In an effort spearheaded by Duke Leopold of Habsburg and other Catholic princes, as well as Jungist leaders like the Archbishop of Trier, Pope Leo XII calls for the election of an antiking in Germany. The result is the election of Leopold II of Habsburg, with Frederick III of Austria as a close second. Italian and Swiss soldiers enter the Alsace region, while Frederick prepares an army in Austria to invade Bohemia.
- 20 June 1550 - France preempts retaliation from Arles by invading Auvergne with an army of 8,500 men under Maximilien de Béthune, Duke of Sully. An army is raised to invade Burgundy proper.
- 30 June 1550 - The withdraw of soldiers from southern France to field the Burgundian army, as well as increased taxation to fund the war at the expense of local autonomy, sparks the Council of Béarn among Catholics. They rule that Catholics of France will resist the Royal threat, and seek to establish a "state within the state", with an independent military commandment and independent taxes, under the direction of Henry de Foix, an ardent proponent of open conflict with the King.
- 30 June 1550 - Johann, Count of Zeitz dies and is succeeded by his son Dietrich II.
- 5 July 1550 - The Duke of Sully would be diverted to attack the Catholic-leaning city of Aurillac. Henry de Foix would begin raising rebels across Toulouse, while also receiving several thousand soldiers from Spain in support of his rebellion.
- 1 August 1550 - A Lotharingian army defeats the French at the Battle of Merville, leading to a French defeat across the Aa River and away from Calais and Lille.
- 1 September 1550 - Kórikuus the Founder, Storgoðar of Ísagríma is proclaimed the first King of Vinland by the Nýtinget
- 5 November 1550 - Hugh the Fearless of Arles-Burgundy would defeat the French at the Battle of Nevers. The French would be repulsed from Burgundy, however, Hugh was largely unable to capitalize on this victory.
- 20 March 1551 - The Siege of Nègrepelisse by French royalists against a Catholic garrison ends. A massacre of most of the city's population occurs.
- 3 April 1551 - A Habsburg-Papal army defeats the Bernard II of the Count Palatine of Burgundy at the Battle of Belfort, killing in the battle. Habsburg forces would begin an occupation of the county.
- 1 May 1551 - A Lotharingian army is decisively defeated at the Battle of Lens. Having suffered considerable losses in the attempt to retake the region, Lotharingia would begin peace negotiations with France.
- 5 June 1551 - The Amiens War ends formally between Lotharingia and France, with France annexing the territory west of the Meuse River, as well as Artois.
- 1 July 1551 - During a celebration marking the end of the war with France, Godfried II of Lotharingia is accidentally killed during a jousting accident, when a splinter from a broken lance impales him in the eye.
- 19 August 1551 - At the Battle of Wasselonne, Frederick of Habsburg would achieve a decisive victory over the combined forces of Metz, Trier, and the Alsace League. A peace would ensure soon after in which the Duchy of Habsburg effectively gained hegemony over the Alsace League once more, while Metz exited the war.
- 13 September 1551 - The League of Arnsberg is formed as a Hesse-led alliance of mostly Jungist nations in response to the success of the Habsburgs. Although Hesse and the Jungists had been enemies of the Henry X and the Bohemians, the League of Arnsberg would indirectly support Henry as the lesser of two evils when contrasted against the more zealously catholic Leopold.
- 5 November 1551 - The Austrian-Hungarian invasion of Bohemia is halted at the Battle of Iglau, after Henry X forms an alliance with the Taborites of Bohemia to raise additional forces. He is forced to recognize the Moravian Church as the state religion of Bohemia, much to the dismay of the other nobles of the nation.
- 1 December 1551 - A conspiracy of Catholic nobles in Prague instigate a coup in an attempt to depose who they view as an incapable king too lenient to non-Catholics. Instead they would elect Henry X's first cousin, Henry the Pious, who was more adamantly Catholic and related to the Habsburgs and Austrians. In response, the Jungist heir to Brandenburg, Henry the Protector, was supported by Protestants as a third option. The result would be the War of the Three Henrys.
The Three Henrys | |||||||||
- 11 February 1552 - Pope Leo XII dies of natural causes in Rome. The Roman cardinals once again urge Pope Zephrynus II to come to Rome, threatening to elect a new successor, to no success.
- 20 March 1552 - An army of various Protestant nations of Swabia, led by the Count of Breisgau, would be defeated at the Battle of Freiburg by Frederick of Habsburg, effectively granting him full control over Swabia.
- 29 March 1552 - The Roman cardinals elect as Pope Ignatius of Loyola, who was a close associate of Pope Leo XII and fellow Jesuit leader, who they see as the best choice to continue Pope Leo XII's strategy of moderation and reconciliation with the schismatics. He takes the papal name Gregory XIV.
- 12 April 1552 - Pope Gregory XIV states his support for Henry the Pious as Holy Roman Emperor, seeing that as the best way to ensure that Bohemia fell back into Catholic hands. Olivér I of Hungary would respond by invading Aquileia, a close supporter of the Pope and Henry the Pious.
- 1 June 1552 - Aquileia is quickly captured by Hungary after the Battle of Udine. In response the Pope assembles a coalition of Italian states to repulse the Papal States' former ally, known as the League of Venice.
- 20 July 1552 - After initial success in southern Bohemia, Henry the Pious would lead an army of German mercenaries, imperial soldiers, Austrians, and Italians in the Battle of Tábor in an attempt to struggle one of the strongholds of the Hussites. Instead he would be defeated and forced to flee across the border to Passau.
- 4 August 1552 - The young count Engelbert V of Gorizia would begin a guerrilla campaign against the numerically superior Hungarian occupiers of Aquileia, gaining renown as an unexpected commander of the Italian coalition.
- 19 August 1522 - Catholic nobleman Jan Ptáček usurps command of Imperial forces in Bohemia, ordering a purge of several dissenters in the capital. Although not in cooperation with Henry X, who had since fled, Ptáček acted as a de facto head of his military, and began a successful campaign in the surrounding countryside.
- 1 September 1552 - The minor Battle of Freyung would see a Bavarian army oust Henry the Pious from Passau, however, Henry would manage to escape to Austria with a fraction of his original army.
- 19 December 1552 - 5,500 Jungist forces under Henry the Protector, including some 3,000 soldiers from Brandenburg, 1,000 soldiers from Saxony, and 1,500 rebelling peasants, would encounter Ptáček's army of some 13,000 soldiers. In the ensuing Battle of Kladen, Henry the Protector would win an unprecedented victory, suffering some 1,000 casualties, compared to the Catholic's 8,500, including Ptáček himself. The battle would see the lose of numerous Catholic nobles and knights, as well as the capture of dozens more. With this battle having been won, Henry would march on Prague.
- 1 January 1553 - At the Battle of Levada, Englebert V would manage to ambush a numerically superior Austrian army, killing heir apparent Stephen of Austria, and routing the Austrian army. Despite this, the occupation of several major towns in the Republic of Venice by the Hungarians would force Venice to make peace and leave the coalition.
The young Duke Frederick of Habsburg's body is discovered by the Hungarians, the 1556 Battle of Adria having cost the life of the defender of the Papacy.
- 27 March 1553 - While preparing for an Austrian-backed invasion to reclaim Bohemia, claimant to the throne Henry the Pious would be assassinated by one of his guards, in a move that was believed to have been orchestrated by Henry X.
- 5 April 1553 - Hungarian forces begin an invasion of Modena, crossing the border and defeating a Modena-Papal army at the Siege of Mantua.
- 17 April 1553 - Frederick of Habsburg enters the city of Milan with an army from Germany, bolstering the city's defenses. The following day an assassination plot would attack Frederick and the Duke of Modena, failing to kill Frederick but slaying the Duke.
- 21 April 1553 -The newly appointed Duke of Modena, Francesco III, would prove to be a Hungarian puppet, inviting the Hungarians to pass through Modena. When Frederick hears of this, he organizes a separate government in Milan, which elects an independent Duke of Milan under Frederick's guidance.
- 1 June 1553 - At the Battle of Manerbio, the Milanese under Frederick von Habsburg would succeed in repulsing the Hungarians from Milan.
- 19 July 1553 - A rebellion in Modena ousts Duke Francesco III, who flees into the Papal States.
- 5 August 1553 - Henry the Protector is murdered by a radical Catholic monk while in Prague. As a result Henry X proves to have outlived the other claimants to the throne of Bohemia, and marches on Prague with the remnants of his army.
- 30 August 1553 - Weary to end the recent war, Henry X decides to convert from Catholicism, and as a result is allowed entry into Prague without battle. The War of the Three Henrys is thus concluded.
- 1 September 1553 - Republican rebels in Modena look to Frederick of Habsburg for assistance, while the exiled Francesco III joins the Hungarian army near Mantua.
- 18 November 1553 - Florence enters the Italian War against Hungary, leading an army to invade Hungarian-aligned Modena. Despite initial momentum, they would fight the inconclusive Battle of Pavullo, which halts their advance.
- 30 October 1554 - Ermanaric I, the Elector of Hesse-Nassau, dies in Nassau and is succeeded by his son Jephthah I.
- 28 January 1555 - Charles the White, the first Duke of Saxe-Belzig, dies and is succeeded by his daughter Barbara and her husband Wolfgang I, Duke of Saxony. However, an arrangement is put into effect under the supervision of John III, Duke of Brandenburg that Barbara's first child Agnes will have preference over any subsequent children.
- 9 April 1556 - Frederick, Duke of Habsburg dies in battle at Adria, ending the Habsburg-Hungarian phase of the Italian Wars. Frederick is succeeded by his son Leopold III in Habsburg.
- 5 April 1560 - The Leipzig Riot of 1560 occurs which sees the massacre of 300 Jewish inhabitants. This act of violence is partially spurred on by Wenceslaus II, Duke of Saxe-Lobnitz, a noted anti-Semite due to his armed rivalry with his relative Louis of Saxe-Wolfen and his ally Josel von Rosheim, Stadholder of Judenstadt.
- 1 June 1560 - The Eight Years' War begins between Denmark-Norway and Sweden.
- 25 December 1561 - Benedikt Nietzche, the elder statesman of the Rätian Union and its first Ergacratic President, dies of old age while in Kahla.
- 15 January 1563 - Louis of Ziegenhein, Apostolic President of the Rätian Union dies and is succeeded by his son Gabriel I.
- 1 August 1563 - Louis, Duke of Saxe-Wolfen dies and is succeeded by his son Engelbert.
- 23 September 1563 - Henry X, the first Jungist Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, dies while in Prague. He is succeeded as King of Bohemia by his son Jaromir III. A brief imperial crisis occurs over a deadlock between Jungist and Catholic electors, eventually resulting in the election of Charles V almost a year later.
- 9 December 1564 - Charles V is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Speyer, ending nearly a year long interregnum after the death of Henry X and return the imperial throne to Catholicism.
- 3 November 1565 - John III, Duke of Brandenburg dies and is succeeded by his son Elias I.
- 1564 - Caliph Abdukrahman of the Abbasid Caliphate, known as Abdukrahman The Great, dies and is succeeded by al-Abdūkʿrāhman II.
- May 1565 - Brandenburger noble and outspoken patriot Adam von Schöning is assassinated while crossing a bridge near Potsdam. In response Duke Elias has Peter Vok of Rosenberg and Jindřich Matyáš Thurn, two Bohemian nobles who lingered in Brandenburg after John III’s funeral, placed under house arrest. These arrests spark a battle between various Bohemian nobles near Crossen, becoming the climax of the ongoing Brothers' Quarrel.
- 10 July 1565 - Charles IV, King of France dies unexpectedly of disease, leaving the throne to his young son Henry III.
- 3 January 1566 - Otto VIII, Elector of Bavaria dies and is succeeded by his son Frederick II, who is later known as "the Great Elector".
- 13 April 1567 - Kórikuus the Founder, the first King of Vinland, dies and is succeeded by his son Madukr the Raven.
- 1 May 1566 - Gaspard I, the first independent Count of Den Bosch, dies during the unsuccessful Siege of Bokhoven. He is succeeded by his son Lancelot I.
- 10 July 1567 - Wenceslaus II, Duke of Saxe-Lobnitz dies and is succeeded by his son George I.
- 8 August 1567 - Alwin, Duke of Saxe-Lochau dies of an apoplectic seizure and is succeeded by his son Edmund Alwin.
- 19 September 1568 - The Eight Years' War ends.
- 14 March 1569 - Gedeon I, Duke of Thuringia dies and is succeeded by his son Issachar I.
- 3 November 1569 - George I, King of Denmark dies and is succeeded by his son Henry II.
- 21 October 1571 - August Hagel, the German scholar, philosopher, author and estranged member of the House of Jenagotha dies of poor health while in Rome.
- 16 July 1572 - Issachar I, Duke of Thuringia dies and is succeeded by his son Gedeon II.
- 19 February 1577 - Benedikt of the Elbe, the Lord of Emshorn and hero of the Kerpen War, dues while in Hamburg and is succeeded by his son Stefan I.
- 20 Mary 1577 - Wolfgang I, Elector of Saxony and Duke of Saxe-Belzig dies of old age and is succeeded by his son Henry V as Elector, while in Saxe-Belzig he is succeeded by his daughter-in-law Agnes. Three secundogeniture territories are created for younger sons of Wolfgang I: Joseph Alwin is granted Saxe-Wartenburg, Wolfgang Alwin is granted Saxe-Zahna, and Frederick is granted Saxe-Gräfenhainichen.
- 5 September 1579 - Gabriel I, Apostolic President of the Rätian Union dies and is succeeded by his brother Henry II.
- 19 April 1580 - Jephthah I, Elector of Hesse-Nassau, dies and is succeeded by his son, Joktan.
- 7 November 1587 - Agnes, Duchess of Saxe-Belzig, dies of old age while in Paris and is succeeded by her husband, Charles II, as sole ruler.
- 15 July 1588 - Henry II, King of Denmark dies and is succeeded by his brother Olaf V.
- 29 August 1589 - Charles II, Duke of Saxe-Belzig dies of old age while in Belzig and is succeeded by his son Henry I.
- 16 October 1589 - Olaf V, King of Denmark dies and is succeeded by his brother George II.
- 2 February 1590 - Lancelot I, Count of Den Bosch dies and is succeeded by his son Ignacius.
- 10 March 1591 - The Abbasid-Georgian Wars conclude in an overall Abbasid victory. Georgia cedes control over territories in Mesopotamia and the Levant to the Abbasids.
- 7 April 1592 - Elias I, Duke of Brandenburg dies and is succeeded by his son Henry II.
- 1 September 1593 - Edmund Alwin, Duke of Saxe-Lochau dies of poor health and alcoholism, leaving the remains of his territory to his son Nathan, the future infamous serial killer and criminal.
- 3 August 1595 - Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor dies at the age of 68. His death sparks a deadlocked Imperial Election, which eventually becomes known as the Imperial Elections of 1595-96.
- 30 October 1595 - Henry V, Elector of Saxony dies of old age during the ongoing Imperial Electoral Crisis, and his son Engelbert III succeeds him as Elector.
- April 1596 - Catholic representatives of the Hanseatic League resign from the Tagfahrt in protest, later forming the League of Meppen.
- 5 May 1596 - Battle of Rendsburg Bridge; first battle of the Hanseatic Civil War.
- 30 July 1596 - Frederick V is elected as Holy Roman Emperor by the Catholic electorate, but is not recognized as Emperor by the Jungists, beginning an imperial schism.
- 31 July 1596 - The Battle of Frankfurt breaks out between Catholics and Jungists in the city of Frankfurt, effectively beginning the Frankfurt Phase of the Forty Years' War. (See also: Timeline of the Forty Years' War)

The Siege of Hanau, the first major engagement of the war outside Frankfurt, 1596
- 21 August 1596 - Frederick V is formally crowned Holy Roman Emperor in Mainz.
- November 1596 - Christian Rantzau is elected leader of Holstein and Schleswig by Catholic rebels. (Hansa)
- 3 November 1596 - The Siege of Hanau ends in a Catholic victory under Joachim Benz, the first definitive battle of the Forty Years' War.
- 8 November 1596 - Joktan of Hesse is coronated rival Holy Roman Emperor by the Jungist electorate in Wetzlar.
- 3 December 1596 - Dietrich II, first Count of Zeitz-Grima and famous High Marshall of the Holy Roman Empire, dies in Wetzlar. He dies of illness following the Battle of Butzbach, having marched in support of Joktan of Hesse as Holy Roman Emperor. He is succeeded by his son Dietrich III, who is also present in Wetzlar as a commander.
- 31 January 1597 - The Battle of Rottweil ends in a Catholic victory for Lothar Zobel of Rastatt; first engagement of the Swabian Campaign.
- February 1597 - The Battle of Pforzheim ends in a Catholic victory for Leopold III of Habsburg. (Swabia)
- March 1597 - Christian of Holstein lays siege to Kiel; the First Siege of Bremen begins. (Hansa)
- 29 March 1597 - The Battle of the Jade Bay results in a Dutch victory over the Jungist-Hanseatic fleet. (Hansa)
- May 1597 - The Hessian campaign to rendezvous with Belgian forces in the Rhineland is abandoned after the Battel of Burghaun against Prince-Bishop Echter von Mespelbrunn of Würzburg. (Hesse)
- 10 May 1597 - The Siege of Verden ends in a Jungist victory for Duke Augustus of Brunswick-Lüneburg; march on Bremen proceeds. (Hansa)
- 8 June 1597 - The Siege of Kiel ends in a victory for Christian of Holstein. He is crowned in the city four days later. (Hansa)
- July 1597 - Jäcklein Rainier captures the city of Ehingen for the Jungist alliance. (Swabia)
- 19 August 1597 - The Battle of Reutlingen ends in a Jungist victory under Rainier; worst Catholic defeat of the Swabian Campaign
- 20 August 1597 - First Siege of Bremen is repulsed and the city remains in Jungist hands. (Hansa)
- 12 September 1597 - The decisive Battle of Wetzler led by Joktan halts the Catholic advance into Hesse. (Hesse)
- 5 April 1598 - Conrad V surrenders Württemberg to Leopold III and the Catholic League, ending the Swabian Campaign.
- 1 May 1598 - Simon II Burkhart of the Jungist Hansa abdicates and leadership falls to his brother Andreas and a council of Jungist nobles and generals. =
- 17 March 1599 - Battle of Otterndorf off the coast of Jutland ends in a decisive Catholic victory, allowing English reinforcements under Geoffrey Vere to land and capture Glückstadt. (Hansa)
- 8 July 1599 - Poland-Lithuania declares war on the Hanseatic League and invades its eastern territories.
- 1600 - The Anglo-Danish War comes to a close with Denmark under George II renounces his right to the throne of England in favor of Jane I and her husband William III of the House of Luxembourg, laying the foundation for the Anglo-Dutch United Kingdom.
- 5 January 1601 - Leopold III, Duke of Habsburg and leader of the Catholic League, dies due to complications from leprosy. He is succeeded by his son Peter iI.
- 19 January 1601 - Dietrich III, Count of Zeitz-Grima and Jungist military commander dies during the fall of Dortmund to Catholic forces. He is succeeded by his brother Casper.
- 28 February 1601 - Battle of Hatzfeld results in a major defeat for Joktan. (Hesse)
- 7 March 1601 - Joktan, Jungist Holy Roman Emperor, formally abdicates the imperial throne and his electorate.
- 19 December 1601 - Charles of Somerset is crowned Elector of Hesse, despite being disputed by Ermanaric II.
- 11-16 May 1602 - The Battle of Meschede is a decisive Jungist victory against the Anglo-Dutch forces of Charles I of Hesse by Julian of Halberstadt. (Hesse)
- 5 June 1602 - George II of Denmark invades Catholic Holstein, beginning the Danish Intervention.
- 28 June 1602 - The naval Battle of Almsted ends in a Danish victory over a Holsteinert-Dutch Fleet; Sønderborg is captured by August. (Hansa)
- 1 July 1602 - Decisive naval Battle of Fehmarn is a Danish victory and destroys the Catholic fleet of Andreas von Barby, who is killed in action; Kiel is surrounded by sea. (Hansa)
- 8 July 1602 - The Battle of Wanfried is a Jungist victory against Mespelbrunn, but a tactical distraction by Joachim Benz. (Hesse)
- 3 August 1602 - The decisive Battle of Fritzlar is achieved by Joachim Benz, resulting in the collapse of the Jungist army of Julian of Halberstadt and Ermanaric II of Hesse-Kassel. (Hesse)
- 18 September 1602 - Flensburg surrenders to Danish forces after only brief fighting. (Hansa)

Contemporary etching showing the differences in Catholic and Jungist formations at the Battle of Wagenfeld, 1603
- 28 January 1603 - The Siege of Kiel ends in a Jungist victory and the city is captured; Christian I of Holstein is killed. (Hansa)
- 1 February 1603 - Damien Vallier, Imperial Guard and Premier Captain to the Jungists dies, possibly from complications from syphilis.
- 5 March 1603 - George II of Denmark crowns himself Duke of Schleswig-Holstein.
- March 1603 - The Second Siege of Bremen is by Ernst Staphylus lifted and the city remains in Jungist hands. (Hansa)
- 14 May 1603 - The Battle of Heber ends in a decisive Catholic victory led by Staphylus, routing the Jungist-Hanseatic army of Paul Behrens; Lüneburg is captured. (Hansa)
- May 1603 - George II captures Verden and is elected Administrator of Verden.
- June 1603 - The Byzantine invasion of Wallachia begins, sparking the Balkan Theatre.
- 3 June 1603 - The Battle of Hoya results in a Danish victory against Staphylus; George II recaptures central Hanover and invades Meppen territories. (Hansa)
- 4 August 1603 - The Battle of the Neajlov River ends in a victory for Michael the Bold of Wallachia; Byzantines are repulsed and John II of Eastern Hungary is pursued to ally with Michael. (Balkans)
- September 1603 - The Danish under Admiral Aeneas Sehested achieve supremacy off the coast of Lower Saxony against Anglo-Dutch forces after the battles of Sylt and Alte Mellum. (Hansa)
- 9 September 1603 - The decisive Battle of Wagenfeld occurs between George II and Joachim Benz, resulting in a Catholic victory. The battle shatters the Danish army and proves to be one of the most pivotal battles of the war. (Hansa)
- 1 October 1603 - Henry III, King of France dies and is succeeded by his young son Louis XII.
- 24 February 1604 - Joachim Benz achieves victory at the Battle of Schwerin, occupying most of Mecklenburg. (Hansa)
- 3 March 1604 - The Battle of Giurgiu ends in a decisive Wallachian-Hungarian victory under Michael the Bold against the Byzantine Empire; northern Serbia is captured while Bulgaria falls into rebellion. (Balkans)
- 1 April 1604 - The Hanover Republic is declared by a collection of Jungist states in the center of the Hanseatic League, and they subsequently make peace with the Catholic alliance, effectively ending the Hanseatic League.
- 16 October 1604 - Peter II, Duke of Habsburg is assassinated while in Frankfurt, supposedly as part of a plot carried out by Imperial Guards Saumon Meise. Peter is succeeded by his son Leopold IV in Habsburg.
- 2 February 1605 - The Siege of Ritzebüttel ends in a Catholic victory and Sehested leads a successful Danish evacuation by sea to Jutland. (Hansa)
- 19 March 1605 - The naval Battle of Fano Bay ends in a decisive Catholic victory under Dutch admiral Anthony von Schönberg, crippling the Danish fleet. (Hansa)
- 3 April 1605 - Olivér II of Austria declares war on Eastern Hungary and launches an invasion under the command of Demetrio Basta; Bosnia invades Austrian Croatia. (Balkans)
- 16 April 1605 - George I, Duke of Saxe-Lobnitz dies of old age.
- 20 April 1605 - The Treaty of Lübeck is signed, ending the Danish Intervention. George II abdicates the imperial throne, but retains control over Schleswig and parts of Holstein; the Haneastic League is fractured between the League of Mappen, the Hanover Republic, and Mecklenburg under Joachim Benz.
- April 1605 - The Battle of Požarevac ends in a decisive Byzantine victory over Eastern Hungary; Michael the Bold retreats to Wallachia. (Balkans)
- 8 April 1605 - The Saxony noble Henry of Naunhof dies and his title of Lord of Naunhof passes to Christian I.
- 13 July 1605 - Casper, Count of Zeitz-Grima dies in an ill-fated battle defending against Catholic forces near Lucka. He is succeeded by his one year old son Philip II, with several relatives and the Jungist commander Barnabas von Jenagotha serving as regents.
- 1 February 1607 - Engelbert, Duke of Saxe-Wolfen dies of old age and his territory is partitioned. His only legitimate child, Louise, is granted a section of Saxe-Wolfen and the title as Duchess for the remainder of her life, while the remainder of his territory is split between Barnabas I of Saxe-Jessen and Wolfgang Alwin of Saxe-Zahna.
- 14 March 1607 - Henry I, Duke of Saxe-Belzig dies while in exile in Luxembourg, with Saxe-Belzig having been occupied during the ongoing Forty Years' War.
- 17 March 1607 - John II of Eastern Hungary dies and is succeeded by Gáspár Bekes as Voivode of Transylvania.
- 9 June 1607 - Gáspár of Transylvania is deposed by Catholic noble Sigismund Báthory with Austrian and Polish backing.
- 13 May 1608 - Stephen Bocskay usurps the throne of Eastern Hungary after repulsing Sigismund Báthory. He makes peace with the Byzantine Empire forfeiting any Hungarian gains; Transylvania is invaded by Michael the Bold. (Balkans)
- 1 February 1609 - The Treaty of Vienna is signed, recognizing the independence of Hungary under Stephen Bocskay, and ceding some Hungarian border territories to Austria.
- 29 July 1609 - Louise, Duchess of Saxe-Lochau and Wolfen dies by suicide in the city of Kayna after learning of the news of the return of infamous serial killer Nathan of Lochau. Both titles are officially disbanded after her death and Lochau is incorporated into the territory of its neighbors.
- 6 June 1616 - According to legend the infamous serial killer Nathan of Lochau – if he's still alive – dies by this date of suicide.
- 6 June 1618 - Engelbert III, Elector of Saxony dies with no surviving sons. Instead Saxony is divided an additional nine territories as part of the Grand Appanage, with his oldest daughter Sibella and her husband Maximillian Achilles of the House of Hohenzollern acquiring Saxe-Wittenberg.
- 30 June 1618 - Leopold IV, Duke of Habsburg dies as a result of a duel against Imperial Guard Saumon Meise, intended to avenge Leopold's father Peter II. Meise dies the following day of his injuries while in Quelinburg.
- 9 May 1619 - Godfrey Girlande, the famed German King of Switzerland contestant, treasure hunter, and profiteer during the Forty Years War dies.