After the nuclear exchange between the great powers of Earth, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was one of the lucky few to remain relatively unharmed from the nuclear annihilation that most of the world had suffered.
The Soviet Union was intrigued by this, and wanting to increase its influence in the region, began funding communist uprisings in Jordan. Because of the declaration of martial law and the dissolution of Jordanian Parliament, tensions were high in the nation to begin with, ands a high Soviet interest sparked the flame of revolution. Template:Sample NationMassive protests struck the streets, and members of the military defected to the Communists' side. In a few months, King Hussein was ousted and Fahmi Al-Salfiti was put in place as General Secretary.
Invasion of Israel[]
Unlike Jordan, Israel suffered multiple strikes against the Warsaw Pact, leaving the country fragmented and in disarray. Jordanian troops rolled through East Jerusalem, and eventually the rest of Israel with next to no resistance. It only took weeks for what was left of the Israeli Government to capitulate, allowing themselves to be subjected to Communist rule
Annexation of Lebanon[]
The Iranian Islamic Revolution and the rise of Hezbollah caused the PRJ to implement a foreign policy, one stating that Theocratic Islam must be stamped out and contained in Iran. This intensive caused the PRJ to invade and annex Lebanon. The annexation of Lebanon and the destruction of Hezbollah caused massive tension between the UAR and PRJ, with a few skirmishes occurring on the Lebanese border.