Alternative History
Phượng Ya Bai Arena
Location Coast of Hope Island
Built 2014
Architectural style(s) Ultra Modern
Architect Rong Dũng Villeneuve
Height {{{Height}}}
Build for/by 2015 Pan Asian Games
Type of structure Sports Arena

The Phượng Ya Bai Arena, named after the Mayor of Hope Island, is a 24/7 open public space gathering in an exemplary way for leisure, entertainment, and philanthropy.

The building is wrapped by several bicycle ramps. Those provide a direct access to the stadium, and views on the cityscape. People can also come by private boat or public transportation and land on a dock with shops and restaurants at the bottom of the stadium.

The football/soccer field is able to slide into the hull of the stadium. The hull also contains all the technical areas, changing rooms and services related to the function of the stadium. The structure of the building is made of steel, and the floater is built the same way as a ship, reinforced on the sides to stand the oblique forces that are applied by the weight of the structure. It’s anchored in the river by underwater cables. Two arches support the roof and the suspended bicycle paths. The whole structure is balanced thanks to its shape and cables.