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Pharaonic Survival explores a world in which Egypt's pharaonic past endures to the modern day, in an unbroken line from Narmer I to Sihathor IV the present pharaoh, this timeline examines how a continuous line of pharaohs might have adapted to pivotal global events, from the rise of empires to the birth of the modern nation state.
This is a semi-open timeline, anyone can join, and edit the story as long as it does not contradict the canon, the canon being the fertile crescent, everything else is game, keep in mind changes may be reversed if found to have broken canon, suggestions can be made in the talk page
Main Point of divergence[]
Instead of completely falling to the romans Egypt retains it's own monarchy but is still annexed by the romans, the pharaonic government keeping the ancient traditions and by consequence the ancient religion, Egypt maintains a strong national identity, as the centuries go on Egypt gradually gains more autonomy from the romans until in 610 ad when it becomes de-facto independent, during this period the pharaohs are able to successfully defend Egypt from Sassanian invasions, eventually the arabs rise but due to Egypt being in a stronger position it's able to resist them, the arabs still, take over Iran militarily, but the islamization of west africa is much more peaceful, by the 18th century is at the modern kingdom period, Egypt enters a period of expansion and liberty, the rise of the second empire, under the leadership of pharaohs Amenhotep VIII, Amenemhat XI, Senusret XI, Thurmose VIII and Senusret XII Egypt transforms into a modern and powerful state with strong institutions
Other Points of divergence[]
the Roman Empire is never technically abolished, surviving in the Ionian Islands, until merged with greece whose kings assume the imperial crown, after ww1 the byzantine state is recreated, with the greek monarch as it's head of state, but the administration remaining separate, the ionian islands being transferred to Greece after Constantinople is restored to imperial control
The Khazar State remains in existance
A principality in the region of the Azov Sea is created
China retains a constitutional monarchy, that is exiled after the civil war to Taiwan, but then is restored to mainland China, after the fall of the PCC
Iraq is divided after the gulf war
Fall of communism results in a restoration of previous governments
The meddling Pharaoh Ahmose VIII orchestrates several coups around the world, he is essentially the CIA in one person, though not as inclined to cause civil wars.
13 November 2052 Sihathor IV Anounced his intention to elevate his son, Tutankhamun as co-regent in May 7th 2063 upon his 33rd birthday, he is expected to reign as Tutankhamun VII.
Aker - Finger Snail - Fish - Elephant - Stork - Canide - Bull - Scorpion I - Shendju - Iry Hor - Ka - Scorpion II
Hapu I - Seka I - Khayu - Tiu - Thesh - Neheb - Wazner - Mekh - Seka II - Hedju Hor - Ny Hor - Ny Neith - Hat Hor - Herui - Wash
Neferhor I - Neferhor II - Iry Hor I - Horhotep I - Horhotep II - Horhotep III - Iry Hor II - Neferhor III - Neferhor IV - Neferhor V - Usirenakht I - Usirehotep I - Neferusire I - Usirenakht II - Usirenakht III - Usirehotep II - Usirehotep III - Usirenakht IV - Usirenakht V - Usirenakht VI - Usirenakht VII - Neferusire II - Usirenakht VIII - Usirehotep IV - Usirenakht V - Neferusire III - Neferusire IV - Usirehotep V - Meridjehuty I - Neferdjehuty I - Meridjehuty II - Meridjehuty III - Neferdjehuty II - Meridjehuty IV - Meridjehuty V - Djehutyhotep I - Meridjehuty VI - Djehutyhotep II - Djehutyhotep III - Merydjehuty VII - Neferdjehuty III - Minhotep I - Nefermin I - Ankhmin I - Minhotep II - Nefermin II - Minhotep III - Minhotep IV - Minhotep V - Nefermin III - Ankhmin II - Minhotep VI - Neferanuket I - Neferkhnum I - Nefersatet I - Neferkhnum II - Neferkhnum III - Neferanuket II - Nefersatet II
Narmer I - Neithhotep - Teti I - Djer - Djet - Merneith - Den - Adjib - Semerkhet - Qa'a - Sneferka - Hor Ba I
Hotepsekhemwy I - Nebra - Nynetjer - Wadjenes - Hor Ba II - Hor Sa - Weneg - Neferkara I - Neferkasokar I - Neferkasokar II - Senedj I - Nubnefer - Perenmaat - Peribsen I - Khasekhemwy I
Khety I - Khety II - Neferkara VII - Khety III - Senenhapi - Merikara I - Shedtawy - Huni II - Khuiqer - Imhotep - Isu - Khety IV - Khety V - Userkara II
Meryhathor I - Khety VI - Neferkara VIII - Khety VII - Khety VIII - Merikare II - Khety IX
Sobekhotep I - Amenemhat V Sonbef - Sobekhotep II - Amenemhat VI - Qemau - Sehotepibra I - Iufni I - Amenemhat VII - Nebnuni - Sehotepibra II - Sewadjkara I - Nedjemibra - Sobekhotep III - Amenemhat VIII - Hor I - Khabaw - Djedkheperew - Sebkay - Amenemhat IX - Wegaf - Userkara III Khendjer - Imyremeshaw I - Intef IV - Seth I - Sobekhotep IV - Neferhotep I - Sihathor I - Sobekhotep V - Sobekhotep VI - Sobekhotep VII - Wahibra I Ibiau - Ay I - Ini II - Sewadjitu - Neferhotep II - Sewadjkara III Hori - Sobekhotep IX - Ini III - Dedumose I - Amenemhat X - Sankhptahi I - Hor II - Imyremeshaw II - Userkara IV - Awibra II - Merkheperra - Merkara - Sobekhotep X - Mentuhotep V - Dedumose II - Ibi II "The Quiet" - Webenra Hor III - Sewadjkara IV - Sankhptahi II - Nubkaura Webenra III - Senebmiu
Yakbim - Ya'ammu - Qareh - Ammu - Sheshi I - Nehesy - Khakhereura - Nebefaura - Sehebra I - Merdjefara I - Sewadjkara II - Nebdjefara I - Webenra I - Awibra I - Nebdjefara II - Webenra II - Heribra - Nebsenra - Sankhibra I - Merdjefara II - Sekheperenra - Djedkherewra - Sankhibra II - Nefertumibra - Sekhemibra - Kakemura - Neferibra - Ienkara - Khakara - Akara - Semenenra - Djedkara III - Bebnum - Semqen - Hapu II - Anetrira - Nubankhra - Nikara II - Nikara III - Nikara IV - Nikara V - Seneferibra - Menibra - Djedkara IV - Yakareb - Hapi - Aped - Inek - Apepi I - Apepi II - Nuya - Sheneh - Shenshek - Wazad - Khamura - Apepi III - Yaqub Her - Hibe - Webenra IV
Sharek - Semqen - Aperanat - Khyan - Yanassi - Sakir Har - Apepi IV - Khamudi
Woseribra I - Woseribra II - Woseribra III - Sehebra II - Upuatemsaf I - Woseribra IV Senebkay - Upuatemsaf II - Woseribra V - Woseribra VI - Woseribra VII - Sehebra III - Upuatemsaf III - Pantjeny - Snaaib - Sehebra IV - Webenra V - Ini IV - Seth II - Sunu - Hor IV - Nibra - Merkheperenra - Penensetensepet - Khutawykhemet - Seketra - Arenra - Djednianhur - Smenkhkara I - Sihathor II - Herhemutshepsesut - Khuhemutshepsesut
Pepi IV - Djehuti - Sobekhotep VIII - Neferhotep III - Mentuhotepi - Nebiriau I - Nebiriau II - Semenra - Bebiankh - Shedwaset - Dedumose III - Dedumose IV - Montuemsaf - Mentuhotep VI - Senusret IV
Rahotep I - Djehutyaa I - Sobekemsaf I - Sobekemsaf II - Intef V - Intef VI - Intef VII - Ahmose I - Djehutiaa II - Kamose I
Herihor Siamun I - Piankh - Pinedjem I - Masaharta - Djedkhonsuefankh - Menkheperra - Nesbanebdjed II - Pinedjem II - Pasebakhaenniut II
Paihuty I - Shoshenq I - Nimlot I - Shoshenq II - Osorkon II - Shoshenq V - Shoshenq VI - Harsiesi I - Takelot I - Osorkon IV - Shoshenq VIII - Shoshenq X - Pami II - Shoshenq XI - Osorkon VIII
Takelot II - Pedubast II - Iuput II - Shoshenq IX - Osorkon V - Takelot IV - Rudamun I - Shoshenq XII - Ini V
Iuput I - Shoshenq III - Iuwelot - Nesbanebdjed III - Harsiesi II - Pedubast I - Nimlot II - Osorkon VI - Harsiesi IV - Shoshenq IV - Osorkon III - Shoshenq VII - Merenptah II - Takelot III - Pediese I - Peftjauawybast I - Harsiesi III - Ankhefensekhmet I - Nimlot IV - Djehutyemhat I - Pedinemty II - Gemenefkhonsbak - Pedubast III - Pepi V - Peftjauawybast II - Pediese III - Paihuty II - Ankhefensekhmet II - Amenemope II - Amunemnesu II - Nesbanebdjed V - Siamun IV - Nesbanebdjed VI - Nesbanebdjed IV - Siamun III - Pasebakhaenniut III - Pasebakhaenniut IV - Iuput III - Penamun I - Penamun III - Pedinemty I - Penamun II - Djehutyemhat II - Bokennife I - Pediese II - Bokennife II - Ienheru I - Inamunnifnebu - Niumateped - Tjerpahati - Ker - Rudamun II - Ankhhor - Pimay - Pami I - Nimlot III - Osorkon VII
Ptolemy I Soter I - Ptolemy II Philadelphus I - Ptolemy III Epigonos - Ptolemy IV Euergetes I - Ptolemy V Philopator I - Ptolemy VI Epiphanes - Ptolemy VII Philometor I - Ptolemy VIII Eupator - Ptolemy IX Euergetes II - Ptolemy X Neos Philopator - Ptolemy XI Memphites - Ptolemy XII Soter II - Ptolemy XIII Apion - Ptolemy XIV Alexander I - Ptolemy XV Alexander II - Ptolemy XVI Neos Dyonysus - Ptolemy XVII Philadelphus II - Seleucus Kybiosactes - Archelaus Epiphanes - Ptolemy XVIII Theos Philopator - Ptolemy XIX Philopator II - Ptolemy XX Philometor II - Marcus Antonius - Alexander III Helios - Ptolemy XXI Philadelphus III - Eurydice - Berenice I - Arsinoe I - Arsinoe II - Berenice II - Arsinoe III - Cleopatra I Syra - Cleopatra II Soteira I - Cleopatra III Philometor I - Cleopatra IV Soteira II - Cleopatra V Selene I - Berenice III Epiphaneia I - Cleopatra VI Tryphaena - Berenice IV Epiphaneia II - Cleopatra VII Tryphaena II - Cleopatra VIII Philometor II - Arsinoe IV - Cleopatra IX Selene II
Horwennefer - Ankhwennefer - Harsiesi V
Ahmose IV - Nakhthorheb II - Psamtik VII - Nefaarud III - Psamtik VIII - Ahmose V - Kamose II
Pausir II - Harsiesi VI - Thanuro II - Ienheru III - Sobekneferu II
5° Intermediate and Roman Kingdom
Amunirdisu IV - Merenptah III - Intef VIII - Mentuhotep VII - Sobekhotep X - Mentuhotep VIII - Siptah III
Harsiesi VII - Pedubast V - Teti V - Khafra II - Sobekemsaf III - Khety X - Amenemope III - Iufni II - Amunmesses III - Khety XI - Amenemope IV - Amunemnesu III - Khety XII - Setnakht II - Amunemnesu IV - Merikara III - Khety XIII - Neferkara IX - Khety XIV - Merikara IV - Neferkara X - Setnakht III - Neferkara XI - Alexander IV - Amunmesses III - Setnakht IV - Amenemope V - Amunemnesu V - Djehutyemhat III - Amunmesses IV - Amunmesses V - Djehutyemhat IV - Djehutyemhat V - Amunmesses VI
Sausir I - Sausir II - Sausir III - Usirhotep I - Sausir IV - Usirhotep II - Simentu I - Usirhotep III - Shuhotep I - Gebmose I - Shuhotep II - Shuhotep III - Gebmose II - Gebmose III - Shuhotep IV - Gebmose III - Anhurhotep I - Anpumose II - Anhurhotep II - Upuatemsaf IV - Anhurhotep III - Upuathotep I - Anpuemsaf I - Upuathotep II - Upuathotep III - Anpuemsaf II - Anpumose III - Upuathotep IV - Nefaarud IV - Anpumose I - Khnumhotep I - Sobekhotep XI - Khnumhotep II - Sobekhotep XIII - Rahotep II - Ramose I - Menkaura II - Menkaura III - Shepseskaf II - Intef IX - Intef X
Nakhthorheb III - Wahibra III - Anhurhotep IV - Wahibra IV - Ay III - Hakor II - Nakhthorheb IV
Nefaarud V - Nakhtnebef II - Nakhthorheb V - Horemheb II - Seti III - Horemheb III - Ramesses XII - Tutankhensetamun I - Pepi VI - Teti VI
6° Intermediate and Medieval Kingdom
Rahotep III - Ramose II - Khety XV - Sneferu III - Sehotepibra III - Nyuserra II - Sehotepibra IV - Tefnakht III - Bakenranef II - Khety XVI - Pepi VII - Gebmose IV - Khety XVII - Neferkasokar III - Neferkamin III - Qakara III - Ini VI - Tefnakht IV - Psamtik X - Yuya I - Amunherkhepeshef I - Yuya II - Amunherkhepeshef II - Itamun I - Khaemwaset I - Amunherkhepeshef III - Khaemwaset II - Itamun II - Yuya III - Khety XIX - Yuya IV - Khaemwaset III
Upuatemsaf V - Tutankhensetamun II - Upuatemsaf VI - Tutankhensetamun III - Tutankhensetamun IV - Psamtik IX - Ahmose VI - Necho III - Wahibra V - Necho IV - Psamtik XI - Djedefra II - Djedefptah II - Djedefhor II - Sobekhotep XIV - Sobekhotep XV - Dedumose VI - Siatum I - Simentu II - Siatum II - Simentu III - Djehutyemhat VI - Senamun I - Djehutyemhat VII - Djehutyemhat VIII - Senamun II - Senamun III - Nikara VI - Djoser III - Ramesses XIV - Menkaura V - Siptah VI - Siamun VII - Nesbanebdjed VII - Menkaura VI - Menkauhor II - Menkauhor III - Merenhor II - Userkaf II - Djedkara VI - Neferefra II - Neferirkara VII - Shepseskara II - Nebiriau III - Nefaarud VI - Nebiriau IV - Nefaarud VII - Nebiriau V - Khnumhotep I - Sobekmose I - Neferhotep IV - Sobekmose II - Sobekmose III - Khnumhotep II - Djedefra III - Twosret II - Hatshepsut II - Sobekneferu III - Hatshepsut III - Sobekneferu IV - Hatshepsut IV - Sobekneferu V - Twosret III - Twosret IV - Khentkaus VI - Sobekneferu VI - Hatshepsut V - Ay IV - Nakhtmin I - Nakhtmin II - Nakhtmin III - Ay VI - Nemtyemsaf III - Pasebakhaenniut V - Nemtyemsaf IV - Ay V - Nemtyemsaf V - Pasebakhaenniut VI - Nemtyemsaf VI - Pasebakhaenniut VII - Nemtyemsaf VII - Pasebakhaenniut VIII - Nemtyemsaf VIII - Hakor III - Hakor IV - Mentuhotep IX - Dedumose V - Pasherienmut II - Hakor V - Pasherienmut III - Horemheb VIII - Horemheb IV - Seti IV - Horemheb V - Horemheb VI - Horemheb VII - Nakhtmin IV - Merenptah IV - Ahmose VII - Hakor VI - Ramesses XVI - Ramesses XVII - Ramesses XVIII - Ramesses XIX - Pepi VIII - Nebiriau VI - Ramesses XIII - Ramesses XV - Nyuserra IV - Ramesses XX - Ramesses XXI - Ramesses XX - Akhenaten V - Tutankhamun IV - Amenemope VI - Tutankhamun II - Tutankhamun III - Merenptah VI - Sahura II - Merenptah V - Sahura IV - Unas IV - Nyuserra III - Hotepsekhemwy II - Akhenaten II - Neferneferuaten II - Akhenaten III - Akhenaten IV - Amunemnesu VI - Amenemope VII - Amunemnesu VII - Amunemnesu VIII - Amenemope IX - Thanuro III - Amunirdisu V - Thanuro VI - Ienheru IV - Pinedjem VI - Djehutiaa IV - Djehutiaa III - Amunirdisu VI - Kamose V - Pinedjem VIII - Djehutiaa V - Thanuro IV - Amenemope VIII - Thanuro V - Pinedjem VII - Amenemope X - Kamose III - Kamose IV - Ienheru V - Ienheru VI - Pinedjem III - Siptah V - Setnakhte V - Khety XX - Rahotep IV - Anhurhotep V - Rahotep V - Pinedjem IV - Anhurhotep VI - Anhurhotep VII - Pinedjem V - Siamun VI - Neferkara XII - Anhurhotep VIII - Neferkara XIV - Meryhathor II - Khentkaus III - Khentkaus IV - Khentkaus V - Siptah IV - Siamun V - Neferkara XIII - Khety XVIII - Neferirkara III - Neferirkara IV - Djedkara V - Khasekhemwy II - Hotepsekhemwy III - Neferirkara V - Shepseskaf II - Neferirkara VI - Djedkara VII - Khasekhemwy III - Hotepsekhemwy IV - Neferirkara VIII - Shepseskaf III
Sahura V - Narmer II - Nyuserra V - Thutmose V - Khufu III - Khafra III - Senusret V - Senusret VI - Seti V - Siamun VIII - Nesbanebdjed VIII - Pasebakhaenniut IX - Sihathor III - Sobekemsaf IV - Seti VI - Seti VII - Amenhotep V - Amenhotep VI - Amenhotep VII - Thutmose VI - Thutmose VII - Horemheb IX - Sneferu III - Ay VII
Sobekemsaf V - Senedj II - Dedumose IX - Later Dedumose IX - Thutmose VIII - Amenhotep VIII - Shumose I - Thutmose IX - Horemheb X - Khafra IV - Djoser IV-Hor - Unas V - Mentuhotep XI - Neferhotep VII