Alternative History
Alternative History
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Pharaonic Survival Banner

Pharaonic Survival explores a world in which Egypt's pharaonic past endures to the modern day, in an unbroken line from Narmer I to Sihathor IV the present pharaoh, this timeline examines how a continuous line of pharaohs might have adapted to pivotal global events, from the rise of empires to the birth of the modern nation state.

Editorial Guidelines[]

This is a semi-open timeline, anyone can join, and edit the story as long as it does not contradict the canon, the canon being the fertile crescent, everything else is game, keep in mind changes may be reversed if found to have broken canon, suggestions can be made in the talk page

Main Point of divergence[]

Instead of completely falling to the romans Egypt retains it's own monarchy but is still annexed by the romans, the pharaonic government keeping the ancient traditions and by consequence the ancient religion, Egypt maintains a strong national identity, as the centuries go on Egypt gradually gains more autonomy from the romans until in 610 ad when it becomes de-facto independent, during this period the pharaohs are able to successfully defend Egypt from Sassanian invasions, eventually the arabs rise but due to Egypt being in a stronger position it's able to resist them, the arabs still, take over Iran militarily, but the islamization of west africa is much more peaceful, by the 18th century is at the modern kingdom period, Egypt enters a period of expansion and liberty, the rise of the second empire, under the leadership of pharaohs Amenhotep VIII, Amenemhat XI, Senusret XI, Thurmose VIII and Senusret XII Egypt transforms into a modern and powerful state with strong institutions

Other Points of divergence[]

the Roman Empire is never technically abolished, surviving in the Ionian Islands, until merged with greece whose kings assume the imperial crown, after ww1 the byzantine state is recreated, with the greek monarch as it's head of state, but the administration remaining separate, the ionian islands being transferred to Greece after Constantinople is restored to imperial control

The Khazar State remains in existance

A principality in the region of the Azov Sea is created

China retains a constitutional monarchy, that is exiled after the civil war to Taiwan, but then is restored to mainland China, after the fall of the PCC

Iraq is divided after the gulf war

Fall of communism results in a restoration of previous governments

The meddling Pharaoh Ahmose VIII orchestrates several coups around the world, he is essentially the CIA in one person, though not as inclined to cause civil wars.

Egypt remains a stable rich and powerful State


Senusret3 (Creator)



Timeline Updates[]

16/11/2024 - Story of the Articles of Amenemhat XI, Seti VIII, Amenemhat XII, Thutmose VIII and Ahmose IV completed

24/11/2024 Article of Amenemhat XI finalized

World Events in the Timeline[]

13 November 2052 Sihathor IV Anounced his intention to elevate his son, Tutankhamun as co-regent in May 7th 2063 upon his 33rd birthday, he is expected to reign as Tutankhamun VII.

Softwares Used[]

Wolfram Alpha - - Calculate Reign duration

Inkscape - - SVG in General, Coat of Arms, Crowns and Flags in Particular

Heraldicon - - Shield and Flag Creator - Parliamentary Diagram Creator


Monarchs * Prime Ministers * Government Officials * Clergy * Heraldry * Royal Family * Consorts * Royal Naming Convention * Deities * Subnational Rulers * Nobility * Awards and Decorations * Royal Jubilees * Rulers of Cyprus * Parliament

  • Rulers

Austrian * British * Armenian, Azerbaijani, Ciscaucasian, Georgian and Khazarian * Chinese * Czech * Danish * Finnish * French * Hawaiian * Hungarian * Italian * Japanese * Mexican and Cuban * Germany * Israel * Maeotia * Malta * Portugal * Albanian, Bulgarian, Montenegrin, North Macedonian, Romanian and Serbian * Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands * Norwegian * Peruvian * Egyptian * Polish * Popes * Roman * Iranian * Lebanon * Seychelles * Russian * Spanish * Ottoman * Swedish * Mesopotamian, Assyrian and Syrian


Ahmose II * Ahmose III * Ahmose IV * Ahmose VIII * Amenemhat I * Amenemhat II * Amenemhat III * Amenemhat IV * Amenemhat XI * Amenemhat XII * Amenemope I * Amenhotep I * Amenhotep II * Amenhotep III * Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten I * Amenhotep VIII * Amunirdisu III * Amunmesses I * Ay II * Bakara I * Dedumose VIII * Den * Djedefhor I * Djedefptah I * Djedefra I * Djedhor I * Djedkara I * Djoser I * Djoserteti I * Eighth Egyptian Dynasty * Hakor I * Hatshepsut I * Hatshepsut VI * Horemheb I * Horemheb X * Huni I * Intef I * Intef II * Intef III * Khafra I * Khasekhemwy I * Khentkaus II * Khufu I * Menkauhor I * Menkaura I * Mentuhotep II * Mentuhotep III * Mentuhotep IV * Merenptah I * Merenptah VIII * Nakhthorheb I * Narmer I * Nebiriau VII * Nebiriau VIII * Nebka I * Necho I * Necho II * Nefaarud I * Nefaarud II * Neferefra I * Neferhotep I * Neferhotep V * Neferirkara I * Neferkahor I * Neferneferuaten I * Nemtyemsaf I * Nemtyemsaf II * Nesbanebdjed I * Nyuserra I * Osorkon II * Osorkon IV * Osorkon V * Pepi I * Pepi II * Pinedjem I * Psamtik I * Psamtik II * Psamtik III * Psusennes I * Ramesses I * Ramesses II * Ramesses III * Ramesses IV * Ramesses V * Ramesses VI * Ramesses VII * Ramesses VIII * Ramesses IX * Ramesses X * Ramesses XI * Ramesses XXII * Sahura I * Senusret I * Senusret II * Senusret III * Senusret VII * Senusret VIII * Senusret IX * Senusret X * Senusret XI * Senusret XII * Seti I * Seti II * Seti VIII * Setnakht I * Seventh Egyptian Dynasty * Shebitku I * Shepseskaf I * Shepseskara I * Shoshenq II * Siamun II * Sihathor I * Sihathor IV * Siptah I * Siptah II * Smendes VIII * Smenkhkara II * Sneferu I * Sobekhotep V * Sobekhotep XVI * Sobekneferu I * Taharqa I * Tanutamani I * Teti I * Teti II * Teti III * Thutmose I * Thutmose II * Thutmose III * Thutmose IV * Thutmose VIII * Tutankhamun I * Tutankhamun V * Tutankhamun VI * Twosret I * Twosret V * Unas I * Userkaf I * Userkara I * Wahibra II