The Mexican-American War |
The War of Secession |
The Spanish-Americas War |
The Great War |
The Texan-American War |
The World War |
The Cold War |
The Spasm |
Post-Apocalypse Brush Wars |
Following The Spasm, the Post-Apocalypse Brush Wars have been the standard of existence for most of Earth's inhabitants. With the collapse of the world's major super-powers, with the exception of the Scandinavian Union, the system of politics in the world has undergone extensive restructuring. Much of the world continues to squabble over borders with the only exception being the Scandinavian Union.
European Wars[]
For five years following the Spasm, Dalmato-Croatia expanded their control of the Balkans, eventually capturing Serbia and enforcing a union, and thus creating the Danubian Confederation. This later expanded to include Romania and Bulgaria. In late 2004 the Cosovo region of Dalmato-Croatia voted to secede and joined Albania under strict obeservation from the Nations of Earth.
Russia continued to fracture, and under influence from the Scandinavian Union, a certain level of peace was attained. However, the region is prone to fracture, with minor border wars breaking out every year or two, to the point that map-makers refuse to show other than "Russian Republics".
France and Gaulia unified as the Frankish Union (L'Union Franche) in 1998, forming a loose government as the "Sixth Republic." While France and Gaulia retained their individual cultural identities that have developed over the last 50 years, they are unified under a national government that has limited but significant powers. The French Premier Jean-Marie Le Pen has threatened blusteringly to launch invasion to reclaim "French" Corsica from Padania. The Padanian response has been stringent, restricting trade along their western border with Gaulia.
Greece launched a protracted war against Cyrenika, and despite Egyptian interference effectively colonized the area. By 2005 there was significant "saber-rattling" between Egypt and Greece. This has not quieted in subsequent years.
England was embroiled in a minor war with Ireland in 2000 as the Irish invaded the western counties and ridings of England. The war lasted for two years, but was quickly pacified when the Scandinavian Union threatened to push for a trade embargo with the Nations of Earth. Ireland quickly signed a treaty with England at Edinburgh. The English and Scandinavians pushed for a restitution of former borders, however this was not sufficient to coax the desired result, and to present Ireland maintains control of the land seized. England disputed these claims until 2005. With the marriage of King William to the then Scandinavian Crown-Princess Victoria in 2005, England came into personal union with the Scandinavian throne, as Princess Victoria was the heir-apparent. In 2006 her father, Karl-Gustav announced his intention to abdicate in favor of his daughter and son-in-law within 5 years. The abdication happened in 2010. The Scandinavian Union maintains the dispute over the captured western ridings in England, and reminds other nations of the situation in the Nations of Earth Commons not infrequently.
From 1997 to 2003 Germany shattered, with several states choosing union with the Scandinavians and others independence. Of the former German Empire, only Greater Saxony, or Saxony as it is commonly called, remains as the "daughter state."
Talks began in 2006 between Switzerland, Austria and Bayern for the creation of a Deutchesbund to rival the powerful Frankish Union to the west, however Saxony, the Rhineland Palatinate, and Öst Preussen have been cold to the idea, as yet.
Asian Wars[]
Cambodia launched a campaign of expansion immediately following the Spasm, and invaded the southern Malaya Peninsula, Borneo and made an abortive attempt to invade the Philippines, but were rebuffed. Its attentions were then turned to the southern half of Vietnam, which coupled with the opportunistic invasion of Laos, Vietnam was quickly divided. Cambodia renamed itself Cambonesia in 2003.
Near-Eastern Wars[]
An ongoing war between Al-Iraaq and its neighbors Al-Kuwayt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kurdistan has lasted nearly 20 years, as much of the disputed territory within Iraq is occupied by these foreign powers. President Saddam Hussein was deposed by his son Uday in 1990 in a bloody coup with nearly half of the government killed or fled to exile. In 1996 Qusay, Uday's younger brother led the Republican Guard against him, killing him and securing the dictatorship. Qusay has since followed a policy of rapprochement with his neighbors.
African Wars[]
Massive genocides have been a frequent and common occurrence in sub-Saharan Africa. However, one bastion of strength has been the United States of West Africa, the former colonies of the USA that have banded together and have served as a bastion of civilization in an otherwise decaying political structure.
Between the influence of the USWA and the Scandinavian Union, affairs in Africa have not degenerated as far was feared, but there will be many decades rebuilding the war-torn societies of Sub-Saharan Africa.
South American Wars[]
In 1988, six years after the attempted invasion of the Islas Malvinas, the Argentine government re-invaded, capturing the islands who were more than happy to have a connection to a functional government. The Reconquista Malvinosa was a blip on the international radar, and only in the last five years have there been any comments about the affair in the international community.
Venezuela has launched repeated assaults against the Dutch Antilles since The Spasm, but have been rebuffed each time. The most recent attempts in 2012 have resulted in a punitive embargo against the junta in power at Caracas.
North American Wars[]
Following the initial dissolution of the United States of America there were very few armed conflicts. The notable conflicts were the attempted secession of Deseret from California and the attempted creation of a political Theophilic State of Deseret, as well as the secession of the Aztlan Republic and later Texicoma from Texas, leaving the former state of Houston as the name-sake of the former nation. In the late 1990's hostilities flared between the Canadian League and the Chukotsky Republica. The Scandinavian Union intervened in the struggle negotiating an uneasy peace between the two, but with large concessions from Chukotska.
From 1993-1997 the Dixie Confederation fought with the Union Commonwealth for control of the lower Mississippi, however in 1998 negotiators from the newly constituted Nations of Earth were able to negotiate a treaty where the lower Mississippi was viewed as international waters and both nations could use the waterway as a shipping artery.
In 2003 a referendum was held among the inhabitants of central Idaho, and most felt that the attitudes of the Canadian League did not reflect their attitudes or opinions. Spotty armed movements arose, primarily in Boise and Twin-Falls. A full-referendum was completed in 2004 and the majority of the region voted to secede from the Canadian League and join with California. This proved a major blow for the government in Calgary, and nearly precipitated an armed conflict, as the Canadian League feared that the large Hutterite majority of Montana, Alberta and Saskatchewan would secede as well and form their own polity.
The Union Commonwealth began negotiations between California, the Canadian League and the Hutterites, and was quickly joined by the Republic of New France, and ultimately the Scandinavian Union. Negotiations are ongoing at present, but armed conflict seems less of a ready option.
Efforts toward reviving a Confederation of American States is touted by some as being more viable at this time, however there has been little action regarding this in the legislatures of the nations of North America.
Renewed Union[]
In 2007, the Union Commonwealth, Dixie Confederation, and Texas agreed to talks of creating the Alliance of American States. Texicoma, California, The Republic of New France, The Aztlan Republic and Canadian League were all invited to the talks, but these advances were refused by the governments of these nations.
The discussions proved lengthy, lasting from early March until late August of 2007. When the media silence was broken it was revealed that a tentative union was on the table modeled on the Frankish Union of Europe, a highly decentralized union. The Alliance was in principle agreed upon, however further discussions were not again brokered until 2009.
Meeting in St. Louis in January, 2009, the three states signed an agreement declaring the unity of their states in the Alliance of American States, with a proposed capital at St. Louis. Originally the capital was suggested for Chicago. However, the Dixie Confederation and Texas felt it was too firmly entrenched in the bounds of the Union Commonwealth and threatened to stall the talks.
With the concessions of the Capital's location, the Alliance of American States was formed and petitions were made to the Nations of Earth. The first test of to the resilience of the Alliance came when Mexico invaded in 2010
While the invasion was rebuffed, border skirmishes continue, and the Alliance's GDP is largely embroiled in a military buildup along the border. As Texas was not the only region affected, but Texicoma and the Aztlan Republic, a new para-governmental treaty organization was formed. The North American Treaty Organization, or NATO, is still in its infancy, but with shared resources and tactics, they have been thus far successful in repelling the Mexican threat.