Alternative History



Lord Randolph Churchill and his very-pregnant new wife decide to emigrate to the United States. Although this causes a lot of friction in his family, this is something that he felt needed to be done.

He immediately runs for the position of Alderman in New York City. He loses because he is seen as being a carpetbagger and no one knows him that well.


Randolph makes his third, and final, attempt to be an Alderman for the City of New York. With the backing of the mayor he is at last successful.



Randolph narrowly loses the mayoral election to Franklin Edson. He does not run for Mayor again. However, he does notice that his nine-year-old son Winston is beginning to show an interest in politics himself.



After graduating high school, Winston Churchill decides to join the Army, enrolling at West Point.


Churchill graduates from West Point at the top of his class.


Churchill serves under Theodore Roosevelt as Captain of a cavalry unit.


Churchill is decorated with the Medal of Honor for his bravery at San Juan Hill and is promoted to Major.



Major Churchill is sent to the Philippines.


Churchill returns to the United States and is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in the Regular Army by President Roosevelt.


Churchill is named presidential aide-to-camp by Roosevelt.


Churchill resigns from the U.S. Army with the rank of full Colonel and enters politics. He is elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Long Island as a progressive Republican that November.


Congressman Churchill is re-elected.



Churchill is elected Governor of New York over John A. Dix.


Governor Churchill is re-elected by a wide margin with the support of both Republicans and Progressives.


Governor Churchill is re-elected overwhelmingly and is considered the front-runner for the Republican nomination in 1916. Churchill has also began to change his views and is becoming more and more conservative.


Without Churchill being First Lord of the Admiralty, the Allies decide to launch a much stronger offensive along the Somme. By November, the Germans have been pushed back almost to their pre-war borders.


The Germans move troops from White Russia to France to stabilize the situation on that front.

Churchill wins the 1916 Republican nomination and chooses Warren Harding as his running mate. Churchill defeats President Wilson that November. The Republicans also gained control of both houses of Congress.


In January, The Germans launch a general offensive on the Western Front and drive the Allies back. Meanwhile, the Russians drive the Austrians and Germans into Poland and Hungary and also liberate Romania.

President Churchill convenes with Congress to pass the Selective Service Act of 1917.

In August, President Churchill sends American forces into Africa and the Pacific, they soon gain control of Togo and German South-West Africa. American naval forces also launch an aggressive anti U-boat campaign.

In October, the Germans sign with Russia the Treaty of Warsaw which returns both sides to pre-war borders. The Czarist Russians now turn to fight the Communists.

On November 15, President Churchill threatens war with Germany if they do not sign an armistice with the Entente. Germany responds by declaring war on the United States.

In December, American forces invade German East Africa and within 60 days, they have taken control of the southern half of the colony.


The American position at the beginning of the year was very strong. The U.S. Army already numbered almost two million, and the newly created U.S. Army Air Corps was growing fast. The U.S. navy had over 600 ships and was growing fast. By March, several hundred thousand American troops were in France under General John J. Pershing.

In April, the Germans launched the Ludendorff Offensive, which was stopped only after the Pershing's Americans attacked the German flank.

In June, American forces land in Lebanon and drive south to link up with the British under Sir Edmund Allenby.

On July 4, American and Entente forces launched a massive offensive through the Ardennes. By September, the British and French had driven the Germans out of Belgium and the Americans had captured Frankfurt and were driving north to surround the northern German forces.

On September 8, American and British forces meet at Cologne, completely surrounding the Germans. Four days later, the Kaiser abdicated and the next day, September 13, 1918, the Germans signed an armistice with the Entente.

In the mid-term elections, the Republicans gained seats in both houses of Congress, this gave President Churchill the mandate he needed to continue with his policies.

In late November, Entente forces landed in northern Russia and the Ukraine in support of the White Russians in their struggle against the Communists.

In December, President Churchill sailed for Europe and was greeted by massive, joyful crowds when he arrived.


In February, President Churchill and the leaders of the Entente and Central powers signed the Treaty of Zürich, which allotted large territorial grants to the United States. Satisfied with the treaty, President Churchill returned to a hero's welcome in New York City.

In late 1919, with his popularity at an all-time height, President Churchill announced his intention to seek a second term.

During this period, Congress passed two constitutional amendments, the right of women to vote and the prohibition of alcohol. Churchill had at first opposed voting rights for woman, being a firm traditionalist. But largely because of First Lady Alice Roosevelt's support of the amendment, he withdrew his opposition to it. Churchill maintained a neutral position on the issue of prohibition, although privately he opposed it.

The post-war economy began to weaken and President Churchill convened with Congress to pass a massive tax cut, which included replacing Federal Income Tax with a National Sales Tax. A provision for the abolition of the income tax was attached to the 19th Amendment (which granted woman the right to vote).

In December, Entente and White Russian forces now occupy Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Ukraine, White Russia, and the Baltic provinces. A new leader, named Gustaf Mannerheim is emerging; Mannerheim is now commander-in-chief of the northern White Russian forces and has already secured Finland, St. Petersburg, and is driving south to surround the Communists around Moscow.



In the 1920 elections President Churchill is re-elected in a landslide over Ohio Governor James M. Cox.


President Churchill continues his policy of americanizing their newly won territories in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. All except Palestine were going quite well, Palestine was torn between Jews (to whom Churchill had promised a free state) and the Arab Palestinians (to whom the Jews were pigs and America the great Satan). President Churchill responded to Arab terrorist attacks by sending over 45,000 troops to Palestine to put down the violence.

By years end, most of the violence has subsided, largely due to the migration of thousands of Arabs to Transjordan. Churchill signed a secret compact with the Zionists, promising them independence by 1926.


The Communists beyond the Ural mountains establish the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, northern Sinkiang, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). The rest of the old Russian Empire becomes the Federated Commonwealth of Russia under the Constitution of 1923.

With the economy in a upward trend, the Republicans win in the mid-term elections.


President Churchill convinces Congress to lower the National Sales Tax to strengthen the economy.

After much soul searching, President Churchill announces he will NOT seek a third term in December.

President Churchill signs a free trade treaty with Russia to help them deal with their economic woos.

In Russia, Gustaf Mannerheim is elected President of the Russian Commonwealth.


The presidential election of 1924 takes place. Massachusetts Governor Calvin Coolidge defeats former Ambassador John W. Davis and Senator Robert LaFollette.


After years of negotiations and hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants flocking into Palestine, the Republic of Israel is created. Although there is great anger in many Arab nations, their ability to fight back is limited since Britain and France control the lands around Israel.

In Germany, the pro-America (the National Republican Party) and the moderate party (the Social Democratic Party) of Prime Minister von Hindenburg form a coalition government against the anti-America party (the National Socialist Party), led by Adolf Hitler.

In November, President Coolidge is overwhelmingly re-elected against Al Smith.


In April, Saudi, Egyptian and Iraqi forces attack Israel. Early attacks go very well, as Israeli troops are pushed off of the West Bank and out of Jerusalem. However, the tide turns when Arab forces stop around Jerusalem to murder local Jews. This provokes the Jews to a furious level and they not only pushed their enemies back but inflict heavy casualties and almost destroy the Arab air forces. This miraculous victory launches a new wave of Jewish immigration into Palestine, but also causes more anger in the Muslim world. In the late part of the year, many world markets fail. Two notable exceptions were the U.S. and the Russian Commonwealth, these nations continued in good stride compared to nations like Germany, Austria and other European countries.



America experiences a recession not nearly as bad as the one in OTL, but bad enough to cause Democrats to make gains in the congressional elections (almost regaining control of the House of Representatives).


President Coolidge refuses to sign a bill that would raise tariffs. Coolidge believes (along with former president Churchill) that the answer to America's troubles lies in free trade and less government.


Vice President Herbert Hoover takes advantage of the Republican Party's old support of high tariffs and protectionism to win the Republican nomination for President against former President Churchill, who ran as a supporter of free trade and free markets.

That November, due to lack of support from conservatives, Hoover loses the presidency to New York Governor Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


In January, President Coolidge dies in office and Vice President Hoover becomes President. He serves until March 4, when Roosevelt assumes office.

Roosevelt implements the "New Deal", a set of liberal programs designed to help the faltering economy. Although some of the programs pass, Roosevelt still gets criticism from both the left and the right. On the one hand, he has Winston Churchill, who has become the undisputed leader of the Republicans. On the other hand, leftists like Huey Long wanted more from Roosevelt, such as old age pensions and unemployment insurance.

With the death of German President von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler becomes both Chancellor and President. He soon assumes the title of Führer.


In the mid-terms elections, Roosevelt decides to move to the left and call for more social programs. The Republicans, led by Churchill, attacked the liberal policies of Roosevelt and the Democrats, declaring that the rugged individualism that made America great was under attack from the Socialists and Fascists. The election was seen by many as a preview of the 1936 presidential election. The elections turn out to be a victory for conservatism and Churchill, with the Republicans, retake control of the both houses of Congress.


Roosevelt presidency begins to stumble and many Democrats fear that Roosevelt cannot win re-election.


Churchill wins the Republican nomination and chooses Kansas Governor Alf Landon as his running mate.

President Roosevelt narrowly wins renomination.

In November, the Churchill/Landon ticket defeats Roosevelt/Ritchie in a landslide victory.


President Churchill dismantles the New Deal within six mouths of taking office. He also signs a treaty of mutual defense with the Russian Commonwealth.


Adolf Hitler's German Reich annexes all of the Austro-Croat Kingdom, except for southern Bosnia, which is annexed by Serbia.

In response, President Churchill orders the U.S. Atlantic Fleet in the Shetland Islands (Americans purchased these islands in 1922 and it had been a naval base since) to begin war games. The U.S. Navy was much stronger then in OTL, because President Churchill had not scrapped the navy after the First World War.

Churchill also convinces Congress to pass several bills to increase the size and power of the U.S. Military. One of these bills was the Selective Service Act of 1938, which established the first peace time draft in American history.


In January, President Churchill overcomes opposition within some in the military establishment and convinces Congress to create the Department of Defense, which would merge all Army, Navy, Marine Corps and the new Air Force (established in 1934) into a single command structure under the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In February, the Germans secretly established a naval and air base on the Norwegian Atlantic coast in preparation for an attack on the American Atlantic Fleet in the Shetland Islands. In May, Churchill meets with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in Greenland and signed the Atlantic Compact, in which America promised aid to the western Allies in case of war with Germany.

In September, German forces attack Poland and drive towards Warsaw; Russia declares this to be a blatant act of aggression and over 300,000 Russian troops move into eastern Poland to support the Poles. On October 1, Russian and Polish forces relieve Warsaw, in response Hitler declares war on the Federated Commonwealth of Russia, on October 3, 1939. Although America is obliged to declare war on Germany, many Americans still want to keep out of this European conflict (although the isolationist movement was not as strong in OTL, it still retained a strong voice in national politics). Churchill knew that Germany would have to attack first to get America into the war. Churchill ordered the U.S. Navy to blockade Germany. Hitler hoped to remove the threat of America by signing a secret compact with Norway. The compact, signed by Norway under threat of war, agreed to allow the Germans to setup a secret base on the Norwegian coast in order to prepare for an attack on the Americans.

On September 11, the Germans launched a massive attack on the American navy at their Shetland Island base. Churchill had hoped that the Germans would try such a thing and so had much stronger defenses in place. The Germans lost almost half their attacking aircraft and many of their U-Boats in the battle. However, the two U.S. battleships were sunk and many other American ships sustained heavy damage. On September 20, German forces took control of Oslo and the major Norwegian bases, also on September 27, German forces occupied Denmark.

This attack outraged all of America and Congress declared war on Germany on September 12. President Churchill declared that he would remember the day of the attack as 'a day which will live in infamy'. He also declared that America would fight the Germans 'on the beaches, in the fields, in the streets and on the hills. We shall never stop until the forces of evil are totally destroyed.'



At the beginning of the year the Allied position looked quite strong, the Allied forces consisted of the United States, Great Britain and all its Commonwealth nations, France and its colonial empire, and the powerful Russian Commonwealth. The total population of these nations totaled almost a billion and huge industrial capacities made it a fierce enemy against Germany. Germany's strength lie in its mighty Army, Air Force and growing Navy.

In January, British and American forces invaded Norway and drove inland, Russian forces invade Norway through Finland. By April, the Allies had captured most of Norway and had the Germans on the run.

In February, German forces launched a massive offensive into Lithuania and eastern Poland. They drive the Russians east, but not without heavy loses; the Russians make the Germans pay for every foot of ground and soon regain control of the situation.

By June, Allied forces succeed in driving the Germans out of Norway. Shortly afterwards, Churchill, Chamberlain, and French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier meet in Scotland to discuss the next move in the war against Germany. Churchill and Daladier supported invading Germany through Belgium and the Netherlands, but Chamberlain insisted that violating the neutrality of those counties would create international outcry. Churchill finally lost his cool with Chamberlain and bellowed 'For God's sake Chamberlain, get your head out of the clouds, and realize that this is war, not a game of cricket.' Daladier and Churchill finally convinced Chamberlain to agree to a two pronged attack on Germany. The first part of the plan called for the French to attack Germany along their common border. The second part called for British, Commonwealth, and U.S. forces to launch sea-borne attacks on Denmark and north-west Germany.

Before the plan could be executed however, Hitler convinced Italy to join the war along with Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria to join the Axis cause. In August, Axis forces invaded Greece, Serbia and the Ukraine. German and Bulgarian forces soon succeed in overrunning Serbia, while Italian forces attacked Greece and southern France. The Italian drive into France was stopped cold by the French Mountain Corps and other units in the Alps area. The British and French responded by counter-invading Italian Libya from Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. The British and Italians engage in a bitter struggle for control of Italian East Africa (the British will triumph in 1941). In September, American and French forces landed in Greece to support the Greeks, who were hard pressed by the Axis forces. Thanks to a brilliant offensive, led by General George S. Patton, the Allies drive the Axis forces out of Greece and invade Albania and Serbia.

In late 1940, the Japanese, who had been engaged in a war with China since 1937, decided to attack British, French, and Dutch colonies in East Asia and Indochina. But in order to do this, they had to smash the American Pacific Fleet.

In November, President Churchill was re-elected by a wide margin over Democrat Henry Wallace.

On December 7, the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor and inflicted great losses on the American fleet.

In late December, Japanese forces invaded the Allied lands in the Pacific, just as they did in OTL, with the exception that American forces in the Philippines under Douglas MacArthur were able to withstand the Japanese attempts at invasion, thanks to reinforcements that President Churchill had sent in mid-1940. Because of this, the Japanese never invaded New Guinea.


By March, Allied forces had captured Bulgaria, Hungary, and were driving into the Ukraine to link up with the Russians, who were pushing the Germans west.

In June, American forces dealt the Japanese a terrible defeat at Midway Island, sinking four of their carriers and turning the course of the War in the Pacific.

In July, General MacArthur's forces were relieved by the Pacific Fleet under Chester Nimitz. MacArthur and Nimitz then began a campaign of island hopping in the central Pacific and Indonesia, including invading the island of Hainan.

In June, Allied forces under Dwight D. Eisenhower invaded northern Germany and began to drive inland.

By November, the strategic situation was very good for the Allies. The Russians had driven the Germans almost to their old border, while the Americans, French, and British were driving into Germany from the west and the south. Allied forces also landed in southern Italy and invaded from both Venice and the Alps.

However, on December 15, the Germans launched a massive counter-offensive across the Rhine into the Ardennes and drove west, towards Antwerp. For a time, it seemed as though the Germans would drive the Allies into the sea. However, General George Patton led a counter-offensive that pushed the Germans back and the Allies had captured Frankfurt by mid-January, and drove towards Berlin.


By March, the Allies had surrounded Berlin and after Hitler committed suicide, Germany surrendered on April 1.

On May 2, American forces landed in Vietnam and drove west.

In June, Churchill, French PM Daladier, Russian President Carl Mannerheim and UK Prime Minister Clement Attlee meet in Potsdam to arrange the post-war occupation zones. They agreed that Russia would occupy East Prussia, while the US would administer southern Germany and southern Italy and Hungary. France would take Libya, northern Germany and northern Italy, and Britain would take Bulgaria and Ethiopia. The Russians and the French also pledged massive reinforcements to assist US and UK forces in the Pacific.

On July 4, over a million Russian troops, supported by over 2,000 aircraft and 8,000 tanks invaded Manchuria. Within thirty days, the Japanese had been expelled from Manchuria and the Korean peninsula, as well as Peking. On August 5, Russian and Nationalist Chinese forces (there being no Communist movement in China, Chiang and the Nationalists controlled almost the whole country east of Tibet) and began driving the Japanese towards Hong Kong and Shanghai. On November 1, Allied forces landed in Hokkaido Island and drove inland against bitter opposition.

At home, the Democrats made a comeback, winning control of the House, while the Republicans retained the Senate.


By New Year's Day 1943, the Allies had taken control over 85% of Hokkaido, but at a heavy cost. Because of this, President Churchill decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, thus ending World War II. On January 29, General Douglas MacArthur accepted the surrender of Japan in Tokyo harbor, after three and a half years, the war was over.

1944 Despite calls from Republicans to run again, Churchill decided to retire. The Republicans nominated General of the Army Douglas MacArthur and New York Governor Thomas Dewey. That November, the MacArthur/Dewey ticket narrowly defeated the Democrat ticket of Patton/Farley. The Democrats however, regained control of Congress, amongst the freshmen congressmen were John F. Kennedy (a Democrat) and Richard Nixon (a Republican).

Epilogue and Cultural Effects[]

Because of Churchill's influence, many changes occurred in America.

  1. Conservatism was much more popular, while the liberalism of Wilson and Roosevelt was mostly unpopular.
  2. Republicans enjoyed dominance in Washington for two decades after the Churchill presidency.
  3. Without the New Deal, Fair Deal or the Great Society, Americans enjoyed much more freedom and that freedom continues to this day.
  4. Over 50% of Americans consider themselves conservative.
  5. Individuals such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are still prominent in Judeo-Christian circles. However, they focus on evangelism and social ministries, much like the Salvation Army of earlier times did, because most people already agree with them on topics such as abortion, homosexuality, etc.
  6. Bill Maher is still a stand-up comedian, but is not famous.
  7. Howard Stern is an ordinary, run-of-the-mill American living in the Mid-West with his wife and children. He abandoned his dream of radio years earlier, after being fired for being too controversial for many of the listeners. He is an insurance salesman.
  8. The country and western song "Feed Jake" by Pirates of the Mississippi completely omits the line about people being called gay because it would be too offensive.
  9. The Beatles were still well-known, but they stayed in Britain.
  10. Bill Clinton is still elected President in 1992, but is impeached (and even forced to resign) much earlier because of his womanizing.
  11. The Vietnam War never happened, because Kennedy chose a running mate to balance out his liberalism, instead of for the electoral vote.