Albert Arnold Gore Jr served as the 43rd President of the United States from January 20, 2001, until January 20, 2009.

Al Gore defeated George W. Bush by the electoral vote of 291-246. Gore won the battleground state of Florida after a month stand over the voting results during the election.
Gore previously served as the 45th Vice President of the United States under his predecessor 42nd President Bill Clinton. Gore announced his candidacy to become the next President and Gore's decision to run came to mind after he realized Clinton's time was coming to a close and his almost removal from office. Gore decided to pick Joseph Isadore Lieberman a Senator from Connecticut. Gore's decision on picking Lieberman had to with the recent scandals of Bill Clinton. Gore wanted to separate himself from the rest of Clinton's administration and Clinton himself after his scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Gore easily won the democratic nomination for the presidency of the United States. The Republican nomination was won by Texas Governor George W. Bush and his running mate former Secretary of Defense Richard (Dick) Cheney. Gore/Lieberman defeated Bush/Cheney on December 12th, 2000 after a month and 5 days of back and forth arguing on who won the state of Florida after Gore originally won Florida then it was removed and cast to Bush and later on in the evening Florida was put back into the too close to call column. Gore petitioned to have every vote counted in reach county of Florida and he was granted that by the United States Supreme Court who voted 5-4 in favor of Gore, after counting all the votes Gore won by a 2,230 vote margin making him the next President of the United States. He was the first President from Tennesse since Andrew Johnson.
On January 20, 2001, President-Elect Al Gore was sworn in and succeeded former president Bill Clinton. Keeping the Democrats control in the White House for another 4 years. During his Inauguration Speech, Gore said "Americans will experience Leadership for the next 8 years. Americans will see a healthier and cleaner America." Al Gore did not cut taxes on the wealthy that saved trillions of dollars for the wars in Afghanistan and eventually helped the stock market. He opted to keep the United States in the Kyoto Protocol and was able to work with a divided government in the first two years of his Presidency by passing the Oil Independence Act, which was passed with both Democratic and Republican members of Congress. President Gore also appointed Diane Wood to the Supreme Court, who became the nation's third female justice.
Gore was alerted on September 11th, 2001 that there was a terrorist attack against the United States and he put the country on Red Alert and issued a statement from the White House. He decided not to invade Iraq saving a number of American troops. After the Democrats won control of both chambers of Congress in the 2002 midterm elections, Gore took advantage of the Democratic Congress and was successful in passing the American Clean Energy and Security Act and Climate Stewardship Act of 2003.
Gore successfully won the 2004 primaries. Vice President Lieberman decided not to seek reelection for the Vice Presidency. Gore accepted the Vice President's wishes and chose Jeanne Shaheen as his running mate for the 2004 Presidential Election. Gore/Shaheen won reelection over Mitt Romney/Tim Pawlenty ticket defeating them 338-200 and flipping the states of Ohio, Tennessee, and Vermont and Arkansas that previously went republican in 2000. Gore eventually discussed environmental issues and won praise for his strong response in leading the evacuation and recovery of Hurricane Katrina. His environmentalism remained strong in his Presidency when the Democratic Congress passed the Global Warming Reduction Act, reinstated the Wind Fall taxes, and enacted the Green New Deal, all of which were signed into law by President Gore. Following his response to Hurricane Katrina, Gore elevated Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Chief Justice and appointed Sonia Sotomayor as Ginsburg's Associate Justice successor. Ginsburg became the first female Chief Justice and Sotomayor became the first Hispanic justice of the Supreme Court. In December 2007, it was announced Vice President Jeanne Shaheen would not run for the 2008 presidential election. Shaheen said, "I helped the President succeeded and make America safe and successful again, but also I have no Presidential ambitions and wish to run for the United States Senate seat in New Hampshire instead". U.S. Senator from Arizona John McCain won the 2008 U.S. presidential election over John Kerry. McCain picked U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate while Kerry chose Illinois U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Romney won 288-250.
On January 18th, 2009 Al Gore gave his final goodbye to his staff and the press by saying "The past eight years was a successful one and I would like to thank everybody who helped make it successful. He went on to say Goodbye to my fellow cabinet members, Vice President Shaheen and lastly to my fellow Americans I could have not done any of this without you." At noon on January 20th, 2009 Al Gore left America on top and in the hands of the 44th President John McCain. Al Gore left for the presidential helicopter at 2:00 EST and went back to Tennesse where he is a key activist for Climate Change. In 2010 he won the Nobel Prize in the wake of An Inconvenient Truth a film that was created involving man-made climate change. When Gore left office he had an approval rating of 76% the highest of any president. In 2019 a poll from the Washington Post came out putting Al Gore 11th on the ranking of the Presidents of the United States.