Alternative History
Alternative History


During the Third Aquitainian War 1477-83, Scotland-Norway had entered the war on France's side. While England lost Aquitaine to France, they took the Scottish capital of Perth in 1487; king Daibidh V and his three sons had to flee to Norway. And even this kingdom had become smaller, because Sweden had made war with Norway 1479/80, to occupy and annex the Norwegian province of Jämtland.

Prince Alasdair[]

In 1506, king David V of Norway died. His only surviving heir - prince Alasdair - was only three years old. The nobles used the opportunity and set up a nobles' republic similar as Aragon. They planned to kill the prince, but he was smuggled by some loyal Scottish followers out of Norway; they first fled to Denmark, later to the Netherlands and France.

When he became adult in 1521, his sources of money had run dry, so prince Alasdair / Alexander decided to go where you could make a fortune as an adventurer, to Atlantis. Here, he spent some time around the Caribbean. He also approached the Tenochca and learned about their gold riches. In 1522, Alasdair returned to Europe and came to the court of France, where he warned the king that the Quadruple Monarchy was about to conquer the rich lands of the Tenochca. He pointed out: "If the king owns their gold, he can afford to hire all the mercenaries in the world! You have to stop him now!"

During the war[]

King Charles VIII understood the danger and started the Great Occidental War. Prince Alasdair became his advisor for the Atlantean affairs, and would go there to fight the war.

After he defeated the Castillians and their native allies at the battle of Cempoala 1528, the war in Europe intensified. The Quadruple king hoped for a reconquest of Aquitaine. France felt threatened and needed a diversion. So Prince Alasdair was called to return from Atlantis and landed in Scotland, where he soon gained followers, and started a guerrilla war against the English. In 1530, he defeated the English in the battle of Stirling, reconquered the Lowlands. 1531, he extended the war to Ireland; Dublin fell to him in 1533. Now the war waged back and forth without a decision.

In 1543, after Morocco was secured, the insulted king Edward V wanted to get rid of Prince Alasdair, so he moved his troops not to Aquitaine, but Scotland. The Castillian and Portuguese troops weren't accustomed to the land and the climate, which weakened them. After several indecisive battles, Prince Alasdair decided in 1546 to let the troops of the enemy march deep into the Highlands, making them believe they were chasing the Scots. As the chronicles write, certainly no other Scot leader would have been able to demand that of his people - which proved Alasdair's charisma. He didn't disappoint the Scots: At October 10th, they destroyed their enemy in the battle of Callander.

1547, in the Peace of Barcelona, the Quadruple Monarchy had to accept the independence of Scotland-Ireland under Alasdair / Alexander IV in Europe.

Reign as king[]

See Alasdair IV.

Prince Alasdair was one of the most famous monarchs in history. Many books were written about his life, and he became more than once the topic of a historical movie (most famous: "Alexander", from Germany, 1936, starring Sebald Maartens in the title role).