Alternative History

Qera, officially the Princedom of Qera (Buâvaqera in Qeran). The country is situated between various rivers

Qeran Princedom
Timeline: Origo Mundi (Map Game)
Qera flag
CapitalOgaholle (-60 - 400)

Imbalama (400 -?)

Largest city Ogaholle
Other cities Imbalama, Rollverotl, Feohteccue
Official languages Âtluâm (Qeran)
Regional languages Exhulan, Ualjakuâm, Olleuâm
Ethnic groups  Qeran, Ualjak, Ollehâtl, Kalom
Religion Rhatixemy
Demonym Qeran



The Qeran language (qeran: Âtluâm) is an agglutinative lanuage that evolved originally around the area of the county of Tortla between the areas of the Hbeccuot and Ogver rivers in the north of the country. With the conquest of surrounding tribes and smaller nations, the former tribal languages and dialects mostly vanished by the year of 200. The first writing system was developed in the 160s, was written from right to left and designed to be written with an inkbrush. The letters were organized as an classical alphabet (vowels and consonants have a respective symbol of themselves). It is a unique feature of the writing system, that there is no spacing between words, the only exceptions are when the sentence ends, personal or place names occur or nesting sentenceing is made. The grammar of the language is usually in a VSO (Verb-Subject-Objekt) wordorder and has 3 cases, the instrumental case, the nominative case and the accusative case.

The language is a distant relative of the Sillan and Makuku languages to the east.



Qeran philosophy

The 9 principles, the core of Qeran philosophy