Welcome to Quietly into the Night. This is a map game which deals with the outbreak of a new, widely unknown virus that re-purposes the living following their fall to the virus. Taking place in 1872 the game will allow for a vastly different world in which such a deadly plague can remodel and possibly even re-establish the global order in a different way.
This game is about survival above all else. Alliances, treaties and even your longtime friends no longer apply here. This game will require ingenuity to deal with all kinds of threats whether they be starving desperate people or infected people overrunning your last bastions of defense.
The Game will start in 1872 just a few years prior to the launch of the new imperialism in Africa. The Infection will not be present during the opening turns of the game but will be gradually introduced so people may fight as they so wish (but necessarily have success).
Please stay up to date on the rules of the game, lack of understanding or failure to follow the rules can and will result in a ban.
Rules (Quietly into the night Map Game)
The Moderators will be posting turns and writing mod events for the game. Please apply on the Talk page
Head Moderator:
Head mod will have final say in matters unless decision is overturned by the majority of mods General Moderators:
- Crim de la Crème
- Saturn120 (Talk/Blog) 02:44, January 14, 2015 (UTC)
General mods will do the usual jobs as moderators do, map making, turns, events, etc.
Wall of Shame[]

Hail Sean! (Tech can into talkpage?)
13:59, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
Netherlands: Saturn120 (Talk/Blog) 22:25, January 8, 2015 (UTC)
Belgium: BlazeRush7 (talk 2 me)
Kingdom of Spain: Toby2
Kingdom of Portugal Great showing. B23 (talk) 11:58, January 13, 2015 (UTC)
German Empire: Crim de la Crème 13:25, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
Austro-Hungarian Empire: -Nova 19:51, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
Switzerland: QuebecanCanada (talk) 14:29, January 10, 2015 (UTC)
Kingdom of Italy: Mr YOLO (talk) 19:19, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
Russian Empire: The Wings of Freedom #FP
(Talk to Me)
Denmark: Scarlet Outlaw
North America[]
United States of America This is Edge, He is a cool guy when he isn't too lazy to sign his real sig. Hit him up. 00:12, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
Confederation of Canada:
Upvoteanthology (Talk | Sandbox)
South America[]
File:Flag of Peru.png Peru:
Morocco: Eric von Schweetz T C IM]
French Algeria:
(Please look into nations and do research on them and speak to mods to play as nations in this area).
British West Africa:
French Equatorial Africa:
(Please do research and approach appropriate mod to play as a native state in this area).
Portuguese Angola:
British South Africa:
Orange Free State:
Portuguese Mozambique:
Ethiopia: --Aussteigen (talk) 04:56, January 14, 2015 (UTC)
Ottoman Empire: ..... Because I'm Just ... Too ... SSSWWWEEEEEETTT!!!
Nepal: SkyGreen24(P,Q) 23:50, January 8, 2015 (UTC)
Japanese Empire: With Blood and Iron (talk) 00:22, January 9, 2015 (UTC)
British Australia:
British New Zealand:
Dutch Indonesia:
Sarawak:Shikata ga nai! 23:09, January 8, 2015 (UTC)
Yellowstone is established as the world's first national park.
An Earthquake occurs in California causing moderate damage.
The third Carlist war occurs in northern Spain with some rebel forces occupying some minor or moderate northern interior towns.
An unknown infection begins to make itself known in India with terrifying reports to the British Government of highly aggressive people with blood red eyes attacking, biting, even killing people.
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The military in general is a large force of nearly 1.3 million being the largest in Europe at the time. However, with various problems such as lack of arms for all the troops, the government begins an acquisition program to accrue arms for all its troops over a 20-year period. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. However, he tries to incentivize it along the Volga River allocating part of the budget to expanding Industry along the Volga River. To the various nobles the Industrialization remains unpopular. Thought of a Trans-Siberian railway do in fact begin to gain traction as a speedy way to try to connect Russia's far reaches with the central populations. The Russian monolithic power remains a mystery to most of Europe. However, Alexander, in order to finish off the khaganates of Central Europe, begins drawing up plans to conquest the three Central Asian states.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname, and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having he Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana, and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. The government begins to reconstruct following the earthquake in California.
- Ottoman Empire: With the Crimean War now 20 years in the past the Ottoman Empire begins to look into the modernization of its current army, standing in a total of 700,000 men currently active in the military to defend the Ottoman lands. The Ottomans seek to trade various armaments, be it rifles or artillery to keep the military in league with the advancing European nations. Current Sultan, Abdülaziz I looks to the past at the reforms made during the Tanzimat period, where great reforms help modernize the the nation for the time, and begins serious consideration on beginning to industrialize the Ottoman Empire, even if a little to keep in league with the Europeans. With industrialization a thought amongst the top brass of the Ottoman leadership, the leadership also begins on improving relations and keeping a hold of the vassals in the Balkan region. The Ottoman Empire would also like to extend a hand to the France in the interest of an alliance between the two nations, in seeing how their African holdings border one another, and potential of prosperous trades between both nations would benefit both. We also send trade proposals to the nations of the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States. The Ottoman Empire declares war on the nation of Yemen to cement its hold in the Arabian Peninsula and out of worry of European expansion in the region (Algo is up)
- Sweden-Norway: Oscar II becomes king this year. The economy is fairly good and our security in foreign affairs is also good. We continue the modernization. We offer a monetary union to Denmark. The standing army is set at 85.000, but every man from ages 18-55 must serve a mandatory two year term in the military, and must be prepared to be called up at any moment. A Norwegian expedition decides to officially settle on Svalbard, creating the settlement of Midnattsol, literally meaning 'midnight sun', named after the phenomenon that happens during the summer. Whaling continues. We offer trade agreements to the UK, Denmark and Russia. The administrative structure of the kingdom is changed by Oscar II, who decides to give it three structures. The United Kingdom, the highest authority, controlled by the king. The nations of Sweden and Norway, controlled by either the Prime Minister (Norway) or the prince (Sweden). And the Läns of Sweden and the Amter of Norway, controlled by their governors. Meanwhile, Norway celebrates the 1000th anniversary of their unification. Oscar II starts his reign off well, as Sweden-Norway continues to be stable during his first year. Prince Gustaf V is appointed to Sweden
- Denmark: Christian IX continues to be a popular king within the country. We build up our military and economy. The Danish Meteorological Institute is founded. The 1872 Folketing election is held, resulting in a victory for the United Left. Svendborg Gymnasium, one of the largest upper secondary schools in Denmark, is founded as Svendborg Realskole. Brumleby, an enclave of terraced houses and one of the earliest examples of social housing, is completed in Copenhagen. The Book on Adler, a book on pastor Adolph Peter Adler by philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, is published posthumously. Fritz Hansen, a furniture design company, is founded. The central battery ironclad Odin is launched from the Naval Dockyard in Copenhagen. We accept the monetary union with Sweden-Norway.
We ask for an alliance with Sweden-Norway, France, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Belgium.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Nobody can do that many alliances much less attempt to ally multiple great powers like that in one fell swoop.
- Switzerland: This year Switzerland becomes more protectionist, discouraging immigration continues. Military is improved with the Swiss Army standing at TBD soldiers.
- Kingdom of Nepal (नेपाल अधिराज्य): The alleged modernization of the Nepalese kingdom carries on during the rule of Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister. The Rana dynasty, therefore, continues to uphold its relations with the British Empire. Although rumours about the infection echo silently in India, they do not reach the Prime Minister. The nation decides to put emphasis on the development of the Terai region, and a minor focus being given to the Hill region. Nepali carpets and other similar products are being produced at a larger rate than before. The nation asks for British aid in exporting its products.
The virus continues to spread throughout India - particularly along the Ganges River with thousands being thought of as infected. The British government dismisses these reports as ridiculous for the time being.
Bulgarian rebels in secret travel to Russia to gain support for freeing the Bulgarian peoples from Ottoman control.
The United States shows notable industrial growth as their products become more prominent in Latin American markets replacing British markets.
Rising tensions in the Kongo between explorations parties from Belgium and France begins to show an outright disregard for solid and determined policy in Africa making many diplomats, particularly from Germany, to consider holding a conference to prevent a conflict of interest between various powers in Africa.
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The military in general is a large force of nearly 1.3 million being the largest in Europe at the time. However, with various problems such as lack of arms for all the troops, the government begins an acquisition program to accrue arms for all its troops over a 20-year period. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. However, he tries to incentivize it along the Volga River allocating part of the budget to expanding Industry along the Volga River. To the various nobles the Industrialization remains unpopular. Thought of a Trans-Siberian railway do in fact begin to gain traction as a speedy way to try to connect Russia's far reaches with the central populations. The Russian monolithic power remains a mystery to most of Europe. However, Alexander, in order to finish off the khaganates of Central Europe, begins drawing up plans to conquest the three Central Asian states. The Tsar begins to push for the landed and rich aristocracy to invest into the Railways and industry within the empire. The Tsar himself invests a huge portion of his own fortune into various industries and railway investments in the empire becoming the largest single investor in the Empire only surpassed by foreign corporate investors.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations.
- Ottoman Empire: With the recent success with the invasion of Yemen, the Ottomans continue to push into reclaim the nation that was once held under their banner. The Ottomans also try to improve their older economic system to modernize to help compete and keep up with the European powers and growing North American economies. Along with economic improvements, the Ottoman Empire begins planning to rebuild, improve and construct better roadways within the nation to help the flow of traffic and goods. The Ottomans also draw up plans to build three major railroads that will travel across the Empire: Istanbul-Jerusalem, Istanbul-Baghdad, Jerusalem-Baghdad.
- Denmark: The military adds more troops to train. The navy builds more battleships. Tuborg Brewery is founded by Carl Frederik Tietgen. Magazine publisher Aller Media is founded. The Danish Mathematical Society is founded at the University of Copenhagen. Punch, an illustrated conservative satirical magazine modeled on the English Punch, is founded. Carl Otto Reventlow, philologist, developed a mnemonic system.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Switzerland: Many of the parties in the Parliament become anti-Immigrant and Protectionist, although strangely Pro-European immigrant, even the Democratic Party (Social-Political Group). Economy is improving with Mountain Mining, and the Swiss Alps become popular tourist sites.
- Sweden-Norway: Oscar II continues his reign. His niece Princess Louise(the princess of Denmark) gives birth to another child this year, Prince Carl of Denmark. Oscar II congratulates here. Oscar II announces the continuing of Swedish neutrality. As the population grows, a few people decide to try their luck and move to Midnattsol, Svalbard.
- Italy: The economy flourishes after the Risorgimento, mainly trade, because Italy´s natural resources can now be more efficiently extracted. With this extra money new recruits are trained and more cannon pieces are made. Two new battleships are also beginning to be built.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's, begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. The government begins to reconstruct following the earthquake in California.
- German Empire: The military of the mighty German Empire is expanded this year as new guns are manufactured for German soldiers. Kaiser Wilhelm I is presiding over Germany with Chancellor Otto von Bismarck remaining in power. Cleanup after the Franco-Prussian War continues as the boys are sent back home and guns are put back on their racks. Germany celebrates its second year of unification. It works to gain higher relationships with Austria-Hungary. Trade routes through Germany are redrawn for efficiency and to funnel trade away from France. Germany considers taking advantage of the growing animosity between the Kongo and the French. As of 31 December of this year, a decision has not been formulated. Ports on the Baltic are constructed. Germany considers improving relations with the Netherlands. Defensive perimeters are built along the Franco-German border in case of a French incursion. Perimeters along Schleswig-Holstein are also created in case the Danes attempt to attack the great and powerful German Empire.
- Russian Dip: Tsar Alexander II hopes to gain the Kaiser's audience to speak about lessening and preventing major border tension between the Russian and German Empires. He invites the Kaiser to St Petersburg in order to facilitate discussion over this.
- German Dip: Kaiser Wilhelm I is willing to listen to the Russian wishes for peace. He believes that Russian/German co-operation could assist both nations. He travels to St Petersburg in August to discuss matters with the Russian Tsar and returns to Berlin in September.
- Sarawak: Remains happily isolated from mainstream international affairs. The so-called White Rajah continues to consolidate his rule by marrying a prominent Dayak chieftain's daughter. More of the tribe sod the interior is brought over onto his side. Dayaks are promoted over Malays, who are encouraged to leave. The previously marginalized Dayaks are thereby loyal to the Kingdom, and more troops are recruited from their ranks. Weapons imports rise, while plans are drawn up to attack the weak state of Brunei in order to expand.
The infection now known as the "Sprinting Death" to various British soldiers within India continues to expand. It sees its first landfall in Indochina with a group of violent infected moving towards Burma and Malaya.
Discontent is felt in Belgium as some thoughts about the Kongo are continually rejected by the French. The Kongo Basin is, however, explored by Belgian explorers who manage to stake sever legitimate claims to the territory.
Further dialogue on a treaty to work on African colonial claims continues with envoys being sent out to various countries to discuss the situation in Berlin
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The military in general is a large force of nearly 1.3 million being the largest in Europe at the time. However, with various problems such as lack of arms for all the troops, the government begins an acquisition program to accrue arms for all its troops over a 20-year period. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. This begins to take some hold as a report of thousands are catalogued heading over the Urals into Siberia to organize and claim territory. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. However, he tries to incentivise it along the Volga River allocating part of the budget to expanding Industry along the Volga River. To the various nobles the Industrialization remains unpopular. Thought of a Trans-Siberian railway do in fact begin to gain traction as a speedy way to try to connect Russia's far reaches with the central populations. The Russian monolithic power remains a mystery to most of Europe. However, Alexander, in order to finish off the khaganates of Central Europe, begins drawing up plans to conquest the three Central Asian states. The Tsar begins to push for the landed and rich aristocracy to invest into the Railways and industry within the empire. The Tsar himself invests a huge portion of his own fortune into various industries and railway investments in the empire becoming the largest single investor in the Empire only surpassed by foreign corporate investors.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands.
- Kingdom of Nepal (नेपाल अधिराज्य): The alleged modernization of the Nepalese kingdom carries on during the rule of Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister. The Rana dynasty, therefore, continues to uphold its relations with the British Empire. The nation decides to put emphasis on the development of the Terai region, and a minor focus being given to the Hill region. Nepali carpets and other similar products are being produced at a larger rate than before. The nation asks for British aid in exporting its products. With the Sprinting Death spreading, the Terai region is watched over, in order to prevent it from spreading into Nepal. Although pro-British, Jung Bahadur Rana is now forced to reconsider how much co-operation should exist while the disease is spreading
- Switzerland: Switzerland remains strongly isolated from world politics.
- Morocco: Morocco begins to improve its economy and build up its military. Some farms and cities are upgraded and roads are improved. The southern border of Morocco has become an empty and non-settled land. To expend southwards, the Moroccan king meets in capital city and 10% of Moroccan population becomes settlers and developed Moroccan explorers to explore the southern areas.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's, begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. With increased trade in Latin America, the US sees the need to further develop its military should our newfound dominance be threatened..
- Sarawak Increasingly reliant on the Dayak chieftains for power, James Brooke, the "White Rajah", forms an "advisory" council of forty of the most powerful to ensure their future loyalty. Increasingly, however, power slips out of his hands. The council plans to replace him with his half-Dayak and more compliant son. Meanwhile, the military modernizes, rearming with modern weapons, while the economy is improved. Coffee and tea are planted as cash crops, spreading widely throughout the nation. The government plans to open a rudimentary coal mine next year. The government places restrictions on logging to ensure a long-term supply of logs, while also encouraging agroforestry. The government hears news of the infection, but, since Sarawak gets an average of twenty ships a year, thinks there is little likelihood of it spreading. The nation expands inland as much as possible. An alliance and border commission is requested with the Netherlands.
- Denmark: The military adds more troops to train. The navy builds more battleships. Esbjerg Harbour is inaugurated. The Old Stage, the original of the Royal Danish Theatre, is inaugurated. The first issue of fashion journal Nordisk Mønster-Tidende, present-day women's magazine Femina, is published. Louis Poulsen, a lighting manufacturing company, is founded. The 25 øre coin is introduced on the decimalisation of the krone.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
British Troops in a stunning turn are driven to fight heavily at the mouth of the Ganges as the "Sprinting Death" makes its way through the local populations. The first minor outbreaks also begin to occur in Indochina and Persia.
The Belgian explorers manage to continue their exploration setting up a fort at the Mouth of the Congo River effectively claiming the whole Basin. Expeditions to map and figure more out about it are scheduled to occur.
French forces build up in Equatorial Guinea in an attempt to scare the Belgians down. However, a timely buildup of British forces in their African colonies diverts their attention.
Unrest occurs in Bulgaria as well organized but small numbers of rebels attack or disrupt communication and organization of Ottoman Bulgaria.
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The military in general is a large force of nearly 1.3 million being the largest in Europe at the time. However, with various problems such as lack of arms for all the troops, the government begins an acquisition program to accrue arms for all its troops over a 20-year period. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. However, he tries to incentivize it along the Volga River allocating part of the budget to expanding Industry along the Volga River. To the various nobles the Industrialization remains unpopular. Thought of a Trans-Siberian railway do in fact begin to gain traction as a speedy way to try to connect Russia's far reaches with the central populations. The Russian monolithic power remains a mystery to most of Europe. However, Alexander, in order to finish off the khaganates of Central Europe, begins drawing up plans to conquest the three Central Asian states. The Tsar begins to push for the landed and rich aristocracy to invest into the Railways and industry within the empire. The Tsar himself invests a huge portion of his own fortune into various industries and railway investments in the empire becoming the largest single investor in the Empire only surpassed by foreign corporate investors.
- Ottoman Empire: The Ottomans continue to modernize their army and economy for the coming times to compete with the rest of the world, but to also prepare for the trouble brewing very close to home. Along with the modernization the Tri-Railroad system is complete and plans for more railroads are put in place as well as the continuation of the improvement, building, and reconstruction of roadways within the Empire. With the problems in Yemen settling down, we garner a large force within the Iraq region and near the border of Persia as the rumors of the "Sprinting Death" come closer and closer to the home country. Makeshift defenses are currently put up near the Persian border when the time comes to defend the country.
- Italy: The government subsidies new industries, especially small-arm factories to help with industrialization. Because of this, many new jobs are created and unemployment hits an all-time low. With the extra expenses, the government does not expand the army but new ships are continued to be built. A border incident with Austria causes a cry to better fortify the border with Austria but at the time nothing is done. However, plans are drawn.
- Sweden-Norway: We continue the modernization of the country. We ask for trade agreements with UK, Netherlands and Denmark. Midnattsol continues to gain population.
- Danish Dip: We agree to a trade agreement with you.
- Netherlands: Accepted.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands.
- Switzerland: Isolationism continues.
- Portugal: We continue to modernize economy and military, with modernizing railroads for the first time. The Portuguese Railways conducted a plan for more railroads. In fact to build some tunnels. Some few ships are built in the navy.
- Kingdom of Nepal (नेपाल अधिराज्य): The alleged modernization of the Nepalese kingdom carries on during the rule of Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister. The Rana dynasty, therefore, continues to uphold its relations with the British Empire. The nation decides to put emphasis on the development of the Terai region, and a minor focus being given to the Hill region. Nepali carpets and other similar products are being produced at a larger rate than before. The nation asks for British aid in exporting its products. With the Sprinting Death spreading, the Terai region is watched over, in order to prevent it from spreading into Nepal. Although pro-British, Jung Bahadur Rana is now forced to reconsider how much co-operation should exist while the disease is spreading
- Brazil: We begin to look to secure our borders with other nations. The Amazon is used as natural defenses, and rivers are used to define specific defensive sectors. We begin to industrialize in the cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. The arms industry begins to look into cased ammunition, reducing reloading time and making the infantry more effective. They are planned to be used in lever action rifles. Due to increased tension with Argentina, the Navy purchases a gunboat and corvette. The navy begins maneuvers. We begin to build up our army and navy. The military draws up plans to invade the rest of Paraguay.
We offer Portugal a military alliance.
Portuguese Dip: We accept the military alliance.- Portugal and Brazil would have no reason to ally right now. they were not exactly too happy with each other and in general Portugal has zero stake in the Americas anymore and would be more worried about holding onto Angola and Mozambique. Brazil would be more focused on regional influence. -Feud
- Denmark: The military adds more troops to train. The navy builds more battleships. The first bridge across Nyhavn opens in Copenhagen. The krone is introduced as the official currency. Aarhus Botanical Gardens is founded. Tegne- og Kunstindustriskolen, present-day Danmarks Designskole (Danish Design School), is founded.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's, begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. With increased trade in Latin America, the US sees the need to further develop its military should our newfound dominance be threatened. With the strange new disease spreading in India, the US sees the need to closely monitor trade ships.
Tensions in the Kongo almost reach a bowling point, when a minor skirmish breaks out between the Belgians and French over the disputed claims in the area.
The "Sprinting Death" Continues to worsen in India, with troops in the area starting to become infected. The outbreaks in Indochina and Persia worsen, while a few cases are reported in northern Siam.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands. The Netherlands, seeing its two neighboring countries fighting over claims in the Kongo, would wish to establish a conference to discuss claims in the Kongo and surrounding areas. The nations of Germany, Great Britain and Italy are offered to visit as well; trying to set up a conference establishing African claims for the long term. (Mod Response).
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The military in general is a large force of nearly 1.3 million being the largest in Europe at the time. However, with various problems such as lack of arms for all the troops, the government begins an acquisition program to accrue arms for all its troops over a 20-year period. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. With the incentives of Alexander II and his own personal fortune being spent on railways and industry he sees some of his first returns as a Small arms Factory and multiple industrial lumber mills open up, bankrolled by the Tsar. Railways, however, remain under construction but begin to speed up as some of the more reformist and temperate nobility invest alongside the Tsar now giving him a much needed support base as well as a newly expanding railway system. The First of these major railways including Branches out into the countryside is between St Petersburg and Moscow, and then Moscow to Volgograd with a few stops at cities in between. Russia offers to hold the conference to speak about Africa in St Petersburg. The Russian navy replaces the defective equipment on the Petr Velikiy to make it more effective. A New Bolt action rifle is put into development with the expressed purpose of modernizing the Russian armed forces opting to phase out the single shot bolt actions in favor of an internal magazine. This is done as the current rifle while somewhat effective in terms of accuracy has an abysmal rate of fire requiring the bullet to be loaded each time. The Internal magazine will remove this as a problem and will allow a more modern Russian army. However, the Tsar himself while usually an army man looks to expand the Navy and gain access to new warm water ports for trade and naval expansion. In general, however, the Black sea fleet is seen as the perfect vector to expand the navy. However, this will require a general change in military structure to shift more personnel to the navy rather than fronting most of it to the army.
- Brazilian Diplomacy: We offer to sell the Russians coffee and non-native fish. We ask to purchase raw materials such as coal, iron, copper, tin, nickel, and other minerals.
- Ottoman Empire: With news of the "Sprinting Death" worsening in Persia, the Ottomans begin setting up higher defenses near the Persian border, along with modern artillery set a fair distance away for long distance bombardments and soldiers set up in higher fortified locations. With the continuous updating of the army we expand to over 800,000 men. Two plans of precaution are taken as defenses are set up in the mountainous Anatolia region and setting up heavily fortified defenses along the Suez Canal. With the news of the "Sprinting Death" we continue to improve our infrastructure to help keep the flow of traffic as fast as can be for the coming trouble.
- Sweden-Norway: The settlement of Midnattsol is made into an official territory of the nation this year. Modernization continues. Trade helps the economy and the good economy improves Oscar II's popularity.
- Midnattsol Colony: The capital of the colony is Midnattsol. The first few months of officially being a colony are troublesome, especially because of the increasing number of polar bear attacks, with 6 settlers in total dying this year.
- Morocco: Morocco continues to improve its economy and build up its military. Some farms and cities are upgraded and roads are improved. Modernization of the Moroccan kingdom continues with 10% done. However, an French scientist and industrial expert has come at capital, Rabat and he viewing about its newly opened industry for king. The first industry in Morocco is bring built. Meanwhile, Moroccan territory now expends 200 sq km south.
- Denmark: The military adds more troops to train.
The navy builds more battleships.The newspaper Nationaltidende is published for the first time. The first issue of Ravnen, a labour movement magazine, is published. The 1876 Folketing election is held. The Liberal Party wins 74 out of 102 seats. Kjøbenhavns Boldklub is founded. On a congress at the entertainment venue Gimle in Copenhagen, the Social Democratic Party adopts its first political programme, Gimleprogrammet. The Svendborg Railway Line opens between the towns of Odense and Svendborg on Funen. The Royal Danish Geographical Society is founded. Julius Mortensen Shipping, present-day United Shipping & Trading Company, is founded in Fredericia.- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Building ships to fast. -Feud
- Portugal: We begin to build a defensive wall and fortifications around Lisbon in response to several foreign threats. We expect to have them complete in two years.
- Switzerland: Fear spreads that the 'Sprinting Death' might come to Europe. A Motion is proposed in the Parliament to build walls around the Swiss Alps and Cities, the Motion will be voted on in one Month.
- Italy: Many people talk of the 'Sprinting Dead' and the rumors eventually spread to the government. The recently drawn plans to fortify the Austrian border are approved and construction begins. It is expected that the forts will be ready in three years and the entire line in five to seven years. Three new cruisers have been built. With the freed resources more men are recruited in the army. Extra taxes are also put in place to afford the construction of the fortifications, but because of fears for the 'Sprinting Dead' people don't complain much. Luckily trade is also growing, especially the trade in weapons is increased with other countries and as a result more weapon factory's are started. The government also starts to encourage more food production to make the country self-sustaining.
- Kingdom of Nepal (नेपाल अधिराज्य): The alleged modernization of the Nepalese kingdom carries on during the rule of Jung Bahadur Rana, Prime Minister. The Rana dynasty, therefore, continues to uphold its relations with the British Empire. The nation decides to put emphasis on the development of the Terai region, and a minor focus being given to the Hill region. Nepali carpets and other similar products are being produced at a larger rate than before. The nation asks for British aid in exporting its products. With the Sprinting Death spreading, the Terai region is watched over, in order to prevent it from spreading into Nepal. Although pro-British, Jung Bahadur Rana is now forced to reconsider how much co-operation should exist while the disease is spreading
- Brazil: Noticing a new unusual disease rapidly spreading around Asia, the government votes to inspect any cargo ship or passenger vessel traveling from the continent for signs of the illness. The military builds up troop levels to 50,000 army soldiers. The army continues to develop the cartridge ammunition for our carbines and rifles. The Navy purchases a river monitor and an armored cruiser. Due to debt, the military withdraws from the Paraguayan border. Due to the unknown virus, and disturbing reports from the Far East, city governments begin to construct walls around various communities. Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and others are undergoing fortification. The government begins to stimulate the economy by constructing defensive structures on the border, employing thousands. The emperor orders local governors to work on modernizing infrastructure and boosting the economy to better stabilize the Empire. Agriculture and industry continue to modernize to ensure a strong economy. We import raw materials from other countries.
- Brazilian Diplomacy: We offer a trade agreement with any willing nation, our agriculture and coffee for raw materials.
- Sarawak: Continues to modernize its military and economy, with the new coal mine finally completed. Coaling facilities are constructed for use by steamships, increasing Sarawak's port traffic and trade volume. Coffee, tea and rubber are still grown. New logging regulations have halted or slowed deforestation, with most valuable trees left in place to be cut slowly. The military expands to 15,000, backed by a small militia. Inspections are conducted on ships coming from India or Indochina to try to prevent the spread of any disease.
- Brazilian Diplomacy: We offer to trade agricultural foodstuff for coal.
British Scientists in India, taking notes on the "Sprinting Death", officially name of the disease The Bengali Fever, mostly since the outbreak started in the Bengal area.
At the end of the year, Portugal, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and the Netherlands all meet in St Petersburg to discuss African claims, mainly focusing on the dispute in the Kongo between Belgium and France.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands. He Netherlands, seeing its too neighboring countries fighting over claims in the Kongo, would wish to establish a conference to discuss claims in he Kongo and surrounding areas. The nations of Germany, Great Britain, and Italy are offered to visit as well; trying to set up a conference establishing African claims for the long term. (Mod Response).
- Ethiopian Empire: The emperor of Ethiopia, Yohannes IV has declared the pacification of the country in the province of Harar and Tigray with agreements wit the Ethiopian Church, the imperial government also has declared emergency state after the ottoman expansion in the north and the obsolete military forced the modernization of the country in military and governmental terms, creating new roads linking Addis Ababa with El Cairo, the trade is improved and numerous letters to the great powers of Europe in order to trade and maintain the country's independence diplomacy focuses on conversations with Dutch scouts, after news of fever, have taken preventive measures among the population
- Portugal: The Portuguese wall is finished around Lisbon, we continue to build the walls around Porto in response to several foreign threats.
- Denmark: The military continues to adds more troops to train. The navy continues to build more battleships. The weekly Illustreret Familie Journal is pblished for the first time. The Estrup government's adoption of a temporary national budget after dissolving Rigsdagen sets off the political struggle between Landstinget and Folketinget known as provisorietiden. The opposition introduces their so-called visnepolitik. We send a bunch of scientists to England to help the English find a cure for this virus and learn more about it.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Switzerland: The Motion proposed last month gets enough votes for a majority, the Walls around cities like Geneva, Zürich and Bern and populated communities will be started when the disease reaches Europe. Economy is improved.
- Brazil: The government seeing the dangerous virus, begins prepare for a possible outbreak. Walls are put under construction around the major cities as the defenses continue to be built up. Agriculture is increased, and the military pools all available resources into the cartridge for the rifle. The navy purchases the Sete de Setembro ironclad to increase control over the ocean. The economy begins to improve, and the Emperor, to keep power gives the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate more power. Secretly, the Emperor begins negotiations with the major political parties to form a more democratic nation, with the Emperor acting almost as a presidential figure, but ruling for life. Negotiations are expected to continue for the next year.
- Sarawak: James Brooke abdicates in favour of his son, feeling incapable of ruling due to serious illness. The new government is faced with the still-spreading disease, but remain unconcerned. They focus on expanding inland as far as possible, while accepting the Brazilian trade agreement. The military improves.
The Conference of St Petersburg has nations from all over Europe claiming land in Africa, with the French-Belgian issue solved; giving Belgium all access to the area for a compensation fee of hefty amounts of gold.
The Bengali Fever continues to worsen in Indochina and Northern Siam, with the cases in Persia slowly (but surely) rising. The first Chinese cases are reported in Macau and Hong Kong.
Trade begins to slowly diminish in Southeastern Asia, with paranoia that the "Sprinting Fever" is already aboard ships, which may or may not be heading for Europe.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands. He Netherlands, seeing it's too neighboring countries fighting over claims in the Kongo, would wish to establish a conference to discuss claims in he Kongo and surrounding areas. The nations of Germany, Great Britain, and Italy are offered to visit as well; trying to set up a conference establishing African claims for the long term. With trade diminishing in Southeastern Asia, The Netherlands establishes colony in OTL Somaliland as a rest stop for Dutch mercenaries on their way to Indonesia.
- Ottoman Empire: The Ottomans continue military modernization and keeping the current standing army in shape and in top conditions to prepare for what comes into the empire. Infrastructure construction is going as planned, with more and more railroads set up the Ottomans are able to transport more materials and supplies across the region to set up key defenses across the nation. With news of the "Sprinting Death" in Southeast Asia, we cut off all further trade from the region to protect our people. The Ottomans key defenses are set up in Iraq, Anatolia, and the Suez Canal. With key city defenses in Baghdad, Jerusalem, Mecca, Ankara, and Istanbul. We propose that the Balkan vassals help with the defense of the Ottoman Empire as if they fall the vassals will soon follow along with the rest of Europe.
- Portugal: The Portuguese wall is finished around Porto, the next wall to build will take in Azores Islands in for a response to several foreign threats.
- Morocco: Morocco continues to improve its economy and build up its military. Some farms and cities are upgraded and roads are improved. After the first industry is bring built, industrialization on Morocco begins with about 3% done and modernization continues with 20% done. With the news of the "Sprinting Death" in Southeast Asia all further trade from Southeast Asia are cut out in order to protect Moroccan people from plague. On this half year's territorial changes, Moroccan territory now expends 500 sq km south.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's, begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. With increased trade in Latin America, the US sees the need to further develop its military should our newfound dominance be threatened. With the strange new disease spreading in India, the US sees the need to closely monitor trade ships.
- Ethiopian Empire: The pacification continues in Tigray, the modernization of the country continues building new roads and improving the trade with neighbors, preventive measures and the construction of shelters and hospitals, also is ordered a retaining wall in Addis Ababa, Massawa and Harari, new trade with El Cairo with goods from Europe, the imperial government order the training more soldiers to pacify the north and update the equipment of the army, with the new disease spreading in India and other nations in Asia, the imperial government takes measures in the ports of Eritrea and Somali and only enable minor trade ships prior review of the crew.
- Ethiopian Diplomacy: we offer trade for raw materials in order to modernize the country
- Italy: The investments of recent years are bearing fruits. Money is streaming in and this is used to equip the army with the latest weapons and many more brigades are made. Trade with South-Asia is completely cut off and all ships from the Ottoman Empire are checked for any infectants. Despite this, trade is still growing. The fortifications at the Austrian border continue to be built.
- Switzerland: With the Motion that was proposed a year ago has succeed in voting, the first Walls/Fortifications (Read: small) begin to be built at borders with Austria and Italy, the Geneva Walls also begin to be built. Switzerland continues to be extremely isolationist.
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. With the incentives of Alexander II and his own personal fortune being spent on railways and industry he sees some of his first returns as a Small arms Factory and multiple industrial lumber mills open up, bankrolled by the Tsar. Railways, however, remain under construction but begin to speed up as some of the more reformist and temperate nobility invest alongside the Tsar now giving him a much needed support base as well as a newly expanding railway system. The First of these major railways including Branches out into the countryside is between St Petersburg and Moscow, and then Moscow to Volgograd with a few stops at cities in between, The development of this continues with the railway system showing a dew complete routes. The Russian imperial Army continues development of its new rifle pushing out a prototype blueprint to be built in the next few months. The Tsar against the advice of various nobles officially brings out a new budget which has been modified to include a general schooling system which is to cut back on the mass general illiteracy suffered by Russia. The Russian military, however, seeing an ability to take advantage of this opens up a new Military academy in Moscow. Its known as the Moscow Military academy and caters specifically to training highly sophisticated officers. In secret Alexander moves various loyal Turkic Russians to the border with the Turkic khaganates in order to induce a border conflict that justifies a conflict with the three states in Turkestan. Along side this the Russians officially finance Bulgarian Rebels giving them weaponry purchased from another Great power in order to remain within some sort of plausible deniability
- German Empire: The military of the mighty German Empire is expanded this year as new guns are manufactured for German soldiers. Kaiser Wilhelm I is presiding over Germany with Chancellor Otto von Bismarck remaining in power. Cleanup after the Franco-Prussian War continues as the boys are sent back home and guns are put back on their racks. Germany celebrates its second year of unification. It works to gain higher relationships with Austria-Hungary. Trade routes through Germany are redrawn for efficiency and to funnel trade away from France. A railway system through Germany is proposed, though is still on the drawing board as of 1 June of this year.
- Denmark: The military continues to adds more troops to train. The navy continues to build more battleships. The scientists in England learn as much as they can so they can take on the virus. We start to build walls around the capital city. The military monitors what comes into the country 24/7. In the conference in St Petersburg we demand land in Africa.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Brazil: We pick up the pace of construction of the walls and defenses. The government bans trade to any infected nation due to the fast transmission rate. The economy continues to grow as the military gets very close to designing a cartridge. Some look to manufacture a rifle that can shoot more than one round, or hold more ammunition.
A huge case of paranoia spreads throughout Persia, with the amount of people catching Begali Fever slowly increasing, rumors spread that a Indian refugees are spreading disease throughout Persia. With paranoia reaching the Shahs court, trade is majorly cut down with India until the paranoia able to be put under control.
Considered Untouched by the new disease the Bengali Fever makes its first cases known in Europe with a massive outbreak occurring in Cherbourg-Octeville in France coming in on a French military ship from Africa having transferred the infection through a ship from Indochina. The French military manages to kill off the infection but at the cost of nearly 30,000 people and another 15,000 soldiers. This leads to the growing panic in Europe especially France as the infection has taken a large number of lives in the "Center of the World"
- Portugal: Our Portuguese wall has been finished around Azores Islands, the next wall to build will be around Faro, in case of several foreign threats and diseases.
- Denmark: The military continues to adds more troops to train. The navy continues to build more battleships. The scientists in England learn as much as they can so they can take on the virus. We start to build walls around the capital city. The military monitors what comes into the country 24/7. In the conference in St Petersburg we demand land in Africa. The Danish Photographers Association is founded as the first organization for professional photographers in the world. The Thingvalla Line is founded.
- Iceland: We build up our military and economy. Ports are being built.
- Greenland: We build up our military and economy. The nation expands 100 px to the north. Ports are being built.
- Switzerland: The Geneva Wall is completed, the other cities walls are being built and other walls.
- Kingdom of the Netherlands: Trade is improved, mostly in colonial possessions such as Indonesia, Suriname and other minor colonial possessions. Industrialization, which is slowly coming to the Dutch colonies, is slowly speeding up as new factories are established. However, more non-industrial jobs are created, mostly in Guyana and Haiti, trying to boost the sugar cane industry in the Caribbean Sea. However, as traveling through the newly created Suez Canal flourishes, government officials, seeing the Ottomans expand into Yemen, are trying to get a foothold to control all of the Arabian peninsula, as well as potentially Ethiopia in the long term. Government officials considering that controlling all land around the Red Sea might be creating a monopoly having the Ottomans control all trade in the world, considers to claim an area off the tip of the Red Sea next to Ethiopia to stop this. However, the King, not knowing the climate of Northeastern Africa, decides to send a group of explorers to scout the area to solve the issue. The military is also improved, mostly recruiting Indonesian natives and young Dutch boys for the military and naval academies, which will be ready to graduate next year. The current military and naval classes are mostly sent to stations in the West Indies, Guyana and other places. The colonial governments expand their holdings, mostly in uncivilized tribal lands. Seeing the virus in India as a potential threat to the safety of Indonesia, trade is allowed for now, but may change in the near future. Seeing Christian IX and Denmark at a bad location to wage war on, the Netherlands declines an alliance offer, afraid it may be drawn into foolish wars. However, concerned about the welfare of Denmark, offers a trade agreement between the two nations. The explorers from OTL Somalia return to the Netherlands, saying the land is barren and dry, but could hold as good use for ships traveling to Indonesia. Heading to Berlin, it is held as the claim that is planned to be secured by the Netherlands. The Netherlands, seeing its two neighboring countries fighting over claims in the Kongo, would wish to establish a conference to discuss claims in the Kongo and surrounding areas. The nations of Germany, Great Britain, and Italy are offered to visit as well; trying to set up a conference establishing African claims for the long term. With trade diminishing in Southeastern Asia, The Netherlands establishes colony in OTL Somaliland as a rest stop for Dutch mercenaries on their way to Indonesia.
- Russian Empire: The Russian Empire builds up a few new establishments including the Finnish national theatre. The Russian Empire continues to remain somewhat resistant to Industrialization but has managed to modernize a good potion of its military up to some modern standards. With the previous emancipation of the serfs a problem has long gone ignored with the landless house serfs being unable to actually gain land they are given an incentive program to work in various government jobs or provide top quality military service. In exchange these men will be given top plots of land just over the Urals to begin farming and turning into profitable plots of land. The Russian Empire, seeing a rather lackluster settlement of Siberia and other areas, tries to offer incentives to settle Siberia. the need to industrialize does become somewhat apparent to Alexander the II. With the incentives of Alexander II and his own personal fortune being spent on railways and industry he sees some of his first returns as a Small arms Factory and multiple industrial lumber mills open up, bankrolled by the Tsar. Railways, however, remain under construction but begin to speed up as some of the more reformist and temperate nobility invest alongside the Tsar now giving him a much needed support base as well as a newly expanding railway system. The First of these major railways including Branches out into the countryside is between St Petersburg and Moscow, and then Moscow to Volgograd with a few stops at cities in between, The development of this continues with the railway system showing a dew complete routes. The Russian imperial Army continues development of its new rifle pushing out a prototype blueprint to be built in the next few months. The Tsar against the advice of various nobles officially brings out a new budget which has been modified to include a general schooling system which is to cut back on the mass general illiteracy suffered by Russia. The Russian military, however, seeing an ability to take advantage of this opens up a new military academy in Moscow. Its known as the Moscow Military academy and caters specifically to training highly sophisticated officers. In secret Alexander moves various loyal Turkic Russians to the border with the Turkic khaganates in order to induce a border conflict that justifies a conflict with the three states in Turkestan. Alongside this the Russians officially finance Bulgarian rebels giving them weaponry purchased from another great power in order to remain some sort of plausible deniability.
- United States of America: Industry in the US continues to grow, with most of the industrial growth occurring in the Northeast. The Southern US, under reconstruction, sees some limited industrialization, but it remains mostly farmland. The Military continues to be trained and updated with the most recent equipment possible. The numbers remain at roughly 100,000 men. The economy continues to grow, with the last traces of the gold rush ending in California, California's economy, alongside much of the West Coast's, begins to transition to a mixed industrial and agricultural economy. With increased trade in Latin America, the US sees the need to further develop its military should our newfound dominance be threatened. With the strange new disease spreading in India, the US sees the need to closely monitor trade ships.
- Belgium: Trade starts to drop as the fever mania increases. The King of Belgium puts a order to stop trading with infected countries and on 15 December 1875, closes its borders. It's too late as the first case is found on 21 December 1875.
Roughly 2,750,000 people are infected with the virus and people are panicking.