Alternative History

Rajdom of Majapahit [ꦤꦒꦫꦶꦏꦫꦗꦤ꧀ꦩꦗꦥꦻꦠ꧀] (Java) [ᬧ᭄ᬭᬚᬫᬚᬧᬳᬶᬢ᭄] (Bali) is a Rajdom of a remaining thalassoratio empire that ruled the Indonesian archipelago. The Rajdom was founded by Manputjiya II. A Raja who have declared the founding of the Rajdom to end it decline. The Rajdom currently rules Java, bali, Madura and Netrui islands in direct form. While their vassals are the two Mahayardas of Timor and Sebuirto. The Rajdom was founded in the year 1513 by Manputjiya declaration.
